# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module offers a wide variety of page generators. A page generator is an
object that is iterable (see http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0255/ ) and
that yields page objects on which other scripts can then work.
In general, there is no need to run this script directly. It can, however,
be run for testing purposes. It will then print the page titles to standard
These parameters are supported to specify which pages titles to print:
# (C) Pywikipedia bot team, 2005-2010
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__='$Id: pagegenerators.py 8031 2010-03-22 06:47:06Z xqt $'
import wikipedia as pywikibot
import config
import traceback
import Queue
import re
import sys
import threading
import codecs
import urllib, urllib2, time
import date, catlib, userlib, query
parameterHelp = u"""\
-cat Work on all pages which are in a specific category.
Argument can also be given as "-cat:categoryname" or
as "-cat:categoryname|fromtitle" (using # instead of |
is also allowed in this one and the following)
-catr Like -cat, but also recursively includes pages in
subcategories, sub-subcategories etc. of the
given category.
Argument can also be given as "-catr:categoryname" or
as "-catr:categoryname|fromtitle".
-subcats Work on all subcategories of a specific category.
Argument can also be given as "-subcats:categoryname" or
as "-subcats:categoryname|fromtitle".
-subcatsr Like -subcats, but also includes sub-subcategories etc. of
the given category.
Argument can also be given as "-subcatsr:categoryname" or
as "-subcatsr:categoryname|fromtitle".
-uncat Work on all pages which are not categorised.
-uncatcat Work on all categories which are not categorised.
-uncatfiles Work on all files which are not categorised.
-file Read a list of pages to treat from the named text file.
Page titles in the file must be enclosed with [[brackets]]
or separated by newlines. Argument can also be given as
-filelinks Work on all pages that use a certain image/media file.
Argument can also be given as "-filelinks:filename".
-search Work on all pages that are found in a MediaWiki search
across all namespaces.
-namespace Filter the page generator to only yield pages in the
specified namespaces. Separate multiple namespace
numbers with commas. Example "-namespace:0,2,4"
-interwiki Work on the given page and all equivalent pages in other
languages. This can, for example, be used to fight
multi-site spamming.
Attention: this will cause the bot to modify
pages on several wiki sites, this is not well tested,
so check your edits!
-links Work on all pages that are linked from a certain page.
Argument can also be given as "-links:linkingpagetitle".
-imagelinks Work on all images that are linked from a certain page.
Argument can also be given as "-imagelinks:linkingpagetitle".
-newimages Work on the 100 newest images. If given as -newimages:x,
will work on the x newest images.
-new Work on the 60 recent new pages. If given as -new:x,
will work on the x newest pages.
-recentchanges Work on new and edited pages returned by
[[Special:Recentchanges]]. Can also be given as
"-recentchanges:n" where n is the number of pages to be
returned, else 100 pages are returned.
-ref Work on all pages that link to a certain page.
Argument can also be given as "-ref:referredpagetitle".
-start Specifies that the robot should go alphabetically through
all pages on the home wiki, starting at the named page.
Argument can also be given as "-start:pagetitle".
You can also include a namespace. For example,
"-start:Template:!" will make the bot work on all pages
in the template namespace.
-prefixindex Work on pages commencing with a common prefix.
-titleregex Work on titles that match the given regular expression.
-transcludes Work on all pages that use a certain template.
Argument can also be given as "-transcludes:Template:Title".
-unusedfiles Work on all description pages of images/media files that are
not used anywhere.
Argument can be given as "-unusedfiles:n" where
n is the maximum number of articles to work on.
-unwatched Work on all articles that are not watched by anyone.
Argument can be given as "-unwatched:n" where
n is the maximum number of articles to work on.
-usercontribs Work on articles that were edited by a certain user.
Example: -usercontribs:DumZiBoT
Normally up to 250 distinct pages are given. To get an other
number of pages, add the number behind the username
delimited with ";"
Example: -usercontribs:DumZiBoT;500
returns 500 distinct pages to work on.
-<mode>log Work on articles that were on a specified special:log.
You have options for every type of logs given by the
<mode> parameter which could be one of the following:
block, protect, rights, delete, upload, move, import,
patrol, merge, suppress, review, stable, gblblock,
renameuser, globalauth, gblrights, abusefilter, newusers
-movelog gives 500 pages from move log (should be redirects)
-deletelog:10 gives 10 pages from deletion log
-protect:Dummy gives 500 pages from protect by user Dummy
-patrol:Dummy;20 gives 20 pages patroled by user Dummy
In some cases this must be written as -patrol:"Dummy;20"
-weblink Work on all articles that contain an external link to
a given URL; may be given as "-weblink:url"
-withoutinterwiki Work on all pages that don't have interlanguage links.
