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Python Open Source » Network » Python Wikipedia Robot Framework 
Python Wikipedia Robot Framework » pywikipedia »
# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
This bot will standardize footnote references. It will retrieve information on
which pages might need changes either from an SQL dump (no longer supported)
or a text file, or only change a single page.

At present it converts to [[Wikipedia:Footnote3]] format (ref/note).

NOTE: This script is not capable of handling the <ref></ref> syntax. It just
handles the {{ref}} syntax, which is still used, but DEPRECATED on the English

You can run the bot with the following commandline parameters:

-file        - Work on all pages given in a local text file.
               Will read any [[wiki link]] and use these articles.
               Argument can also be given as "-file:filename".
-cat         - Work on all pages which are in a specific category.
               Argument can also be given as "-cat:categoryname".
-page        - Only edit a single page.
               Argument can also be given as "-page:pagename". You can give this
               parameter multiple times to edit multiple pages.
-regex       - Make replacements using regular expressions.  (Obsolete; always True)
-except:XYZ  - Ignore pages which contain XYZ. If the -regex argument is given,
               XYZ will be regarded as a regular expression.
-namespace:n - Namespace to process. Works only with a sql dump
-always      - Don't prompt you for each replacement
other:       - First argument is the old text, second argument is the new text.
               If the -regex argument is given, the first argument will be
               regarded as a regular expression, and the second argument might
               contain expressions like \\1 or \g<name>.

NOTE: Only use either -sql or -file or -page, but don't mix them.
# Derived from
# (C) Daniel Herding, 2004
# Copyright Scot E. Wilcoxon 2005
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: 8161 2010-05-14 08:37:03Z xqt $'
# 2005-07-15: Find name of section containing citations: doFindRefSection(). (SEWilco)
# 2005-07-15: Obey robots.txt restrictions. (SEWilco)
# 2005-07-15: Build list of all sections which may contain citations: doFindAllCitationSections(). (SEWilco)

#from __future__ import generators
import subprocess, sys, re, random
import socket, urllib, robotparser
import wikipedia, pagegenerators, config

from datetime import date

# httpcache is optional
have_httpcache = True
    from httpcache import HTTPCache
except ImportError:
    have_httpcache = False

# Summary messages in different languages
msg = {
       'ar':u':    %s',
       'de':u'Bot: Automatisierte Textersetzung %s',
       'en':u'Robot: Automated reference processing %s',
       'es':u'Robot: Reemplazo automtico de texto %s',
       'fr':u'Robot : Remplacement de texte automatis %s',
       'he':u':     %s ',
       'hu':u'Robot: Automatikus szvegcsere %s',
       'ia':u'Robot: Reimplaciamento automatic de texto %s',
       'is':u'Vlmenni: breyti texta %s',
       'nl':u'Bot: geautomatiseerde verwerking van referenties %s',
       'pl':u'Robot automatycznie przetwarza rda %s',
       'pt':u'Bot: Mudana automtica %s',

fixes = {
    # These replacements will convert alternate reference formats to format used by this tool.
    'ALTREFS': {
        'regex': True,
        # We don't want to mess up pages which discuss HTML tags, so we skip
        # all pages which contain nowiki tags.
        'exceptions':  ['<nowiki>[^<]{3,}</nowiki>'],
        'msg': {
               'ar':u': / .',
               'en':u'Robot: Adding/sorting references.',
               'ar':u': / .',
               'fr':u'Robot : Ajoute/trie les rfrences.',
               'he':u': /  ',
               'ia':u'Robot: Addition/assortimento de referentias',
               'nl':u'Bot: referenties toegevoegd/gesorteerd',
               'pl':u'Robot dodaje/sortuje rda',
        'replacements': [
            # Everything case-insensitive (?i)
            # These translate variations of footnote templates to ref|note format.
            (r'(?i){{an\|(.*?)}}',              r"{{ref|\1}}"),
            (r'(?i){{anb\|(.*?)}}',             r"{{note|\1}}"),
            (r'(?i){{endnote\|(.*?)}}',         r"{{note|\1}}"),
            (r'(?i){{fn\|(.*?)}}',              r"{{ref|fn\1}}"),
            (r'(?i){{fnb\|(.*?)}}',             r"{{note|fn\1}}"),
            (r'(?i){{namedref\|(.*?)\|.*?}}',             r"{{ref|fn\1}}"),
            (r'(?i){{namednote\|(.*?)\|.*?}}',             r"{{note|fn\1}}"),
            # subst: fn and fnb
            (r'(?i)<sup id=".*?">[[][[]#fn(.*?)[|][0-9a-z]*[]][]]</sup>',              r"{{ref|fn\1}}"),
            (r'(?i)<cite id="fn_(.*?)">[[][[]#fn.*?[]][]]</cite>',             r"{{note|fn_\1}}"),
            (r'(?i){{mn\|(.*?)\|(.*?)}}',              r"{{ref|mn\1_\2}}"),
            (r'(?i){{mnb\|(.*?)\|(.*?)}}',             r"{{note|mn\1_\2}}"),
            # a header where only spaces are in the same line
            (r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h1> *([^<]+?) *</h1> *([\r\n])',  r"\1= \2 =\3"),
            (r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h2> *([^<]+?) *</h2> *([\r\n])',  r"\1== \2 ==\3"),
            (r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h3> *([^<]+?) *</h3> *([\r\n])',  r"\1=== \2 ===\3"),
            (r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h4> *([^<]+?) *</h4> *([\r\n])',  r"\1==== \2 ====\3"),
            (r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h5> *([^<]+?) *</h5> *([\r\n])',  r"\1===== \2 =====\3"),
            (r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h6> *([^<]+?) *</h6> *([\r\n])',  r"\1====== \2 ======\3"),
            # A bare http URL; does not recognize all formats
            #(r'(?i) http://([^ ]*)',              r" [http://\1]"),

