# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This script can be used to protect and unprotect pages en masse.
Of course, you will need an admin account on the relevant wiki.
Syntax: python protect.py OPTION...
Command line options:
-page: Protect specified page
-cat: Protect all pages in the given category.
-nosubcats: Don't protect pages in the subcategories.
-links: Protect all pages linked from a given page.
-file: Protect all pages listed in a text file.
-ref: Protect all pages referring from a given page.
-images: Protect all images used on a given page.
-always: Don't prompt to protect pages, just do it.
-summary: Supply a custom edit summary.
-unprotect: Actually unprotect pages instead of protecting
-edit:PROTECTION_LEVEL Set edit protection level to PROTECTION_LEVEL
-move:PROTECTION_LEVEL Set move protection level to PROTECTION_LEVEL
## Without support ##
## -create:PROTECTION_LEVEL Set move protection level to PROTECTION_LEVEL ##
Values for PROTECTION_LEVEL are: sysop, autoconfirmed, none.
If an operation parameter (edit, move or create) is not specified, default
protection level is 'sysop' (or 'none' if -unprotect).
Protect everything in the category "To protect" prompting.
python protect.py -cat:"To protect" -always
Unprotect all pages listed in text file "unprotect.txt" without prompting.
python protect.py -file:unprotect.txt -unprotect
# Written by http://it.wikisource.org/wiki/Utente:Qualc1
# Created by modifying delete.py
__version__ = '$Id: protect.py 8211 2010-05-26 02:02:43Z amir $'
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import wikipedia, catlib
import pagegenerators
# Summary messages for protecting from a category.
msg_simple_protect = {
'en': u'Robot: Protecting a list of files.',
'ar': u': .',
'it': u'Bot: Protezione di una lista di pagine.',
'fa': u': ',
'nl': u'Bot: lijst met bestanden beveiligd',
'pt': u'Bot: Protegendo uma lista de artigos.',
'zh': u':',
msg_protect_category = {
'en': u'Robot: Protecting all pages from category %s',
'ar': u' - %s',
'it': u'Bot: Protezione di tutte le pagine nella categoria %s.',
'fa': u': %s',
'nl': u'Bot: alle pagina\'s uit categorie %s beveiligd',
'pt': u'Bot: Protegendo todos os artigos da categoria %s',
'zh': u': %s ',
msg_protect_links = {
'en': u'Robot: Protecting all pages linked from %s',
'ar': u' - %s',
'it': u'Bot: Protezione di tutte le pagine linkate da %s.',
'fa': u': %s .',
'nl': u'Bot: alle pagina\'s met verwijzingen vanaf %s beveiligd',
'pt': u'Bot: Protegendo todos os artigos ligados a %s',
'zh': u': %s ',
msg_protect_ref = {
'en': u'Robot: Protecting all pages referring from %s',
'ar': u' - %s',
'it': u'Bot: Protezione di tutte le pagine con link verso %s.',
'fa': u': %s ',
'nl': u'Bot: alle pagina\'s met een verwijzing op beveiligd',
'pt': u'Bot: Protegendo todos os artigos afluentes a %s',
'zh': u': %s ',
msg_protect_images = {
'en': u'Robot: Protecting all images on page %s',
'ar': u' - %s',
'it': u'Bot: Protezione di tutte le immagini presenti in %s.',
'fa': u': %s',
'nl': u'Bot: alle bestanden gebruikt op %s beveiligd',
'pt': u'Bot: Protegendo todas as imagens do artigo %s',
'zh': u': %s ',
class ProtectionRobot:
This robot allows protection of pages en masse.
def __init__(self, generator, summary, always = False, unprotect=False,
edit='sysop', move='sysop', create='sysop'):
* generator - A page generator.
* always - Protect without prompting?
* edit, move, create - protection level for these operations
* unprotect - unprotect pages (and ignore edit, move, create params)
self.generator = generator
self.summary = summary
self.always = always
self.unprotect = unprotect
self.edit = edit
self.move = move
def run(self):
Starts the robot's action.
