# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Library to work with users, their pages and talk pages.
# (C) Pywikipedia bot team, 2008-2010
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: userlib.py 8194 2010-05-18 15:27:06Z alexsh $'
import re
import wikipedia, query
class AutoblockUser(wikipedia.Error):
The class AutoblockUserError is an exception that is raised whenever
an action is requested on a virtual autoblock user that's not available
for him (i.e. roughly everything except unblock).
class UserActionRefuse(wikipedia.Error): pass
class BlockError(UserActionRefuse): pass
class AlreadyBlocked(BlockError): pass
class UnblockError(UserActionRefuse): pass
class BlockIDError(UnblockError): pass
class AlreadyUnblocked(UnblockError): pass
class InvalidUser(wikipedia.InvalidTitle):
"""The mediawiki API does not allow IP lookups."""
class User(object):
A class that represents a Wiki user.
Has getters for the user's User: an User talk: (sub-)pages,
as well as methods for blocking and unblocking.
def __init__(self, site, name):
Initializer for a User object.
site - a wikipedia.Site object
name - name of the user, without the trailing User:
if type(site) in [str, unicode]:
self._site = wikipedia.getSite(site)
self._site = site
self._name = name
self._blocked = None #None mean not loaded
self._groups = None #None mean not loaded
#self._editcount = -1 # -1 mean not loaded
self._registrationTime = -1
#if self.site().versionnumber() >= 16:
# self._urToken = None
if name[0] == '#':
# This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting an
# autoblock.
"This is an autoblock ID, you can only use to unblock it.")
def site(self):
return self._site
def name(self):
return self._name
def __str__(self):
return u'%s:%s' % (self.site() , self.name() )
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def _load(self):
getall(self.site(), [self], force=True)
def registrationTime(self, force = False):
if not hasattr(self, '_registrationTime') or force:
return self._registrationTime
def editCount(self, force = False):
if not hasattr(self, '_editcount') or force:
return self._editcount
def isBlocked(self, force = False):
if not self._blocked or force:
return self._blocked
def groups(self, force = False):
if not self._groups or force:
return self._groups
def getUserPage(self, subpage=''):
if self.name()[0] == '#':
#This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting
#an autoblock, so has no user pages per se.
raise AutoblockUser
if subpage:
subpage = '/' + subpage
return wikipedia.Page(self.site(), self.name() + subpage, defaultNamespace=2)
def getUserTalkPage(self, subpage=''):
if self.name()[0] == '#':
#This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting
#an autoblock, so has no user talk pages per se.
raise AutoblockUser
if subpage:
subpage = '/' + subpage
return wikipedia.Page(self.site(), self.name() + subpage, defaultNamespace=3)
def editedPages(self, limit=500):
""" Deprecated function that wraps 'contributions'
for backwards compatibility
for page in self.contributions(limit):
yield page[0]
def sendMail(self, subject = u'', text = u'', ccMe = False):
if not hasattr(self, '_mailable'):
if not self._mailable:
raise UserActionRefuse("This user is not mailable")
if not self.site().isAllowed('sendemail'):
raise UserActionRefuse("You don't have permission to send mail")
if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 14:
return self.sendMailOld(subject, text, ccMe)
params = {
'action': 'emailuser',
'target': self.name(),
'token': self.site().getToken(),
'subject': subject,
'text': text,
if ccMe:
params['ccme'] = 1
result = query.GetData(params, self.site())
if 'error' in result:
code = result['error']['code']
if code == 'usermaildisabled ':
wikipedia.output("User mail has been disabled")
#elif code == '':
elif 'emailuser' in result:
if result['emailuser']['result'] == 'Success':
wikipedia.output(u'Email sent.')
return True
return False
def sendMailOld(self, subject = u'', text = u'', ccMe = False):
addr = self.site().put_address('Special:EmailUser')
predata = {
"wpSubject" : subject,
"wpText" : text,
'wpSend' : "Send",
'wpCCMe' : '0',
if ccMe:
predata['wpCCMe'] = '1'
predata['wpEditToken'] = self.site().getToken()
response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata, sysop = False)
if data:
if 'var wgAction = "success";' in data:
wikipedia.output(u'Email sent.')
return True
wikipedia.output(u'Email not sent.')
return False
wikipedia.output(u'No data found.')
return False
def contributions(self, limit = 500, namespace = []):
""" Yields pages that the user has edited, with an upper bound of ``limit''.