# names of reference section names
referencesectionnames = [
    'external link',
    'external links',
    'external links and references',
    'notes and references',

# news sites for which to generate 'news reference' citations, the org name, and prefix to strip
newssites = [
    ( '', 'ABC News', 'ABC News: ' ),
    ( '', 'The Guardian', 'Guardian Unlimited : The Guardian : ' ),
    ( '', 'CNN', ' - ' ),
    ( '', 'BBC', 'BBC NEWS : ' ),
    ( '', 'The Scotsman', ' News - ' ),
    ( '', 'New York Observer', '' ),
    ( '', 'The Guardian', 'The Observer  : ' ),
    ( '', 'The Guardian', 'Guardian Unlimited Politics : ' ),
    ( '', 'The Seattle Times', 'The Seattle Times: ' ),
    ( '', 'Der Spiegel', '' ),
    ( '', 'The Scotsman', 'The Scotsman - ' ),
    ( '', 'Reuters', 'Latest News and Financial Information : ' ),
    ( '', 'Reuters', 'Latest News and Financial Information : ' ),
    ( '', 'The Boston Globe', ' / ' ),
    ( '', 'CBS News', 'CBS News : ' ),
    ( '', 'CNN', ' - ' ),
    ( '', 'Cybercast News Service', '' ),
    ( '', 'Christian Science Monitor', '' ),
    ( '', 'The Dallas Morning News', '' ),
    ( '', 'Forbes', '' ),
    ( '', 'Fox News Channel', ' - ' ),
    ( '', 'Government News Network', 'GNN - ' ),
    ( '', 'The Guardian', 'Guardian Unlimited : The Guardian : ' ),
    ( '', 'Los Angeles Times', '' ),
    ( '', 'MSNBC', '' ),
    ( '', 'National Review', '' ),
    ( '', 'The New York Times', '' ),
    ( '', 'San Francisco Chronicle', '' ),
    ( '', 'Socialist Worker', '' ),
    ( '', 'The American Spectator', '' ),
    ( '', 'The Daily Telegraph', 'Telegraph newspaper online - ' ),
    ( '', 'TIME', '' ),
    ( '', 'The Times', 'World news from The Times and the Sunday Times - ' ),
    ( '', 'USA Today', ' - ' ),
    ( '', 'The Washington Post', '' ),
    ( '', 'The Washington Times', '' ),
    ( '', 'The Weekly Standard', '' ),
    ( '', 'Wired magazine', 'Wired News: ' ),
    ( '', 'CBS News', 'CBS News : ' ),

class ReplacePageGenerator:
    Generator which will yield Pages for pages that might contain text to
    replace. These pages might be retrieved from a local SQL dump file or a
    text file, or as a list of pages entered by the user.

        * source       - Where the bot should retrieve the page list from.
                         Can be 'sqldump', 'textfile' or 'userinput'.
        * replacements - A dictionary where keys are original texts and values
                         are replacement texts.
        * exceptions   - A list of strings; pages which contain one of these
                         won't be changed.
        * regex        - If the entries of replacements and exceptions should
                         be interpreted as regular expressions
        * namespace    - Namespace to process in case of a SQL dump. -1 means
                         that all namespaces should be searched.
        * textfilename - The textfile's path, either absolute or relative, which
                         will be used when source is 'textfile'.
        * sqlfilename  - The dump's path, either absolute or relative, which
                         will be used when source is 'sqldump'.
        * pagenames    - a list of pages which will be used when source is
    def __init__(self, source, replacements, exceptions, regex = False, namespace = -1, textfilename = None, sqlfilename = None, categoryname = None, pagenames = None):
        self.source = source
        self.replacements = replacements
        self.exceptions = exceptions
        self.regex = regex
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.textfilename = textfilename
        self.sqlfilename = sqlfilename
        self.categoryname = categoryname
        self.pagenames = pagenames

    def read_pages_from_sql_dump(self):
        Generator which will yield Pages to pages that might contain text to
        replace. These pages will be retrieved from a local sql dump file
        (cur table).

            * sqlfilename  - the dump's path, either absolute or relative
            * replacements - a dictionary where old texts are keys and new texts
                             are values
            * exceptions   - a list of strings; pages which contain one of these
                             won't be changed.
            * regex        - if the entries of replacements and exceptions should
                             be interpreted as regular expressions
        mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
        import sqldump
        dump = sqldump.SQLdump(self.sqlfilename, wikipedia.getSite().encoding())
        for entry in dump.entries():
            skip_page = False
            if self.namespace != -1 and self.namespace != entry.namespace:
                for exception in self.exceptions:
                    if self.regex:
                        exception = re.compile(exception)
                            skip_page = True
                        if exception in entry.text:
                            skip_page = True
            if not skip_page:
                for old, new in self.replacements:
                    if self.regex:
                        old = re.compile(old)
                            yield wikipedia.Page(mysite, entry.full_title())
                        if old in entry.text:
                            yield wikipedia.Page(mysite, entry.full_title())

    def read_pages_from_category(self):
        Generator which will yield pages that are listed in a text file created by
        the bot operator. Will regard everything inside [[double brackets]] as a
        page name, and yield Pages for these pages.

            * textfilename - the textfile's path, either absolute or relative
        import catlib
        category = catlib.Category(wikipedia.getSite(), self.categoryname)
        for page in category.articles(recurse = False):
            yield page

    def read_pages_from_text_file(self):
        Generator which will yield pages that are listed in a text file created by
        the bot operator. Will regard everything inside [[double brackets]] as a
        page name, and yield Pages for these pages.

            * textfilename - the textfile's path, either absolute or relative
        f = open(self.textfilename, 'r')
        # regular expression which will find [[wiki links]]
        R = re.compile(r'.*\[\[([^\]]*)\]\].*')
        m = False
        for line in f.readlines():
            # BUG: this will only find one link per line.
            # TODO: use findall() instead.
            if m:
                yield wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(),

    def read_pages_from_wiki_page(self):
        Generator which will yield pages that are listed in a wiki page. Will
        regard everything inside [[double brackets]] as a page name, except for
        interwiki and category links, and yield Pages for these pages.