Argument can be given as "-withoutinterwiki:n" where
n is some number (??).
-random Work on random pages returned by [[Special:Random]].
Can also be given as "-random:n" where n is the number
of pages to be returned, else 10 pages are returned.
-randomredirect Work on random redirect target pages returned by
[[Special:Randomredirect]]. Can also be given as
"-randomredirect:n" where n is the number of pages to be
returned, else 10 pages are returned.
-gorandom Specifies that the robot should starting at the random pages
returned by [[Special:Random]].
-redirectonly Work on redirect pages only, not their target pages.
The robot goes alphabetically through all redirect pages
on the wiki, starting at the named page. The
argument can also be given as "-redirectonly:pagetitle".
You can also include a namespace. For example,
"-redirectonly:Template:!" will make the bot work on
all redirect pages in the template namespace.
-google Work on all pages that are found in a Google search.
You need a Google Web API license key. Note that Google
doesn't give out license keys anymore. See google_key in
config.py for instructions.
Argument can also be given as "-google:searchstring".
-yahoo Work on all pages that are found in a Yahoo search.
Depends on python module pYsearch. See yahoo_appid in
config.py for instructions.
-page Work on a single page. Argument can also be given as
docuReplacements = {'¶ms;': parameterHelp}
# For python 2.4 compatibility
# see http://www.mail-archive.com/python-dev@python.org/msg12668.html
except NameError:
class GeneratorExit(Exception): pass
class ThreadedGenerator(threading.Thread):
"""Look-ahead generator class.
Runs a generator in a separate thread and queues the results; can
be called like a regular generator.
Subclasses should override self.generator, _not_ self.run
Important: the generator thread will stop itself if the generator's
internal queue is exhausted; but, if the calling program does not use
all the generated values, it must call the generator's stop() method to
stop the background thread. Example usage:
>>> gen = ThreadedGenerator(target=foo)
>>> try:
... for data in gen:
... do_work(data)
... finally:
... gen.stop()
def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name="GeneratorThread",
args=(), kwargs=None, qsize=65536):
"""Constructor. Takes same keyword arguments as threading.Thread.
target must be a generator function (or other callable that returns
an iterable object).
@param qsize: The size of the lookahead queue. The larger the qsize,
the more values will be computed in advance of use (which can eat
up memory and processor time).
@type qsize: int
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
if target:
self.generator = target
if not hasattr(self, "generator"):
raise RuntimeError("No generator for ThreadedGenerator to run.")
self.args, self.kwargs = args, kwargs
threading.Thread.__init__(self, group=group, name=name)
self.queue = Queue.Queue(qsize)
self.finished = threading.Event()
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate results from the queue."""
if not self.isAlive() and not self.finished.isSet():
# if there is an item in the queue, yield it, otherwise wait
while not self.finished.isSet():
yield self.queue.get(True, 0.25)
except Queue.Empty:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def stop(self):
"""Stop the background thread."""
## if not self.finished.isSet():
## pywikibot.output("DEBUG: signalling %s to stop." % self)
def run(self):
"""Run the generator and store the results on the queue."""
self.__gen = self.generator(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
for result in self.__gen:
while True:
if self.finished.isSet():
## pywikibot.output("DEBUG: %s received stop signal." % self)
except Queue.Full:
# wait for queue to be emptied, then kill the thread
while not self.finished.isSet() and not self.queue.empty():
## pywikibot.output("DEBUG: %s stopped because generator exhausted." % self)
def AllpagesPageGenerator(start ='!', namespace = None, includeredirects = True, site = None):
Using the Allpages special page, retrieve all articles' titles, and yield
page objects.
If includeredirects is False, redirects are not included. If
includeredirects equals the string 'only', only redirects are added.
