# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Library to get and put pages on a MediaWiki.
Contents of the library (objects and functions to be used outside)
Page(site, title): A page on a MediaWiki site
ImagePage(site, title): An image descriptor Page
Site(lang, fam): A MediaWiki site
Factory functions:
Family(name): Import the named family
getSite(lang, fam): Return a Site instance
Error: Base class for all exceptions in this module
NoUsername: Username is not in user-config.py
NoPage: Page does not exist on the wiki
NoSuchSite: Site does not exist
IsRedirectPage: Page is a redirect page
IsNotRedirectPage: Page is not a redirect page
LockedPage: Page is locked
SectionError: The section specified in the Page title does not exist
PageNotSaved: Saving the page has failed
EditConflict: PageNotSaved due to edit conflict while uploading
SpamfilterError: PageNotSaved due to MediaWiki spam filter
LongPageError: PageNotSaved due to length limit
ServerError: Got unexpected response from wiki server
BadTitle: Server responded with BadTitle
UserBlocked: Client's username or IP has been blocked
PageNotFound: Page not found in list
get_throttle: Call to limit rate of read-access to wiki
put_throttle: Call to limit rate of write-access to wiki
Other functions:
getall(): Load a group of pages via Special:Export
handleArgs(): Process all standard command line arguments (such as
-family, -lang, -log and others)
translate(xx, dict): dict is a dictionary, giving text depending on
language, xx is a language. Returns the text in the most applicable
language for the xx: wiki
setAction(text): Use 'text' instead of "Wikipedia python library" in
edit summaries
setUserAgent(text): Sets the string being passed to the HTTP server as
the User-agent: header. Defaults to 'Pywikipediabot/1.0'.
output(text): Prints the text 'text' in the encoding of the user's
console. **Use this instead of "print" statements**
input(text): Asks input from the user, printing the text 'text' first.
inputChoice: Shows user a list of choices and returns user's selection.
showDiff(oldtext, newtext): Prints the differences between oldtext and
newtext on the screen
Wikitext manipulation functions: each of these takes a unicode string
containing wiki text as its first argument, and returns a modified version
of the text unless otherwise noted --
replaceExcept: replace all instances of 'old' by 'new', skipping any
instances of 'old' within comments and other special text blocks
removeDisabledParts: remove text portions exempt from wiki markup
isDisabled(text,index): return boolean indicating whether text[index] is
within a non-wiki-markup section of text
decodeEsperantoX: decode Esperanto text using the x convention.
encodeEsperantoX: convert wikitext to the Esperanto x-encoding.
sectionencode: encode text for use as a section title in wiki-links.
findmarker(text, startwith, append): return a string which is not part
of text
expandmarker(text, marker, separator): return marker string expanded
backwards to include separator occurrences plus whitespace
Wikitext manipulation functions for interlanguage links:
getLanguageLinks(text,xx): extract interlanguage links from text and
return in a dict
removeLanguageLinks(text): remove all interlanguage links from text
removeLanguageLinksAndSeparator(text, site, marker, separator = ''):
remove language links, whitespace, preceeding separators from text
replaceLanguageLinks(oldtext, new): remove the language links and
replace them with links from a dict like the one returned by
interwikiFormat(links): convert a dict of interlanguage links to text
(using same dict format as getLanguageLinks)
interwikiSort(sites, inSite): sorts a list of sites according to interwiki
sort preference of inSite.
url2link: Convert urlname of a wiki page into interwiki link format.
Wikitext manipulation functions for category links:
getCategoryLinks(text): return list of Category objects corresponding
to links in text
removeCategoryLinks(text): remove all category links from text
replaceCategoryLinksAndSeparator(text, site, marker, separator = ''):
remove language links, whitespace, preceeding separators from text
replaceCategoryLinks(oldtext,new): replace the category links in oldtext by
those in a list of Category objects
replaceCategoryInPlace(text,oldcat,newtitle): replace a single link to
oldcat with a link to category given by newtitle
categoryFormat(links): return a string containing links to all
Categories in a list.
Unicode utility functions:
UnicodeToAsciiHtml: Convert unicode to a bytestring using HTML entities.
url2unicode: Convert url-encoded text to unicode using a site's encoding.
unicode2html: Ensure unicode string is encodable; if not, convert it to
html2unicode: Replace HTML entities in text with unicode characters.
stopme(): Put this on a bot when it is not or not communicating with the Wiki
any longer. It will remove the bot from the list of running processes,
and thus not slow down other bot threads anymore.
from __future__ import generators
# (C) Pywikipedia bot team, 2003-2010
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: wikipedia.py 8197 2010-05-19 18:51:33Z xqt $'
import os, sys
import httplib, socket, urllib, urllib2, cookielib
import traceback
import time, threading, Queue
import math
import re, codecs, difflib, locale
from hashlib import md5
except ImportError: # Python 2.4 compatibility
from md5 import new
import xml.sax, xml.sax.handler
import htmlentitydefs
import warnings
import unicodedata
import xmlreader
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup,BeautifulStoneSoup,SoupStrainer
import weakref
# Splitting the bot into library parts
from pywikibot import *
# Set the locale to system default. This will ensure correct string
# handling for non-latin characters on Python 2.3.x. For Python 2.4.x it's no
# longer needed.
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
import config, login, query, version
set # introduced in Python2.4: faster and future
except NameError:
from sets import Set
# Check Unicode support (is this a wide or narrow python build?)
# See http://www.python.org/doc/peps/pep-0261/
unichr(66365) # a character in th: alphabet, uses 32 bit encoding
except ValueError:
SaxError = xml.sax._exceptions.SAXParseException
# Pre-compile re expressions
reNamespace = re.compile("^(.+?) *: *(.*)$")
Rwatch = re.compile(
r"<input type='hidden' value=\"(.*?)\" name=\"wpEditToken\"")
Rwatchlist = re.compile(r"<input tabindex='[\d]+' type='checkbox' "
r"name='wpWatchthis' checked='checked'")
Rlink = re.compile(r'\[\[(?P<title>[^\]\|\[]*)(\|[^\]]*)?\]\]')
resectiondecodeescapes = re.compile(r"\.(?=[0-9a-f]{2})",re.I)
resectiondecodeleadingnonalpha = re.compile(r'^x(?=[^a-zA-Z])')
class Page(object):
"""Page: A MediaWiki page
Constructor has two required parameters:
1) The wiki Site on which the page resides [note that, if the
title is in the form of an interwiki link, the Page object may
have a different Site than this]
2) The title of the page as a unicode string
Optional parameters:
insite - the wiki Site where this link was found (to help decode
interwiki links)
defaultNamespace - A namespace to use if the link does not contain one
Methods available:
title : The name of the page, including namespace and
section if any
urlname : Title, in a form suitable for a URL
namespace : The namespace in which the page is found
titleWithoutNamespace : Title, with the namespace part removed
section : The section of the page (the part of the title
after '#', if any)
sectionFreeTitle : Title, without the section part
aslink : Title in the form [[Title]] or [[lang:Title]]
site : The wiki this page is in
encoding : The encoding of the page
isAutoTitle : Title can be translated using the autoFormat method
autoFormat : Auto-format certain dates and other standard
format page titles
isCategory : True if the page is a category
isDisambig (*) : True if the page is a disambiguation page
isImage : True if the page is an image
isRedirectPage (*) : True if the page is a redirect, false otherwise
getRedirectTarget (*) : The page the page redirects to
isTalkPage : True if the page is in any "talk" namespace
toggleTalkPage : Return the talk page (if this is one, return the
non-talk page)
get (*) : The text of the page
latestRevision (*) : The page's current revision id
userName : Last user to edit page
isIpEdit : True if last editor was unregistered
editTime : Timestamp of the last revision to the page
previousRevision (*) : The revision id of the previous version
permalink (*) : The url of the permalink of the current version
getOldVersion(id) (*) : The text of a previous version of the page
getRestrictions : Returns a protection dictionary
getVersionHistory : Load the version history information from wiki
getVersionHistoryTable: Create a wiki table from the history data
fullVersionHistory : Return all past versions including wikitext
contributingUsers : Return set of users who have edited page
exists (*) : True if the page actually exists, false otherwise
isEmpty (*) : True if the page has 4 characters or less content,
not counting interwiki and category links
interwiki (*) : The interwiki links from the page (list of Pages)
categories (*) : The categories the page is in (list of Pages)
linkedPages (*) : The normal pages linked from the page (list of
imagelinks (*) : The pictures on the page (list of ImagePages)
templates (*) : All templates referenced on the page (list of
templatesWithParams(*): All templates on the page, with list of parameters
getReferences : List of pages linking to the page
canBeEdited (*) : True if page is unprotected or user has edit
protection(*) : This page protection level
botMayEdit (*) : True if bot is allowed to edit page
put(newtext) : Saves the page
put_async(newtext) : Queues the page to be saved asynchronously
move : Move the page to another title
delete : Deletes the page (requires being logged in)
protect : Protect or unprotect a page (requires sysop status)
removeImage : Remove all instances of an image from this page
replaceImage : Replace all instances of an image with another
loadDeletedRevisions : Load all deleted versions of this page
getDeletedRevision : Return a particular deleted revision
markDeletedRevision : Mark a version to be undeleted, or not
undelete : Undelete past version(s) of the page
(*) : This loads the page if it has not been loaded before; permalink might
even reload it if it has been loaded before
def __init__(self, site, title, insite=None, defaultNamespace=0):
# if _editrestriction is True, it means that the page has been found
# to have an edit restriction, but we do not know yet whether the
# restriction affects us or not
self._editrestriction = False
if site is None:
site = getSite()
elif type(site) in [str, unicode]:
site = getSite(site)
self._site = site
if not insite:
insite = site
# Convert HTML entities to unicode
t = html2unicode(title)
# Convert URL-encoded characters to unicode
# Sometimes users copy the link to a site from one to another.
# Try both the source site and the destination site to decode.
t = url2unicode(t, site = insite, site2 = site)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise InvalidTitle(u'Bad page title : %s' % t)
# Normalize unicode string to a NFC (composed) format to allow
# proper string comparisons. According to
# http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/branches/REL1_6/phase3/includes/normal/UtfNormal.php?view=markup
# the mediawiki code normalizes everything to NFC, not NFKC
# (which might result in information loss).
t = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', t)
