# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) Rob W.W. Hooft, 2003
# (C) Yuri Astrakhan, 2005
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: titletranslate.py 7565 2009-10-29 15:33:46Z xqt $'
import re
import wikipedia as pywikibot
import date
def translate(page, hints = None, auto = True, removebrackets = False):
Please comment your source code! --Daniel
Does some magic stuff. Returns a list of pages.
result = []
site = page.site()
if hints:
for h in hints:
if ':' not in h:
# argument given as -hint:xy where xy is a language code
codes = h
newname = ''
codes, newname = h.split(':', 1)
if newname == '':
# if given as -hint:xy or -hint:xy:, assume that there should
# be a page in language xy with the same title as the page
# we're currently working on ...
ns = page.namespace()
if ns:
newname = u'%s:%s' % (site.family.namespace('_default', ns), page.titleWithoutNamespace())
# article in the main namespace
newname = page.title()
# ... unless we do want brackets
if removebrackets:
newname = re.sub(re.compile(ur"\W*?\(.*?\)\W*?", re.UNICODE), u" ", newname)
number = int(codes)
codes = site.family.languages_by_size[:number]
except ValueError:
if codes == 'all':
codes = site.family.languages_by_size
elif codes in site.family.language_groups:
codes = site.family.language_groups[codes]
codes = codes.split(',')
for newcode in codes:
if newcode in site.languages():
if newcode != site.language():
x = pywikibot.Page(site.getSite(code=newcode), newname)
if x not in result:
if pywikibot.verbose:
pywikibot.output(u"Ignoring unknown language code %s"%newcode)
# Autotranslate dates into all other languages, the rest will come from existing interwiki links.
if auto:
# search inside all dictionaries for this link
dictName, value = date.getAutoFormat( page.site().language(), page.title() )
if dictName:
if not (dictName == 'yearsBC' and page.site().language() in date.maxyearBC and value > date.maxyearBC[page.site().language()]) or (dictName == 'yearsAD' and page.site().language() in date.maxyearAD and value > date.maxyearAD[page.site().language()]):
pywikibot.output(u'TitleTranslate: %s was recognized as %s with value %d' % (page.title(),dictName,value))
for entryLang, entry in date.formats[dictName].iteritems():
if entryLang != page.site().language():
if dictName == 'yearsBC' and entryLang in date.maxyearBC and value > date.maxyearBC[entryLang]:
elif dictName == 'yearsAD' and entryLang in date.maxyearAD and value > date.maxyearAD[entryLang]:
newname = entry(value)
x = pywikibot.Page( pywikibot.getSite(code=entryLang, fam=site.family), newname )
if x not in result:
result.append(x) # add new page
return result
bcDateErrors = [u'[[ko:%d]]']
def appendFormatedDates( result, dictName, value ):
for code, func in date.formats[dictName].iteritems():
result.append( u'[[%s:%s]]' % (code,func(value)) )
def getPoisonedLinks(pl):
"""Returns a list of known corrupted links that should be removed if seen
result = []
pywikibot.output( u'getting poisoned links for %s' % pl.title() )
dictName, value = date.getAutoFormat( pl.site().language(), pl.title() )
if dictName is not None:
pywikibot.output( u'date found in %s' % dictName )
# errors in year BC
if dictName in date.bcFormats:
for fmt in bcDateErrors:
result.append( fmt % value )
# i guess this is like friday the 13th for the years
if value == 398 and dictName == 'yearsBC':
appendFormatedDates( result, dictName, 399 )
if dictName == 'yearsBC':
appendFormatedDates( result, 'decadesBC', value )
appendFormatedDates( result, 'yearsAD', value )
if dictName == 'yearsAD':
appendFormatedDates( result, 'decadesAD', value )
appendFormatedDates( result, 'yearsBC', value )
if dictName == 'centuriesBC':
appendFormatedDates( result, 'decadesBC', value*100+1 )
if dictName == 'centuriesAD':
appendFormatedDates( result, 'decadesAD', value*100+1 )
return result