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.allpages(start = start, namespace = namespace, includeredirects = includeredirects):
yield page
def PrefixingPageGenerator(prefix, namespace = None, includeredirects = True, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
page = pywikibot.Page(site, prefix)
if namespace is None:
namespace = page.namespace()
title = page.titleWithoutNamespace()
for page in site.prefixindex(prefix = title, namespace = namespace, includeredirects = includeredirects):
yield page
def LogpagesPageGenerator(number = 500, mode='', user=None, repeat = False, site = None, namespace=[]):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.logpages(number=number, mode=mode, user=user, repeat=repeat, namespace=namespace):
yield page[0]
def NewpagesPageGenerator(number = 100, get_redirect = False, repeat = False, site = None, namespace = 0):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.newpages(number=number, get_redirect=get_redirect, repeat=repeat, namespace=namespace):
yield page[0]
def FileLinksGenerator(referredImagePage):
for page in referredImagePage.usingPages():
yield page
def ImagesPageGenerator(pageWithImages):
for imagePage in pageWithImages.imagelinks(followRedirects = False, loose = True):
yield imagePage
def UnusedFilesGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None, extension = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.unusedfiles(number=number, repeat=repeat, extension=extension):
yield pywikibot.ImagePage(page.site(), page.title())
def WithoutInterwikiPageGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.withoutinterwiki(number=number, repeat=repeat):
yield page
def InterwikiPageGenerator(page):
"""Iterator over all interwiki (non-language) links on a page."""
yield page
for link in page.interwiki():
yield link
def ReferringPageGenerator(referredPage, followRedirects=False,
'''Yields all pages referring to a specific page.'''
for page in referredPage.getReferences(followRedirects,
yield page
def CategorizedPageGenerator(category, recurse=False, start=None):
Yields all pages in a specific category.
If recurse is True, pages in subcategories are included as well; if
recurse is an int, only subcategories to that depth will be included
(e.g., recurse=2 will get pages in subcats and sub-subcats, but will
not go any further).
If start is a string value, only pages whose title comes after start
alphabetically are included.
# TODO: page generator could be modified to use cmstartsortkey ...
for a in category.articles(recurse = recurse, startFrom = start):
if start is None or a.title() >= start:
yield a
def SubCategoriesPageGenerator(category, recurse=False, start=None):
Yields all subcategories in a specific category.
If recurse is True, pages in subcategories are included as well; if
recurse is an int, only subcategories to that depth will be included
(e.g., recurse=2 will get pages in subcats and sub-subcats, but will
not go any further).
If start is a string value, only categories whose sortkey comes after
start alphabetically are included.
# TODO: page generator could be modified to use cmstartsortkey ...
for s in category.subcategories(recurse = recurse, startFrom = start):
yield s
def UnCategorizedCategoryGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.uncategorizedcategories(number=number, repeat=repeat):
yield page
def UnCategorizedImageGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.uncategorizedimages(number=number, repeat=repeat):
yield page
def NewimagesPageGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.newimages(number, repeat=repeat):
yield page[0]
def UnCategorizedPageGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.uncategorizedpages(number=number, repeat=repeat):
yield page
def LonelyPagesPageGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.lonelypages(number=number, repeat=repeat):
yield page
def UnwatchedPagesPageGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.unwatchedpages(number=number, repeat=repeat):
yield page
def AncientPagesPageGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.ancientpages(number=number, repeat=repeat):
yield page[0]
def DeadendPagesPageGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.deadendpages(number=number, repeat=repeat):
yield page
def LongPagesPageGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.longpages(number=number, repeat=repeat):
yield page[0]
def ShortPagesPageGenerator(number = 100, repeat = False, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.shortpages(number=number, repeat=repeat):
yield page[0]
def LinkedPageGenerator(linkingPage):
"""Yields all pages linked from a specific page."""
for page in linkingPage.linkedPages():
yield page
def RandomPageGenerator(number = 10, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for i in range(number):
yield site.randompage()
def RandomRedirectPageGenerator(number = 10, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for i in range(number):
yield site.randomredirectpage()
def RecentchangesPageGenerator(number = 100, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.recentchanges(number=number):
yield page[0]
def TextfilePageGenerator(filename=None, site=None):
Read a file of page links between double-square-brackets or, in
alternative, separated by newlines, and return them as a list of Page
objects. filename is the name of the file that should be read. If no
name is given, the generator prompts the user.
if filename is None:
filename = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the filename:')
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
f = codecs.open(filename, 'r', config.textfile_encoding)
R = re.compile(ur'\[\[(.+?)(?:\]\]|\|)') # title ends either before | or before ]]
pageTitle = None
for pageTitle in R.findall(f.read()):
# If the link doesn't refer to this site, the Page constructor
# will automatically choose the correct site.
# This makes it possible to work on different wikis using a single
# text file, but also could be dangerous because you might
# inadvertently change pages on another wiki!
yield pywikibot.Page(site, pageTitle)
if pageTitle is None:
for title in f:
title = title.strip()
if title:
yield pywikibot.Page(site, title)
def PagesFromTitlesGenerator(iterable, site=None):
"""Generate pages from the titles (unicode strings) yielded by iterable."""