# Clean up the name, it can come from anywhere.
# Replace underscores by spaces, also multiple spaces and underscores with a single space
t = t.replace(u"_", u" ")
while u" " in t:
t = t.replace(u" ", u" ")
# Strip spaces at both ends
t = t.strip(u" ")
# Remove left-to-right and right-to-left markers.
t = t.replace(u'\u200e', '').replace(u'\u200f', '')
# leading colon implies main namespace instead of the default
if t.startswith(':'):
t = t[1:]
self._namespace = 0
self._namespace = defaultNamespace
if not t:
raise InvalidTitle(u"Invalid title '%s'" % title )
self._namespace = defaultNamespace
# This code was adapted from Title.php : secureAndSplit()
# Namespace or interwiki prefix
while True:
m = reNamespace.match(t)
if not m:
p = m.group(1)
lowerNs = p.lower()
ns = self.site().getNamespaceIndex(lowerNs)
if ns:
t = m.group(2)
self._namespace = ns
if lowerNs in self.site().family.langs.keys():
# Interwiki link
t = m.group(2)
# Redundant interwiki prefix to the local wiki
if lowerNs == self.site().lang:
if t == '':
raise Error("Can't have an empty self-link")
self._site = getSite(lowerNs, self.site().family.name)
# If there's an initial colon after the interwiki, that also
# resets the default namespace
if t != '' and t[0] == ':':
self._namespace = 0
t = t[1:]
elif lowerNs in self.site().family.get_known_families(site = self.site()):
if self.site().family.get_known_families(site = self.site())[lowerNs] == self.site().family.name:
t = m.group(2)
# This page is from a different family
if verbose:
output(u"Target link '%s' has different family '%s'" % (title, lowerNs))
if self.site().family.name in ['commons', 'meta']:
#When the source wiki is commons or meta,
#w:page redirects you to w:en:page
otherlang = 'en'
otherlang = self.site().lang
familyName = self.site().family.get_known_families(site = self.site())[lowerNs]
if familyName in ['commons', 'meta']:
otherlang = familyName
self._site = getSite(otherlang, familyName)
except ValueError:
raise NoPage("""\
%s is not a local page on %s, and the %s family is
not supported by PyWikipediaBot!"""
% (title, self.site(), familyName))
t = m.group(2)
# If there's no recognized interwiki or namespace,
# then let the colon expression be part of the title.
sectionStart = t.find(u'#')
# Categories does not have sections.
# But maybe there are magic words like {{#time|}}
# TODO: recognize magic word and templates inside links
# see http://la.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=997_Priska&diff=prev&oldid=1038880
if sectionStart > 0 and self._namespace not in [14]:
self._section = t[sectionStart+1 : ].lstrip(" ")
self._section = sectionencode(self._section,
if not self._section:
self._section = None
t = t[ : sectionStart].rstrip(" ")
elif sectionStart == 0:
raise InvalidTitle(u"Invalid title starting with a #: '%s'" % t)
self._section = None
if t:
if not self.site().nocapitalize:
t = t[:1].upper() + t[1:]
# reassemble the title from its parts
if self._namespace != 0:
t = self.site().namespace(self._namespace) + u':' + t
if self._section:
t += u'#' + self._section
self._title = t
self.editRestriction = None
self.moveRestriction = None
self._permalink = None
self._userName = None
self._ipedit = None
self._editTime = '0'
self._startTime = '0'
# For the Flagged Revisions MediaWiki extension
self._revisionId = None
self._deletedRevs = None
except NoSuchSite:
if verbose:
output(u"Exception in Page constructor")
u"site=%s, title=%s, insite=%s, defaultNamespace=%i"
% (site, title, insite, defaultNamespace)
def site(self):
"""Return the Site object for the wiki on which this Page resides."""
return self._site
def encoding(self):
"""Return the character encoding used on this Page's wiki Site."""
return self._site.encoding()
def title(self, underscore = False, savetitle = False, decode=False):
"""Return the title of this Page, as a Unicode string.
If underscore is True, replace all ' ' characters with '_'.
If savetitle is True, encode any wiki syntax in the title.
If decode is True, decodes the section title
title = self._title
if decode:
begin = title.find('#')
if begin != -1:
anchor = self.section(underscore = underscore, decode = True)
title = title[:begin + 1] + anchor
if savetitle:
# Ensure there's no wiki syntax in the title
title = title.replace(u"''", u'%27%27')
if underscore:
title = title.replace(' ', '_')
return title
def titleWithoutNamespace(self, underscore=False):
"""Return title of Page without namespace and without section."""
if self.namespace() == 0:
return self.sectionFreeTitle(underscore=underscore)
return self.sectionFreeTitle(underscore=underscore).split(':', 1)[1]
def titleForFilename(self):
Return the title of the page in a form suitable for a filename on
the user's file system.
result = self.title()
# Replace characters that are not possible in file names on some
# systems.
# Spaces are possible on most systems, but are bad for URLs.
for forbiddenChar in ':*?/\\ ':
result = result.replace(forbiddenChar, '_')
return result
def section(self, underscore = False, decode=False):
"""Return the name of the section this Page refers to.
The section is the part of the title following a '#' character, if any.
If no section is present, return None.
section = self._section
if section and decode:
section = resectiondecodeleadingnonalpha.sub('',section)
section = resectiondecodeescapes.sub('%',section)
section = url2unicode(section, self._site)
if not underscore:
section = section.replace('_', ' ')
return section
def sectionFreeTitle(self, underscore=False):
"""Return the title of this Page, without the section (if any)."""
sectionName = self.section(underscore=underscore)
title = self.title(underscore=underscore)
if sectionName:
return title[:-len(sectionName)-1]
return title
def urlname(self):
"""Return the Page title encoded for use in an URL."""
title = self.title(underscore = True)
encodedTitle = title.encode(self.site().encoding())
return urllib.quote(encodedTitle)
def __str__(self):
"""Return a console representation of the pagelink."""
return self.aslink().encode(config.console_encoding, 'replace')
def __repr__(self):
"""Return a more complete string representation."""
return "%s{%s}" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
def aslink(self, forceInterwiki=False, textlink=False, noInterwiki=False):
"""Return a string representation in the form of a wikilink.
If forceInterwiki is True, return an interwiki link even if it
points to the home wiki. If False, return an interwiki link only if
If textlink is True, always return a link in text form (that is,
interwiki links and internal links to the Category: and Image:
namespaces will be preceded by a : character).
if not noInterwiki and (forceInterwiki or self._site != getSite()):
colon = ""
if textlink:
colon = ":"
if self._site.family != getSite().family \
and self._site.family.name != self._site.lang:
return u'[[%s%s:%s:%s]]' % (colon, self._site.family.name,
return u'[[%s%s:%s]]' % (colon, self._site.lang,
self.title(savetitle=True, decode=True))
elif textlink and (self.isImage() or self.isCategory()):
return u'[[:%s]]' % self.title(savetitle=True, decode=True)
return u'[[%s]]' % self.title(savetitle=True, decode=True)
def autoFormat(self):
"""Return (dictName, value) if title is in date.autoFormat dictionary.
Value can be a year, date, etc., and dictName is 'YearBC',
'Year_December', or another dictionary name. Please note that two
entries may have exactly the same autoFormat, but be in two
different namespaces, as some sites have categories with the
same names. Regular titles return (None, None).
if not hasattr(self, '_autoFormat'):
import date
_autoFormat = date.getAutoFormat(self.site().language(),
return _autoFormat
def isAutoTitle(self):
"""Return True if title of this Page is in the autoFormat dictionary."""
return self.autoFormat()[0] is not None
def get(self, force=False, get_redirect=False, throttle=True,
sysop=False, change_edit_time=True):
"""Return the wiki-text of the page.
This will retrieve the page from the server if it has not been
retrieved yet, or if force is True. This can raise the following
exceptions that should be caught by the calling code:
NoPage: The page does not exist
IsRedirectPage: The page is a redirect. The argument of the
exception is the title of the page it redirects to.
SectionError: The subject does not exist on a page with a # link
If get_redirect is True, return the redirect text and save the
target of the redirect, do not raise an exception.
If force is True, reload all page attributes, including
If change_edit_time is False, do not check this version for changes
before saving. This should be used only if the page has been loaded
# NOTE: The following few NoPage exceptions could already be thrown at
# the Page() constructor. They are raised here instead for convenience,
# because all scripts are prepared for NoPage exceptions raised by
# get(), but not for such raised by the constructor.
# \ufffd represents a badly encoded character, the other characters are
# disallowed by MediaWiki.
for illegalChar in u'#<>[]|{}\n\ufffd':
if illegalChar in self.sectionFreeTitle():
if verbose:
output(u'Illegal character in %s!' % self.aslink())
raise NoPage('Illegal character in %s!' % self.aslink())
if self.namespace() == -1:
raise NoPage('%s is in the Special namespace!' % self.aslink())
if self.site().isInterwikiLink(self.title()):
raise NoPage('%s is not a local page on %s!'
% (self.aslink(), self.site()))
if force:
# When forcing, we retry the page no matter what. Old exceptions
# and contents do not apply any more.
for attr in ['_redirarg', '_getexception', '_contents']:
if hasattr(self, attr):
# Make sure we re-raise an exception we got on an earlier attempt
if hasattr(self, '_redirarg') and not get_redirect:
raise IsRedirectPage, self._redirarg
elif hasattr(self, '_getexception'):
if self._getexception == IsRedirectPage and get_redirect:
raise self._getexception
# Make sure we did try to get the contents once
if not hasattr(self, '_contents'):
self._contents = self._getEditPage(get_redirect = get_redirect, throttle = throttle, sysop = sysop)
hn = self.section()
if hn:
m = re.search("=+ *%s *=+" % hn, self._contents)
if verbose and not m:
output(u"WARNING: Section does not exist: %s" % self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
# Store any exceptions for later reference
except NoPage:
self._getexception = NoPage
except IsRedirectPage, arg:
self._getexception = IsRedirectPage
self._redirarg = arg
if not get_redirect:
except SectionError:
self._getexception = SectionError
except UserBlocked:
if self.site().loggedInAs(sysop=sysop):
raise UserBlocked(self.site(), self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
if verbose:
output("The IP address is blocked, retry by login.")
return self.get(force, get_redirect, throttle, sysop, change_edit_time)
return self._contents
def _getEditPage(self, get_redirect=False, throttle=True, sysop=False,
oldid=None, change_edit_time=True):
"""Get the contents of the Page via API query
Do not use this directly, use get() instead.
