# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Script to create user files (user-config.py, user-fixes.py) """
__version__ = '$Id: generate_user_files.py 7687 2009-11-23 16:14:36Z xqt $'
import os, sys, codecs, re
base_dir = ''
console_encoding = sys.stdout.encoding
if console_encoding is None or sys.platform == 'cygwin':
console_encoding = "iso-8859-1"
def listchoice(clist = [], message = None, default = None):
if not message:
message = "Select"
if default:
message += " (default: %s)" % default
message += ": "
for n, i in enumerate(clist):
print ("%d: %s" % (n + 1, i))
while True:
choice = raw_input(message)
if choice == '' and default:
return default
return clist[int(choice) - 1]
print("Invalid response")
return response
def file_exists(filename):
if os.path.exists(filename):
print("'%s' already exists." % filename)
return True
return False
def create_user_config():
_fnc = os.path.join(base_dir, "user-config.py")
if not file_exists(_fnc):
know_families = re.findall(r'(.+)_family.py\b', '\n'.join(os.listdir(os.path.join(base_dir, "families"))))
fam = listchoice(know_families, "Select family of sites we are working on", default = 'wikipedia')
mylang = raw_input("The language code of the site we're working on (default: 'en'): ") or 'en'
username = raw_input("Username (%s %s): " % (mylang, fam)) or 'UnnamedBot'
username = unicode(username, console_encoding)
while True:
choice = raw_input("Which variant of user_config.py:\n[S]mall or [E]xtended (with further informations)? ").upper()
if choice in ['S','E']:
# I don't like this solution. Temporary for me.
f = codecs.open("config.py", "r", "utf-8") ; cpy = f.read() ; f.close()
res = re.findall("^(############## (?:LOGFILE|"
"FURTHER) SETTINGS .*?)^(?=#####|# =====)", cpy, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
config_text = '\n'.join(res)
f = codecs.open(_fnc, "w", "utf-8")
if choice == 'E':
f.write("""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This is an automatically generated file. You can find more configuration parameters in 'config.py' file.
# The family of sites we are working on. wikipedia.py will import
# families/xxx_family.py so if you want to change this variable,
# you need to write such a file.
family = '%s'
# The language code of the site we're working on.
mylang = '%s'
# The dictionary usernames should contain a username for each site where you
# have a bot account.
usernames['%s']['%s'] = u'%s'
%s""" % (fam, mylang, fam, mylang, username, config_text))
f.write("""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
family = '%s'
mylang = '%s'
usernames['%s']['%s'] = u'%s'
""" % (fam, mylang, fam, mylang, username))
print("'%s' written." % _fnc)
def create_user_fixes():
_fnf = os.path.join(base_dir, "user-fixes.py")
if not file_exists(_fnf):
f = codecs.open(_fnf, "w", "utf-8")
f.write(r"""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This is only an example. Don't use it.
fixes['example'] = {
'regex': True,
'msg': {
'_default':u'no summary specified',
'replacements': [
(ur'\bword\b', u'two words'),
print("'%s' written." % _fnf)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("1: Create user_config.py file")
print("2: Create user_fixes.py file")
print("3: The two files")
choice = raw_input("What do you do? ")
if choice == "1":
if choice == "2":
if choice == "3":
if not choice in ["1", "2", "3"]:
print("Nothing to do")