            * pagetitle - the title of a page on the home wiki
        listpage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), self.pagetitle)
        list = wikipedia.get(listpage)

    # TODO: Make MediaWiki's search feature available.
    def __iter__(self):
        Starts the generator.
        if self.source == 'sqldump':
            for pl in self.read_pages_from_sql_dump():
                yield pl
        elif self.source == 'textfile':
            for pl in self.read_pages_from_text_file():
                yield pl
        elif self.source == 'category':
            for pl in self.read_pages_from_category():
                yield pl
        elif self.source == 'userinput':
            for pagename in self.pagenames:
                yield wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), pagename)

class ReplaceRobot:
    def __init__(self, generator, replacements, refsequence, references,
                 refusage, exceptions = [], regex = False, acceptall = False,
                 summary = ''):
        self.generator = generator
        self.replacements = replacements
        self.exceptions = exceptions
        self.regex = regex
        self.acceptall = acceptall
        self.references = references
        self.refsequence = refsequence
        self.refusage = refusage
        self.summary = summary

    def checkExceptions(self, original_text):
        If one of the exceptions applies for the given text, returns the
        substring. which matches the exception. Otherwise it returns None.
        for exception in self.exceptions:
            if self.regex:
                exception = re.compile(exception)
                hit =
                if hit:
                hit = original_text.find(exception)
                if hit != -1:
                    return original_text[hit:hit + len(exception)]
        return None

    def doReplacements(self, new_text):
        Returns the text which is generated by applying all replacements to the
        given text.

        # For any additional replacements, loop through them
        for old, new in self.replacements:
            if self.regex:
                # TODO: compiling the regex each time might be inefficient
                oldR = re.compile(old)
                new_text = oldR.sub(new, new_text)
                new_text = new_text.replace(old, new)

        # Find name of Notes section.
        refsectionname = self.doFindRefSection( new_text )
        # Get list of all sections which may contain citations.
        refsectionlist = self.doFindAllCitationSections( new_text, refsectionname )
        # Read existing Notes section contents into references list
        wikipedia.output( u"Reading existing Notes section" )
        self.doReadReferencesSection( new_text, refsectionname )
        while self.references and self.references[len(self.references)-1] == u'\n':
            del self.references[len(self.references)-1]    # delete trailing empty lines
        # Convert any external links to footnote references
        wikipedia.output( u"Converting external links" )
        new_text = self.doConvertExternalLinks( new_text )
        # Accumulate ordered list of all references
        wikipedia.output( u"Collecting references" )
        (duplicatefound, self.refusage) = self.doBuildSequenceListOfReferences( new_text )
        # Rewrite references, including dealing with duplicates.
        wikipedia.output( u"Rewriting references" )
        new_text = self.doRewriteReferences( new_text, self.refusage, refsectionname )
        # Reorder Notes to match sequence of ordered list
        wikipedia.output( u"Collating references" )
        self.references = self.doReorderReferences( self.references, self.refusage)
        # Rebuild Notes section
        wikipedia.output( u"Rebuilding References section" )
        new_text = self.doUpdateReferencesSection( new_text, self.refusage, refsectionname )
        return new_text

    def doConvertExternalLinks(self, original_text):
        Returns the text which is generated by converting external links to References.
        Adds References to reference list.
        new_text = ''                # Default is no text
        skipsection = False
        for text_line in original_text.splitlines(True):  # Scan all text line by line
            # Check for protected sections
            m ="== *(?P<sectionname>[^\]\|=]*) *==", text_line)
            # TODO: support subheadings within Notes section
            # TODO: support Notes in alphabetic order
            # TODO: support Notes in other orders
            if m:    # if in a section, check if should skip this section
                if'sectionname').lower().strip() in referencesectionnames:
                    skipsection = True        # skipsection left True so no further links converted
            if skipsection:
                new_text = new_text + text_line        # skip section, so retain text.
                # TODO: recognize {{inline}} invisible footnotes when something can be done with them
                # Ignore lines within comments
                if not text_line.startswith( u'<!--' ):
                    # Fix erroneous external links in double brackets
                    Rextlink = re.compile(r'(?i)\[\[(?P<linkname>http://[^\]]+?)\]\]')
                    # TODO: compiling the regex each time might be inefficient
                    text_lineR = re.compile(Rextlink)
                    MOextlink =
                    while MOextlink:    # find all links on line
                        extlink_linkname ='linkname')
                        # Rewrite double brackets to single ones
                        text_line=text_line[:MOextlink.start()] + '[%s]' % extlink_linkname + text_line[MOextlink.end(0):]
                        MOextlink =,MOextlink.start(0)+1)
                    # Regular expression to look for external link [linkname linktext] - linktext is optional.
                    # Also accepts erroneous pipe symbol as separator.
                    # Accepts wikilinks within <linktext>
                    #Rextlink = re.compile(r'[^\[]\[(?P<linkname>[h]*[ft]+tp:[^ [\]\|]+?)(?P<linktext>[ \|]+(( *[^\]\|]*)|( *\[\[.+?\]\])*)+)*\][^\]]')
                    #Rextlink = re.compile(r'\[(?P<linkname>[h]*[ft]+tp:[^ [\]\|]+?)(?P<linktext>[ \|]+(( *[^\]\|]*)|( *\[\[.+?\]\])*)+)*\]')
                    Rextlink = re.compile(r'(?i)\[(?P<linkname>[h]*[ft]+tp:[^ [\]\|]+?)(?P<linktext>[ \|]+(( *[^\]\|]*)|( *\[\[.+?\]\])*)+)*\]')
                    # TODO: compiling the regex each time might be inefficient
                    text_lineR = re.compile(Rextlink)
                    MOextlink =
                    while MOextlink:    # find all links on line
                        extlink_linkname ='linkname')
                        extlink_linktext ='linktext')
                        self.refsequence += 1
                        ( refname, reftext ) = self.doConvertLinkTextToReference(self.refsequence, extlink_linkname, extlink_linktext)
                        self.references.append( reftext )    # append new entry to References
                        if extlink_linktext:
                            # If there was text as part of link, reinsert text before footnote.
                            text_line=text_line[:MOextlink.start(0)] + '%s{{ref|%s}}' % (extlink_linktext, refname) + text_line[MOextlink.end(0):]
                            text_line=text_line[:MOextlink.start(0)] + '{{ref|%s}}' % refname + text_line[MOextlink.end(0):]
                        MOextlink =,MOextlink.start(0)+1)
                    # Search for {{doi}}
                    Rdoi = re.compile(r'(?i){{doi\|(?P<doilink>[^}|]*)}}')
                    # TODO: compiling the regex each time might be inefficient
                    doiR = re.compile(Rdoi)
                    MOdoi =
                    while MOdoi:        # find all doi on line
                        doi_link ='doilink')
                        if doi_link:
                            self.refsequence += 1
                            ( refname, reftext ) = self.doConvertDOIToReference( self.refsequence, doi_link )
                            self.references.append( reftext )        # append new entry to References
                            text_line=text_line[:MOdoi.start(0)] + '{{ref|%s}}' % refname + text_line[MOdoi.end(0):]
                            MOdoi =, MOdoi.start(0)+1)
                new_text = new_text + text_line    # append new line to new text
        if new_text == '':
            new_text = original_text    # If somehow no new text, return original text
        return new_text