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for title in iterable:
if not isinstance(title, basestring):
yield pywikibot.Page(site, title)
def LinksearchPageGenerator(link, step=500, site=None):
"""Yields all pages that include a specified link, according to
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.linksearch(link, limit=step):
yield page
def UserContributionsGenerator(username, number = 250, namespaces = [], site = None ):
Yields number unique pages edited by user:username
namespaces : list of namespace numbers to fetch contribs from
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
user = userlib.User(site, username)
for page in user.contributions(number, namespaces):
yield page[0]
def SearchPageGenerator(query, number = 100, namespaces = None, site = None):
Provides a list of results using the internal MediaWiki search engine
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for page in site.search(query, number=number, namespaces = namespaces):
yield page[0]
class YahooSearchPageGenerator:
To use this generator, install pYsearch
def __init__(self, query = None, count = 100, site = None): # values larger than 100 fail
self.query = query or pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the search query:')
self.count = count
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
self.site = site
def queryYahoo(self, query):
from yahoo.search.web import WebSearch
srch = WebSearch(config.yahoo_appid, query=query, results=self.count)
dom = srch.get_results()
results = srch.parse_results(dom)
for res in results:
url = res.Url
yield url
def __iter__(self):
# restrict query to local site
localQuery = '%s site:%s' % (self.query, self.site.hostname())
base = 'http://%s%s' % (self.site.hostname(), self.site.nice_get_address(''))
for url in self.queryYahoo(localQuery):
if url[:len(base)] == base:
title = url[len(base):]
page = pywikibot.Page(self.site, title)
yield page
class GoogleSearchPageGenerator:
To use this generator, you must install the pyGoogle module from import
http://pygoogle.sf.net/ and get a Google Web API license key from import
http://www.google.com/apis/index.html . The google_key must be set to your
license key in your configuration.
def __init__(self, query = None, site = None):
self.query = query or pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the search query:')
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
self.site = site
# partially commented out because it is probably not in compliance with Google's "Terms of
# service" (see 5.3, http://www.google.com/accounts/TOS?loc=US)
def queryGoogle(self, query):
#if config.google_key:
if True:
for url in self.queryViaSoapApi(query):
yield url
except ImportError:
for u in self.queryViaAPI(query):
yield u
# No google license key, or pygoogle not installed. Do it the ugly way.
#for url in self.queryViaWeb(query):
# yield url
def queryViaAPI(self, query):
import json
url = u'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?'
params = {
'key': config.google_key,
'q': query,
url += urllib.urlencode(params)
while True:
pywikibot.output(u'Querying Google AJAX Search API...') #, offset %i' % offset)
result = json.loads(self.site.getUrl(url, refer = config.google_api_refer, no_hostname=True))
for res in result['responseData']['results']:
yield res['url']
pywikibot.output(u"An error occured. Retrying in 10 seconds...")
def queryViaSoapApi(self, query):
import google
google.LICENSE_KEY = config.google_key
offset = 0
estimatedTotalResultsCount = None
while not estimatedTotalResultsCount \
or offset < estimatedTotalResultsCount:
while (True):
# Google often yields 502 errors.
pywikibot.output(u'Querying Google, offset %i' % offset)
data = google.doGoogleSearch(query, start = offset, filter = False)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# SOAPpy.Errors.HTTPError or SOAP.HTTPError (502 Bad Gateway)
# can happen here, depending on the module used. It's not easy
# to catch this properly because pygoogle decides which one of
# the soap modules to use.
pywikibot.output(u"An error occured. Retrying in 10 seconds...")
for result in data.results:
#print 'DBG: ', result.URL
yield result.URL
# give an estimate of pages to work on, but only once.
if not estimatedTotalResultsCount:
pywikibot.output(u'Estimated total result count: %i pages.' % data.meta.estimatedTotalResultsCount)
estimatedTotalResultsCount = data.meta.estimatedTotalResultsCount
#print 'estimatedTotalResultsCount: ', estimatedTotalResultsCount
offset += 10
# commented out because it is probably not in compliance with Google's "Terms of
# service" (see 5.3, http://www.google.com/accounts/TOS?loc=US)
#def queryViaWeb(self, query):
#Google has stopped giving out API license keys, and sooner or later
#they will probably shut down the service.
