# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Allows access to the bot account's watchlist.
The function refresh() downloads the current watchlist and saves
it to disk. It is run automatically when a bot first tries to save a page
retrieved via XML Export. The watchlist can be updated manually by running
this script. The list will also be reloaded automatically once a month.
Syntax: python watchlist [-all]
Command line options:
-all - Reloads watchlists for all wikis where a watchlist is already
-new - Load watchlists for all wikis where accounts is setting in user-config.py
# (C) Daniel Herding, 2005
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__='$Id: watchlist.py 8105 2010-04-18 12:16:23Z alexsh $'
import wikipedia
import re, sys, pickle
import os.path
import time
cache = {}
def get(site = None):
if site is None:
site = wikipedia.getSite()
if site in cache:
# Use cached copy if it exists.
watchlist = cache[site]
fn = wikipedia.config.datafilepath('watchlists',
'watchlist-%s-%s.dat' % (site.family.name, site.lang))
# find out how old our saved dump is (in seconds)
file_age = time.time() - os.path.getmtime(fn)
# if it's older than 1 month, reload it
if file_age > 30 * 24 * 60 * 60:
wikipedia.output(u'Copy of watchlist is one month old, reloading')
except OSError:
# no saved watchlist exists yet, retrieve one
f = open(fn, 'r')
watchlist = pickle.load(f)
# create cached copy
cache[site] = watchlist
return watchlist
def isWatched(pageName, site=None):
watchlist = get(site)
return pageName in watchlist
def refresh(site, sysop=False):
if not site.has_api() or site.versionnumber() < 10:
# get watchlist special page's URL
if not site.loggedInAs(sysop=sysop):
params = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'watchlist',
'wllimit': wikipedia.config.special_page_limit,
'wlprop': 'title',
wikipedia.output(u'Retrieving watchlist for %s via API.' % repr(site))
#wikipedia.put_throttle() # It actually is a get, but a heavy one.
watchlist = []
while True:
data = wikipedia.query.GetData(params, site, sysop=sysop)
if 'error' in data:
raise RuntimeError('ERROR: %s' % data)
watchlist.extend([w['title'] for w in data['query']['watchlist']])
if 'query-continue' in data:
params['wlstart'] = data['query-continue']['watchlist']['wlstart']
# Save the watchlist to disk
# The file is stored in the watchlists subdir. Create if necessary.
if sysop:
f = open(wikipedia.config.datafilepath('watchlists',
'watchlist-%s-%s-sysop.dat' % (site.family.name, site.lang)), 'w')
f = open(wikipedia.config.datafilepath('watchlists',
'watchlist-%s-%s.dat' % (site.family.name, site.lang)), 'w')
pickle.dump(watchlist, f)
def _refreshOld(site, sysop=False):
# get watchlist special page's URL
path = site.watchlist_address()
wikipedia.output(u'Retrieving watchlist for %s' % repr(site))
#wikipedia.put_throttle() # It actually is a get, but a heavy one.
watchlistHTML = site.getUrl(path, sysop=sysop)
wikipedia.output(u'Parsing watchlist')
watchlist = []
for itemR in [re.compile(r'<li><input type="checkbox" name="id\[\]" value="(.+?)" />'), re.compile(r'<li><input name="titles\[\]" type="checkbox" value="(.+?)" />')]:
for m in itemR.finditer(watchlistHTML):
pageName = m.group(1)
# Save the watchlist to disk
# The file is stored in the watchlists subdir. Create if necessary.
if sysop:
f = open(wikipedia.config.datafilepath('watchlists',
'watchlist-%s-%s-sysop.dat' % (site.family.name, site.lang)), 'w')
f = open(wikipedia.config.datafilepath('watchlists',
'watchlist-%s-%s.dat' % (site.family.name, site.lang)), 'w')
pickle.dump(watchlist, f)
def refresh_all(new = False, sysop=False):
if new:
import config
wikipedia.output('Downloading All watchlists for your accounts in user-config.py');
for family in config.usernames:
for lang in config.usernames[ family ]:
refresh(wikipedia.getSite( code = lang, fam = family ), sysop=sysop )
for family in config.sysopnames:
for lang in config.sysopnames[ family ]:
refresh(wikipedia.getSite( code = lang, fam = family ), sysop=sysop )
import dircache, time
filenames = dircache.listdir(wikipedia.config.datafilepath('watchlists'))
watchlist_filenameR = re.compile('watchlist-([a-z\-:]+).dat')
for filename in filenames:
match = watchlist_filenameR.match(filename)
if match:
arr = match.group(1).split('-')
family = arr[0]
lang = '-'.join(arr[1:])
refresh(wikipedia.getSite(code = lang, fam = family))
def main():
all = False
new = False
sysop = False
for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
if arg == '-all' or arg == '-update':
all = True
elif arg == '-new':
new = True
elif arg == '-sysop':
sysop = True
if all:
elif new:
refresh_all(new, sysop=sysop)
refresh(wikipedia.getSite(), sysop=sysop)
watchlist = get(wikipedia.getSite())
wikipedia.output(u'%i pages in the watchlist.' % len(watchlist))
for pageName in watchlist:
wikipedia.output( pageName, toStdout = True )
if __name__ == "__main__":