Pages returned are not guaranteed to be unique
(straight Special:Contributions parsing, in chunks of 500 items)."""
if not self.site().has_api():
raise NotImplementedError
# please stay this in comment until the regex is fixed
# for pg, oldid, date, comment in self._ContributionsOld(limit):
# yield pg, oldid, date, comment
# return
params = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'usercontribs',
'ucuser': self.name(),
'ucprop': ['ids','title','timestamp','comment'],# 'size','flags'],
'uclimit': int(limit),
'ucdir': 'older',
if limit > wikipedia.config.special_page_limit:
params['uclimit'] = wikipedia.config.special_page_limit
if limit > 5000 and self.site().isAllowed('apihighlimits'):
params['uclimit'] = 5000
if namespace:
params['ucnamespace'] = namespace
# An user is likely to contribute on several pages,
# keeping track of titles
nbresults = 0
while True:
result = query.GetData(params, self.site())
if 'error' in result:
wikipedia.output('%s' % result)
raise wikipedia.Error
for c in result['query']['usercontribs']:
yield (wikipedia.Page(self.site(), c['title'], defaultNamespace=c['ns']),
nbresults += 1
if nbresults >= limit:
if 'query-continue' in result and nbresults < limit:
params['ucstart'] = result['query-continue']['usercontribs']['ucstart']
def _contributionsOld(self, limit = 250, namespace = []):
if self.name()[0] == '#':
#This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting
#an autoblock, so has no contribs.
raise AutoblockUser
#TODO: fix contribRX regex
offset = 0
step = min(limit,500)
older_str = None
if self.site().versionnumber() <= 11:
older_str = self.site().mediawiki_message('sp-contributions-older')
older_str = self.site().mediawiki_message('pager-older-n')
if older_str.startswith('{{PLURAL:$1'):
older_str = older_str[13:]
older_str = older_str[older_str.find('|')+1:]
older_str = older_str[:-2]
older_str = older_str.replace('$1',str(step))
address = self.site().contribs_address(self.name(),limit=step)
contribRX = re.compile(r'<li[^>]*> *<a href="(?P<url>[^"]*?)" title="[^"]+">(?P<date>[^<]+)</a>.*>%s</a>\) *(<span class="[^"]+">[A-Za-z]</span>)* *<a href="[^"]+" (class="[^"]+" )?title="[^"]+">(?P<title>[^<]+)</a> *(?P<comment>.*?)(?P<top><strong> *\(top\) *</strong>)? *(<span class="mw-rollback-link">\[<a href="[^"]+token=(?P<rollbackToken>[^"]+)%2B%5C".*%s</a>\]</span>)? *</li>' % (self.site().mediawiki_message('diff'),self.site().mediawiki_message('rollback') ) )
while offset < limit:
data = self.site().getUrl(address)
for pg in contribRX.finditer(data):
url = pg.group('url')
oldid = url[url.find('&oldid=')+11:]
date = pg.group('date')
comment = pg.group('comment')
#rollbackToken = pg.group('rollbackToken')
top = None
if pg.group('top'):
top = True
# top, new, minor, should all go in a flags field
yield wikipedia.Page(self.site(), pg.group('title')), oldid, date, comment
offset += 1
if offset == limit:
nextRX = re.search('\(<a href="(?P<address>[^"]+)"[^>]*>' + older_str + '</a>\)',data)
if nextRX:
address = nextRX.group('address').replace('&','&')
def uploadedImages(self, number = 10):
if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 11:
for c in self._uploadedImagesOld(number):
yield c
for s in self.site().logpages(number, mode = 'upload', user = self.name(), dump = True):
yield wikipedia.ImagePage(self.site(), s['title']), s['timestamp'], s['comment'], s['pageid'] > 0
def _uploadedImagesOld(self, number = 10):
"""Yield ImagePages from Special:Log&type=upload"""
regexp = re.compile('<li[^>]*>(?P<date>.+?)\s+<a href=.*?>(?P<user>.+?)</a> .* uploaded "<a href=".*?"(?P<new> class="new")? title="(Image|File):(?P<image>.+?)"\s*>(?:.*?<span class="comment">(?P<comment>.*?)</span>)?', re.UNICODE)
path = self.site().log_address(number, mode = 'upload', user = self.name())
html = self.site().getUrl(path)
redlink_key = self.site().mediawiki_message('red-link-title')
redlink_tail_len = None
if redlink_key.startswith('$1 '):
redlink_tail_len = len(redlink_key[3:])
for m in regexp.finditer(html):
image = m.group('image')
deleted = False
if m.group('new'):
deleted = True
if redlink_tail_len:
image = image[0:0-redlink_tail_len]
date = m.group('date')
comment = m.group('comment') or ''
yield wikipedia.ImagePage(self.site(), image), date, comment, deleted
def block(self, expiry = None, reason = None, anon= True, noCreate = False,
onAutoblock = False, banMail = False, watchUser = False, allowUsertalk = True,
reBlock = False):
Block the user by API.
