# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This script processes the Categories for discussion working page. It parses
out the actions that need to be taken as a result of CFD discussions (as posted
to the working page by an administrator) and performs them.
Syntax: python cfd.py
# (C) Ben McIlwain, 2008
# (C) Pywikipedia bot team, 2009-2010
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import wikipedia
import re
import category
# The locateion of the CFD working page.
cfdPage = 'Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Working'
# Regular expression declarations
# See the en-wiki CFD working page at [[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Working]]
# to see how these work in context. To get this bot working on other wikis you will
# need to adjust these regular expressions at the very least.
nobots = re.compile(r"NO\s*BOTS", re.IGNORECASE);
example = re.compile(r"\[\[\:Category\:(.)\1\1\1\1\]\]", re.IGNORECASE);
speedymode = re.compile(r"^===*\s*Speedy Moves\s*===*\s*$", re.IGNORECASE);
movemode = re.compile(r"^===*\s*Move\/Merge then delete\s*===*\s*$", re.IGNORECASE);
emptymode = re.compile(r"^===*\s*Empty then delete\s*===*\s*$", re.IGNORECASE)
deletemode = re.compile(r"^===*\s*Ready for deletion\s*===*\s*$", re.IGNORECASE)
maintenance = re.compile(r"^===*\s*Old by month categories with entries\s*===*\s*$", re.IGNORECASE)
dateheader = re.compile(r"(\[\[Wikipedia\:Categories[_ ]for[_ ](?:discussion|deletion)\/Log\/([^\]]*?)\]\])", re.IGNORECASE)
movecat = re.compile(r"\[\[\:Category\:([^\]]*?)\]\][^\]]*?\[\[\:Category\:([^\]]*?)\]\]", re.IGNORECASE)
deletecat = re.compile(r"\[\[\:Category\:([^\]]*?)\]\]", re.IGNORECASE)
findday = re.compile(r"\[\[(Wikipedia\:Categories for (?:discussion|deletion)\/Log\/\d{4} \w+ \d+)#", re.IGNORECASE)
class ReCheck:
def __init__(self):
self.result = None
def check(self, pattern, text):
self.result = pattern.search(text)
return self.result
def main():
page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), cfdPage)
# Variable declarations
day = "None"
mode = "None"
src = "None"
dest = "None"
line = ""
summary = ""
robot = None
m = ReCheck()
for line in page.get().split("\n"):
if (nobots.search(line)):
# NO BOTS!!!
elif (example.search(line)):
# Example line
elif (speedymode.search(line)):
mode = "Speedy"
day = "None"
elif (movemode.search(line)):
mode = "Move"
day = "None"
elif (emptymode.search(line)):
mode = "Empty"
day = "None"
elif (deletemode.search(line)):
mode = "Delete"
day = "None"
elif (maintenance.search(line)):
# It's probably best not to try to handle these in an automated fashion.
mode = "None"
day = "None"
elif (m.check(dateheader, line)):
day = m.result.group(1)
elif (m.check(movecat, line)):
src = m.result.group(1)
dest = m.result.group(2)
if (mode == "Move" and day != "None"):
summary = "Robot - Moving category " + src + " to " + dest + " per [[WP:CFD|CFD]] at " + findDay(src, day) + "."
elif (mode == "Speedy"):
summary = "Robot - Speedily moving category " + src + " to " + dest + " per [[WP:CFD|CFD]]."
# If the category is redirect, we do NOT want to move articles to
# it. The safest thing to do here is abort and wait for human
# intervention.
destpage = wikipedia.Page(
wikipedia.getSite(), dest, defaultNamespace=14)
if destpage.isCategoryRedirect():
summary = 'CANCELED. Destination is redirect: ' + summary
wikipedia.output(summary, toStdout=True)
robot = None
robot = category.CategoryMoveRobot(oldCatTitle=src, newCatTitle=dest, batchMode=True,
editSummary=summary, inPlace=True, moveCatPage=True,
elif (m.check(deletecat, line)):
src = m.result.group(1)
# I currently don't see any reason to handle these two cases separately, though
# if are guaranteed that the category in the "Delete" case is empty, it might be
# easier to call delete.py on it.
if ((mode == "Empty" or mode == "Delete") and day != "None"):
summary = "Robot - Removing category " + src + " per [[WP:CFD|CFD]] at " + findDay(src, day) + "."
robot = category.CategoryRemoveRobot(catTitle=src, batchMode=True, editSummary=summary,
useSummaryForDeletion=True, inPlace=True)
# This line does not fit any of our regular expressions, so ignore it.
if (summary != "" and robot != None):
wikipedia.output(summary, toStdout=True)
# Run, robot, run!
summary = ""
robot = None
# This function grabs the wiki source of a category page and attempts to
# extract a link to the CFD per-day discussion page from the CFD template.
# If the CFD template is not there, it will return the value of the second
# parameter, which is essentially a fallback that is extracted from the
# per-day subheadings on the working page.
def findDay(pageTitle, oldDay):
page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), "Category:" + pageTitle)
pageSrc = page.get()
m = findday.search(pageSrc)
except wikipedia.NoPage:
m = None
if (m != None):
return "[[" + m.group(1) + "]]"
wikipedia.output("Could not find CFD day link on Category:" + pageTitle + "\n", toStdout=True)
return oldDay
if __name__ == "__main__":