# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Script to copy images to Wikimedia Commons, or to another wiki.
python imagetransfer.py pagename [-interwiki] [-targetLang:xx] -targetFamily:yy]
-interwiki Look for images in pages found through interwiki links.
-tolang:xx Copy the image to the wiki in language xx
-tofamily:yy Copy the image to a wiki in the family yy
-file:zz Upload many files from textfile: [[Image:xx]]
If pagename is an image description page, offers to copy the image to the
target site. If it is a normal page, it will offer to copy any of the images
used on that page, or if the -interwiki argument is used, any of the images
used on a page reachable via interwiki links.
# (C) Andre Engels, 2004
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__='$Id: imagetransfer.py 7336 2009-09-29 18:27:04Z alexsh $'
import re, sys, md5, urllib
import wikipedia, upload, config, pagegenerators
copy_message = {
'ar':u" %s. :\r\n\r\n%s",
'en':u"This image was copied from %s. The original description was:\r\n\r\n%s",
'de':u"Dieses Bild wurde von %s kopiert. Die dortige Beschreibung lautete:\r\n\r\n%s",
'fr':u"Cette image est copie de %s. La description originale tait:\r\n\r\n%s",
'he':u" %s. :\r\n\r\n%s",
'hu':u"Kp msolsa innen: %s. Az eredeti lers:\r\n\r\n%s",
'ia':u"Iste imagine esseva copiate de %s. Le description original esseva:\r\n\r\n%s",
'it':u"Questa immagine stata copiata da %s. La descrizione originale era:\r\n\r\n%s",
'kk':u" %s . :\r\n\r\n%s",
'lt':u"is paveiksllis buvo keltas i %s. Originalus apraymas buvo:\r\n\r\n%s",
'nl':u"Afbeelding gekopieerd vanaf %s. De beschrijving daar was:\r\n\r\n%s",
'pl':u"Ten obraz zosta skopiowany z %s. Oryginalny opis to:\r\n\r\n%s",
'pt':u"Esta imagem foi copiada de %s. A descrio original foi:\r\n\r\n%s",
'sr':u" %s. :\r\n\r\n%s",
'zh':u" %s \r\n\r\n%s",
nowCommonsTemplate = {
'ar': u'{{subst:_|Image:%s}}',
'de': u'{{NowCommons|%s}}',
'fr': u'{{Dsormais sur Commons|%s}}',
'en': u'{{subst:ncd|Image:%s}}',
'he': u'{{ |%s}}',
'hu': u'{{azonnali-commons|Kp:%s}}',
'ia': u'{{OraInCommons|Imagine:%s}}',
'it': u'{{NowCommons unlink|%s}}',
'ja': u'{{NowCommons|Image:%s}}',
'kk': u'{{NowCommons|Image:%s}}',
'lt': u'{{NowCommons|Image:%s}}',
'nl': u'{{NuCommons|Image:%s}}',
'pl': u'{{NowCommons|%s}}',
'pt': u'{{NowCommons|%s}}',
'sr': u'{{NowCommons|%s}}',
'zh': u'{{NowCommons|Image:%s}}',
#nowCommonsThis = {
#'en': u'{{NowCommonsThis|%s}}',
#'it': u'{{NowCommons omonima|%s}}',
#'kk': u'{{NowCommonsThis|%s}}',
#'pt': u'{{NowCommonsThis|%s}}',
nowCommonsMessage = {
'ar': u' .',
'de': u'Datei ist jetzt auf Wikimedia Commons verfgbar.',
'en': u'File is now available on Wikimedia Commons.',
'eo': u'Dosiero nun estas havebla en la Wikimedia-Komunejo.',
'he': u' .',
'hu': u'A fjl most mr elrhet a Wikimedia Commonson',
'ia': u'Le file es ora disponibile in Wikimedia Commons.',
'ja': u'',
'it': u'L\'immagine adesso disponibile su Wikimedia Commons.',
'kk': u' Wikimedia .',
'lt': u'Failas keltas Wikimedia Commons projekt.',
'nl': u'Dit bestand staat nu op [[w:nl:Wikimedia Commons|Wikimedia Commons]].',
'pl': u'Plik jest teraz dostpny na Wikimedia Commons.',
'pt': u'Arquivo est agora na Wikimedia Commons.',
'sr': u' .',
'zh': u'',
#nowCommonsThisMessage = {
#'en': u'File is now available on Commons with the same name.',
#'he': u' .',
#'it': u'L\'immagine adesso disponibile su Wikimedia Commons con lo stesso nome.',
