# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This bot cleans a sandbox by replacing the current contents with predefined
This script understands the following command-line arguments:
-hours:# Use this parameter if to make the script repeat itself
after # hours. Hours can be defined as a decimal. 0.01
hours are 36 seconds; 0.1 are 6 minutes.
-delay:# Use this parameter for a wait time after the last edit
was made. If no parameter is given it takes it from
hours and limits it between 5 and 15 minutes.
The minimum delay time is 5 minutes.
# (C) Leonardo Gregianin, 2006
# (C) Wikipedian, 2006-2007
# (C) Andre Engels, 2007
# (C) Siebrand Mazeland, 2007
# (C) xqt, 2009
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: clean_sandbox.py 8206 2010-05-25 13:38:02Z xqt $'
import time
import wikipedia as pywikibot
content = {
'ar': u'{{ ( )}}\n<!-- ! . 6 . -->',
'bar':u'{{Bitte erst NACH dieser Zeile schreiben! (Begrungskasten)}}\r\n',
'cs': u'{{subst:/uhrabat}}',
'da': u'{{subst:Sandkasse tekst}}',
'de': u'{{Bitte erst NACH dieser Zeile schreiben! (Begrungskasten)}}\r\n',
'en': u'{{Please leave this line alone (sandbox heading)}}\n<!-- Hello! Feel free to try your formatting and editing skills below this line. As this page is for editing experiments, this page will automatically be cleaned every 12 hours. -->',
'fa': u'{{subst:User:Amirobot/sandbox}}',
'fi': u'{{subst:Hiekka}}',
'he': u'{{ }}\n<!-- , . -->',
'id': u'{{Bakpasir}}\n<!-- Uji coba dilakukan di baris di bawah ini -->',
'it': u'{{sandbox}}<!-- Scrivi SOTTO questa riga senza cancellarla. Grazie. -->',
'ja': u'{{subst:}}',
'ko': u'{{ }}',
'nl': u'{{subst:Wikipedia:Zandbak/schoon zand}}',
'nn': u'{{sandkasse}}\n<!-- Ver snill og IKKJE FJERN DENNE LINA OG LINA OVER ({{sandkasse}}) Nedanfre kan du derimot ha det artig og prve deg fram! Lykke til! :-) -->',
'pl': u'{{Prosimy - NIE ZMIENIAJ, NIE KASUJ, NIE PRZENO tej linijki - pisz niej}}',
'pt': u'<!--no apague esta linha-->{{pgina de testes}}<!--no apagar-->\r\n',
'commons': u'{{Sandbox}}\n<!-- Please edit only below this line. -->',
'ru': u'{{/ }}\n<!-- , , , -->',
'sr': u'{{}}\n<!-- , . . -->',
'sv': u'{{subst:Sandldan}}',
'th': u'{{}}\n<!-- / -- Please leave this line as they are. Thank you! -->',
'zh': u'{{subst:User:Sz-iwbot/sandbox}}\r\n',
msg = {
'als':u'Btli: Sandchaschte iigebnet.',
'ar': u': ',
'bar':u'Bot: Spielwiesn gmaht.',
'cs': u'Uhrabn pskovit',
'da': u'Bot: Nyt sand (fra[[Skabelon:Sandkasse tekst]])',
'de': u'Bot: Setze Spielwiese zurck.',
'en': u'Robot: Automatically cleaned',
'fa': u': ',
'fi': u'Botti siivosi hiekkalaatikon.',
'he': u': .',
'id': u'Bot: Tata ulang',
'it': u'Bot: pulitura sandbox',
'ja': u': ',
'ko': u': ',
'ksh':u'Bot: allt Zeush fott gedunn.',
'nds':u'Bot: Speelwisch leddig maakt.',
'nl': u'Bot: automatisch voorzien van schoon zand.',
'no': u'bot: Rydder sandkassa.',
'pl': u'Robot czyci brudnopis',
'pt': u'Bot: Limpeza da pgina de testes',
'commons': u'Bot: This page will automatically be cleaned.',
'ru': u': ',
'sr': u' ',
'sv': u'Robot krattar sandldan.',
'th': u': ',
'zh': u'Bot: ',
sandboxTitle = {
'ar': u'Project: ',
'cs': u'Project:Pskovit',