    def doFindRefSection(self, original_text):
        Returns name of section which contains citations.
        Finds first section with reference note template.
        refsectionname = ''
        sectionname = ''
        for text_line in original_text.splitlines(True):  # Scan all text line by line
            if refsectionname == '':    # if ref section not found
                # Check if line has a section name
                m = r'==+(?P<sectionname>[^=]+)==', text_line )
                if m:    # if in a section, remember section name
                    sectionname ='sectionname').strip()
                    wikipedia.output( u'Section: %s' % sectionname )
                else:    # else not a section name so look for reference
                    n = r'(i?){{(note|ibid)[|]', text_line )
                    if n:    # if reference found
                        refsectionname = sectionname    # found reference section
                        wikipedia.output( u'Ref section: %s' % refsectionname )
                        break    # stop looking
        return refsectionname

    def doFindAllCitationSections(self, original_text, refsectionname):

        Returns list of sections which may contain citations.
        refsectionlist = [ ( refsectionname) ]
        sectionname = ''
        for text_line in original_text.splitlines(True):  # Scan all text line by line
            # Check if line has a section name
            m = "==[ ]*(?P<sectionname>[^=]+)[ ]*==", text_line )
            if m:    # if in a section, remember section name
                sectionname ='sectionname').strip()
                if sectionname.lower().strip() in referencesectionnames:
                    if sectionname not in refsectionlist:    # if not already in list, add to list.
                        refsectionlist.extend( sectionname )
        return refsectionlist

    def doRewriteReferences(self, original_text, refusage, refsectionname):
        Returns the text which is generated by rewriting references, including duplicate refs.
        new_text = ''                # Default is no text
        skipsection = False
        for text_line in original_text.splitlines(True):  # Scan all text line by line
            # Check for protected sections
            m = r'==+(?P<sectionname>[^=]+)==', text_line )
            if m:    # if in a section, check if should skip this section
                if refsectionname != '':    # if a certain section name has been identified
                    m_section ='sectionname')
                    wikipedia.output( u'Looking for "%s": "%s"' % (refsectionname,unicode(m_section)) )
                    if unicode(m_section.strip()) == unicode(refsectionname):
                        wikipedia.output( u'Found Ref section.' )
                        skipsection = True        # skipsection left True so no further links converted
                else:                # else grab all possible sections
                    if'sectionname').lower().strip() in referencesectionnames:
                        wikipedia.output( 'RefSection found by default names: %s' %'sectionname') )
                        skipsection = True        # skipsection left True so no further links converted
            if skipsection:
                new_text = new_text + text_line        # skip section, so retain text.
                # TODO: recognize {{inline}} invisible footnotes when something can be done with them
                # Data structure: refusage[reference_key] = [ sequence_in_document, count, count_during_dup_handling ]
                # Check for various references
                # TODO: compiling the regex each time might be inefficient
                Rtext_line = re.compile(r'(?i){{(?P<reftype>ref|ref_num|ref_label)\|(?P<refname>[^}|]+?)}}')
                m = text_line )
                alphabet26 = u'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
                while m:    # if found a reference
                    if'reftype').lower() in ( 'ref', 'ref_num', 'ref_label' ):    # confirm ref
                        refkey ='refname').strip()
                        if refkey != '':
                            if refkey in refusage:
                                # wikipedia.output( u'refusage[%s] = %s' % (refkey,refusage[refkey]) )
                                if refusage[refkey][2] == 0:    # if first use of reference
                                    text_line=text_line[:m.start(0)] + '{{ref|%s}}' % (refkey) + text_line[m.end(0):]
                                    refusage[refkey][2] += 1    # count use of reference
                                else:                # else not first use of reference
                                    text_line=text_line[:m.start(0)] + '{{ref_label|%s|%d|%s}}' % (refkey,(refusage[refkey][0])+1,alphabet26[((refusage[refkey][2])-1)%26]) + text_line[m.end(0):]
                                    refusage[refkey][2] += 1    # count use of reference
                                # Odd, because refusage list is populated the key should exist already.
                                refusage[refkey] = [len(refusage),1,1]    # remember this reference
                                text_line=text_line[:m.start(0)] + '{{ref|%s}}' % refkey + text_line[m.end(0):]
                    m = text_line, m.start(0)+1 )
                new_text = new_text + text_line    # append new line to new text
        if new_text == '':
            new_text = original_text    # If somehow no new text, return original text
        return new_text