#Loop through everything in the page generator and (un)protect it.
for page in self.generator:
wikipedia.output(u'Processing page %s' % page.title())
print self.edit, self.move#, self.create
page.protect(unprotect=self.unprotect, reason=self.summary, prompt=self.always,
editcreate=self.edit, move=self.move)
# Asks a valid protection level for "operation".
# Returns the protection level chosen by user.
def choiceProtectionLevel(operation, default):
default = default[0]
firstChar = map(lambda level: level[0], protectionLevels)
choiceChar = wikipedia.inputChoice('Choice a protection level to %s:' % operation,
protectionLevels, firstChar, default = default)
for level in protectionLevels:
if level.startswith(choiceChar):
return level
def main():
global protectionLevels
protectionLevels = ['sysop', 'autoconfirmed', 'none']
pageName = ''
summary = ''
always = False
doSinglePage = False
doCategory = False
protectSubcategories = True
doRef = False
doLinks = False
doImages = False
fileName = ''
gen = None
edit = ''
move = ''
defaultProtection = 'sysop'
# read command line parameters
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg == '-always':
always = True
elif arg.startswith('-file'):
if len(arg) == len('-file'):
fileName = wikipedia.input(u'Enter name of file to protect pages from:')
fileName = arg[len('-file:'):]
elif arg.startswith('-summary'):
if len(arg) == len('-summary'):
summary = wikipedia.input(u'Enter a reason for the protection:')
summary = arg[len('-summary:'):]
elif arg.startswith('-cat'):
doCategory = True
if len(arg) == len('-cat'):
pageName = wikipedia.input(u'Enter the category to protect from:')
pageName = arg[len('-cat:'):]
elif arg.startswith('-nosubcats'):
protectSubcategories = False
elif arg.startswith('-links'):
doLinks = True
if len(arg) == len('-links'):
pageName = wikipedia.input(u'Enter the page to protect from:')
pageName = arg[len('-links:'):]
elif arg.startswith('-ref'):
doRef = True
if len(arg) == len('-ref'):
pageName = wikipedia.input(u'Enter the page to protect from:')
pageName = arg[len('-ref:'):]
elif arg.startswith('-page'):
doSinglePage = True
if len(arg) == len('-page'):
pageName = wikipedia.input(u'Enter the page to protect:')
pageName = arg[len('-page:'):]
elif arg.startswith('-images'):
doImages = True
if len(arg) == len('-images'):
pageName = wikipedia.input(u'Enter the page with the images to protect:')
pageName = arg[len('-images:'):]
elif arg.startswith('-unprotect'):
defaultProtection = 'none'
elif arg.startswith('-edit'):
edit = arg[len('-edit:'):]
if edit not in protectionLevels:
edit = choiceProtectionLevel('edit', defaultProtection)
elif arg.startswith('-move'):
move = arg[len('-move:'):]
if move not in protectionLevels:
move = choiceProtectionLevel('move', defaultProtection)
elif arg.startswith('-create'):
create = arg[len('-create:'):]
if create not in protectionLevels:
create = choiceProtectionLevel('create', defaultProtection)
mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
if doSinglePage:
if not summary:
summary = wikipedia.input(u'Enter a reason for the protection:')
page = wikipedia.Page(mysite, pageName)
gen = iter([page])
elif doCategory:
if not summary:
summary = wikipedia.translate(mysite, msg_protect_category) % pageName
ns = mysite.category_namespace()
categoryPage = catlib.Category(mysite, ns + ':' + pageName)
gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(categoryPage, recurse = protectSubcategories)
elif doLinks:
if not summary:
summary = wikipedia.translate(mysite, msg_protect_links) % pageName
linksPage = wikipedia.Page(mysite, pageName)
gen = pagegenerators.LinkedPageGenerator(linksPage)
elif doRef:
if not summary:
summary = wikipedia.translate(mysite, msg_protect_ref) % pageName
refPage = wikipedia.Page(mysite, pageName)
gen = pagegenerators.ReferringPageGenerator(refPage)
elif fileName:
if not summary:
summary = wikipedia.translate(mysite, msg_simple_protect)
gen = pagegenerators.TextfilePageGenerator(fileName)
elif doImages:
if not summary:
summary = wikipedia.translate(mysite, msg_protect_images) % pageName
gen = pagegenerators.ImagesPageGenerator(wikipedia.Page(mysite, pageName))
if gen:
# We are just protecting pages, so we have no need of using a preloading page generator
# to actually get the text of those pages.
if not edit: edit = defaultProtection
if not move: move = defaultProtection
bot = ProtectionRobot(gen, summary, always, edit=edit, move=move)
if __name__ == "__main__":