oldid - Retrieve an old revision (by id), not the current one
get_redirect - Get the contents, even if it is a redirect page
This method returns the raw wiki text as a unicode string.
if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 12:
return self._getEditPageOld(get_redirect, throttle, sysop, oldid, change_edit_time)
params = {
'action': 'query',
'titles': self.title(),
'prop': ['revisions', 'info'],
'rvprop': ['content', 'ids', 'flags', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment', 'size'],
'rvlimit': 1,
'inprop': ['protection', 'talkid', 'subjectid', 'url', 'readable'],
#'intoken': 'edit',
if oldid:
params['rvstartid'] = oldid
if throttle:
textareaFound = False
# retrying loop is done by query.GetData
data = query.GetData(params, self.site(), sysop=sysop)
if 'error' in data:
raise RuntimeError("API query error: %s" % data)
if not 'pages' in data['query']:
raise RuntimeError("API query error, no pages found: %s" % data)
pageInfo = data['query']['pages'].values()[0]
if data['query']['pages'].keys()[0] == "-1":
if 'missing' in pageInfo:
raise NoPage(self.site(), self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True),"Page does not exist. In rare cases, if you are certain the page does exist, look into overriding family.RversionTab" )
elif 'invalid' in pageInfo:
raise BadTitle('BadTitle: %s' % self)
elif 'revisions' in pageInfo: #valid Title
lastRev = pageInfo['revisions'][0]
if lastRev['*'] is not None:
textareaFound = True
# I got page date with 'revisions' in pageInfo but
# lastRev['*'] = False instead of the content. The Page itself was
# deleted but there was not 'missing' in pageInfo as expected
# I raise a ServerError() yet, but maybe it should be NoPage().
if not textareaFound:
raise ServerError('ServerError: No textarea found in %s' % self)
self.editRestriction = ''
self.moveRestriction = ''
# Note: user may be hidden and mw returns 'userhidden' flag
if 'userhidden' in lastRev:
self._userName = None
self._userName = lastRev['user']
for restr in pageInfo['protection']:
if restr['type'] == 'edit':
self.editRestriction = restr['level']
elif restr['type'] == 'move':
self.moveRestriction = restr['level']
self._revisionId = lastRev['revid']
if change_edit_time:
self._editTime = parsetime2stamp(lastRev['timestamp'])
if "starttimestamp" in pageInfo:
self._startTime = parsetime2stamp(pageInfo["starttimestamp"])
self._isWatched = False #cannot handle in API in my research for now.
pagetext = lastRev['*']
pagetext = pagetext.rstrip()
# pagetext must not decodeEsperantoX() if loaded via API
m = self.site().redirectRegex().match(pagetext)
if m:
# page text matches the redirect pattern
if self.section() and not "#" in m.group(1):
redirtarget = "%s#%s" % (m.group(1), self.section())
redirtarget = m.group(1)
if get_redirect:
self._redirarg = redirtarget
raise IsRedirectPage(redirtarget)
if self.section():
# TODO: What the hell is this? Docu please.
m = re.search("\.3D\_*(\.27\.27+)?(\.5B\.5B)?\_*%s\_*(\.5B\.5B)?(\.27\.27+)?\_*\.3D" % re.escape(self.section()), sectionencode(pageInfo['revisions'][0]['*'],self.site().encoding()))
if not m:
except AttributeError:
raise SectionError # Page has no section by this name
return pagetext
def _getEditPageOld(self, get_redirect=False, throttle=True, sysop=False,
oldid=None, change_edit_time=True):
"""Get the contents of the Page via the edit page."""
if verbose:
output(u'Getting page %s' % self.aslink())
path = self.site().edit_address(self.urlname())
if oldid:
path += "&oldid="+oldid
# Make sure Brion doesn't get angry by waiting if the last time a page
# was retrieved was not long enough ago.
if throttle:
textareaFound = False
retry_idle_time = 1
while not textareaFound:
text = self.site().getUrl(path, sysop = sysop)
if "<title>Wiki does not exist</title>" in text:
raise NoSuchSite(u'Wiki %s does not exist yet' % self.site())
# Extract the actual text from the textarea
m1 = re.search('<textarea([^>]*)>', text)
m2 = re.search('</textarea>', text)
if m1 and m2:
i1 = m1.end()
i2 = m2.start()
textareaFound = True
# search for messages with no "view source" (aren't used in new versions)
if self.site().mediawiki_message('whitelistedittitle') in text:
raise NoPage(u'Page editing is forbidden for anonymous users.')
elif self.site().has_mediawiki_message('nocreatetitle') and self.site().mediawiki_message('nocreatetitle') in text:
raise NoPage(self.site(), self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
# Bad title
elif 'var wgPageName = "Special:Badtitle";' in text \
or self.site().mediawiki_message('badtitle') in text:
raise BadTitle('BadTitle: %s' % self)
# find out if the username or IP has been blocked
elif self.site().isBlocked():
raise UserBlocked(self.site(), self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
# If there is no text area and the heading is 'View Source'
# but user is not blocked, the page does not exist, and is
# locked
elif self.site().mediawiki_message('viewsource') in text:
raise NoPage(self.site(), self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
# Some of the newest versions don't have a "view source" tag for
# non-existant pages
# Check also the div class because if the language is not english
# the bot can not seeing that the page is blocked.
elif self.site().mediawiki_message('badaccess') in text or \
"<div class=\"permissions-errors\">" in text:
raise NoPage(self.site(), self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
elif config.retry_on_fail:
if "<title>Wikimedia Error</title>" in text:
output( u"Wikimedia has technical problems; will retry in %i minutes." % retry_idle_time)
output( unicode(text) )
# We assume that the server is down. Wait some time, then try again.
output( u"WARNING: No text area found on %s%s. Maybe the server is down. Retrying in %i minutes..." % (self.site().hostname(), path, retry_idle_time) )
time.sleep(retry_idle_time * 60)
# Next time wait longer, but not longer than half an hour
retry_idle_time *= 2
if retry_idle_time > 30:
retry_idle_time = 30
output( u"Failed to access wiki")
# Check for restrictions
m = re.search('var wgRestrictionEdit = \\["(\w+)"\\]', text)
if m:
if verbose:
output(u"DBG> page is locked for group %s" % m.group(1))
self.editRestriction = m.group(1);
self.editRestriction = ''
m = re.search('var wgRestrictionMove = \\["(\w+)"\\]', text)
if m:
self.moveRestriction = m.group(1);
self.moveRestriction = ''
m = re.search('name=["\']baseRevId["\'] type=["\']hidden["\'] value="(\d+)"', text)
if m:
self._revisionId = m.group(1)
if change_edit_time:
# Get timestamps
m = re.search('value="(\d+)" name=["\']wpEdittime["\']', text)
if m:
self._editTime = m.group(1)
self._editTime = "0"
m = re.search('value="(\d+)" name=["\']wpStarttime["\']', text)
if m:
self._startTime = m.group(1)
self._startTime = "0"
# Find out if page actually exists. Only existing pages have a
# version history tab.
if self.site().family.RversionTab(self.site().language()):
# In case a family does not have version history tabs, or in
# another form
RversionTab = re.compile(self.site().family.RversionTab(self.site().language()))
RversionTab = re.compile(r'<li id="ca-history"><a href=".*?title=.*?&action=history".*?>.*?</a></li>', re.DOTALL)
matchVersionTab = RversionTab.search(text)
if not matchVersionTab and not self.site().family.name == 'wikitravel':
raise NoPage(self.site(), self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True),"Page does not exist. In rare cases, if you are certain the page does exist, look into overriding family.RversionTab" )
# Look if the page is on our watchlist
matchWatching = Rwatchlist.search(text)
if matchWatching:
self._isWatched = True
self._isWatched = False
# Now process the contents of the textarea
# Unescape HTML characters, strip whitespace
pagetext = text[i1:i2]
pagetext = unescape(pagetext)
pagetext = pagetext.rstrip()
if self.site().lang == 'eo':
pagetext = decodeEsperantoX(pagetext)
m = self.site().redirectRegex().match(pagetext)
if m:
# page text matches the redirect pattern
if self.section() and not "#" in m.group(1):
redirtarget = "%s#%s" % (m.group(1), self.section())
redirtarget = m.group(1)
if get_redirect:
self._redirarg = redirtarget
raise IsRedirectPage(redirtarget)
if self.section():
# TODO: What the hell is this? Docu please.
m = re.search("\.3D\_*(\.27\.27+)?(\.5B\.5B)?\_*%s\_*(\.5B\.5B)?(\.27\.27+)?\_*\.3D" % re.escape(self.section()), sectionencode(text,self.site().encoding()))
if not m:
except AttributeError:
raise SectionError # Page has no section by this name
return pagetext
def getOldVersion(self, oldid, force=False, get_redirect=False,
throttle=True, sysop=False, change_edit_time=True):
"""Return text of an old revision of this page; same options as get()."""
# TODO: should probably check for bad pagename, NoPage, and other
# exceptions that would prevent retrieving text, as get() does
# TODO: should this default to change_edit_time = False? If we're not
# getting the current version, why change the timestamps?
return self._getEditPage(
get_redirect=get_redirect, throttle=throttle,
sysop=sysop, oldid=oldid,
def permalink(self):
"""Return the permalink URL for current revision of this page."""
return "%s://%s%s&oldid=%i" % (self.site().protocol(),
def latestRevision(self):
"""Return the latest revision id for this page."""
if not self._permalink:
# When we get the page with getall, the permalink is received
# automatically
# Check for exceptions
if hasattr(self, '_getexception'):
raise self._getexception
return int(self._permalink)
def previousRevision(self):
"""Return the revision id for the previous revision of this Page."""
vh = self.getVersionHistory(revCount=2)
return vh[1][0]
def exists(self):
"""Return True if page exists on the wiki, even if it's a redirect.
If the title includes a section, return False if this section isn't
except NoPage:
return False
except IsRedirectPage:
return True
except SectionError:
return False
return True
def pageAPInfo(self):
"""Return the last revid if page exists on the wiki,
Raise IsRedirectPage if it's a redirect
Raise NoPage if the page doesn't exist
Using the API should be a lot faster.