#This is a quick and ugly solution: we just grab the search results from
#the normal web interface.
#linkR = re.compile(r'<a href="([^>"]+?)" class=l>', re.IGNORECASE)
#offset = 0
#while True:
#pywikibot.output("Google: Querying page %d" % (offset / 100 + 1))
#address = "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&num=100&hl=en&start=%d" % (urllib.quote_plus(query), offset)
## we fake being Firefox because Google blocks unknown browsers
#request = urllib2.Request(address, None, {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; de; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051128 SUSE/1.5-0.1 Firefox/1.5'})
#urlfile = urllib2.urlopen(request)
#page = urlfile.read()
#for url in linkR.findall(page):
#yield url
#if "<div id=nn>" in page: # Is there a "Next" link for next page of results?
#offset += 100 # Yes, go to next page of results.
def __iter__(self):
# restrict query to local site
localQuery = '%s site:%s' % (self.query, self.site.hostname())
base = 'http://%s%s' % (self.site.hostname(),
for url in self.queryGoogle(localQuery):
if url[:len(base)] == base:
title = url[len(base):]
page = pywikibot.Page(self.site, title)
# Google contains links in the format http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:Foobar
if page.site() == self.site:
yield page
def MySQLPageGenerator(query, site = None):
import MySQLdb as mysqldb
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
conn = mysqldb.connect(config.db_hostname, db = site.dbName(),
user = config.db_username,
passwd = config.db_password)
cursor = conn.cursor()
pywikibot.output(u'Executing query:\n%s' % query)
query = query.encode(site.encoding())
while True:
namespaceNumber, pageName = cursor.fetchone()
print namespaceNumber, pageName
except TypeError:
# Limit reached or no more results
#print pageName
if pageName:
namespace = site.namespace(namespaceNumber)
pageName = unicode(pageName, site.encoding())
if namespace:
pageTitle = '%s:%s' % (namespace, pageName)
pageTitle = pageName
page = pywikibot.Page(site, pageTitle)
yield page
def YearPageGenerator(start = 1, end = 2050, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
pywikibot.output(u"Starting with year %i" % start)
for i in xrange(start, end + 1):
if i % 100 == 0:
pywikibot.output(u'Preparing %i...' % i)
# There is no year 0
if i != 0:
current_year = date.formatYear(site.lang, i )
yield pywikibot.Page(site, current_year)
def DayPageGenerator(startMonth = 1, endMonth = 12, site = None):
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
fd = date.FormatDate(site)
firstPage = pywikibot.Page(site, fd(startMonth, 1))
pywikibot.output(u"Starting with %s" % firstPage.aslink())
for month in xrange(startMonth, endMonth+1):
for day in xrange(1, date.getNumberOfDaysInMonth(month)+1):
yield pywikibot.Page(site, fd(month, day))
def NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(generator, namespaces, site = None):
Wraps around another generator. Yields only those pages that are in one
of the given namespaces.
The namespace list can contain both integers (namespace numbers) and
strings/unicode strings (namespace names).
# convert namespace names to namespace numbers
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.getSite()
for i in xrange(len(namespaces)):
ns = namespaces[i]
if isinstance(ns, unicode) or isinstance(ns, str):
index = site.getNamespaceIndex(ns)
if index is None:
raise ValueError(u'Unknown namespace: %s' % ns)
namespaces[i] = index
for page in generator:
if page.namespace() in namespaces:
yield page
def PageTitleFilterPageGenerator(generator, ignoreList):
Wraps around another generator. Yields only those pages are not
listed in the ignore list.
The ignoreList is a dictionary. Family names are mapped to
dictionaries in which language codes are mapped to lists of
page titles.
def isIgnored(page):
if not (page.site().family.name in ignoreList and page.site().lang in ignoreList[page.site().family.name]):
return False
for ig in ignoreList[page.site().family.name][page.site().lang]:
if re.match(ig, page.title()):
return True
return False
for page in generator:
if isIgnored(page):
if pywikibot.verbose:
pywikibot.output('Ignoring page %s' % page.title())
yield page
def RedirectFilterPageGenerator(generator):
Wraps around another generator. Yields only those pages that are not redirects.
for page in generator:
if not page.isRedirectPage():
yield page
def DuplicateFilterPageGenerator(generator):
Wraps around another generator. Yields all pages, but prevents
seenPages = dict()
for page in generator:
_page = u"%s:%s:%s" % (page._site.family.name, page._site.lang, page._title)
if _page not in seenPages:
seenPages[_page] = True
yield page
def RegexFilterPageGenerator(generator, regex):
Wraps around another generator. Yields only those pages, the titles of
which are positively matched to regex.
