# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import family
# The Battlestar Wiki family, a set of Battlestar wikis.
# http://battlestarwiki.org/
class Family(family.Family):
def __init__(self):
self.name = 'battlestarwiki'
self.languages_by_size = ['en', 'de', 'fr', 'zh', 'es', 'ms', 'tr', 'simple']
for lang in self.languages_by_size:
self.langs[lang] = '%s.battlestarwiki.org' % lang
# Most namespaces are inherited from family.
self.namespaces[4] = {
'_default': u'Battlestar Wiki',
self.namespaces[5] = {
'_default': u'Battlestar Wiki talk',
'de': u'Battlestar Wiki Diskussion',
'es': u'Battlestar Wiki Discusin',
'fr': u'Discussion Battlestar Wiki',
'ms': u'Perbincangan Battlestar Wiki',
'tr': u'Battlestar Wiki tartma',
# Custom namespaces that a needed
self.namespaces[100] = {
'_default': u'Portal',
self.namespaces[101] = {
'_default': u'Portal talk',
self.namespaces[102] = {
'_default': u'Sources',
self.namespaces[103] = {
'_default': u'Sources talk',
self.namespaces[104] = {
'_default': u'Quotes',
self.namespaces[105] = {
'_default': u'Quotes talk',
self.namespaces[106] = {
'_default': u'Podcast',
self.namespaces[107] = {
'_default': u'Podcast talk',
# A few selected big languages for things that we do not want to loop over
# all languages. This is only needed by the titletranslate.py module, so
# if you carefully avoid the options, you could get away without these
# for another wiki family.
alphabetic = ['de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'tr', 'zh']
def hostname(self,code):
return '%s.battlestarwiki.org' % code
def version(self, code):
return "1.14.0"