expiry - expiry time of block, may be a period of time (incl. infinite)
or the block's expiry time
reason - reason for block
anonOnly - is the block affecting only anonymous users?
noSignup - does the block disable account creation?
enableAutoblock - is autoblock enabled on the block?
emailBan - prevent user from sending e-mail?
watchUser - watch the user's user and talk pages?
allowUsertalk - allow this user to edit own talk page?
The default values for block options are set to as most unrestrictive
if self.name()[0] == '#':
#This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting
#an autoblock, so can't be blocked.
raise AutoblockUser
if self.isBlocked() and not reBlock:
raise AlreadyBlocked()
self.site()._getActionUser('block', sysop=True)
if not expiry:
expiry = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the expiry time for the block:')
if not reason:
reason = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter a reason for the block:')
if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 12:
return self._blockOld(expiry, reason, anon, noCreate,
onAutoblock, banMail, watchUser,
allowUsertalk, reBlock)
params = {
'action': 'block',
'user': self.name(),
'token': self.site().getToken(self, sysop = True),
'reason': reason,
if expiry:
params['expiry'] = expiry
if anon:
params['anononly'] = 1
if noCreate:
params['nocreate'] = 1
if onAutoblock:
params['autoblock'] = 1
if banMail:
params['noemail'] = 1
#if watchUser:
if reBlock:
params['reblock'] = 1
if allowUsertalk:
params['allowusertalk'] = 1
data = query.GetData(params, self.site(), sysop=True)
if 'error' in data: #error occured
errCode = data['error']['code']
if errCode == 'alreadyblocked':
raise AlreadyBlocked()
elif errCode == 'blockedasrange':
raise AlreadyBlocked("Range Blocked")
#elif errCode == 'invalidrange':
# pass
elif errCode == 'invalidexpiry':
raise BlockError("Invaild expiry")
elif errCode == 'pastexpiry ':
raise BlockError("expiry time is the past")
elif errCode == 'cantblock-email':
raise BlockError("You don't have permission to ban mail")
elif 'block' in data: #success
return True
wikipedia.output("Unknown Error, result: %s" % data)
raise BlockError
raise False
def _blockOld(self, expiry, reason, anonOnly, noSignup, enableAutoblock, emailBan,
watchUser, allowUsertalk):
Block the user by web page.
if self.name()[0] == '#':
#This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting
#an autoblock, so can't be blocked.
raise AutoblockUser
sefl.site()._getActionUser('block', sysop=True)
if expiry is None:
expiry = input(u'Please enter the expiry time for the block:')
if reason is None:
reason = input(u'Please enter a reason for the block:')
token = self.site().getToken(self, sysop = True)
wikipedia.output(u"Blocking [[User:%s]]..." % self.name())
boolStr = ['0','1']
predata = {
'wpBlockAddress': self.name(),
'wpBlockOther': expiry,
'wpBlockReasonList': reason,
'wpAnonOnly': boolStr[anonOnly],
'wpCreateAccount': boolStr[noSignup],
'wpEnableAutoblock': boolStr[enableAutoblock],
'wpEmailBan': boolStr[emailBan],
'wpWatchUser': boolStr[watchUser],
'wpAllowUsertalk': boolStr[allowUsertalk],
'wpBlock': 'Block this user',
'wpEditToken': token
address = self.site().block_address()
response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata, sysop = True)
if data:
if self.site().mediawiki_message('ipb_already_blocked').replace('$1', self.name()) in data:
raise AlreadyBlockedError
raise BlockError
return True
def unblock(self, reason=None):
Unblock the user.