Function done in order to improve the scripts performance.
params = {
'action' :'query',
'prop' :'info',
'titles' :self.title(),
data = query.GetData(params, self.site(), encodeTitle = False)['query']['pages'].values()[0]
if 'redirect' in data:
raise IsRedirectPage
elif 'missing' in data:
raise NoPage
elif 'lastrevid' in data:
return data['lastrevid'] # if ok, return the last revid
# should not exists, OR we have problems.
# better double check in this situations
x = self.get()
return True # if we reach this point, we had no problems.
def getTemplates(self, tllimit = 5000):
#action=query&prop=templates&titles=Main Page
Returns the templates that are used in the page given by API.
If no templates found, returns None.
params = {
'action': 'query',
'prop': 'templates',
'titles': self.title(),
'tllimit': tllimit,
if tllimit > config.special_page_limit:
params['tllimit'] = config.special_page_limit
if tllimit > 5000 and self.site.isAllowed('apihighlimits'):
params['tllimit'] = 5000
tmpsFound = []
count = 0
while True:
data = query.GetData(params, self.site(), encodeTitle = False)['query']['pages'].values()[0]
if "templates" not in data:
return []
for tmp in data['templates']:
count += 1
tmpsFound.append(Page(self.site(), tmp['title'], defaultNamespace=tmp['ns']) )
if count >= tllimit:
if 'query-continue' in data and count < tllimit:
params["tlcontinue"] = data["query-continue"]["templates"]["tlcontinue"]
return tmpsFound
def isRedirectPage(self):
"""Return True if this is a redirect, False if not or not existing."""
except NoPage:
return False
except IsRedirectPage:
return True
except SectionError:
return False
return False
def isEmpty(self):
"""Return True if the page text has less than 4 characters.
Character count ignores language links and category links.
Can raise the same exceptions as get().
txt = self.get()
txt = removeLanguageLinks(txt, site = self.site())
txt = removeCategoryLinks(txt, site = self.site())
if len(txt) < 4:
return True
return False
def isTalkPage(self):
"""Return True if this page is in any talk namespace."""
ns = self.namespace()
return ns >= 0 and ns % 2 == 1
def botMayEdit(self, username):
"""Return True if this page allows bots to edit it.
This will be True if the page doesn't contain {{bots}} or
{{nobots}}, or it contains them and the active bot is allowed to
edit this page. (This method is only useful on those sites that
recognize the bot-exclusion protocol; on other sites, it will always
return True.)
The framework enforces this restriction by default. It is possible
to override this by setting ignore_bot_templates=True in
user_config.py, or using page.put(force=True).
if self.site().family.name == 'wikitravel': # Wikitravel's bot control.
if config.ignore_bot_templates: #Check the "master ignore switch"
return True
templates = self.templatesWithParams(get_redirect=True);
except (NoPage, IsRedirectPage, SectionError):
return True
for template in templates:
if template[0].lower() == 'nobots':
return False
elif template[0].lower() == 'bots':
if len(template[1]) == 0:
return True
(type, bots) = template[1][0].split('=', 1)
bots = bots.split(',')
if type == 'allow':
if 'all' in bots or username in bots:
return True
return False
if type == 'deny':
if 'all' in bots or username in bots:
return False
return True
# no restricting template found
return True
def userName(self):
"""Return name or IP address of last user to edit page.
Returns None unless page was retrieved with getAll().
return self._userName
def isIpEdit(self):
"""Return True if last editor was unregistered.
Returns None unless page was retrieved with getAll().
return self._ipedit
def editTime(self):
"""Return timestamp (in MediaWiki format) of last revision to page.
Returns None if last edit time is unknown.
return self._editTime
def namespace(self):
"""Return the number of the namespace of the page.
Only recognizes those namespaces defined in family.py.
If not defined, it will return 0 (the main namespace).
return self._namespace
def isCategory(self):
"""Return True if the page is a Category, False otherwise."""
return self.namespace() == 14
def isImage(self):
"""Return True if this is an image description page, False otherwise."""
return self.namespace() == 6
def isCategoryRedirect(self, text=None):
"""Return True if this is a category redirect page, False otherwise."""
if not self.isCategory():
return False
if not hasattr(self, "_catredirect"):
if not text:
text = self.get(get_redirect=True)
except NoPage:
return False
catredirs = self.site().category_redirects()
for (t, args) in self.templatesWithParams(thistxt=text):
template = Page(self.site(), t, defaultNamespace=10
).titleWithoutNamespace() # normalize title
if template in catredirs:
# Get target (first template argument)
self._catredirect = self.site().namespace(14) + ":" + args[0]
self._catredirect = False
return bool(self._catredirect)
def getCategoryRedirectTarget(self):
"""If this is a category redirect, return the target category title."""
if self.isCategoryRedirect():
import catlib
return catlib.Category(self.site(), self._catredirect)
raise IsNotRedirectPage
def isDisambig(self):
"""Return True if this is a disambiguation page, False otherwise.
Relies on the presence of specific templates, identified in
the Family file or on a wiki page, to identify disambiguation
By default, loads a list of template names from the Family file;
if the value in the Family file is None, looks for the list on
if not hasattr(self, "_isDisambig"):
if not hasattr(self._site, "_disambigtemplates"):
distl = self._site.family.disambig(self._site.lang)
if distl is None:
disambigpages = Page(self._site,
self._site._disambigtemplates = set(
for link in disambigpages.linkedPages()
if link.namespace() == 10
except NoPage:
self._site._disambigtemplates = set(['Disambig'])
# Normalize template capitalization
self._site._disambigtemplates = set(
t[:1].upper() + t[1:] for t in distl
disambigInPage = self._site._disambigtemplates.intersection(self.templates())
self._isDisambig = self.namespace() != 10 and len(disambigInPage) > 0
return self._isDisambig
def getReferences(self, follow_redirects=True, withTemplateInclusion=True,
onlyTemplateInclusion=False, redirectsOnly=False, internal = False):
"""Yield all pages that link to the page by API
If you need a full list of referring pages, use this:
pages = [page for page in s.getReferences()]
* follow_redirects - if True, also returns pages that link to a
redirect pointing to the page.
* withTemplateInclusion - if True, also returns pages where self is
used as a template.
* onlyTemplateInclusion - if True, only returns pages where self is
used as a template.
* redirectsOnly - if True, only returns redirects to self.
if not self.site().has_api():
for s in self.getReferencesOld(follow_redirects, withTemplateInclusion, onlyTemplateInclusion, redirectsOnly):
yield s
params = {
'action': 'query',
'list': [],
if not onlyTemplateInclusion:
params['bltitle'] = self.title()
params['bllimit'] = config.special_page_limit
params['blfilterredir'] = 'all'
if follow_redirects:
params['blredirect'] = 1
if redirectsOnly:
params['blfilterredir'] = 'redirects'
if not self.site().isAllowed('apihighlimits') and config.special_page_limit > 500:
params['bllimit'] = 500
if withTemplateInclusion or onlyTemplateInclusion:
params['eititle'] = self.title()
params['eilimit'] = config.special_page_limit
params['eifilterredir'] = 'all'
if follow_redirects:
params['eiredirect'] = 1
if redirectsOnly:
params['eifilterredir'] = 'redirects'
if not self.site().isAllowed('apihighlimits') and config.special_page_limit > 500:
params['eilimit'] = 500
allDone = False
while not allDone:
if not internal:
output(u'Getting references to %s via API...' % self.aslink())
datas = query.GetData(params, self.site())
data = datas['query'].values()
if len(data) == 2:
data = data[0] + data[1]
data = data[0]
refPages = set()
for blp in data:
pg = Page(self.site(), blp['title'], defaultNamespace = blp['ns'])
if pg in refPages:
yield pg
if follow_redirects and 'redirect' in blp and 'redirlinks' in blp:
for p in blp['redirlinks']:
plk = Page(self.site(), p['title'], defaultNamespace = p['ns'])
if plk in refPages:
yield plk
if follow_redirects and 'redirect' in p:
for zms in plk.getReferences(follow_redirects, withTemplateInclusion,
onlyTemplateInclusion, redirectsOnly, internal=True):
yield zms
if 'query-continue' in datas:
if 'backlinks' in datas['query-continue']:
params['blcontinue'] = datas['query-continue']['backlinks']['blcontinue']
if 'embeddedin' in datas['query-continue']:
params['eicontinue'] = datas['query-continue']['embeddedin']['eicontinue']
allDone = True
def getReferencesOld(self,
follow_redirects=True, withTemplateInclusion=True,
onlyTemplateInclusion=False, redirectsOnly=False):
"""Yield all pages that link to the page.
# Temporary bug-fix while researching more robust solution:
if config.special_page_limit > 999:
config.special_page_limit = 999
site = self.site()
path = self.site().references_address(self.urlname())
if withTemplateInclusion:
if onlyTemplateInclusion:
if redirectsOnly:
content = SoupStrainer("div", id=self.site().family.content_id)
next_msg = self.site().mediawiki_message('whatlinkshere-next')
except KeyError:
next_msg = "next %i" % config.special_page_limit
plural = (config.special_page_limit == 1) and "\\1" or "\\2"
next_msg = re.sub(r"{{PLURAL:\$1\|(.*?)\|(.*?)}}", plural, next_msg)
nextpattern = re.compile("^%s$" % next_msg.replace("$1", "[0-9]+"))
delay = 1
if self.site().has_mediawiki_message("Isredirect"):
self._isredirectmessage = self.site().mediawiki_message("Isredirect")
if self.site().has_mediawiki_message("Istemplate"):
self._istemplatemessage = self.site().mediawiki_message("Istemplate")
# to avoid duplicates:
refPages = set()
while path:
output(u'Getting references to %s' % self.aslink())
txt = self.site().getUrl(path)
body = BeautifulSoup(txt,
next_text = body.find(text=nextpattern)
if next_text is not None and next_text.parent.has_key('href'):
path = next_text.parent['href'].replace("&", "&")
path = ""
reflist = body.find("ul")
if reflist is None:
for page in self._parse_reflist(reflist,
follow_redirects, withTemplateInclusion,
onlyTemplateInclusion, redirectsOnly):
if page not in refPages:
yield page
def _parse_reflist(self, reflist,
follow_redirects=True, withTemplateInclusion=True,
onlyTemplateInclusion=False, redirectsOnly=False):
"""For internal use only
Parse a "Special:Whatlinkshere" list of references and yield Page
objects that meet the criteria (used by getReferences)
for link in reflist("li", recursive=False):
title = link.a.string
if title is None:
output(u"DBG> invalid <li> item in Whatlinkshere: %s" % link)
p = Page(self.site(), title)
except InvalidTitle:
output(u"DBG> Whatlinkshere:%s contains invalid link to %s"
% (self.title(), title))
isredirect, istemplate = False, False
textafter = link.a.findNextSibling(text=True)
if textafter is not None:
if self.site().has_mediawiki_message("Isredirect") \
and self._isredirectmessage in textafter:
# make sure this is really a redirect to this page
# (MediaWiki will mark as a redirect any link that follows
# a #REDIRECT marker, not just the first one).
if p.getRedirectTarget().sectionFreeTitle() == self.sectionFreeTitle():
isredirect = True
if self.site().has_mediawiki_message("Istemplate") \
and self._istemplatemessage in textafter:
istemplate = True
if (withTemplateInclusion or onlyTemplateInclusion or not istemplate
) and (not redirectsOnly or isredirect
) and (not onlyTemplateInclusion or istemplate
yield p
if isredirect and follow_redirects:
sublist = link.find("ul")
if sublist is not None:
for p in self._parse_reflist(sublist,
follow_redirects, withTemplateInclusion,
onlyTemplateInclusion, redirectsOnly):
yield p
def _getActionUser(self, action, restriction = '', sysop = False):
Get the user to do an action: sysop or not sysop, or raise an exception
if the user cannot do that.
