__version__ = '$Id: tkinter_interface.py 5412 2008-05-20 18:14:52Z russblau $'
import re
import sys
import threading
import time
import tkMessageBox, tkSimpleDialog
from Tkinter import *
from gui import EditBoxWindow
color_pattern = re.compile(r"%s\{(?P<colorname>\w+)\}" % "\x03")
# we run the Tkinter mainloop in a separate thread so as not to block
# the main bot code; however, this means that all communication with
# the Tkinter interface has to be done through events that will be processed
# by the mainloop in the separate thread. Code outside this module must not
# call any of the Tkinter objects directly.
class MainloopThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, window):
self.window = window
def run(self):
class CustomMessageBox(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):
def __init__(self, master, question, options, hotkeys, default=None):
self.question = question
self.options = options
self.hotkeys = hotkeys
self.default = default
tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, master)
def body(self, master):
Label(self, text=self.question).grid(columnspan = len(self.options))
btns = []
for i in xrange(len(self.options)):
# mark hotkey with underline
m = re.search('[%s%s]' % (self.hotkeys[i].lower(),
self.hotkeys[i].upper()), self.options[i])
if m:
pos = m.start()
self.options[i] += ' (%s)' % self.hotkeys[i]
pos = len(self.options[i]) - 2
b = Button(self, text=self.options[i],
command=lambda h=self.hotkeys[i]: self.select(h))
self.bind("<Control-%s>" % self.hotkeys[i],
lambda h=self.hotkeys[i]: self.select(h))
b.grid(row = 1, column = i)
if self.default and self.default in self.hotkeys:
return btns[self.hotkeys.index(self.default)]
return btns[0]
def buttonbox(self):
def select(self, i, event=None):
self.selection = i
def apply(self):
if self.default and not self.selection:
self.selection = self.default
class OutputBox(Text):
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
Text.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
# create color tags
# map Unix/ANSI color names to Tcl/Tk names
# because Tkinter background is white, we need darker colors
for ucolor, tcolor in (
('default', 'Black'),
('lightblue', 'Blue'),
('lightgreen', 'Green'),
('lightaqua', 'DarkSeaGreen'),
('lightred', 'Red'),
('lightpurple', 'DarkViolet'),
('lightyellow', 'DarkOrange')
self.tag_config(ucolor, foreground=tcolor)
def show(self, text):
global debugger
debugger = text
next_tag = 'default'
m = color_pattern.search(text)
while m:
self.insert(END, text[0:m.start()], next_tag)
next_tag = m.group("colorname")
text = text[m.end():]
m = color_pattern.search(text)
self.insert(END, text, next_tag)
class TkController(Frame):
Tkinter user interface controller.
This object receives and processes events dispatched to it by the UI
object. Do not call this object's methods directly. Methods of this
object cannot return values to the main thread; they must store them
in attributes to be retrieved by the main thread.
# TODO: use Event for inter-thread communication instead of wait loops
def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs):
Frame.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs)
def showinfo(self, text, wait=True):
Show a pop-up message.
Set wait to False to allow the pop-up to remain on screen while the
bot continues to work.
box = tkMessageBox.showinfo("Bot Message", text)
if wait:
def ask(self, question, password=False):
Show a question in a dialog window and store the user's answer.
self.answer = tkSimpleDialog.askstring('Question', question)
def ask_choice(self, question, options, hotkeys, default):
d = CustomMessageBox(self, question, options, hotkeys)
self.selection = d.selection or d.default
def edit_text(self, text, jumpIndex, highlight):
editBoxWindow = EditBoxWindow(text)
self.edited_text = editBoxWindow.text
class UI(object):
Tkinter user interface.
This object serves only to dispatch event calls to the TkController
object, to be run in that object's separate mainloop thread; and,
when necessary, to wait for the user's response.
def __init__(self, parent = None):
# create a new window if necessary
self.control = TkController(parent or Tk())
# textarea with vertical scrollbar
scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.control)
self.logBox = OutputBox(self.control, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set)
# add scrollbar to main frame, associate it with our editbox
scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
# put textarea into top frame, using all available space
self.logBox.pack(anchor=CENTER, fill=BOTH)
def output(self, text, urgency=1, toStdout=False, wait=True):
urgency levels: (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
0 - Debug output. Won't be shown in normal mode.
1 - Will be shown in log window.
2 - Will be shown in error box.
TODO: introduce constants
wait: block bot until user dismisses pop-up window (level 2 only)
if urgency >= 2:
self.control.after_idle(self.control.showinfo, text, wait)
elif urgency >= 1:
self.control.after_idle(self.logBox.show, text)
def input(self, question, password = False):
Returns a unicode string.
# TODO: hide input if password = True
self.control.after_idle(self.control.ask, question)
# wait until the answer has been given
while not hasattr(self.control, "answer"):
# answer needs to be deleted so that it won't be reused the
# next time this method is called
answer = self.control.answer
del self.control.answer
return answer
def editText(self, text, jumpIndex = None, highlight = None):
text, jumpIndex, highlight)
while not hasattr(self.control, "edited_text"):
result = self.control.edited_text
del self.control.edited_text
return result
def inputChoice(self, question, options, hotkeys, default = None):
self.control.after_idle(self.control.ask_choice, question,
options, hotkeys, default)
while not hasattr(self.control, "selection"):
selection = self.control.selection
del self.control.selection
return selection