# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This bot unlinks a page on every page that links to it.
This script understands this command-line argument:
-namespace:n - Number of namespace to process. The parameter can be used
multiple times. It works in combination with all other
parameters, except for the -start parameter. If you e.g.
want to iterate over all user pages starting at User:M, use
All other parameters will be regarded as part of the title of the page that
should be unlinked.
python unlink.py Foo bar -namespace:0 -namespace:6
Removes links to the page [[Foo bar]] in articles and image descriptions.
__version__='$Id: unlink.py 6844 2009-05-07 09:27:39Z siebrand $'
import wikipedia, pagegenerators
import editarticle
import re
# Summary messages in different languages
msg = {
'ar':u': "%s"',
'de':u'Bot: Entlinke "%s"',
'en':u'Robot: Unlinking "%s"',
'fr':u'Robot: Retire le lien "%s"',
'fi':u'Botti poisti linkin sivulle "%s"',
'he':u': "%s"',
'nn':u'robot: fjerna lenkje til "%s"',
'no':u'robot: fjerner lenke til "%s"',
'nl':u'Bot: verwijzing naar "%s" verwijderd',
'pt':u'Bot: Retirando link para "%s"',
class UnlinkBot:
def __init__(self, pageToUnlink, namespaces):
self.pageToUnlink = pageToUnlink
gen = pagegenerators.ReferringPageGenerator(pageToUnlink)
if namespaces != []:
gen = pagegenerators.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(gen, namespaces)
self.generator = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
linktrail = wikipedia.getSite().linktrail()
# The regular expression which finds links. Results consist of four groups:
# group title is the target page title, that is, everything before | or ].
# group section is the page section. It'll include the # to make life easier for us.
# group label is the alternative link title, that's everything between | and ].
# group linktrail is the link trail, that's letters after ]] which are part of the word.
# note that the definition of 'letter' varies from language to language.
self.linkR = re.compile(r'\[\[(?P<title>[^\]\|#]*)(?P<section>#[^\]\|]*)?(\|(?P<label>[^\]]*))?\]\](?P<linktrail>' + linktrail + ')')
def handleNextLink(self, text, match, context = 100):
Returns a tuple (text, jumpToBeginning).
text is the unicode string after the current link has been processed.
jumpToBeginning is a boolean which specifies if the cursor position
should be reset to 0. This is required after the user has edited the
# ignore interwiki links and links to sections of the same page as well as section links
if not match.group('title') or self.pageToUnlink.site().isInterwikiLink(match.group('title')) or match.group('section'):
return text, False
linkedPage = wikipedia.Page(self.pageToUnlink.site(), match.group('title'))
# Check whether the link found is to the current page itself.
if linkedPage != self.pageToUnlink:
# not a self-link
return text, False
# at the beginning of the link, start red color.
# at the end of the link, reset the color to default
wikipedia.output(text[max(0, match.start() - context) : match.start()] + '\03{lightred}' + text[match.start() : match.end()] + '\03{default}' + text[match.end() : match.end() + context])
choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'\nWhat shall be done with this link?', ['unlink', 'skip', 'edit', 'more context'], ['U', 's', 'e', 'm'], 'u')
if choice == 's':
# skip this link
return text, False
elif choice == 'e':
editor = editarticle.TextEditor()
newText = editor.edit(text, jumpIndex = match.start())
# if user didn't press Cancel
if newText:
return newText, True
return text, True
elif choice == 'm':
# show more context by recursive self-call
return self.handleNextLink(text, match, context = context + 100)
new = match.group('label') or match.group('title')
new += match.group('linktrail')
return text[:match.start()] + new + text[match.end():], False
def treat(self, page):
# Show the title of the page we're working on.
# Highlight the title in purple.
wikipedia.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % page.title())
oldText = page.get()
text = oldText
curpos = 0
while curpos < len(text):
match = self.linkR.search(text, pos = curpos)
if not match:
# Make sure that next time around we will not find this same hit.
curpos = match.start() + 1
text, jumpToBeginning = self.handleNextLink(text, match)
if jumpToBeginning:
curpos = 0
if oldText == text:
wikipedia.output(u'No changes necessary.')
wikipedia.showDiff(oldText, text)
except wikipedia.NoPage:
wikipedia.output(u"Page %s does not exist?!" % page.aslink())
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
wikipedia.output(u"Page %s is a redirect; skipping." % page.aslink())
except wikipedia.LockedPage:
wikipedia.output(u"Page %s is locked?!" % page.aslink())
def run(self):
comment = wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg) % self.pageToUnlink.title()
for page in self.generator:
def main():
# This temporary array is used to read the title of the page
# that should be unlinked.
pageTitleParts = []
# Which namespaces should be processed?
# default to [] which means all namespaces will be processed
namespaces = []
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
except ValueError:
if pageTitleParts:
page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), ' '.join(pageTitleParts))
bot = UnlinkBot(page, namespaces)
if __name__ == "__main__":