#'kk': u' .',
#'pt': u'Esta imagem est agora no Commons com o mesmo nome.',
# Translations for license templates.
# Must only be given when they are in fact different.
licenseTemplates = {
('wikipedia:de', 'commons:commons'): {
u'Bild-GFDL': u'GFDL',
u'Bild-GFDL-OpenGeoDB': u'GFDL-OpenGeoDB',
u'Bild-Innweb-Lizenz': u'Map-Austria-GNU',
u'Bild-PD': u'PD',
u'Bild-PD-alt': u'PD-old',
u'Bild-PD-Kunst': u'PD-Art',
u'Bild-PD-US': u'PD-USGov',
('wikipedia:fr', 'commons:commons'): {
u'Domaine public': u'PD'
('wikipedia:he', 'commons:commons'): {
u' ': u'PD-self',
u' ': u'Copyrighted free use',
u' ': u'Copyrighted free use provided that',
u' ': u'PD-Israel',
u'': u'Attribution',
u' ': u'Copyright by Wikimedia',
('wikipedia:hu', 'commons:commons'): {
u'Kzkincs': u'PD',
u'Kzkincs-rgi': u'PD-old',
('wikipedia:pt', 'commons:commons'): {
u'Domnio pblico': u'PD',
class ImageTransferBot:
def __init__(self, generator, targetSite = None, interwiki = False):
self.generator = generator
self.interwiki = interwiki
self.targetSite = targetSite
def transferImage(self, sourceImagePage, debug=False):
"""Gets a wikilink to an image, downloads it and its description,
and uploads it to another wikipedia.
Returns the filename which was used to upload the image
This function is used by imagetransfer.py and by copy_table.py
sourceSite = sourceImagePage.site()
if debug: print "--------------------------------------------------"
if debug: print "Found image: %s"% imageTitle
url = sourceImagePage.fileUrl().encode('utf-8')
wikipedia.output(u"URL should be: %s" % url)
# localize the text that should be printed on the image description page
description = sourceImagePage.get()
# try to translate license templates
if (sourceSite.sitename(), self.targetSite.sitename()) in licenseTemplates:
for old, new in licenseTemplates[(sourceSite.sitename(), self.targetSite.sitename())].iteritems():
new = '{{%s}}' % new
old = re.compile('{{%s}}' % old)
description = wikipedia.replaceExcept(description, old, new, ['comment', 'math', 'nowiki', 'pre'])
description = wikipedia.translate(self.targetSite, copy_message) % (sourceSite, description)
description += '\n\n' + sourceImagePage.getFileVersionHistoryTable()
# add interwiki link
if sourceSite.family == self.targetSite.family:
description += "\r\n\r\n" + sourceImagePage.aslink(forceInterwiki = True)
except wikipedia.NoPage:
print "Image does not exist or description page is empty."
