# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This script can be used to change one image to another or remove an image entirely.
Syntax: python image.py image_name [new_image_name]
If only one command-line parameter is provided then that image will be removed; if
two are provided, then the first image will be replaced by the second one on all pages.
Command line options:
-summary: Provide a custom edit summary. If the summary includes spaces, surround
it with single quotes, such as: -summary:'My edit summary'
-always Don't prompt to make changes, just do them.
-loose Do loose replacements. This will replace all occurences of the name of the
image (and not just explicit image syntax). This should work to catch all
instances of the image, including where it is used as a template parameter
or in image galleries. However, it can also make more mistakes. This only
works with image replacement, not image removal.
The image "FlagrantCopyvio.jpg" is about to be deleted, so let's first remove it from
everything that displays it:
python image.py FlagrantCopyvio.jpg
The image "Flag.svg" has been uploaded, making the old "Flag.jpg" obselete:
python image.py Flag.jpg Flag.svg
__version__ = '$Id: image.py 7301 2009-09-24 23:44:01Z siebrand $'
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import wikipedia
import replace, pagegenerators
import re
class ImageRobot:
This robot will load all pages yielded by a file links image page generator and
replace or remove all occurences of the old image.
# Summary messages for replacing images
'ar': u' - %s %s',
'de': u'Bot: Ersetze Bild %s durch %s',
'en': u'Robot - Replacing image %s with %s',
'es': u'Robot - Reemplazando imagen %s por %s',
'fr': u'Bot: Remplace image %s par %s',
'he': u': %s %s',
'it': u"Bot: Sostituisco l'immagine %s con %s",
'ja': u' %s %s ',
'ko': u' - %s %s ',
'lt': u'robotas: vaizdas %s keiiamas %s',
'nn': u'robot: erstatta biletet %s med %s',
'no': u'robot: erstatter bildet %s med %s',
'nl': u'Bot: afbeelding %s vervangen door %s',
'pl': u'Robot zamienia obraz %s na %s',
'pt': u'Bot: Alterando imagem %s para %s',
'ru': u': %s %s',
'zh': u' %s %s',
# Summary messages for removing images
'ar': u' - %s',
'de': u'Bot: Entferne Bild %s',
'en': u'Robot - Removing image %s',
'es': u'Robot - Retirando imagen %s',
'fr': u'Bot: Enleve image %s',
'he': u': %s',
'it': u"Bot: Rimuovo l'immagine %s",
'ja': u' %s',
'ko': u' - %s ',
'lt': u'robotas: alinamas vaizdas %s',
'nl': u'Bot: afbeelding %s verwijderd',
'no': u'robot: fjerner bildet %s',
'nn': u'robot: fjerna biletet %s',
'pl': u'Robot usuwa obraz %s',
'pt': u'Bot: Alterando imagem %s',
'ru': u': %s',
'zh': u' %s',
def __init__(self, generator, oldImage, newImage = None, summary = '', always = False, loose = False):
* generator - A page generator.
* oldImage - The title of the old image (without namespace)
* newImage - The title of the new image (without namespace), or
None if you want to remove the image.
self.generator = generator
self.oldImage = oldImage
self.newImage = newImage
self.editSummary = summary
self.summary = summary
self.always = always
self.loose = loose
# get edit summary message
mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
if summary:
self.editSummary = summary
elif self.newImage:
self.editSummary = wikipedia.translate(mysite, self.msg_replace) % (self.oldImage, self.newImage)
self.editSummary = wikipedia.translate(mysite, self.msg_remove) % self.oldImage
def run(self):
Starts the robot's action.
# regular expression to find the original template.
# {{vfd}} does the same thing as {{Vfd}}, so both will be found.
# The old syntax, {{msg:vfd}}, will also be found.
# The group 'parameters' will either match the parameters, or an
# empty string if there are none.
replacements = []
site = wikipedia.getSite()
if not site.nocapitalize:
case = re.escape( self.oldImage[0].upper() + self.oldImage[0].lower() )
escaped = '[' + case + ']' + re.escape(self.oldImage[1:])
escaped = re.escape( self.oldImage )
# Be careful, spaces and _ have been converted to '\ ' and '\_'
escaped = re.sub('\\\\[_ ]', '[_ ]', escaped)
if not self.loose or not self.newImage:
ImageRegex = re.compile(r'\[\[ *(?:' + '|'.join(site.namespace(6, all = True)) + ')\s*:\s*' + escaped + ' *(?P<parameters>\|[^\n]+|) *\]\]')
ImageRegex = re.compile(r'' + escaped)
if self.newImage:
if not self.loose:
replacements.append((ImageRegex, '[[' + site.image_namespace() + ':' + self.newImage + '\g<parameters>]]'))
replacements.append((ImageRegex, self.newImage))
replacements.append((ImageRegex, ''))
replaceBot = replace.ReplaceRobot(self.generator, replacements, acceptall = self.always, editSummary = self.editSummary)
def main():
oldImage = None
newImage = None
summary = ''
always = False
loose = False
# read command line parameters
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg == '-always':
always = True
elif arg == '-loose':
loose = True
elif arg.startswith('-summary'):
if len(arg) == len('-summary'):
summary = wikipedia.input(u'Choose an edit summary: ')
summary = arg[len('-summary:'):]
if oldImage:
newImage = arg
oldImage = arg
if not oldImage:
mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
ns = mysite.image_namespace()
oldImagePage = wikipedia.ImagePage(mysite, ns + ':' + oldImage)
gen = pagegenerators.FileLinksGenerator(oldImagePage)
preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
bot = ImageRobot(preloadingGen, oldImage, newImage, summary, always, loose)
if __name__ == "__main__":