* action - the action done, which is the name of the right
* restriction - the restriction level or an empty string for no restriction
* sysop - initially use sysop user?
# Login
self.site().forceLogin(sysop = sysop)
# Check permissions
if not self.site().isAllowed(action, sysop):
if sysop:
raise LockedPage(u'The sysop user is not allowed to %s in site %s' % (action, self.site()))
user = self._getActionUser(action, restriction, sysop = True)
output(u'The user is not allowed to %s on site %s. Using sysop account.' % (action, self.site()))
return user
except NoUsername:
raise LockedPage(u'The user is not allowed to %s on site %s, and no sysop account is defined.' % (action, self.site()))
except LockedPage:
# Check restrictions
if not self.site().isAllowed(restriction, sysop):
if sysop:
raise LockedPage(u'Page on %s is locked in a way that sysop user cannot %s it' % (self.site(), action))
user = self._getActionUser(action, restriction, sysop = True)
output(u'Page is locked on %s - cannot %s, using sysop account.' % (self.site(), action))
return user
except NoUsername:
raise LockedPage(u'Page is locked on %s - cannot %s, and no sysop account is defined.' % (self.site(), action))
except LockedPage:
return sysop
def getRestrictions(self):
Get the protections on the page.
* Returns a restrictions dictionary. Keys are 'edit' and 'move',
Values are None (no restriction for that action) or [level, expiry] :
* level is the level of auth needed to perform that action
('autoconfirmed' or 'sysop')
* expiry is the expiration time of the restriction
#, titles = None
#if titles:
# restrictions = {}
restrictions = { 'edit': None, 'move': None }
api_url = self.site().api_address()
except NotImplementedError:
return restrictions
predata = {
'action': 'query',
'prop': 'info',
'inprop': 'protection',
'titles': self.title(),
#if titles:
# predata['titles'] = titles
text = query.GetData(predata, self.site())['query']['pages']
for pageid in text:
if 'missing' in text[pageid]:
self._getexception = NoPage
raise NoPage('Page %s does not exist' % self.aslink())
elif not 'pageid' in text[pageid]:
# Don't know what may happen here.
# We may want to have better error handling
raise Error("BUG> API problem.")
if text[pageid]['protection'] != []:
#if titles:
# restrictions = dict([ detail['type'], [ detail['level'], detail['expiry'] ] ]
# for detail in text[pageid]['protection'])
restrictions = dict([ detail['type'], [ detail['level'], detail['expiry'] ] ]
for detail in text[pageid]['protection'])
return restrictions
def put_async(self, newtext,
comment=None, watchArticle=None, minorEdit=True, force=False,
"""Put page on queue to be saved to wiki asynchronously.
Asynchronous version of put (takes the same arguments), which places
pages on a queue to be saved by a daemon thread. All arguments are
the same as for .put(), except --
callback: a callable object that will be called after the page put
operation; this object must take two arguments:
(1) a Page object, and (2) an exception instance, which
will be None if the page was saved successfully.
The callback is intended to be used by bots that need to keep track
of which saves were successful.
except (AssertionError, RuntimeError):
page_put_queue.put((self, newtext, comment, watchArticle, minorEdit,
force, callback))
def put(self, newtext, comment=None, watchArticle=None, minorEdit=True,
force=False, sysop=False, botflag=True, maxTries=-1):
"""Save the page with the contents of the first argument as the text.
Optional parameters:
comment: a unicode string that is to be used as the summary for
the modification.
watchArticle: a bool, add or remove this Page to/from bot user's
watchlist (if None, leave watchlist status unchanged)
minorEdit: mark this edit as minor if True
force: ignore botMayEdit() setting.
maxTries: the maximum amount of save attempts. -1 for infinite.
# Login
sysop = self._getActionUser(action = 'edit', restriction = self.editRestriction, sysop = sysop)
username = self.site().loggedInAs()
# Check blocks
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = sysop)
# Determine if we are allowed to edit
if not force:
if not self.botMayEdit(username):
raise LockedPage(
u'Not allowed to edit %s because of a restricting template'
% self.aslink())
elif self.site().has_api() and self.namespace() in [2,3] \
and (self.title().endswith('.css') or \
# API enable: if title ends with .css or .js in ns2,3
# it needs permission 'editusercssjs'
sysop = self._getActionUser(action='editusercssjs',
# If there is an unchecked edit restriction, we need to load the page
if self._editrestriction:
output(u'Page %s is semi-protected. Getting edit page to find out if we are allowed to edit.' % self.aslink())
self.get(force = True, change_edit_time = False)
self._editrestriction = False
# If no comment is given for the change, use the default
comment = comment or action
if config.cosmetic_changes and not self.isTalkPage() and not calledModuleName() == 'cosmetic_changes':
if config.cosmetic_changes_mylang_only:
cc = (self.site().family.name == config.family and self.site().lang == config.mylang) or \
self.site().family.name in config.cosmetic_changes_enable.keys() and \
self.site().lang in config.cosmetic_changes_enable[self.site().family.name]
cc = True
cc = cc and not \
(self.site().family.name in config.cosmetic_changes_disable.keys() and \
self.site().lang in config.cosmetic_changes_disable[self.site().family.name])
if cc:
old = newtext
if verbose:
output(u'Cosmetic Changes for %s-%s enabled.' % (self.site().family.name, self.site().lang))
import cosmetic_changes
ccToolkit = cosmetic_changes.CosmeticChangesToolkit(self.site(), redirect=self.isRedirectPage(), namespace = self.namespace(), pageTitle=self.title())
newtext = ccToolkit.change(newtext)
if comment and old.strip().replace('\r\n', '\n') != newtext.strip().replace('\r\n', '\n'):
comment += translate(self.site(), cosmetic_changes.msg_append)
if watchArticle is None:
# if the page was loaded via get(), we know its status
if hasattr(self, '_isWatched'):
watchArticle = self._isWatched
import watchlist
watchArticle = watchlist.isWatched(self.title(), site = self.site())
newPage = not self.exists()
# if posting to an Esperanto wiki, we must e.g. write Bordeauxx instead
# of Bordeaux
if self.site().lang == 'eo' and not self.site().has_api():
newtext = encodeEsperantoX(newtext)
comment = encodeEsperantoX(comment)
return self._putPage(newtext, comment, watchArticle, minorEdit,
newPage, self.site().getToken(sysop = sysop), sysop = sysop, botflag=botflag, maxTries=maxTries)
def _encodeArg(self, arg, msgForError):
"""Encode an ascii string/Unicode string to the site's encoding"""
return arg.encode(self.site().encoding())
except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
# happens when arg is a non-ascii bytestring :
# when reencoding bytestrings, python decodes first to ascii
e.reason += ' (cannot convert input %s string to unicode)' % msgForError
raise e
except UnicodeEncodeError, e:
# happens when arg is unicode
e.reason += ' (cannot convert %s to wiki encoding %s)' % (msgForError, self.site().encoding())
raise e
def _putPage(self, text, comment=None, watchArticle=False, minorEdit=True,
newPage=False, token=None, newToken=False, sysop=False,
captcha=None, botflag=True, maxTries=-1):
"""Upload 'text' as new content of Page by API
Don't use this directly, use put() instead.
if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 13:
# api not enabled or version not supported
return self._putPageOld(text, comment, watchArticle, minorEdit,
newPage, token, newToken, sysop, captcha, botflag, maxTries)
retry_attempt = 0
retry_delay = 1
dblagged = False
params = {
'action': 'edit',
'title': self.title(),
'text': self._encodeArg(text, 'text'),
'summary': self._encodeArg(comment, 'summary'),
if token:
params['token'] = token
params['token'] = self.site().getToken(sysop = sysop)
# Add server lag parameter (see config.py for details)
if config.maxlag:
params['maxlag'] = str(config.maxlag)
if self._editTime:
params['basetimestamp'] = self._editTime
params['basetimestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
if self._startTime:
params['starttimestamp'] = self._startTime
params['starttimestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
if botflag:
params['bot'] = 1
if minorEdit:
params['minor'] = 1
params['notminor'] = 1
if watchArticle:
params['watch'] = 1
# params['unwatch'] = 1
if captcha:
params['captchaid'] = captcha['id']
params['captchaword'] = captcha['answer']
while True:
if (maxTries == 0):
raise MaxTriesExceededError()
maxTries -= 1
# Check whether we are not too quickly after the previous
# putPage, and wait a bit until the interval is acceptable
if not dblagged:
# Which web-site host are we submitting to?
if newPage:
output(u'Creating page %s via API' % self.aslink())
params['createonly'] = 1
output(u'Updating page %s via API' % self.aslink())
params['nocreate'] = 1
# Submit the prepared information
response, data = query.GetData(params, self.site(), sysop=sysop, back_response = True)
if query.IsString(data):
raise KeyError
except httplib.BadStatusLine, line:
raise PageNotSaved('Bad status line: %s' % line.line)
except ServerError:
retry_attempt += 1
if retry_attempt > config.maxretries:
output(u'Got a server error when putting %s; will retry in %i minute%s.' % (self.aslink(), retry_delay, retry_delay != 1 and "s" or ""))
time.sleep(60 * retry_delay)
retry_delay *= 2
if retry_delay > 30:
retry_delay = 30
except ValueError: # API result cannot decode
output(u"Server error encountered; will retry in %i minute%s."
