# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
This bot spellchecks Wikipedia pages. It is very simple, only checking
whether a word, stripped to its 'essence' is in the list or not, it does
not do any grammar checking or such. It can be used in four ways:
spellcheck.py Title
Check a single page; after this the bot will ask whether you want to
check another page
spellcheck.py -start:Title
Go through the wiki, starting at title 'Title'.
spellcheck.py -newpages
Go through the pages on [[Special:Newpages]]
spellcheck.py -longpages
Go through the pages on [[Special:Longpages]]
For each unknown word, you get a couple of options:
numbered options: replace by known alternatives
a: This word is correct; add it to the list of known words
c: The uncapitalized form of this word is correct; add it
i: Do not edit this word, but do also not add it to the list
p: Do not edit this word, and consider it correct for this page only
r: Replace the word, and add the replacement as a known alternative
s: Replace the word, but do not add the replacement
*: Edit the page using the gui
g: Give a list of 'guessed' words, which are similar to the given one
x: Ignore this word, and do not check the rest of the page
When the bot is ended, it will save the extensions to its word list;
there is one word list for each language.
The bot does not rely on Latin script, but does rely on Latin punctuation.
It is therefore expected to work on for example Russian and Korean, but not
on for example Japanese.
Command-line options:
-html change HTML-entities like ü into their respective letters.
This is done both before and after the normal check.
-rebuild save the complete wordlist, not just the changes, removing the
old wordlist.
-noname skip all words that start with a capital
-checklang:xx use the file for language xx: instead of that for my local
language; for example on simple: one would use the language
file of en:
-knownonly only check words that have been marked as a mis-spelling in
the spelling list; words that are not on the list are skipped
-knownplus finds words in the same way as knownonly, but once a word to
be changed has been found, also goes through the rest of the
# (C) Andre Engels, 2005
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: spellcheck.py 6744 2009-04-28 05:35:32Z nicdumz $'
import re, sys
import wikipedia, pagegenerators
import string, codecs
'ar':u' ',
'en':u'Bot-aided spell checker',
'es':u'Bot asistido de correcin ortogrfica',
'fr':u'Correction orthographique par robot',
'he':u' ',
'ia':u'Correction de orthographia per robot',
'pl':u'Wspomagane przez robota sprawdzanie pisowni',
'pt':u'Bot de correo ortogrfica',
class SpecialTerm(object):
def __init__(self,text):
self.style = text
def distance(a,b):
# Calculates the Levenshtein distance between a and b.
# That is, the number of edits needed to change one into
# the other, where one edit is the addition, removal or
# change of a single character.
# Copied from Magnus Lie Hetland at http://hetland.org/python/
n, m = len(a), len(b)
if n > m:
# Make sure n <= m, to use O(min(n,m)) space
a,b = b,a
n,m = m,n
current = range(n+1)
for i in range(1,m+1):
previous, current = current, [i]+[0]*m
for j in range(1,n+1):
add, delete = previous[j]+1, current[j-1]+1
change = previous[j-1]
if a[j-1] != b[i-1]:
change = change + 1
current[j] = min(add, delete, change)
return current[n]
def getalternatives(string):
# Find possible correct words for the incorrect word string
basetext = wikipedia.input(u"Give a text that should occur in the words to be checked.\nYou can choose to give no text, but this will make searching slow:")
basetext = basetext.lower()
simwords = {}
for i in xrange(11):
simwords[i] = []
for alt in knownwords.keys():
if basetext:
if basetext not in alt.lower() == -1:
dothis = False
dothis = True
else: dothis = True
if dothis:
diff = distance(string,alt)
if diff < 11:
if knownwords[alt] == alt:
simwords[diff] += [alt]
simwords[diff] += knownwords[alt]
posswords = []
for i in xrange(11):
if not simwords[i] in posswords:
posswords += simwords[i]
return posswords[:30]
def uncap(string):
# uncapitalize the first word of the string
if len(string) > 1:
return string[0].lower()+string[1:]
return string.lower()
def cap(string):
# uncapitalize the first word of the string
return string[0].upper()+string[1:]
def askAlternative(word,context=None):
correct = None
wikipedia.output(u"Found unknown word '%s'"%word)
if context:
while not correct:
for i in xrange(len(Word(word).getAlternatives())):
wikipedia.output(u"%s: Replace by '%s'"%(i+1,Word(word).getAlternatives()[i].replace('_',' ')))
wikipedia.output(u"a: Add '%s' as correct"%word)
if word[0].isupper():
wikipedia.output(u"c: Add '%s' as correct"%(uncap(word)))
wikipedia.output(u"i: Ignore once (default)")
wikipedia.output(u"p: Ignore on this page")
wikipedia.output(u"r: Replace text")
wikipedia.output(u"s: Replace text, but do not save as alternative")
wikipedia.output(u"g: Guess (give me a list of similar words)")
wikipedia.output(u"*: Edit by hand")
wikipedia.output(u"x: Do not check the rest of this page")
answer = wikipedia.input(u":")
if answer == "": answer = "i"
if answer in "aAiIpP":
correct = word
if answer in "aA":
knownwords[word] = word
elif answer in "pP":
elif answer in "rRsS":
correct = wikipedia.input(u"What should I replace it by?")
