# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Program to (re)categorize images at commons.
The program uses commonshelper for category suggestions.
It takes the suggestions and the current categories. Put the categories through some filters and adds the result.
The following command line parameters are supported:
-onlyfilter Don't use Commonsense to get categories, just filter the current categories
-onlyuncat Only work on uncategorized images. Will prevent the bot from working on an image multiple times.
-hint Give Commonsense a hint.
For example -hint:li.wikipedia.org
-onlyhint Give Commonsense a hint. And only work on this hint.
Syntax is the same as -hint. Some special hints are possible:
_20 : Work on the top 20 wikipedia's
_80 : Work on the top 80 wikipedia's
wps : Work on all wikipedia's
__version__ = '$Id: imagerecat.py 7256 2009-09-17 11:22:01Z multichill $'
# (C) Multichill 2008
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import os, sys, re, codecs
import urllib, httplib, urllib2
import catlib
import time
import wikipedia, config
import pagegenerators, StringIO
import socket
category_blacklist = []
countries = []
def initLists():
Get the list of countries & the blacklist from Commons. import
global category_blacklist
global countries
blacklistPage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), u'User:Multichill/Category_blacklist')
for cat in blacklistPage.linkedPages():
countryPage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), u'User:Multichill/Countries')
for country in countryPage.linkedPages():
def categorizeImages(generator, onlyFilter, onlyUncat):
Loop over all images in generator and try to categorize them. Get category suggestions from CommonSense. import
for page in generator:
if page.exists() and (page.namespace() == 6) and (not page.isRedirectPage()):
imagepage = wikipedia.ImagePage(page.site(), page.title())
wikipedia.output(u'Working on ' + imagepage.title())
if(onlyUncat and not(u'Uncategorized' in imagepage.templates())):
wikipedia.output(u'No Uncategorized template found')
currentCats = getCurrentCats(imagepage)
commonshelperCats = []
usage = []
galleries = []
(commonshelperCats, usage, galleries) = getCommonshelperCats(imagepage)
newcats = applyAllFilters(commonshelperCats+currentCats)
if (len(newcats) > 0 and not(set(currentCats)==set(newcats))):
for cat in newcats:
wikipedia.output(u' Found new cat: ' + cat);
saveImagePage(imagepage, newcats, usage, galleries, onlyFilter)
def getCurrentCats(imagepage):
Get the categories currently on the image
result = []
for cat in imagepage.categories():
return list(set(result))
def getCommonshelperCats(imagepage):
Get category suggestions from CommonSense.Parsethemalistofsuggestions. import
commonshelperCats = []
usage = []
galleries = []
global search_wikis
global hint_wiki
parameters = urllib.urlencode({'i' : imagepage.titleWithoutNamespace().encode('utf-8'), 'r' : 'on', 'go-clean' : 'Find+Categories', 'p' : search_wikis, 'cl' : hint_wiki})
commonsenseRe = re.compile('^#COMMONSENSE(.*)#USAGE(\s)+\((?P<usagenum>(\d)+)\)\s(?P<usage>(.*))\s#KEYWORDS(\s)+\((?P<keywords>(\d)+)\)(.*)#CATEGORIES(\s)+\((?P<catnum>(\d)+)\)\s(?P<cats>(.*))\s#GALLERIES(\s)+\((?P<galnum>(\d)+)\)\s(?P<gals>(.*))\s(.*)#EOF$', re.MULTILINE + re.DOTALL)
gotInfo = False
matches = None
maxtries = 10
tries = 0
while(not gotInfo):
if ( tries < maxtries ):
tries = tries + 1
commonsHelperPage = urllib.urlopen("http://toolserver.org/~daniel/WikiSense/CommonSense.php?%s" % parameters)
matches = commonsenseRe.search(commonsHelperPage.read().decode('utf-8'))
gotInfo = True
except IOError:
wikipedia.output(u'Got an IOError, let\'s try again')
except socket.timeout:
wikipedia.output(u'Got a timeout, let\'s try again')
if (matches and gotInfo):
if(matches.group('usagenum') > 0):
used = matches.group('usage').splitlines()
for use in used:
usage= usage + getUsage(use)
if(matches.group('catnum') > 0):
cats = matches.group('cats').splitlines()
for cat in cats:
commonshelperCats.append(cat.replace('_',' '))
wikipedia.output(u'category : ' + cat)
if(matches.group('galnum') > 0):
gals = matches.group('gals').splitlines()
for gal in gals:
galleries.append(gal.replace('_',' '))
wikipedia.output(u'gallery : ' + gal)
commonshelperCats = list(set(commonshelperCats))
galleries = list(set(galleries))
for (lang, project, article) in usage:
wikipedia.output(lang + project + article)
return (commonshelperCats, usage, galleries)
def getUsage(use):
Parse the Commonsense output to get the usage
result = []
lang = ''
project = ''
article = ''
usageRe = re.compile('^(?P<lang>([\w]+))\.(?P<project>([\w]+))\.org:(?P<articles>\s(.*))')
matches = usageRe.search(use)
if matches:
lang = matches.group('lang')
project = matches.group('project')
articles = matches.group('articles')
for article in articles.split():
result.append((lang, project, article))
return result
def applyAllFilters(categories):
Apply all filters on categories.