reg = re.compile(regex, re.I)
for page in generator:
if reg.match(page.titleWithoutNamespace()):
yield page
def CombinedPageGenerator(generators):
Wraps around a list of other generators. Yields all pages generated by
the first generator; when the first generator stops yielding pages,
yields those generated by the second generator, etc.
for generator in generators:
for page in generator:
yield page
def CategoryGenerator(generator):
Wraps around another generator. Yields the same pages, but as Category
objects instead of Page objects. Makes sense only if it is ascertained
that only categories are being retrieved.
for page in generator:
yield catlib.Category(page.site(), page.title())
def PageWithTalkPageGenerator(generator):
Wraps around another generator. Yields the same pages, but for non-talk
pages, it also includes associated talk pages.
This generator does not check if the talk page in fact exists.
for page in generator:
yield page
if not page.isTalkPage():
yield page.toggleTalkPage()
class PreloadingGenerator(object):
Yields the same pages as generator generator. Retrieves 60 pages (or
another number specified by pageNumber), loads them using
Special:Export, and yields them one after the other. Then retrieves more
pages, etc. Thus, it is not necessary to load each page separately.
Operates asynchronously, so the next batch of pages is loaded in the
background before the first batch is fully consumed.
def __init__(self, generator, pageNumber=60, lookahead=10):
self.wrapped_gen = generator
self.pageNumber = pageNumber
# ThreadedGenerator.__init__(self, name="Preloading-Thread",
# qsize=lookahead)
def __iter__(self):
# this array will contain up to pageNumber pages and will be flushed
# after these pages have been preloaded and yielded.
somePages = []
for page in self.wrapped_gen:
## if self.finished.isSet():
## return
# We don't want to load too many pages at once using XML export.
# We only get a maximum number at a time.
if len(somePages) >= self.pageNumber:
for loaded_page in self.preload(somePages):
yield loaded_page
somePages = []
if somePages:
# wrapped generator is exhausted but some pages still unloaded
# preload remaining pages
for loaded_page in self.preload(somePages):
yield loaded_page
except GeneratorExit:
except Exception, e:
def preload(self, page_list, retry=False):
while len(page_list) > 0:
# It might be that the pages are on different sites,
# e.g. because the -interwiki parameter was used.
# Query the sites one by one.
site = page_list[0].site()
pagesThisSite = [page for page in page_list
if page.site() == site]
page_list = [page for page in page_list
if page.site() != site]
pywikibot.getall(site, pagesThisSite)
for page in pagesThisSite:
yield page
except IndexError:
# Can happen if the pages list is empty. Don't care.
except pywikibot.SaxError:
if not retry:
# Retry once.
self.preload(page_list, retry=True)
# Ignore this error, and get the pages the traditional way later.
class GeneratorFactory:
This factory is responsible for processing command line arguments
that are used by many scripts and that determine which pages
to work on.
def __init__(self):
self.gens = []
self.namespaces = []
This method returns the combination the given generator and all
accumulated generators that have been created in the process of handling
Only call this method after all arguments have been parsed.
def getCombinedGenerator(self, gen = None):
if gen:
self.gens.insert(0, gen)
if (len(self.gens) == 0):
return None
if (len(self.gens) == 1):
gensList = self.gens[0]
gensList = CombinedPageGenerator(self.gens)
genToReturn = DuplicateFilterPageGenerator(gensList)
if (self.namespaces):
genToReturn = NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(genToReturn, map(int, self.namespaces))
return genToReturn
def getCategoryGen(self, arg, length, recurse = False):
site = pywikibot.getSite()
if len(arg) == length:
categoryname = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the category name:')
categoryname = arg[length + 1:]
categoryname = categoryname.replace('#', '|')
ind = categoryname.find('|')
startfrom = None
if ind > 0:
startfrom = categoryname[ind + 1:]
categoryname = categoryname[:ind]
cat = catlib.Category(site,
"%s:%s" % (site.namespace(14), categoryname))
return CategorizedPageGenerator(cat, start=startfrom, recurse=recurse)
def setSubCategoriesGen(self, arg, length, recurse = False):
site = pywikibot.getSite()
if len(arg) == length:
categoryname = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the category name:')
categoryname = arg[length + 1:]
ind = categoryname.find('|')
if ind > 0:
startfrom = categoryname[ind + 1:]
categoryname = categoryname[:ind]
startfrom = None
cat = catlib.Category(site,
"%s:%s" % (site.namespace(14), categoryname))
return SubCategoriesPageGenerator(cat, start=startfrom, recurse=recurse)
def handleArg(self, arg):
"""Parse one argument at a time.