    def doGetTitleFromURL(self, extlink_linkname ):
        Returns text derived from between <title>...</title> tags through a URL.
        Obeys robots.txt restrictions.
        # if no descriptive text get from web site, if not PDF
        urltitle = u''
        urlfile = None
        urlheaders = None
        if len(extlink_linkname) > 5:
            socket.setdefaulttimeout( 20 )    # timeout in seconds
            wikipedia.get_throttle()    # throttle down to Wikipedia rate
            # Obey robots.txt restrictions
            rp = robotparser.RobotFileParser()
            rp.set_url( extlink_linkname )
          # read robots.txt
            except (IOError, socket.timeout):
                wikipedia.output( u'Error accessing URL: %s' % unicode(extlink_linkname) )
                urlobj = None
                if not rp.can_fetch( "*", extlink_linkname ):
                    wikipedia.output( u'Robot prohibited: %s' % unicode(extlink_linkname) )
                else:    # else access allowed
                        if have_httpcache:
                            cache = HTTPCache( extlink_linkname )
                            urlfile = cache.filename()    # filename of cached date
                            urlheaders =
                            (urlfile, urlheaders) = urllib.urlretrieve( extlink_linkname )
                    except IOError:
                        wikipedia.output( u'Error accessing URL. %s' % unicode(extlink_linkname) )
                    except (socket.herror, socket.gaierror), (err, msg):
                        wikipedia.output( u'Error %i accessing URL, %s. %s' % (err, unicode(msg), unicode(extlink_linkname)) )
                    except socket.timeout, msg:
                        wikipedia.output( u'Error accessing URL, %s. %s' % (unicode(msg), unicode(extlink_linkname)) )
                    except:    # Ignore other errors
                if urlfile != None:
                    urlobj = open( urlfile )
                    if extlink_linkname.lower().endswith('.pdf'):
                        # If file has a PDF suffix
                        wikipedia.output( u'PDF file.' )
                            pdfinfo_out = subprocess.Popen([r"pdfinfo","/dev/stdin"], stdin=urlobj, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False).communicate()[0]
                            for aline in pdfinfo_out.splitlines():
                                if aline.lower().startswith('title'):
                                    urltitle = aline.split(None)[1:]
                                    urltitle = ' '.join(urltitle)
                                    if urltitle != '': wikipedia.output(u'title: ' +urltitle )
                                    if aline.lower().startswith('author'):
                                        urlauthor = aline.split(None)[1:]
                                        urlauthor = ' '.join(urlauthor)
                                        if urlauthor != '': wikipedia.output(u'author: ' +urlauthor )
                        except ValueError:
                            wikipedia.output( u'pdfinfo value error.' )
                        except OSError:
                            wikipedia.output( u'pdfinfo OS error.' )
                        except:    # Ignore errors
                            wikipedia.output( u'PDF processing error.' )
                        wikipedia.output( u'PDF done.' )
                        if urlobj:
                        # urlinfo =
                        aline =
                        maxalines = 100
                        while maxalines > 0 and aline and urltitle == '':
                            maxalines -= 1    # reduce number of lines left to consider
                            titleRE ="(?i)<title>(?P<HTMLtitle>[^<>]+)", aline)
                            if titleRE:
                                    urltitle = unicode('HTMLtitle'), 'utf-8')
                                    urltitle = u' '    # error, no title
                                urltitle = u' '.join(urltitle.split())    # merge whitespace
                                wikipedia.output( u'::::Title: %s' % urltitle )
                                break    # found a title so stop looking
                                if maxalines < 1:
                                    wikipedia.output( u'No title in URL. %s' % unicode(extlink_linkname) )
                            if urlobj != None:
                                wikipedia.output( u'::+URL: ' + extlink_linkname )
                                # urlinfo =
                                aline =
                                full_page = ''
                                # while aline and urltitle == '':
                                while aline:
                                    full_page = full_page + aline
                                    titleRE ="(?i)<title>(?P<HTMLtitle>[^<>]+)", aline)
                                    if titleRE:
                                            urltitle = u''
                                                urltitle = unicode('HTMLtitle'), 'utf-8')
                                                urltitle = u' '.join(urltitle.split())    # merge whitespace
                                                wikipedia.output( u'::::Title: %s' % urltitle )
                                                aline =
                                                aline =
                                            break    # found a title so stop looking
                                            aline =
                                        aline =
                                if urltitle != '': wikipedia.output( u'title: ' + urltitle )
                                # Try a more advanced search
                                ##from nltk.parser.probabilistic import *
                                ##from nltk.tokenizer import *
                                #from nltk.tagger import *
                                #from nltk.tagger.brill import *
                                #from nltk.corpus import brown
                                ##pcfg_parser = ViterbiPCFGParser(grammar)
                                ##text_token = Token(TEXT=full_page)
                                ##tree = pcfg_parser.get_parse(sent_token)
                                ##print tree.prob()
                                # Train tagger
                                #train_tokens = []
                                #for item in brown.items()[:10]: train_tokens.append(
                                #unitagger = UnigramTagger(SUBTOKENS='WORDS')
                                #brilltemplates = ()
                                #britaggerrules = BrillTaggerTrainer(initial_tagger=unitagger, templates=brilltemplates, trace=True, SUBTOKENS='WORDS', max_rules=200, min_score=2)
                                #for tok in train_tokens: unitagger.train(tok)
                                #for tok in train_tokens: britaggerrules.train(tok, max_rules=200, min_score=2)
                                # brittaggerrul = britaggerrules.train(train_tokens, max_rules=200, min_score=2)
                                #britaggerrul = ()
                                #britagger = BrillTagger(initial_tagger=unitagger, rules=britaggerrul, SUBTOKENS='WORDS' )
                                # Training completed
                                # Examine text
                                ##text_token = Token(TEXT=full_page)
                                ### wikipedia.output( unicode(text_token) )
                    wikipedia.output( u'No data retrieved.' )
            socket.setdefaulttimeout( 200 )    # timeout in seconds
            urltitle = urltitle.replace(u'|',u':')
        return urltitle.strip()

