# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is a script to import pages from a certain wiki to another.
This requires administrator privileges.
Here there is an example of how to use it:
from pageimport import *
def main():
# Defing what page to load..
pagetoload = 'Apple'
site = wikipedia.getSite()
importerbot = Importer(site) # Inizializing
importerbot.Import(pagetoload, prompt = True)
# (C) Filnik, 2007
# Greetings:
# Lorenzo Paulatto and Misza13
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: pageimport.py 7600 2009-11-05 18:40:26Z alexsh $'
import urllib
import wikipedia, login, config
class Importer(wikipedia.Page):
def __init__(self, site):
self.importsite = site
wikipedia.Page.__init__(self, site, 'Special:Import', None, 0)
def Import(self, target, project = 'w', crono = '1', namespace = '', prompt = True):
"""Import the page from the wiki. Requires administrator status.
If prompt is True, asks the user if he wants to delete the page.
if project == 'w':
site = wikipedia.getSite(fam = 'wikipedia')
elif project == 'b':
site = wikipedia.getSite(fam = 'wikibooks')
elif project == 'wikt':
site = wikipedia.getSite(fam = 'wiktionary')
elif project == 's':
site = wikipedia.getSite(fam = 'wikisource')
elif project == 'q':
site = wikipedia.getSite(fam = 'wikiquote')
site = wikipedia.getSite()
# Fixing the crono value...
if crono == True:
crono = '1'
elif crono == False:
crono = '0'
# Fixing namespace's value.
if namespace == '0':
namespace == ''
answer = 'y'
if prompt:
answer = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'Do you want to import %s?' % target, ['Yes', 'No'], ['y', 'N'], 'N')
if answer == 'y':
host = self.site().hostname()
address = self.site().path() + '?title=%s&action=submit' % self.urlname()
# You need to be a sysop for the import.
self.site().forceLogin(sysop = True)
# Getting the token.
token = self.site().getToken(self, sysop = True)
# Defing the predata.
predata = {
'action' : 'submit',
'source' : 'interwiki',
# from what project do you want to import the page?
'interwiki' : project,
# What is the page that you want to import?
'frompage' : target,
# The entire history... or not?
'interwikiHistory' : crono,
# What namespace do you want?
'namespace': '',
response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata, sysop = True)
if data:
wikipedia.output(u'Page imported, checking...')
if wikipedia.Page(self.importsite, target).exists():
wikipedia.output(u'Import success!')
return True
wikipedia.output(u'Import failed!')
return False
if __name__=='__main__':
wikipedia.output(u'This is just a module! Read the documentation and write your own script!')