If it is recognized as an argument that specifies a generator, a
generator is created and added to the accumulation list, and the
function returns true. Otherwise, it returns false, so that caller
can try parsing the argument. Call getCombinedGenerator() after all
arguments have been parsed to get the final output generator.
site = pywikibot.getSite()
gen = None
if arg.startswith('-filelinks'):
fileLinksPageTitle = arg[11:]
if not fileLinksPageTitle:
fileLinksPageTitle = pywikibot.input(
u'Links to which image page should be processed?')
if fileLinksPageTitle.startswith(site.namespace(6)
+ ":"):
fileLinksPage = pywikibot.ImagePage(site,
fileLinksPage = pywikibot.ImagePage(site,
'Image:' + fileLinksPageTitle)
gen = FileLinksGenerator(fileLinksPage)
elif arg.startswith('-unusedfiles'):
if len(arg) == 12:
gen = UnusedFilesGenerator()
gen = UnusedFilesGenerator(number = int(arg[13:]))
elif arg.startswith('-unwatched'):
if len(arg) == 10:
gen = UnwatchedPagesPageGenerator()
gen = UnwatchedPagesPageGenerator(number = int(arg[11:]))
elif arg.startswith('-usercontribs'):
args = arg[14:].split(';')
number = None
number = int(args[1])
number = 250
gen = UserContributionsGenerator(args[0], number)
elif arg.startswith('-withoutinterwiki'):
if len(arg) == 17:
gen = WithoutInterwikiPageGenerator()
gen = WithoutInterwikiPageGenerator(number = int(arg[18:]))
elif arg.startswith('-interwiki'):
title = arg[11:]
if not title:
title = pywikibot.input(u'Which page should be processed?')
page = pywikibot.Page(site, title)
gen = InterwikiPageGenerator(page)
elif arg.startswith('-randomredirect'):
if len(arg) == 15:
gen = RandomRedirectPageGenerator()
gen = RandomRedirectPageGenerator(number = int(arg[16:]))
elif arg.startswith('-random'):
if len(arg) == 7:
gen = RandomPageGenerator()
gen = RandomPageGenerator(number = int(arg[8:]))
elif arg.startswith('-recentchanges'):
if len(arg) == 14:
gen = RecentchangesPageGenerator()
gen = RecentchangesPageGenerator(number = int(arg[15:]))
elif arg.startswith('-file'):
textfilename = arg[6:]
if not textfilename:
textfilename = pywikibot.input(
u'Please enter the local file name:')
gen = TextfilePageGenerator(textfilename)
elif arg.startswith('-namespace'):
if len(arg) == len('-namespace'):
self.namespaces.append(pywikibot.input(u'What namespace are you filtering on?'))
return True
elif arg.startswith('-catr'):
gen = self.getCategoryGen(arg, len('-catr'), recurse = True)
elif arg.startswith('-category'):
gen = self.getCategoryGen(arg, len('-category'))
elif arg.startswith('-cat'):
gen = self.getCategoryGen(arg, len('-cat'))
elif arg.startswith('-subcatsr'):
gen = self.setSubCategoriesGen(arg, 9, recurse = True)
elif arg.startswith('-subcats'):
gen = self.setSubCategoriesGen(arg, 8)
# This parameter is deprecated, catr should be used instead.
elif arg.startswith('-subcat'):
gen = self.getCategoryGen(arg, 7, recurse = True)
elif arg.startswith('-page'):
if len(arg) == len('-page'):
gen = [pywikibot.Page(site,
u'What page do you want to use?'))]
gen = [pywikibot.Page(site, arg[len('-page:'):])]
elif arg.startswith('-uncatfiles'):
gen = UnCategorizedImageGenerator()
elif arg.startswith('-uncatcat'):
gen = UnCategorizedCategoryGenerator()
elif arg.startswith('-uncat'):
gen = UnCategorizedPageGenerator()
elif arg.startswith('-ref'):
referredPageTitle = arg[5:]
if not referredPageTitle:
referredPageTitle = pywikibot.input(
u'Links to which page should be processed?')
