# coding: utf-8
Include commons template in home wiki.
This bot functions mainly in the en.wikipedia, because it
compares the names of articles and category in English
language (standard language in Commons). If the name of
an article in Commons will not be in English but with
redirect, this also functions.
Syntax: python commons_link.py action [-option]
where action can be one of these:
* pages : Run over articles, include {{commons}}
* categories : Run over categories, include {{commonscat}}
and option can be one of these:
* -cat : Work on all pages which are in a specific category.
* -ref : Work on all pages that link to a certain page.
* -link : Work on all pages that are linked from a certain page.
* -start : Work on all pages on the home wiki, starting at the named page.
* -page : Work on one page.
# (C) Leonardo Gregianin, 2006
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__='$Id: commons_link.py 7345 2009-10-02 09:18:15Z siebrand $'
import wikipedia, pagegenerators, catlib
import re
comment1 = {
'ar':u': ',
'cs':u'Robot pidal ablonu commons',
'en':u'Robot: Include commons template',
'he':u': Commons',
'ja':u': commons',
'nl':u'Bot: sjabloon commons toegevoegd',
'zh':u': commons',
comment2 = {
'ar':u': ',
'cs':u'Robot pidal ablonu commonscat',
'en':u'Robot: Include commonscat template',
'he':u': Commonscat',
'ja':u': commonscat',
'nl':u'Bot: sjabloon commonscat toegevoegd',
'zh':u': commonscat',
class CommonsLinkBot:
def __init__(self, generator, acceptall = False):
self.generator = generator
self.acceptall = acceptall
def pages(self):
for page in self.generator:
wikipedia.output(u'\n>>>> %s <<<<' % page.title())
commons = wikipedia.getSite('commons', 'commons')
commonspage = wikipedia.Page(commons, page.title())
getcommons = commonspage.get(get_redirect=True)
if page.title() == commonspage.title():
oldText = page.get()
text = oldText
# for commons template
s = findTemplate.search(text)
s2 = findTemplate2.search(text)
if s or s2:
wikipedia.output(u'** Already done.')
text = wikipedia.replaceCategoryLinks(text+u'{{commons|%s}}'%commonspage.title(), page.categories())
if oldText != text:
wikipedia.showDiff(oldText, text)
if not self.acceptall:
choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'Do you want to accept these changes?', ['Yes', 'No', 'All'], ['y', 'N', 'a'], 'N')
if choice == 'a':
self.acceptall = True
if self.acceptall or choice == 'y':
msg = wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), comment1)
page.put(text, msg)
except wikipedia.EditConflict:
wikipedia.output(u'Skipping %s because of edit conflict' % (page.title()))
except wikipedia.NoPage:
wikipedia.output(u'Page does not exist in Commons!')
except wikipedia.NoPage:
wikipedia.output(u'Page %s does not exist?!' % page.title())
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
wikipedia.output(u'Page %s is a redirect; skipping.' % page.title())
except wikipedia.LockedPage:
wikipedia.output(u'Page %s is locked?!' % page.title())
def categories(self):
for page in self.generator:
wikipedia.output(u'\n>>>> %s <<<<' % page.title())
getCommons = wikipedia.getSite('commons', 'commons')
commonsCategory = catlib.Category(getCommons,'Category:%s'%page.title())
getcommonscat = commonsCategory.get(get_redirect=True)
commonsCategoryTitle = commonsCategory.title()
categoryname = commonsCategoryTitle.split('Category:',1)[1]
if page.title() == categoryname:
oldText = page.get()
text = oldText
# for commonscat template
s = findTemplate.search(text)
s2 = findTemplate2.search(text)
if s or s2:
wikipedia.output(u'** Already done.')
text = wikipedia.replaceCategoryLinks(text+u'{{commonscat|%s}}'%categoryname, page.categories())
if oldText != text:
wikipedia.showDiff(oldText, text)
if not self.acceptall:
choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'Do you want to accept these changes?', ['Yes', 'No', 'All'], ['y', 'N', 'a'], 'N')
if choice == 'a':
self.acceptall = True
if self.acceptall or choice == 'y':
msg = wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), comment2)
page.put(text, msg)
except wikipedia.EditConflict:
wikipedia.output(u'Skipping %s because of edit conflict' % (page.title()))
except wikipedia.NoPage:
wikipedia.output(u'Category does not exist in Commons!')
except wikipedia.NoPage:
wikipedia.output(u'Page %s does not exist?!' % page.title())
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
wikipedia.output(u'Page %s is a redirect; skipping.' % page.title())
except wikipedia.LockedPage:
wikipedia.output(u'Page %s is locked?!' % page.title())
if __name__ == "__main__":
singlepage = []
gen = None
start = None
action = None
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg == ('pages'):
action = 'pages'
elif arg == ('categories'):
action = 'categories'
elif arg.startswith('-start:'):
start = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(),arg[7:])
gen = pagegenerators.AllpagesPageGenerator(start.titleWithoutNamespace(),namespace=start.namespace(),includeredirects = False)
elif arg.startswith('-cat:'):
cat = catlib.Category(wikipedia.getSite(),'Category:%s'%arg[5:])
gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat)
elif arg.startswith('-ref:'):
ref = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), arg[5:])
gen = pagegenerators.ReferringPageGenerator(ref)
elif arg.startswith('-link:'):
link = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), arg[6:])
gen = pagegenerators.LinkedPageGenerator(link)
elif arg.startswith('-page:'):
singlepage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), arg[6:])
gen = iter([singlepage])
if action == 'pages':
preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
bot = CommonsLinkBot(preloadingGen, acceptall=False)
elif action == 'categories':
preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
bot = CommonsLinkBot(preloadingGen, acceptall=False)