if answer in "rR":
if correct_html_codes:
correct = removeHTML(correct)
if correct != cap(word) and correct != uncap(word) and correct != word:
knownwords[word] += [correct.replace(' ','_')]
except KeyError:
knownwords[word] = [correct.replace(' ','_')]
knownwords[correct] = correct
elif answer in "cC" and word[0].isupper():
correct = word
knownwords[uncap(word)] = uncap(word)
elif answer in "gG":
possible = getalternatives(word)
if possible:
print "Found alternatives:"
for pos in possible:
wikipedia.output(" %s"%pos)
print "No similar words found."
elif answer=="*":
correct = edit
elif answer=="x":
correct = endpage
for i in xrange(len(Word(word).getAlternatives())):
if answer == str(i+1):
correct = Word(word).getAlternatives()[i].replace('_',' ')
return correct
def removeHTML(page):
# TODO: Consider removing this; this stuff can be done by cosmetic_changes.py
result = page
result = result.replace('Ä',u'')
result = result.replace('ä',u'')
result = result.replace('Ë',u'')
result = result.replace('ë',u'')
result = result.replace('Ï',u'')
result = result.replace('ï',u'')
result = result.replace('Ö',u'')
result = result.replace('ö',u'')
result = result.replace('Ü',u'')
result = result.replace('ü',u'')
result = result.replace('Á',u'')
result = result.replace('á',u'')
result = result.replace('É',u'')
result = result.replace('é',u'')
result = result.replace('Í',u'')
result = result.replace('í',u'')
result = result.replace('Ó',u'')
result = result.replace('ó',u'')
result = result.replace('Ú',u'')
result = result.replace('ú',u'')
result = result.replace('À',u'')
result = result.replace('à',u'')
result = result.replace('È',u'')
result = result.replace('è',u'')
result = result.replace('Ì',u'')
result = result.replace('ì',u'')
result = result.replace('Ò',u'')
result = result.replace('ò',u'')
result = result.replace('Ù',u'')
result = result.replace('ù',u'')
result = result.replace('Â',u'')
result = result.replace('â',u'')
result = result.replace('Ê',u'')
result = result.replace('ê',u'')
result = result.replace('Î',u'')
result = result.replace('î',u'')
result = result.replace('Ô',u'')
result = result.replace('ô',u'')
result = result.replace('Û',u'')
result = result.replace('û',u'')
result = result.replace('Å',u'')
result = result.replace('å',u'')
result = result.replace('°',u'')
return result
def spellcheck(page, checknames = True, knownonly = False):
pageskip = []
text = page
if correct_html_codes:
text = removeHTML(text)
loc = 0
while True:
wordsearch = re.compile(r'([\s\=\<\>\_]*)([^\s\=\<\>\_]+)')
match = wordsearch.search(text,loc)
if not match:
# No more words on this page
loc += len(match.group(1))
bigword = Word(match.group(2))
smallword = bigword.derive()
if not Word(smallword).isCorrect(checkalternative = knownonly) and (checknames or not smallword[0].isupper()):
replacement = askAlternative(smallword,context=text[max(0,loc-40):loc+len(match.group(2))+40])
if replacement == edit:
import editarticle
editor = editarticle.TextEditor()
# TODO: Don't know to which index to jump
newtxt = editor.edit(text, jumpIndex = 0, highlight = smallword)
if newtxt:
text = newtxt
elif replacement == endpage:
loc = len(text)
replacement = bigword.replace(replacement)
text = text[:loc] + replacement + text[loc+len(match.group(2)):]
loc += len(replacement)
if knownonly == 'plus' and text != page:
knownonly = False
loc = 0
loc += len(match.group(2))
if correct_html_codes:
text = removeHTML(text)
pageskip = []
return text
class Word(object):
def __init__(self,text):
self.word = text
def __str__(self):
return self.word
def __cmp__(self,other):
return self.word.__cmp__(str(other))
def derive(self):
# Get the short form of the word, without punctuation, square
# brackets etcetera
shortword = self.word
# Remove all words of the form [[something:something - these are
# usually interwiki links or category links
if shortword.rfind(':') != -1:
if -1 < shortword.rfind('[[') < shortword.rfind(':'):
shortword = ""
# Remove barred links
if shortword.rfind('|') != -1:
if -1 < shortword.rfind('[[') < shortword.rfind('|'):
shortword = shortword[:shortword.rfind('[[')] + shortword[shortword.rfind('|')+1:]
shortword = shortword[shortword.rfind('|')+1:]
shortword = shortword.replace('[','')
shortword = shortword.replace(']','')
# Remove non-alphanumerical characters at the start
while shortword[0] in string.punctuation:
except IndexError:
return ""
# Remove non-alphanumerical characters at the end; no need for the
# try here because if things go wrong here, they should have gone
# wrong before
while shortword[-1] in string.punctuation:
# Do not check URLs
if shortword.startswith("http://"):
# Do not check 'words' with only numerical characters
number = True
for i in xrange(len(shortword)):
if not (shortword[i] in string.punctuation or shortword[i] in string.digits):
number = False
if number:
shortword = ""
return shortword
def replace(self,rep):
# Replace the short form by 'rep'. Keeping simple for now - if the
# short form is part of the long form, replace it. If it is not, ask
# the user
if rep == self.derive():
return self.word
if self.derive() not in self.word:
return wikipedia.input(u"Please give the result of replacing %s by %s in %s:"%(self.derive(),rep,self.word))
return self.word.replace(self.derive(),rep)
def isCorrect(self,checkalternative = False):