% (retry_delay, retry_delay != 1 and "s" or ""))
time.sleep(60 * retry_delay)
retry_delay *= 2
if retry_delay > 30:
retry_delay = 30
# If it has gotten this far then we should reset dblagged
dblagged = False
# Check blocks
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = sysop)
# A second text area means that an edit conflict has occured.
if response.code == 500:
output(u"Server error encountered; will retry in %i minute%s."
% (retry_delay, retry_delay != 1 and "s" or ""))
time.sleep(60 * retry_delay)
retry_delay *= 2
if retry_delay > 30:
retry_delay = 30
if 'error' in data:
#All available error key in edit mode: (from ApiBase.php)
# 'noimageredirect-anon':"Anonymous users can't create image redirects",
# 'noimageredirect':"You don't have permission to create image redirects",
# 'filtered':"The filter callback function refused your edit",
# 'noedit-anon':"Anonymous users can't edit pages",
# 'noedit':"You don't have permission to edit pages",
# 'emptypage':"Creating new, empty pages is not allowed",
# 'badmd5':"The supplied MD5 hash was incorrect",
# 'notext':"One of the text, appendtext, prependtext and undo parameters must be set",
# 'emptynewsection':'Creating empty new sections is not possible.',
# 'revwrongpage':"r\$1 is not a revision of ``\$2''",
# 'undofailure':'Undo failed due to conflicting intermediate edits',
#for debug only
if verbose:
output("error occured, code:%s\ninfo:%s\nstatus:%s\nresponse:%s" % (
data['error']['code'], data['error']['info'], response.code, response.msg))
faked = params
if 'text' in faked:
del faked['text']
output("OriginalData:%s" % faked)
del faked
errorCode = data['error']['code']
#cannot handle longpageerror and PageNoSave yet
if errorCode == 'maxlag' or response.code == 503:
# server lag; wait for the lag time and retry
lagpattern = re.compile(r"Waiting for [\d.]+: (?P<lag>\d+) seconds? lagged")
lag = lagpattern.search(data['error']['info'])
timelag = int(lag.group("lag"))
output(u"Pausing %d seconds due to database server lag." % min(timelag,300))
dblagged = True
elif errorCode == 'editconflict':
# 'editconflict':"Edit conflict detected",
raise EditConflict(u'An edit conflict has occured.')
elif errorCode == 'spamdetected':
# 'spamdetected':"Your edit was refused because it contained a spam fragment: ``\$1''",
raise SpamfilterError(data['error']['info'][62:-2])
elif errorCode == 'pagedeleted':
# 'pagedeleted':"The page has been deleted since you fetched its timestamp",
# Make sure your system clock is correct if this error occurs
# without any reason!
# raise EditConflict(u'Someone deleted the page.')
# No raise, simply define these variables and retry:
params['recreate'] = 1
if self._editTime:
params['basetimestamp'] = self._editTime
params['basetimestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
if self._startTime:
params['starttimestamp'] = self._startTime
params['starttimestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
elif errorCode == 'readonly':
# 'readonly':"The wiki is currently in read-only mode"
output(u"The database is currently locked for write access; will retry in %i minute%s."
% (retry_delay, retry_delay != 1 and "s" or ""))
time.sleep(60 * retry_delay)
retry_delay *= 2
if retry_delay > 30:
retry_delay = 30
elif errorCode == 'contenttoobig':
# 'contenttoobig':"The content you supplied exceeds the article size limit of \$1 kilobytes",
raise LongPageError(len(params['text']), int(data['error']['info'][59:-10]))
elif errorCode in ['protectedpage', 'customcssjsprotected', 'cascadeprotected', 'protectednamespace', 'protectednamespace-interface']:
# 'protectedpage':"The ``\$1'' right is required to edit this page"
# 'cascadeprotected':"The page you're trying to edit is protected because it's included in a cascade-protected page"
# 'customcssjsprotected': "You're not allowed to edit custom CSS and JavaScript pages"
# 'protectednamespace': "You're not allowed to edit pages in the ``\$1'' namespace"
# 'protectednamespace-interface':"You're not allowed to edit interface messages"
# The page is locked. This should have already been
# detected when getting the page, but there are some
# reasons why this didn't work, e.g. the page might be
# locked via a cascade lock.
# Page is locked - try using the sysop account, unless we're using one already
if sysop:# Unknown permissions error
raise LockedPage()
self.site().forceLogin(sysop = True)
output(u'Page is locked, retrying using sysop account.')
return self._putPage(text, comment, watchArticle, minorEdit, newPage, token=self.site().getToken(sysop = True), sysop = True)
except NoUsername:
raise LockedPage()
elif errorCode == 'badtoken':
if newToken:
output(u"Edit token has failed. Giving up.")
# We might have been using an outdated token
output(u"Edit token has failed. Retrying.")
return self._putPage(text, comment, watchArticle, minorEdit, newPage, token=self.site().getToken(sysop = sysop, getagain = True), newToken = True, sysop = sysop)
# I think the error message title was changed from "Wikimedia Error"
# to "Wikipedia has a problem", but I'm not sure. Maybe we could
# just check for HTTP Status 500 (Internal Server Error)?
output("Unknown Error. API Error code:%s" % data['error']['code'] )
output("Information:%s" % data['error']['info'])
if data['edit']['result'] == u"Success":
# The status code for update page completed in ordinary mode is 302 - Found
# But API is always 200 - OK because it only send "success" back in string.
# if the page update is successed, we need to return code 302 for cheat script who
# using status code
return 302, response.msg, data['edit']
solve = self.site().solveCaptcha(data)
if solve:
return self._putPage(text, comment, watchArticle, minorEdit, newPage, token, newToken, sysop, captcha=solve)
return response.code, response.msg, data
def _putPageOld(self, text, comment=None, watchArticle=False, minorEdit=True,
newPage=False, token=None, newToken=False, sysop=False,
captcha=None, botflag=True, maxTries=-1):
"""Upload 'text' as new content of Page by filling out the edit form.
Don't use this directly, use put() instead.
host = self.site().hostname()
# Get the address of the page on that host.
address = self.site().put_address(self.urlname())
predata = {
'wpSave': '1',
'wpSummary': self._encodeArg(comment, 'edit summary'),
'wpTextbox1': self._encodeArg(text, 'wikitext'),
# As of October 2008, MW HEAD requires wpSection to be set.
# We will need to fill this more smartly if we ever decide to edit by section
'wpSection': '',
if not botflag:
if captcha:
predata["wpCaptchaId"] = captcha['id']
predata["wpCaptchaWord"] = captcha['answer']
# Add server lag parameter (see config.py for details)
if config.maxlag:
predata['maxlag'] = str(config.maxlag)
# <s>Except if the page is new, we need to supply the time of the
# previous version to the wiki to prevent edit collisions</s>
# As of Oct 2008, these must be filled also for new pages
if self._editTime:
predata['wpEdittime'] = self._editTime
predata['wpEdittime'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
if self._startTime:
predata['wpStarttime'] = self._startTime
predata['wpStarttime'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
if self._revisionId:
predata['baseRevId'] = self._revisionId
# Pass the minorEdit and watchArticle arguments to the Wiki.
if minorEdit:
predata['wpMinoredit'] = '1'
if watchArticle:
predata['wpWatchthis'] = '1'
# Give the token, but only if one is supplied.
if token:
##output(token) # for debug use only
predata['wpEditToken'] = token
# Sorry, single-site exception...
if self.site().fam().name == 'loveto' and self.site().language() == 'recipes':
predata['masteredit'] = '1'
retry_delay = 1
retry_attempt = 0
dblagged = False
wait = 5
while True:
if (maxTries == 0):
raise MaxTriesExceededError()
maxTries -= 1
# Check whether we are not too quickly after the previous
# putPage, and wait a bit until the interval is acceptable
if not dblagged:
# Which web-site host are we submitting to?
if newPage:
output(u'Creating page %s' % self.aslink())
output(u'Changing page %s' % self.aslink())
# Submit the prepared information
response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata, sysop)
if response.code == 503:
if 'x-database-lag' in response.msg.keys():
# server lag; Mediawiki recommends waiting 5 seconds
# and retrying
if verbose:
output(data, newline=False)
output(u"Pausing %d seconds due to database server lag." % wait)
dblagged = True
wait = min(wait*2, 300)
# Squid error 503
raise ServerError(response.code)
except httplib.BadStatusLine, line:
raise PageNotSaved('Bad status line: %s' % line.line)
except ServerError:
retry_attempt += 1
if retry_attempt > config.maxretries:
u'Got a server error when putting %s; will retry in %i minute%s.'
% (self.aslink(), retry_delay, retry_delay != 1 and "s" or ""))
time.sleep(60 * retry_delay)
retry_delay *= 2
if retry_delay > 30:
retry_delay = 30
# If it has gotten this far then we should reset dblagged
dblagged = False
# Check blocks
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = sysop)
# A second text area means that an edit conflict has occured.
editconflict1 = re.compile('id=["\']wpTextbox2[\'"] name="wpTextbox2"')
editconflict2 = re.compile('name="wpTextbox2" id="wpTextbox2"')
if editconflict1.search(data) or editconflict2.search(data):
raise EditConflict(u'An edit conflict has occured.')