    def doConvertLinkTextToReference(self, refsequence, extlink_linkname, extlink_linktext):
        Returns the text which is generated by converting a link to
        a format suitable for the References section.
        refname = u'refbot.%d' % refsequence
        m ="[\w]+://([\w]\.)*(?P<siteend>[\w.]+)[/\Z]", extlink_linkname)
        if m:
            refname ='siteend') + u'.%d' % refsequence    # use end of site URL as reference name
        new_text = u'# {{note|%s}} %s' % (refname, self.doConvertRefToCitation( extlink_linktext, extlink_linkname, refname ) ) + '\n'
        return (refname, new_text)

    def doConvertRefToCitation(self, extlink_linktext, extlink_linkname, refname ):
        Returns text with a citation created from link information
        new_text = u''
        now =
        if extlink_linktext == None or len(extlink_linktext.strip()) < 20:
            wikipedia.output( u'Fetching URL: %s' % unicode(extlink_linkname) )
            urltitle = self.doGetTitleFromURL( extlink_linkname )    # try to get title from URL
            if urltitle == None or urltitle == '':
                urltitle = extlink_linkname    # Assume linkname for title
            wikipedia.output( u'Title is: %s' % urltitle )
            extlink_linktext = urltitle
            for newref in self.references:        # scan through all references
                if extlink_linkname in newref:        # if undescribed linkname same as a previous entry
                    if urltitle:
                        extlink_linktext = urltitle + ' (See above)'
                        extlink_linktext = extlink_linkname + ' (See above)'
                    break    # found a matching previous linkname so stop looking
            if extlink_linktext == None or len(extlink_linktext) < 20:
                exlink_linktext = urltitle
        # Look for a news web site
        for (sitename, newscompany, stripprefix) in newssites:
            if refname.startswith( sitename ):
            # If there is a prefix to strip from the title
                if stripprefix and extlink_linktext.startswith( stripprefix ):
                    extlink_linktext = extlink_linktext[len(stripprefix):]
                    new_text = u'{{news reference | title=%s | url=%s | urldate=%s | org=%s }}' % ( extlink_linktext, extlink_linkname, now.isoformat(), newscompany ) + '\n'
        else:        # else no special site found
            new_text = u'{{web reference | title=%s | url=%s | date=%s }}' % ( extlink_linktext, extlink_linkname, now.isoformat() )
        return (new_text)

    def doConvertDOIToReference(self, refsequence, doi_linktext):
        Returns the text which is generated by converting a DOI reference to
        a format suitable for the Notes section.
        # TODO: look up DOI info and create full reference
        urltitle = self.doGetTitleFromURL( '' + doi_linktext ) # try to get title from URL
        refname = 'refbot%d' % refsequence
        if urltitle:
            new_text = '# {{note|%s}} %s {{doi|%s}}' % (refname, urltitle, doi_linktext) + '\n'
            new_text = '# {{note|%s}} {{doi|%s}}' % (refname, doi_linktext) + '\n'
        return (refname, new_text)

    def doBuildSequenceListOfReferences(self, original_text):
        Returns a list with all found references and sequence numbers.
        duplicatefound = False
        refusage = {}        # Nothing found yet
        # Data structure: refusage[reference_key] = [ sequence_in_document, count, count_during_dup_handling ]
        for text_line in original_text.splitlines(True):  # Scan all text line by line
            # Check for various references
            Rtext_line = re.compile(r'(?i){{(?P<reftype>ref|ref_num|ref_label)\|(?P<refname>[^}|]+?)}}')
            m = text_line )
            while m:    # if found a reference
                if'reftype').lower() in ( 'ref', 'ref_num', 'ref_label' ):    # confirm ref
                    refkey ='refname').strip()
                    if refkey != '':
                        if refkey in refusage:
                            refusage[refkey][1] += 1    # duplicate use of reference
                            duplicatefound = True
                            refusage[refkey] = [len(refusage),0,0]    # remember this reference
                m = text_line, m.end() )
        wikipedia.output( u'Number of refs: %d' % (len(refusage)) )
        return (duplicatefound, refusage)

    def doReadReferencesSection(self, original_text, refsectionname):
        Returns the text which is generated by reading the Notes section.
        Also appends references to self.references.
        Contents of all Notes sections will be read.
        # TODO: support subsections within Notes
        new_text = ''        # Default is no text
        intargetsection = False
        for text_line in original_text.splitlines(True):  # Scan all text line by line
            # Check for target section
            m = r'==+(?P<sectionname>[^=]+)==', text_line )
            if m:    # if in a section, check if Notes section
                if refsectionname != '':    # if a certain section name has been identified
                    m_section ='sectionname')
                    wikipedia.output( u'Looking for "%s": "%s"' % (refsectionname,m_section) )
                    if unicode(m_section.strip()) == unicode(refsectionname):
                        wikipedia.output( u'Read Ref section.' )
                        intargetsection = True            # flag as being in section
                        new_text = new_text + text_line
                        intargetsection = False            # flag as not being in section
                else:                # else grab all possible sections
                    if'sectionname').lower().strip() in referencesectionnames:
                        intargetsection = True            # flag as being in section
                        new_text = new_text + text_line
                        intargetsection = False            # flag as not being in section
                if intargetsection:    # if inside target section, remember this reference line
                    if text_line.strip() != '':
                        if text_line.lstrip()[0] in u'[{':    # if line starts with non-Ref WikiSyntax
                            intargetsection = False        # flag as not being in section
                        # TODO: need better way to handle special cases at end of refs
                        if text_line.strip() == u'<!--READ ME!! PLEASE DO NOT JUST ADD NEW NOTES AT THE BOTTOM. See the instructions above on ordering. -->':    # This line ends some Notes sections
                            intargetsection = False        # flag as not being in section
                        if text_line.strip() == u'</div>':    # This line ends some Notes sections
                            intargetsection = False        # flag as not being in section
                    if intargetsection:    # if still inside target section
                        # Convert any # wiki list to *; will be converted later if a reference
                        if text_line[0] == '#':
                            text_line = '*' + text_line[1:]    # replace # with * wiki
                        self.references.append( text_line.rstrip() + u'\n' )    # Append line to references
                        new_text = new_text + text_line.rstrip() + u'\n'
        return new_text