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
print "Image description page is redirect."
bot = upload.UploadRobot(url = url, description = description, targetSite = self.targetSite, urlEncoding = sourceSite.encoding())
# try to upload
targetFilename = bot.run()
if targetFilename and self.targetSite.family.name == 'commons' and self.targetSite.lang == 'commons':
# upload to Commons was successful
reason = wikipedia.translate(sourceSite, nowCommonsMessage)
# try to delete the original image if we have a sysop account
if sourceSite.family.name in config.sysopnames and sourceSite.lang in config.sysopnames[sourceSite.family.name]:
if sourceImagePage.delete(reason):
if sourceSite.lang in nowCommonsTemplate and sourceSite.family.name in config.usernames and sourceSite.lang in config.usernames[sourceSite.family.name]:
# add the nowCommons template.
wikipedia.output(u'Adding nowCommons template to %s' % sourceImagePage.title())
sourceImagePage.put(sourceImagePage.get() + '\n\n' + nowCommonsTemplate[sourceSite.lang] % targetFilename, comment = nowCommonsMessage[sourceSite.lang])
def showImageList(self, imagelist):
for i in range(len(imagelist)):
image = imagelist[i]
#sourceSite = sourceImagePage.site()
print "-"*60
wikipedia.output(u"%s. Found image: %s"% (i, image.aslink()))
# Show the image description page's contents
# look if page already exists with this name.
# TODO: consider removing this: a different image of the same
# name may exist on the target wiki, and the bot user may want
# to upload anyway, using another name.
# Maybe the image is on the target site already
targetTitle = '%s:%s' % (self.targetSite.image_namespace(), image.title().split(':', 1)[1])
targetImage = wikipedia.Page(self.targetSite, targetTitle)
wikipedia.output(u"Image with this name is already on %s." % self.targetSite)
print "-"*60
except wikipedia.NoPage:
# That's the normal case
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
wikipedia.output(u"Description page on target wiki is redirect?!")
except wikipedia.NoPage:
print "="*60
def run(self):
for page in self.generator:
if self.interwiki:
imagelist = []
for linkedPage in page.interwiki():
imagelist += linkedPage.imagelinks(followRedirects = True)
elif page.isImage():
imagePage = wikipedia.ImagePage(page.site(), page.title())
imagelist = [imagePage]
imagelist = page.imagelinks(followRedirects = True)
while len(imagelist)>0:
if len(imagelist) == 1:
# no need to query the user, only one possibility
todo = 0
wikipedia.output(u"Give the number of the image to transfer.")
todo = wikipedia.input(u"To end uploading, press enter:")
if not todo:
todo = int(todo)
if todo in range(len(imagelist)):
if imagelist[todo].fileIsOnCommons():
wikipedia.output(u'The image is already on Wikimedia Commons.')
self.transferImage(imagelist[todo], debug = False)
# remove the selected image from the list
imagelist = imagelist[:todo] + imagelist[todo + 1:]
wikipedia.output(u'No such image number.')
def main():
# if -file is not used, this temporary array is used to read the page title.
pageTitle = []
page = None
gen = None
interwiki = False
targetLang = None
targetFamily = None
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg == '-interwiki':
interwiki = True
elif arg.startswith('-tolang:'):
targetLang = arg[8:]
elif arg.startswith('-tofamily:'):
targetFamily = arg[10:]
elif arg.startswith('-file'):
if len(arg) == 5:
filename = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the list\'s filename: ')
filename = arg[6:]
gen = pagegenerators.TextfilePageGenerator(filename)
if not gen:
# if the page title is given as a command line argument,
# connect the title's parts with spaces
if pageTitle != []:
pageTitle = ' '.join(pageTitle)
page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), pageTitle)
# if no page title was given as an argument, and none was
# read from a file, query the user
if not page:
pageTitle = wikipedia.input(u'Which page to check:')
page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), pageTitle)
# generator which will yield only a single Page
gen = iter([page])
if not targetLang and not targetFamily:
targetSite = wikipedia.getSite('commons', 'commons')
if not targetLang:
targetLang = wikipedia.getSite().language
if not targetFamily:
targetFamily = wikipedia.getSite().family
targetSite = wikipedia.Site(targetLang, targetFamily)
bot = ImageTransferBot(gen, interwiki = interwiki, targetSite = targetSite)
if __name__ == "__main__":