referredPage = pywikibot.Page(site, referredPageTitle)
gen = ReferringPageGenerator(referredPage)
elif arg.startswith('-links'):
linkingPageTitle = arg[7:]
if not linkingPageTitle:
linkingPageTitle = pywikibot.input(
u'Links from which page should be processed?')
linkingPage = pywikibot.Page(site, linkingPageTitle)
gen = LinkedPageGenerator(linkingPage)
elif arg.startswith('-weblink'):
url = arg[9:]
if not url:
url = pywikibot.input(
u'Pages with which weblink should be processed?')
gen = LinksearchPageGenerator(url)
elif arg.startswith('-transcludes'):
transclusionPageTitle = arg[len('-transcludes:'):]
if not transclusionPageTitle:
transclusionPageTitle = pywikibot.input(
u'Pages that transclude which page should be processed?')
transclusionPage = pywikibot.Page(site,
"%s:%s" % (site.namespace(10),
gen = ReferringPageGenerator(transclusionPage,
elif arg.startswith('-gorandom'):
for firstPage in RandomPageGenerator(number = 1):
firstPageTitle = firstPage.title()
namespace = pywikibot.Page(site, firstPageTitle).namespace()
firstPageTitle = pywikibot.Page(site,
gen = AllpagesPageGenerator(firstPageTitle, namespace,
elif arg.startswith('-start'):
if arg.startswith('-startxml'):
pywikibot.output(u'-startxml : wrong parameter')
firstPageTitle = arg[7:]
if not firstPageTitle:
firstPageTitle = pywikibot.input(
u'At which page do you want to start?')
if self.namespaces != []:
namespace = self.namespaces[0]
namespace = pywikibot.Page(site, firstPageTitle).namespace()
firstPageTitle = pywikibot.Page(site,
gen = AllpagesPageGenerator(firstPageTitle, namespace,
elif arg.startswith('-redirectonly'):
firstPageTitle = arg[14:]
if not firstPageTitle:
firstPageTitle = pywikibot.input(
u'At which page do you want to start?')
namespace = pywikibot.Page(site, firstPageTitle).namespace()
firstPageTitle = pywikibot.Page(site,
gen = AllpagesPageGenerator(firstPageTitle, namespace,
elif arg.startswith('-prefixindex'):
prefix = arg[13:]
namespace = None
if not prefix:
prefix = pywikibot.input(
u'What page names are you looking for?')
gen = PrefixingPageGenerator(prefix = prefix)
elif arg.startswith('-newimages'):
limit = arg[11:] or pywikibot.input(
u'How many images do you want to load?')
gen = NewimagesPageGenerator(number = int(limit))
elif arg == ('-new') or arg.startswith('-new:'):
if len(arg) >=5:
gen = NewpagesPageGenerator(number = int(arg[5:]))
gen = NewpagesPageGenerator(number = 60)
elif arg.startswith('-imagelinks'):
imagelinkstitle = arg[len('-imagelinks:'):]
if not imagelinkstitle:
imagelinkstitle = pywikibot.input(
u'Images on which page should be processed?')
imagelinksPage = pywikibot.Page(site, imagelinkstitle)
gen = ImagesPageGenerator(imagelinksPage)
elif arg.startswith('-search'):
mediawikiQuery = arg[8:]
if not mediawikiQuery:
mediawikiQuery = pywikibot.input(
u'What do you want to search for?')
# In order to be useful, all namespaces are required
gen = SearchPageGenerator(mediawikiQuery, namespaces = [])
elif arg.startswith('-google'):
gen = GoogleSearchPageGenerator(arg[8:])
elif arg.startswith('-titleregex'):
if len(arg) == 11:
regex = pywikibot.input(u'What page names are you looking for?')
regex = arg[12:]
gen = RegexFilterPageGenerator(site.allpages(), regex)
elif arg.startswith('-yahoo'):
gen = YahooSearchPageGenerator(arg[7:])
elif arg.startswith('-'):
mode, log, user = arg.partition('log')
if log == 'log' and mode not in ['-', '-no']: #exclude -log, -nolog
number = 500
if not user:
user = None
number = int(user[1:])
user = None
except ValueError:
user = user[1:]
if user:
result = user.split(';')
user = result[0]
number = int(result[1])
gen = LogpagesPageGenerator(number, mode[1:], user)
if gen:
return self.getCombinedGenerator()
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
genFactory = GeneratorFactory()
for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs():
if not genFactory.handleArg(arg):
gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
if gen:
for page in gen:
pywikibot.output(page.title(), toStdout = True)