    def doReorderReferences(self, references, refusage):
        Returns the new references list after reordering to match refusage list
        Non-references are moved to top, unused references to bottom.
        # TODO: add tests for duplicate references/Ibid handling.
        newreferences = references
        if references != [] and refusage != {}:
            newreferences = []
            for i in range(len(references)):        # move nonrefs to top of list
                text_line = references[i]
                # TODO: compile search?
                m ='(?i)[*#][\s]*{{(?P<reftype>note)\|(?P<refname>[^}|]+?)}}', text_line)
                # Special test to ignore Footnote instructions comment.
                text_line_stripped = text_line.strip()
                if text_line_stripped.startswith(u'4) Add ') or not m:    # if no ref found
                    newreferences.append(text_line)    # add nonref to new list
                    references[i] = None
            refsort = {}
            for refkey in refusage.keys():        # build list of keys in document order
                refsort[ refusage[refkey][0] ] = refkey    # refsort contains reference key names
            alphabet26 = u'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
            for i in range(len(refsort)):        # collect references in document order
                for search_num in range(len(references)):    # find desired entry
                    search_line = references[search_num]
                    if search_line:
                        # TODO: compile search?
                        # Note that the expression finds all neighboring note|note_label expressions.
                        m2 ='(?i)[*#]([\s]*{{(?P<reftype>note|note_label)\|(?P<refname>[^}|]+?)}})+', search_line)
                        if m2:
                            refkey ='refname').strip()
                            if refkey == refsort[i]:    # if expected ref found
                                # Rewrite references
                                note_text = '# {{note|%s}}' % refkey    # rewrite note tag
                                if refusage[refkey][1] > 1:        # if more than one reference to citation
                                    for n in range(refusage[refkey][1]):    # loop through all repetitions
                                        note_text = note_text + '{{note_label|%s|%d|%s}}' % (refkey,(refusage[refkey][0])+1,alphabet26[n%26])
                                search_line=search_line[:m2.start(0)] + note_text + search_line[m2.end(0):]
                                newreferences.append(search_line)    # found, add entry
                                del references[search_num]        # delete used reference
                                break    # stop the search loop after entry found
            newreferences = newreferences + references        # append any unused references
        return newreferences

    def doUpdateReferencesSection(self, original_text, refusage, refsectionname):
        Returns the text which is generated by rebuilding the Notes section.
        Rewrite Notes section from references list.
        new_text = ''        # Default is no text
        intargetsection = False
        for text_line in original_text.splitlines(True):  # Scan all text line by line
            # Check for target section
            m = r'==+(?P<sectionname>[^=]+)==', text_line )
            if m:    # if in a section, check if Notes section
                if refsectionname != '':    # if a certain section name has been identified
                    m_section ='sectionname')
                    wikipedia.output( u'Looking for "%s": "%s"' % (refsectionname,m_section) )
                    if unicode(m_section.strip()) == unicode(refsectionname):
                        wikipedia.output( u'Updating Ref section.' )
                        intargetsection = True        # flag as being in section
                        intargetsection = False        # flag as not being in section
                else:                # else grab all possible sections
                    if'sectionname').lower().strip() in referencesectionnames:
                        intargetsection = True        # flag as being in section
                        intargetsection = False        # flag as not being in section
                if intargetsection:
                    new_text = new_text + text_line    # append new line to new text
                    if self.references != []:
                        for newref in self.references:        # scan through all references
                            if newref != None:
                                new_text = new_text + newref.rstrip() + u'\n'    # insert references
                        new_text = new_text + u'\n'    # one trailing blank line
                        self.references = []            # empty references
                    new_text = new_text + text_line    # copy section headline
                if intargetsection:
                    if text_line.strip() != '':
                        if text_line.lstrip()[0] in u'[{':    # if line starts with non-Ref WikiSyntax
                            intargetsection = False        # flag as not being in section
                        # TODO: need better way to handle special cases at end of refs
                        if text_line.strip() == u'<!--READ ME!! PLEASE DO NOT JUST ADD NEW NOTES AT THE BOTTOM. See the instructions above on ordering. -->':    # This line ends some Notes sections
                            intargetsection = False        # flag as not being in section
                        if text_line.strip() == u'</div>':    # This line ends some Notes sections
                            intargetsection = False        # flag as not being in section
                if not intargetsection:            # if not in Notes section, remember line
                    new_text = new_text + text_line    # append new line to new text
        # If references list not emptied, there was no Notes section found
        if self.references != []:            # empty references
            # New Notes section needs to be created at bottom.
            text_line_counter = 0        # current line
            last_text_line_counter_value = 0    # number of last line of possible text
            for text_line in original_text.splitlines(True):  # Search for last normal text line
                text_line_counter += 1        # count this line
                if text_line.strip() != '':
                    if text_line.lstrip()[0].isalnum():    # if line starts with alphanumeric
                        last_text_line_counter = text_line_counter    # number of last line of possible text
                        if text_line.lstrip()[0] in u'<=!|*#':    # if line starts with recognized wiki char
                            if not text_line.startswith(u'<!--'):    # if line not start with a comment
                                last_text_line_counter = text_line_counter    # number of last line of possible content
            new_text = ''            # erase previous new_text
            text_line_counter = 0        # current line
            for text_line in original_text.splitlines(True):  # Search for last normal text line
                text_line_counter += 1        # count this line
                if last_text_line_counter == text_line_counter:    # if found insertion point
                    new_text = new_text + text_line    # append new line to new text
                    new_text = new_text + '\n== Notes ==\n'    # set to standard name
                    new_text = new_text + u'{{subst:Footnote3text}}\n'
                    if self.references != []:
                        for newref in self.references:        # scan through all references
                            if newref is not None:
                                new_text = new_text + newref    # insert references
                        new_text = new_text + u'\n'    # one trailing blank line
                        self.references = []            # empty references
                    new_text = new_text + text_line    # append new line to new text
        if new_text == '':
            new_text = original_text    # If somehow no new text, return original text
        return new_text