# remove the wpAntispam keyword before checking for Spamfilter
data = re.sub(u'(?s)<label for="wpAntispam">.*?</label>', '', data)
if self.site().has_mediawiki_message("spamprotectiontitle")\
and self.site().mediawiki_message('spamprotectiontitle') in data:
reasonR = re.compile(re.escape(self.site().mediawiki_message('spamprotectionmatch')).replace('\$1', '(?P<url>[^<]*)'))
url = reasonR.search(data).group('url')
# Some wikis have modified the spamprotectionmatch
# template in a way that the above regex doesn't work,
# e.g. on he.wikipedia the template includes a
# wikilink, and on fr.wikipedia there is bold text.
# This is a workaround for this: it takes the region
# which should contain the spamfilter report and the
# URL. It then searches for a plaintext URL.
relevant = data[data.find('<!-- start content -->')+22:data.find('<!-- end content -->')].strip()
# Throw away all the other links etc.
relevant = re.sub('<.*?>', '', relevant)
relevant = relevant.replace(':', ':')
# MediaWiki only spam-checks HTTP links, and only the
# domain name part of the URL.
m = re.search('http://[\w\-\.]+', relevant)
if m:
url = m.group()
# Can't extract the exact URL. Let the user search.
url = relevant
raise SpamfilterError(url)
if '<label for=\'wpRecreate\'' in data:
# Make sure your system clock is correct if this error occurs
# without any reason!
# raise EditConflict(u'Someone deleted the page.')
# No raise, simply define these variables and retry:
if self._editTime:
predata['wpEdittime'] = self._editTime
predata['wpEdittime'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
if self._startTime:
predata['wpStarttime'] = self._startTime
predata['wpStarttime'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
if self.site().has_mediawiki_message("viewsource")\
and self.site().mediawiki_message('viewsource') in data:
# The page is locked. This should have already been
# detected when getting the page, but there are some
# reasons why this didn't work, e.g. the page might be
# locked via a cascade lock.
# Page is locked - try using the sysop account, unless we're using one already
if sysop:
# Unknown permissions error
raise LockedPage()
self.site().forceLogin(sysop = True)
output(u'Page is locked, retrying using sysop account.')
return self._putPageOld(text, comment, watchArticle, minorEdit, newPage, token=self.site().getToken(sysop = True), sysop = True)
except NoUsername:
raise LockedPage()
if not newToken and "<textarea" in data:
##if "<textarea" in data: # for debug use only, if badtoken still happen
# We might have been using an outdated token
output(u"Changing page has failed. Retrying.")
return self._putPageOld(text, comment, watchArticle, minorEdit, newPage, token=self.site().getToken(sysop = sysop, getagain = True), newToken = True, sysop = sysop)
# I think the error message title was changed from "Wikimedia Error"
# to "Wikipedia has a problem", but I'm not sure. Maybe we could
# just check for HTTP Status 500 (Internal Server Error)?
if ("<title>Wikimedia Error</title>" in data or "has a problem</title>" in data) \
or response.code == 500:
output(u"Server error encountered; will retry in %i minute%s."
% (retry_delay, retry_delay != 1 and "s" or ""))
time.sleep(60 * retry_delay)
retry_delay *= 2
if retry_delay > 30:
retry_delay = 30
if ("1213: Deadlock found when trying to get lock" in data):
output(u"Deadlock error encountered; will retry in %i minute%s."
% (retry_delay, retry_delay != 1 and "s" or ""))
time.sleep(60 * retry_delay)
retry_delay *= 2
if retry_delay > 30:
retry_delay = 30
if self.site().mediawiki_message('readonly') in data or self.site().mediawiki_message('readonly_lag') in data:
output(u"The database is currently locked for write access; will retry in %i minute%s."
% (retry_delay, retry_delay != 1 and "s" or ""))
time.sleep(60 * retry_delay)
retry_delay *= 2
if retry_delay > 30:
retry_delay = 30
if self.site().has_mediawiki_message('longpageerror'):
# FIXME: Long page error detection isn't working in Vietnamese Wikipedia.
long_page_errorR = re.compile(
# Some wikis (e.g. Lithuanian and Slovak Wikipedia) use {{plural}} in
# [[MediaWiki:longpageerror]]
re.sub(r'\\{\\{plural\\:.*?\\}\\}', '.*?',
).replace("\$1", "(?P<length>[\d,.\s]+)", 1).replace("\$2", "(?P<limit>[\d,.\s]+)", 1),
match = long_page_errorR.search(data)
if match:
# Some wikis (e.g. Lithuanian Wikipedia) don't use $2 parameter in
# [[MediaWiki:longpageerror]]
longpage_length = 0 ; longpage_limit = 0
if 'length' in match.groups():
longpage_length = match.group('length')
if 'limit' in match.groups():
longpage_limit = match.group('limit')
raise LongPageError(longpage_length, longpage_limit)
# We might have been prompted for a captcha if the
# account is not autoconfirmed, checking....
## output('%s' % data) # WHY?
solve = self.site().solveCaptcha(data)
if solve:
return self._putPageOld(text, comment, watchArticle, minorEdit, newPage, token, newToken, sysop, captcha=solve)
# We are expecting a 302 to the action=view page. I'm not sure why this was removed in r5019
if response.code != 302 and data.strip() != u"":
# Something went wrong, and we don't know what. Show the
# HTML code that hopefully includes some error message.
output(u"ERROR: Unexpected response from wiki server.")
output(u" %s (%s) " % (response.code, response.msg))
# Unexpected responses should raise an error and not pass,
# be it silently or loudly. This should raise an error
if 'name="wpTextbox1"' in data and 'var wgAction = "submit"' in data:
# We are on the preview page, so the page was not saved
raise PageNotSaved
return response.code, response.msg, data
def canBeEdited(self):
"""Return bool indicating whether this page can be edited.
This returns True if and only if:
* page is unprotected, and bot has an account for this site, or
* page is protected, and bot has a sysop account for this site.
if self.editRestriction == 'sysop':
userdict = config.sysopnames
userdict = config.usernames
return True
# We don't have a user account for that wiki, or the
# page is locked and we don't have a sysop account.
return False
def protection(self):
"""Return list of dicts of this page protection level. like:
[{u'expiry': u'2010-05-26T14:41:51Z', u'type': u'edit', u'level': u'autoconfirmed'}, {u'expiry': u'2010-05-26T14:41:51Z', u'type': u'move', u'level': u'sysop'}]
if the page non protection, return []
params = {
'action': 'query',
'prop' : 'info',
'inprop': 'protection',
'titles' : self.title(),
datas = query.GetData(params, self.site())
return data
def toggleTalkPage(self):
"""Return the other member of the article-talk page pair for this Page.
If self is a talk page, returns the associated content page; otherwise,
returns the associated talk page.
Returns None if self is a special page.
ns = self.namespace()
if ns < 0: # Special page
return None
if self.isTalkPage():
ns -= 1
ns += 1
if ns == 6:
return ImagePage(self.site(), self.titleWithoutNamespace())
return Page(self.site(), self.titleWithoutNamespace(), defaultNamespace=ns)
def interwiki(self):
"""Return a list of interwiki links in the page text.
This will retrieve the page to do its work, so it can raise
the same exceptions that are raised by the get() method.
The return value is a list of Page objects for each of the
interwiki links in the page text.
if hasattr(self, "_interwikis"):
return self._interwikis
text = self.get()
# Replace {{PAGENAME}} by its value
for pagenametext in self.site().pagenamecodes(
text = text.replace(u"{{%s}}" % pagenametext, self.title())
ll = getLanguageLinks(text, insite=self.site(), pageLink=self.aslink())
result = ll.values()
self._interwikis = result
return result
def categories(self, get_redirect=False, api=False):
"""Return a list of Category objects that the article is in.
Please be aware: the api call returns also categies which are included
by templates. This differs to the old non-api code. If you need only
these categories which are in the page text please use getCategoryLinks
(or set api=False but this could be deprecated in future).
if not (self.site().has_api() and api):
category_links_to_return = getCategoryLinks(self.get(get_redirect=get_redirect), self.site())
except NoPage:
category_links_to_return = []
return category_links_to_return
import catlib
params = {
'action': 'query',
'prop' : 'categories',
'titles' : self.title(),
if not self.site().isAllowed('apihighlimits') and config.special_page_limit > 500:
params['cllimit'] = 500
output(u'Getting categories in %s via API...' % self.aslink())
allDone = False
while not allDone:
datas = query.GetData(params, self.site())
if "categories" in data:
for c in data['categories']:
if c['ns'] is 14:
cat = catlib.Category(self.site(), c['title'])
if 'query-continue' in datas:
if 'categories' in datas['query-continue']:
params['clcontinue'] = datas['query-continue']['categories']['clcontinue']
allDone = True
return cats
def __cmp__(self, other):
"""Test for equality and inequality of Page objects"""
if not isinstance(other, Page):
# especially, return -1 if other is None
return -1
if self._site == other._site:
return cmp(self._title, other._title)
return cmp(self._site, other._site)
def __hash__(self):
# Pseudo method that makes it possible to store Page objects as keys
# in hash-tables. This relies on the fact that the string
# representation of an instance can not change after the construction.
return hash(str(self))
def linkedPages(self, withImageLinks = False):
"""Return a list of Pages that this Page links to.
Excludes interwiki and category links, and also image links by default.
result = []
thistxt = removeLanguageLinks(self.get(get_redirect=True),
except NoPage:
except IsRedirectPage:
except SectionError:
return []
thistxt = removeCategoryLinks(thistxt, self.site())
# remove HTML comments, pre, nowiki, and includeonly sections
# from text before processing
thistxt = removeDisabledParts(thistxt)
# resolve {{ns:-1}} or {{ns:Help}}
thistxt = self.site().resolvemagicwords(thistxt)
for match in Rlink.finditer(thistxt):
title = match.group('title')
title = title.replace("_", " ").strip(" ")
if title.startswith("#"):
# this is an internal section link
if not self.site().isInterwikiLink(title):
page = Page(self.site(), title)
except Exception:
raise Error(u"Page %s contains invalid link to [[%s]]."
% (self.title(), title))
except Error:
if verbose:
output(u"Page %s contains invalid link to [[%s]]."
% (self.title(), title))
if not withImageLinks and page.isImage():
if page.sectionFreeTitle() and page not in result:
return result
def imagelinks(self, followRedirects=False, loose=False):
"""Return a list of ImagePage objects for images displayed on this Page.
Includes images in galleries.
If loose is True, this will find anything that looks like it
could be an image. This is useful for finding, say, images that are
passed as parameters to templates.
results = []
# Find normal images
for page in self.linkedPages(withImageLinks = True):
if page.isImage():
# convert Page object to ImagePage object
results.append( ImagePage(page.site(), page.title()) )
# Find images in galleries
pageText = self.get(get_redirect=followRedirects)
galleryR = re.compile('<gallery>.*?</gallery>', re.DOTALL)
galleryEntryR = re.compile('(?P<title>(%s|%s):.+?)(\|.+)?\n' % (self.site().image_namespace(), self.site().family.image_namespace(code = '_default')))
for gallery in galleryR.findall(pageText):
for match in galleryEntryR.finditer(gallery):
results.append( ImagePage(self.site(), match.group('title')) )
if loose:
ns = getSite().image_namespace()
imageR = re.compile('\w\w\w+\.(?:gif|png|jpg|jpeg|svg|JPG|xcf|pdf|mid|ogg|djvu)', re.IGNORECASE)
for imageName in imageR.findall(pageText):
results.append( ImagePage(self.site(), imageName) )
return list(set(results))
def templates(self, get_redirect=False):
"""Return a list of titles (unicode) of templates used on this Page.