reason - reason for block
if self.name()[0] == '#':
blockID = self.name()[1:]
blockID = self._getBlockID()
def _getBlockID(self):
wikipedia.output(u"Getting block id for [[User:%s]]..." % self.name())
address = self.site().blocksearch_address(self.name())
data = self.site().getUrl(address)
bIDre = re.search(r'action=unblock&id=(\d+)', data)
if not bIDre:
raise BlockIDError
return bIDre.group(1)
def _unblock(self, blockID, reason):
wikipedia.output(u"Unblocking [[User:%s]]..." % self.name())
token = self.site().getToken(self, sysop = True)
predata = {
'id': blockID,
'wpUnblockReason': reason,
'wpBlock': 'Unblock this address',
'wpEditToken': token,
address = self.site().unblock_address()
response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata, sysop = True)
if response.code != 302:
if self.site().mediawiki_message('ipb_cant_unblock').replace('$1',blockID) in data:
raise AlreadyUnblockedError
raise UnblockError, data
return True
def getall(site, users, throttle=True, force=False):
"""Bulk-retrieve users data from site
Arguments: site = Site object
users = iterable that yields User objects
users = list(users) # if pages is an iterator, we need to make it a list
if len(users) > 1: wikipedia.output(u'Getting %d users data from %s...' % (len(users), site))
if len(users) > 250: # max load prevents HTTPError 400
for urg in range(0, len(users), 250):
if urg == range(0, len(users), 250)[-1]: #latest
k = users[urg:]
_GetAllUI(site, k, throttle, force).run()
users[urg:] = k
k = users[urg:urg + 250]
_GetAllUI(site, k, throttle, force).run()
users[urg:urg + 250] = k
_GetAllUI(site, users, throttle, force).run()
class _GetAllUI(object):
def __init__(self, site, users, throttle, force):
self.site = site
self.users = []
self.throttle = throttle
self.force = force
self.sleeptime = 15
for user in users:
if not hasattr(user, '_editcount') or force:
elif wikipedia.verbose:
wikipedia.output(u"BUGWARNING: %s already done!" % user.name())
def run(self):
if self.users:
while True:
data = self.getData()
except Exception, e:
# Print the traceback of the caught exception
print e
for uj in self.users:
x = data[uj.name()]
except KeyError:
uj._editcount = x['editcount']
if 'groups' in x:
uj._groups = x['groups']
uj._groups = []
if x['registration']:
uj._registrationTime = wikipedia.parsetime2stamp(x['registration'])
uj._registrationTime = 0
uj._mailable = ("emailable" in x)
uj._blocked = ('blockedby' in x)
#if self._blocked: #Get block ID
def getData(self):
users = {}
params = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'users',
'usprop': ['blockinfo', 'groups', 'editcount', 'registration', 'emailable', 'gender'],
'ususers': u'|'.join([n.name() for n in self.users]),
data = query.GetData(params, self.site)
for user in data['query']['users']:
if u'invalid' in user:
raise InvalidUser("User name '%s' is invalid. IP addresses are not supported." % user['name'])
users[user['name']] = user
return users
if __name__ == '__main__':
Simple testing code for the [[User:Example]] on the English Wikipedia.
This module is not for direct usage from the command prompt.
In code, the usage is as follows:
>>> exampleUser = User("en", 'Example')
>>> wikipedia.output(exampleUser.getUserPage().get())
>>> wikipedia.output(exampleUser.getUserPage('Lipsum').get())
>>> wikipedia.output(exampleUser.getUserTalkPage().get())
# unit tests
import tests.test_userlib
import unittest