    def run(self):
        Starts the robot.
        # Run the generator which will yield Pages to pages which might need to be
        # changed.
        for pl in self.generator:
            print ''
                # Load the page's text from the wiki
                original_text = pl.get()
                if pl.editRestriction:
                    wikipedia.output(u'Skipping locked page %s' % pl.title())
            except wikipedia.NoPage:
                wikipedia.output(u'Page %s not found' % pl.title())
            except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
            match = self.checkExceptions(original_text)
            # skip all pages that contain certain texts
            if match:
                wikipedia.output(u'Skipping %s because it contains %s' % (pl.title(), match))
                new_text = self.doReplacements(original_text)
                if new_text == original_text:
                    wikipedia.output('No changes were necessary in %s' % pl.title())
                    wikipedia.output(u'>>> %s <<<' % pl.title())
                    wikipedia.showDiff(original_text, new_text)
                    if not self.acceptall:
                        choice = wikipedia.input(u'Do you want to accept these changes? [y|n|a(ll)]')
                        if choice in ['a', 'A']:
                            self.acceptall = True
                    if self.acceptall or choice in ['y', 'Y']:
                        pl.put(new_text, self.summary)

def main():
    # How we want to retrieve information on which pages need to be changed.
    # Can either be 'sqldump', 'textfile' or 'userinput'.
    source = None
    # Array which will collect commandline parameters.
    # First element is original text, second element is replacement text.
    commandline_replacements = []
    # A dictionary where keys are original texts and values are replacement texts.
    replacements = {}
    # Don't edit pages which contain certain texts.
    exceptions = []
    # Should the elements of 'replacements' and 'exceptions' be interpreted
    # as regular expressions?
    regex = False
    # the dump's path, either absolute or relative, which will be used when source
    # is 'sqldump'.
    sqlfilename = None
    # the textfile's path, either absolute or relative, which will be used when
    # source is 'textfile'.
    textfilename = None
    # the category name which will be used when source is 'category'.
    categoryname = None
    # a list of pages which will be used when source is 'userinput'.
    pagenames = []
    # will become True when the user presses a ('yes to all') or uses the -always
    # commandline paramater.
    acceptall = False
    # Which namespace should be processed when using a SQL dump
    # default to -1 which means all namespaces will be processed
    namespace = -1
    # Load default summary message.
    editSummary = wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg)
    # List of references in Notes section
    references = []
    # Notes sequence number
    refsequence = random.randrange(1000)
    # Dictionary of references used in sequence
    refusage = {}

    # Read commandline parameters.
    for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
        if arg == '-regex':
            regex = True
        elif arg.startswith('-file'):
            if len(arg) == 5:
                textfilename = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the filename:')
                textfilename = arg[6:]
            source = 'textfile'
        elif arg.startswith('-cat'):
            if len(arg) == 4:
                categoryname = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the category name:')
                categoryname = arg[5:]
            source = 'category'
        elif arg.startswith('-sql'):
            if len(arg) == 4:
                sqlfilename = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the SQL dump\'s filename:')
                sqlfilename = arg[5:]
            source = 'sqldump'
        elif arg.startswith('-page'):
            if len(arg) == 5:
                    wikipedia.input(u'Which page do you want to change?'))
            source = 'userinput'
        elif arg.startswith('-except:'):
        elif arg == '-always':
            acceptall = True
        elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
            except ValueError:

    if source == None or len(commandline_replacements) not in [0, 2]:
        # syntax error, show help text from the top of this file
        wikipedia.output(__doc__, 'utf-8')
    if (len(commandline_replacements) == 2):
        replacements[commandline_replacements[0]] = commandline_replacements[1]
        editSummary = wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg ) % ' (-' + commandline_replacements[0] + ' +' + commandline_replacements[1] + ')'
        change = ''
        default_summary_message =  wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg) % change
        wikipedia.output(u'The summary message will default to: %s' % default_summary_message)
        summary_message = wikipedia.input(u'Press Enter to use this default message, or enter a description of the changes your bot will make:')
        if summary_message == '':
            summary_message = default_summary_message
        editSummary = summary_message

        # Perform the predefined actions.
            fix = fixes['ALTREFS']
        except KeyError:
            wikipedia.output(u'Available predefined fixes are: %s' % fixes.keys())
        if 'regex' in fix:
            regex = fix['regex']
        if 'msg' in fix:
            editSummary = wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), fix['msg'])
        if 'exceptions' in fix:
            exceptions = fix['exceptions']
        replacements = fix['replacements']

    gen = ReplacePageGenerator(source, replacements, exceptions, regex, namespace,
                               textfilename, sqlfilename, categoryname, pagenames)
    preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen, pageNumber = 20)
    bot = ReplaceRobot(preloadingGen, replacements, refsequence, references,
                       refusage, exceptions, regex, acceptall, editSummary)

if __name__ == "__main__":
        wikipedia.stopme() | Contact Us
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