'da': u'Project:Sandkassen',
'de': u'Project:Spielwiese',
'en': u'Project:Sandbox',
'fa': u'Project: ',
'fr': u'Project:Bac sable',
'fi': u'Project:Hiekkalaatikko',
'he': u'Project: ',
'id': u'Project:Bak pasir',
'it': u'Project:Pagina delle prove',
'ja': u'Project:',
'ko': u'Project:',
'nl': u'Project:Zandbak',
'no': u'Project:Sandkasse',
'pl': u'Project:Brudnopis',
'pt': u'Project:Pgina de testes',
'commons': u'Project:Sandbox',
'ru': u'Project:',
'sr': u'Project:',
'sv': u'Project:Sandldan',
'th': u'Project:',
'zh': u'Project:',
class SandboxBot:
def __init__(self, hours, no_repeat, delay):
self.hours = hours
self.no_repeat = no_repeat
if delay == None:
self.delay = min(15, max(5, int(self.hours *60)))
self.delay = max(5, delay)
def run(self):
def minutesDiff(time1, time2):
if type(time1) is long:
time1 = str(time1)
if type(time2) is long:
time2 = str(time2)
t1 = (((int(time1[0:4])*12+int(time1[4:6]))*30+int(time1[6:8]))*24+int(time1[8:10])*60)+int(time1[10:12])
t2 = (((int(time2[0:4])*12+int(time2[4:6]))*30+int(time2[6:8]))*24+int(time2[8:10])*60)+int(time2[10:12])
return abs(t2-t1)
mySite = pywikibot.getSite()
while True:
wait = False
now = time.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S (UTC)", time.gmtime())
localSandboxTitle = pywikibot.translate(mySite, sandboxTitle)
if type(localSandboxTitle) is list:
titles = localSandboxTitle
titles = [localSandboxTitle,]
for title in titles:
sandboxPage = pywikibot.Page(mySite, title)
text = sandboxPage.get()
translatedContent = pywikibot.translate(mySite, content)
translatedMsg = pywikibot.translate(mySite, msg)
subst = 'subst:' in translatedContent
if text.strip() == translatedContent.strip():
pywikibot.output(u'The sandbox is still clean, no change necessary.')
elif subst and sandboxPage.userName() == mySite.loggedInAs():
pywikibot.output(u'The sandbox might be clean, no change necessary.')
elif text.find(translatedContent.strip()) <> 0 and not subst:
sandboxPage.put(translatedContent, translatedMsg)
pywikibot.output(u'Standard content was changed, sandbox cleaned.')
diff = minutesDiff(sandboxPage.editTime(), time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.gmtime()))
#Is the last edit more than 5 minutes ago?
if diff >= self.delay:
sandboxPage.put(translatedContent, translatedMsg)
else: #wait for the rest
pywikibot.output(u'Sleeping for %d minutes.' % (self.delay-diff))
wait = True
except pywikibot.EditConflict:
pywikibot.output(u'*** Loading again because of edit conflict.\n')
if self.no_repeat:
elif not wait:
if self.hours < 1.0:
pywikibot.output('\nSleeping %s minutes, now %s' % ((self.hours*60), now) )
pywikibot.output('\nSleeping %s hours, now %s' % (self.hours, now) )
time.sleep(self.hours * 60 * 60)
def main():
hours = 1
delay = None
no_repeat = True
for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs():
if arg.startswith('-hours:'):
hours = float(arg[7:])
no_repeat = False
elif arg.startswith('-delay:'):
delay = int(arg[7:])
bot = SandboxBot(hours, no_repeat, delay)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
pywikibot.output('\nQuitting program...')
if __name__ == "__main__":