# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This bot downloads the HTML-pages of articles and images
and saves the interesting parts, i.e. the article-text
and the footer to a file like Hauptseite.txt.
change the paths in the HTML-file
-o: Specifies the output-directory where to save the files
-images: Downlaod all images
-overwrite:[I|A|B] Ignore existing Images|Article|Both and
download them even if the exist
Features, not bugs:
* Won't d/l images of an article if you set -overwrite:A
# (C) 2004 Thomas R. Koll, <tomk32@tomk32.de>
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: saveHTML.py 7650 2009-11-15 13:17:01Z alexsh $'
import wikipedia,httplib,StringIO,re,sys,md5,os, string
from htmlentitydefs import *
def extractArticle(data):
""" takes a string with the complete HTML-file
and returns the article which is contained in
<div id='article'> and the pagestats which
contain information on last change """
images = []
s = StringIO.StringIO(data)
rPagestats = re.compile('.*(\<span id\=(\"|\')pagestats(\"|\')\>.*\<\/span\>).*')
rBody = re.compile('.*<div id\=\"content\">.*')
rFooter = re.compile('.*<div id\=\"footer\">.*')
rDivOpen = re.compile('.*<div ')
rDivClose = re.compile('.*<\/div>.*')
divLevel = 1
divLast = -1
inArticle = 0
inFooter = 0
result = {'article':"",
for line in s:
if line == "<p><br /></p>":
line = line.replace(" ", " ")
line = line.replace(" ", " ")
if rDivOpen.match(line):
divLevel = divLevel + 1
if rBody.match(line):
inArticle = 1
divLast = divLevel-2
elif rFooter.match(line):
divLast = divLevel-1
inFooter = 1
if inArticle:
result['article'] += line
elif inFooter:
result['footer'] += line
if rDivClose.match(line):
divLevel = divLevel - 1
if divLevel == divLast:
inArticle = 0
inFooter = 0
divLast = -1
return result
def html2txt(str):
dict = {"%C3%A4": "",
"%C3%B6": "",
"%C3%BC": "",
"%C3%84": "",
"%C3%96": "",
"%C3%9C": "",
"%C3%9F": "",
"%27": "'",
"%28": "(",
"%29": ")",
"%2C": ","
for entry in dict:
str = re.sub(entry, dict[entry], str)
return str
def extractImages(data):
""" takes a string with the complete HTML-file
and returns the article which is contained in
<div id='article'> and the pagestats which
contain information on last change """
images = []
rImage = re.compile('<a href=[\r\n]*?"/wiki/.*?:(.*?)".*?[\r\n]*?.*?class=[\r\n]*?"image"', re.MULTILINE)
rThumb = re.compile('<a href=[\r\n]*?"/wiki/.*?:(.*?)".*?[\r\n]*?.*?class=[\r\n]*?"internal".*?[\r\n]*?.*?<img', re.MULTILINE or re.DOTALL)
last = ""
img = rImage.findall(data)
timg = rThumb.findall(data)
for i in timg:
print "Bilder: ", img
for image in img:
path = md5.new(html2txt(image)).hexdigest()
images.append( {'image': image,
'path' : str(path[0])+"/"+str(path[0:2])+"/"})
return images
def main():
mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
sa = []
output_directory = ""
save_images = False
overwrite_images = False
overwrite_articles = False
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg.startswith("-lang:"):
lang = arg[6:]
elif arg.startswith("-file:"):
f=open(arg[6:], 'r')
m = False
for line in f.readlines():
if m:
sa.append(string.replace(m.group(1), " ", "_"))
print "ERROR: Did not understand %s line:\n%s" % (
arg[6:], repr(line))
elif arg.startswith("-o:"):
output_directory = arg[3:]
elif arg.startswith("-images"):
save_images = True
elif arg.startswith("-overwrite:"):
if arg[11] == "I":
overwrite_images = True
elif arg[11] == "A":
overwrite_articles = True
elif arg[11] == "B":
overwrite_images = True
overwrite_articles = True
sa.append(arg.replace(" ", "_"))
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"User-agent": wikipedia.useragent}
print "opening connection to", mysite.hostname(),
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(mysite.hostname())
print " done"
R = re.compile('.*/wiki/(.*)')
data = ""
for article in sa:
filename = article.replace("/", "_")
if os.path.isfile(output_directory + filename + ".txt") and overwrite_articles == False:
print "skipping " + article
data = ""
ua = article
while len(data) < 2:
url = '/wiki/'+ ua
conn.request("GET", url, "", headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data = response.read()
if len(data) < 2:
print ua + " failed. reading",
result = R.match(response.getheader("Location", ))
ua = result.group(1)
print ua
data = extractArticle(data)
f = open (output_directory + filename + ".txt", 'w')
f.write (data['article'] + '\n' + data['footer'])
print "saved " + article
if save_images:
images = extractImages(data['article'])
for i in images:
if overwrite_images == False and os.path.isfile(output_directory + i['image']):
print "skipping existing " + i['image']
print 'downloading ' + i['image'],
uo = wikipedia.MyURLopener
file = uo.open( "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/"
+mysite.lang + '/' + i['path'] + i['image'])
content = file.read()
if (len(content) < 500):
print "downloading from commons",
uo = wikipedia.MyURLopener
file = uo.open( "http://commons.wikimedia.org/upload/"
+ i['path'] + i['image'])
#print "http://commons.wikimedia.org/upload/", i['path'] , i['image'], file
content = file.read()
f = open(output_directory + i['image'], "wb")
print "\t\t", (len(content)/1024), "KB done"
if __name__ == "__main__":