result = []
result = filterBlacklist(categories)
result = filterDisambiguation(result)
result = followRedirects(result)
result = filterCountries(result)
result = filterParents(result)
return result
def filterBlacklist(categories):
Filter out categories which are on the blacklist.
result = []
for cat in categories:
cat = cat.replace('_', ' ')
if (cat not in category_blacklist):
return list(set(result))
def filterDisambiguation(categories):
Filter out disambiguation categories.
result = []
for cat in categories:
if(not wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), u'Category:' + cat).isDisambig()):
return result
def followRedirects(categories):
If a category is a redirect, replace the category with the target.
result = []
for cat in categories:
categoryPage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), u'Category:' + cat)
if u'Category redirect' in categoryPage.templates() or u'Seecat' in categoryPage.templates():
for template in categoryPage.templatesWithParams():
if ((template[0]==u'Category redirect' or template[0]==u'Seecat') and (len(template[1]) > 0)):
return result
def filterCountries(categories):
Try to filter out ...by country categories.
First make a list of any ...by country categories and try to find some countries.
If a by country category has a subcategoy containing one of the countries found, add it.
The ...by country categories remain in the set and should be filtered out by filterParents.
result = categories
listByCountry = []
listCountries = []
for cat in categories:
if (cat.endswith(u'by country')):
#If cat contains 'by country' add it to the list
#If cat contains the name of a country add it to the list
for country in countries:
if country in cat:
if(len(listByCountry) > 0):
for bc in listByCountry:
category = catlib.Category(wikipedia.getSite(), u'Category:' + bc)
for subcategory in category.subcategories():
for country in listCountries:
if (subcategory.titleWithoutNamespace().endswith(country)):
return list(set(result))
def filterParents(categories):
Remove all parent categories from thesettopreventovercategorization. import
result = []
toFilter = u''
for cat in categories:
cat = cat.replace('_',' ')
toFilter = toFilter + "[[Category:" + cat + "]]\n"
parameters = urllib.urlencode({'source' : toFilter.encode('utf-8'), 'bot' : '1'})
filterCategoriesRe = re.compile('\[\[Category:([^\]]*)\]\]')
filterCategoriesPage = urllib.urlopen("http://toolserver.org/~multichill/filtercats.php?%s" % parameters)
result = filterCategoriesRe.findall(filterCategoriesPage.read().decode('utf-8'))
except IOError:
#Something is wrong, forget about this filter and just return the input
return categories
if not result:
#Is empty, dont want to remove all categories
return categories
return result
def saveImagePage(imagepage, newcats, usage, galleries, onlyFilter):
Remove the old categories and add the new categories to the image.
newtext = wikipedia.removeCategoryLinks(imagepage.get(), imagepage.site())
if not(onlyFilter):
newtext = removeTemplates(newtext)
newtext = newtext + getCheckCategoriesTemplate(usage, galleries, len(newcats))
newtext = newtext + u'\n'
for category in newcats:
newtext = newtext + u'[[Category:' + category + u']]\n'
comment = u'Filtering categories'
comment = u'Image is categorized by a bot using data from [[Commons:Tools#CommonSense|CommonSense]]'
wikipedia.showDiff(imagepage.get(), newtext)
imagepage.put(newtext, comment)
def removeTemplates(oldtext = u''):
Remove {{Uncategorized}} and {{Check categories}} templates
result = u''
result = re.sub(u'\{\{\s*([Uu]ncat(egori[sz]ed( image)?)?|[Nn]ocat|[Nn]eedscategory)[^}]*\}\}', u'', oldtext)
result = re.sub(u'<!-- Remove this line once you have added categories -->', u'', result)
result = re.sub(u'\{\{\s*[Cc]heck categories[^}]*\}\}', u'', result)
return result
def getCheckCategoriesTemplate(usage, galleries, ncats):
Build the check categories template with all parameters
result = u'{{Check categories|year={{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}|month={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}}|day={{subst:CURRENTDAY}}\n'
usageCounter = 1
for (lang, project, article) in usage:
result = result + u'|lang' + str(usageCounter) + u'=' + lang
result = result + u'|wiki' + str(usageCounter) + u'=' + project
result = result + u'|article' + str(usageCounter) + u'=' + article
result = result + u'\n'
usageCounter = usageCounter + 1
galleryCounter = 1
for gallery in galleries:
result = result + u'|gallery' + str(galleryCounter) + u'=' + gallery.replace('_', ' ') + u'\n'
galleryCounter = galleryCounter + 1
result = result + u'|ncats='+ str(ncats) + u'\n'
result = result + u'}}\n'
return result
def main(args):
Main loop. Get a generator and options. Work on all images in the generator.
generator = None
onlyFilter = False
onlyUncat = False
genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
global search_wikis
global hint_wiki
site = wikipedia.getSite(u'commons', u'commons')
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg == '-onlyfilter':
onlyFilter = True
elif arg == '-onlyuncat':
onlyUncat = True
elif arg.startswith('-hint:'):
hint_wiki = arg [len('-hint:'):]
elif arg.startswith('-onlyhint'):
search_wikis = arg [len('-onlyhint:'):]
generator = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
if not generator:
generator = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(catlib.Category(site, u'Category:Media needing categories'), recurse=True)
categorizeImages(generator, onlyFilter, onlyUncat)
wikipedia.output(u'All done')
if __name__ == "__main__":