# If checkalternative is True, the word will only be found incorrect if
# it is on the spelling list as a spelling error. Otherwise it will
# be found incorrect if it is not on the list as a correctly spelled word.
if self.word == "":
return True
if self.word in pageskip:
return True
if knownwords[self.word] == self.word:
return True
return False
except KeyError:
if self.word != uncap(self.word):
return Word(uncap(self.word)).isCorrect(checkalternative = checkalternative)
if checkalternative:
if checklang == 'nl' and self.word.endswith("'s"):
# often these are incorrect (English-style) possessives
return False
if self.word != cap(self.word):
if Word(cap(self.word)).isCorrect():
return False
return True
return True
return False
def getAlternatives(self):
alts = []
if self.word[0].islower():
if Word(cap(self.word)).isCorrect():
alts = [cap(self.word)]
alts += knownwords[self.word]
except KeyError:
if self.word[0].isupper():
alts += [cap(w) for w in knownwords[uncap(self.word)]]
except KeyError:
return alts
def declare_correct(self):
knownwords[self.word] = self.word
def declare_alternative(self,alt):
if not alt in knownwords[self.word]:
return self.alternatives
pageskip = []
edit = SpecialTerm("edit")
endpage = SpecialTerm("end page")
title = []
knownwords = {}
newwords = []
start = None
newpages = False
longpages = False
correct_html_codes = False
rebuild = False
checknames = True
checklang = None
knownonly = False
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg.startswith("-start:"):
start = arg[7:]
elif arg.startswith("-newpages"):
newpages = True
elif arg.startswith("-longpages"):
longpages = True
elif arg.startswith("-html"):
correct_html_codes = True
elif arg.startswith("-rebuild"):
rebuild = True
elif arg.startswith("-noname"):
checknames = False
elif arg.startswith("-checklang:"):
checklang = arg[11:]
elif arg.startswith("-knownonly"):
knownonly = True
elif arg.startswith("-knownplus"):
knownonly = 'plus'
mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
if not checklang:
checklang = mysite.language()
filename = wikipedia.config.datafilepath('spelling',
'spelling-' + checklang + '.txt')
print "Getting wordlist"
f = codecs.open(filename, 'r', encoding = mysite.encoding())
for line in f.readlines():
# remove trailing newlines and carriage returns
while line[-1] in ['\n', '\r']:
line = line[:-1]
except IndexError:
#skip empty lines
if line != '':
if line[0] == "1":
word = line[2:]
knownwords[word] = word
line = line.split(' ')
word = line[1]
knownwords[word] = line[2:]
for word2 in line[2:]:
if not '_' in word2:
knownwords[word2] = word2
except IOError:
print "Warning! There is no wordlist for your language!"
print "Wordlist successfully loaded."
# This is a purely interactive bot, we therefore do not want to put-throttle
if newpages:
for (page, date, length, loggedIn, user, comment) in wikipedia.getSite().newpages(1000):
text = page.get()
except wikipedia.Error:
text = spellcheck(text,checknames=checknames,knownonly=knownonly)
if text != page.get():
elif start:
for page in pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(pagegenerators.AllpagesPageGenerator(start=start,includeredirects=False)):
text = page.get()
except wikipedia.Error:
text = spellcheck(text,checknames=checknames,knownonly=knownonly)
if text != page.get():
if longpages:
for (page, length) in wikipedia.getSite().longpages(500):
text = page.get()
except wikipedia.Error:
text = spellcheck(text, checknames = checknames,knownonly=knownonly)
if text != page.get():
title = ' '.join(title)
while title != '':
page = wikipedia.Page(mysite,title)
text = page.get()
except wikipedia.NoPage:
print "Page does not exist."
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
print "Page is a redirect page"
text = spellcheck(text,knownonly=knownonly)
if text != page.get():
title = wikipedia.input(u"Which page to check now? (enter to stop)")
filename = wikipedia.config.datafilepath('spelling',
'spelling-' + checklang + '.txt')
if rebuild:
list = knownwords.keys()
f = codecs.open(filename, 'w', encoding = mysite.encoding())
list = newwords
f = codecs.open(filename, 'a', encoding = mysite.encoding())
for word in list:
if Word(word).isCorrect():
if word != uncap(word):
if Word(uncap(word)).isCorrect():
# Capitalized form of a word that is in the list uncapitalized
f.write("1 %s\n"%word)
f.write("0 %s %s\n"%(word," ".join(knownwords[word])))