Template parameters are ignored.
if not hasattr(self, "_templates"):
self._templates = list(set([template
for (template, param)
in self.templatesWithParams(
return self._templates
def templatesWithParams(self, thistxt=None, get_redirect=False):
"""Return a list of templates used on this Page.
Return value is a list of tuples. There is one tuple for each use of
a template in the page, with the template title as the first entry
and a list of parameters as the second entry.
If thistxt is set, it is used instead of current page content.
if not thistxt:
thistxt = self.get(get_redirect=get_redirect)
except (IsRedirectPage, NoPage):
return []
# remove commented-out stuff etc.
thistxt = removeDisabledParts(thistxt)
# marker for inside templates or parameters
marker = findmarker(thistxt, u'@@', u'@')
# marker for links
marker2 = findmarker(thistxt, u'##', u'#')
# marker for math
marker3 = findmarker(thistxt, u'%%', u'%')
result = []
inside = {}
count = 0
Rtemplate = re.compile(
Rlink = re.compile(ur'\[\[[^\]]+\]\]')
Rmath = re.compile(ur'<math>[^<]+</math>')
Rmarker = re.compile(ur'%s(\d+)%s' % (marker, marker))
Rmarker2 = re.compile(ur'%s(\d+)%s' % (marker2, marker2))
Rmarker3 = re.compile(ur'%s(\d+)%s' % (marker3, marker3))
# Replace math with markers
maths = {}
count = 0
for m in Rmath.finditer(thistxt):
count += 1
text = m.group()
thistxt = thistxt.replace(text, '%s%d%s' % (marker3, count, marker3))
maths[count] = text
while Rtemplate.search(thistxt) is not None:
for m in Rtemplate.finditer(thistxt):
# Make sure it is not detected again
count += 1
text = m.group()
thistxt = thistxt.replace(text,
'%s%d%s' % (marker, count, marker))
# Make sure stored templates don't contain markers
for m2 in Rmarker.finditer(text):
text = text.replace(m2.group(), inside[int(m2.group(1))])
for m2 in Rmarker3.finditer(text):
text = text.replace(m2.group(), maths[int(m2.group(1))])
inside[count] = text
# Name
name = m.group('name').strip()
m2 = Rmarker.search(name) or Rmath.search(name)
if m2 is not None:
# Doesn't detect templates whose name changes,
# or templates whose name contains math tags
if self.site().isInterwikiLink(name):
# {{#if: }}
if name.startswith('#'):
defaultKeys = self.site().getmagicwords('defaultsort')
# It seems some wikis does not have this magic key
if defaultKeys:
found = False
for key in defaultKeys:
if name.startswith(key):
found = True
if found: continue
name = Page(self.site(), name).title()
except InvalidTitle:
if name:
u"Page %s contains invalid template name {{%s}}."
% (self.title(), name.strip()))
# Parameters
paramString = m.group('params')
params = []
if paramString:
# Replace links to markers
links = {}
count2 = 0
for m2 in Rlink.finditer(paramString):
count2 += 1
text = m2.group()
paramString = paramString.replace(text,
'%s%d%s' % (marker2, count2, marker2))
links[count2] = text
# Parse string
markedParams = paramString.split('|')
# Replace markers
for param in markedParams:
for m2 in Rmarker.finditer(param):
param = param.replace(m2.group(),
for m2 in Rmarker2.finditer(param):
param = param.replace(m2.group(),
for m2 in Rmarker3.finditer(param):
param = param.replace(m2.group(),
# Add it to the result
result.append((name, params))
return result
def getRedirectTarget(self):
"""Return a Page object for the target this Page redirects to.
If this page is not a redirect page, will raise an IsNotRedirectPage
exception. This method also can raise a NoPage exception.
except NoPage:
except IsRedirectPage, err:
target = err[0].replace('&quot;', '"') # otherwise it will return error with
# pages with " inside.
if '|' in target:
warnings.warn("'%s' has a | character, this makes no sense"
% target, Warning)
return Page(self.site(), target)
raise IsNotRedirectPage(self)
def getVersionHistory(self, forceReload=False, reverseOrder=False,
getAll=False, revCount=500):
"""Load the version history page and return history information.
Return value is a list of tuples, where each tuple represents one
edit and is built of revision id, edit date/time, user name, and
edit summary. Starts with the most current revision, unless
reverseOrder is True. Defaults to getting the first revCount edits,
unless getAll is True.
# regular expression matching one edit in the version history.
# results will have 4 groups: oldid, edit date/time, user name, and edit
# summary.
thisHistoryDone = False
skip = False # Used in determining whether we need to skip the first page
dataQuery = []
hasData = False
# Are we getting by Earliest first?
if reverseOrder:
# Check if _versionhistoryearliest exists
if not hasattr(self, '_versionhistoryearliest') or forceReload:
self._versionhistoryearliest = []
elif getAll and len(self._versionhistoryearliest) == revCount:
# Cause a reload, or at least make the loop run
thisHistoryDone = False
skip = True
dataQuery = self._versionhistoryearliest
thisHistoryDone = True
elif not hasattr(self, '_versionhistory') or forceReload:
self._versionhistory = []
elif getAll and len(self._versionhistory) == revCount:
# Cause a reload, or at least make the loop run
thisHistoryDone = False
skip = True
dataQuery = self._versionhistory
thisHistoryDone = True
if not thisHistoryDone:
dataQuery.extend(self._getVersionHistory(getAll, skip, reverseOrder, revCount))
if reverseOrder:
# Return only revCount edits, even if the version history is extensive
if dataQuery != []:
self._versionhistoryearliest = dataQuery
del dataQuery
if len(self._versionhistoryearliest) > revCount and not getAll:
return self._versionhistoryearliest[:revCount]
return self._versionhistoryearliest
if dataQuery != []:
self._versionhistory = dataQuery
del dataQuery
# Return only revCount edits, even if the version history is extensive
if len(self._versionhistory) > revCount and not getAll:
return self._versionhistory[:revCount]
return self._versionhistory
def _getVersionHistory(self, getAll = False, skipFirst = False, reverseOrder = False,
"""Load history informations by API query.
Internal use for self.getVersionHistory(), don't use this function directly.
if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 8:
return self._getVersionHistoryOld(reExist, getAll, skipFirst, reverseOrder, revCount)
dataQ = []
thisHistoryDone = False
params = {
'action': 'query',
'prop': 'revisions',
'titles': self.title(),
'rvlimit': revCount,
#'': '',
while not thisHistoryDone:
if reverseOrder:
params['rvdir'] = 'newer'
result = query.GetData(params, self.site())
if 'error' in result:
raise RuntimeError("%s" % result['error'])
if 'query-continue' in result and getAll:
params['rvstartid'] = result['query-continue']['revisions']['rvstartid']
thisHistoryDone = True
if skipFirst:
skipFirst = False
for r in result['query']['pages'].values()[0]['revisions']:
c = ''
if 'comment' in r:
c = r['comment']
#revision id, edit date/time, user name, edit summary
dataQ.append((r['revid'], r['timestamp'], r['user'], c))
if len(result['query']['pages'].values()[0]['revisions']) < revCount:
thisHistoryDone = True
return dataQ
def _getVersionHistoryOld(self, getAll = False, skipFirst = False,
reverseOrder = False, revCount=500):
"""Load the version history page and return history information.
Internal use for self.getVersionHistory(), don't use this function directly.
dataQ = []
thisHistoryDone = False
startFromPage = None
if self.site().versionnumber() < 4:
editR = re.compile('<li>\(.*?\)\s+\(.*\).*?<a href=".*?oldid=([0-9]*)" title=".*?">([^<]*)</a> <span class=\'user\'><a href=".*?" title=".*?">([^<]*?)</a></span>.*?(?:<span class=\'comment\'>(.*?)</span>)?</li>')
elif self.site().versionnumber() < 15:
editR = re.compile('<li>\(.*?\)\s+\(.*\).*?<a href=".*?oldid=([0-9]*)" title=".*?">([^<]*)</a> (?:<span class=\'history-user\'>|)<a href=".*?" title=".*?">([^<]*?)</a>.*?(?:</span>|).*?(?:<span class=[\'"]comment[\'"]>(.*?)</span>)?</li>')
elif self.site().versionnumber() < 16:
editR = re.compile(r'<li class=".*?">\((?:\w*|<a[^<]*</a>)\)\s\((?:\w*|<a[^<]*</a>)\).*?<a href=".*?([0-9]*)" title=".*?">([^<]*)</a> <span class=\'history-user\'><a [^>]*?>([^<]*?)</a>.*?</span></span>(?: <span class="minor">.*?</span>|)(?: <span class="history-size">.*?</span>|)(?: <span class=[\'"]comment[\'"]>\((?:<span class="autocomment">|)(.*?)(?:</span>|)\)</span>)?(?: \(<span class="mw-history-undo">.*?</span>\)|)\s*</li>', re.UNICODE)
editR = re.compile(r'<li(?: class="mw-tag[^>]+)?>\((?:\w+|<a[^<]*</a>)\)\s\((?:\w+|<a[^<]*</a>)\).*?<a href=".*?([0-9]*)" title=".*?">([^<]*)</a> <span class=\'history-user\'><a [^>]*?>([^<]*?)</a>.*?</span></span>(?: <abbr class="minor"[^>]*?>.*?</abbr>|)(?: <span class="history-size">.*?</span>|)(?: <span class="comment">\((?:<span class="autocomment">|)(.*?)(?:</span>|)\)</span>)?(?: \(<span class="mw-history-undo">.*?</span>\))?(?: <span class="mw-tag-markers">.*?</span>\)</span>)?\s*</li>', re.UNICODE)
RLinkToNextPage = re.compile('&offset=(.*?)&')
while not thisHistoryDone:
path = self.site().family.version_history_address(self.site().language(), self.urlname(), config.special_page_limit)
if reverseOrder:
path += '&dir=prev'
if startFromPage:
path += '&offset=' + startFromPage
# this loop will run until the page could be retrieved
# Try to retrieve the page until it was successfully loaded (just in case
# the server is down or overloaded)
# wait for retry_idle_time minutes (growing!) between retries.
retry_idle_time = 1
if verbose:
if startFromPage:
output(u'Continuing to get version history of %s' % self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
output(u'Getting version history of %s' % self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
txt = self.site().getUrl(path)
# save a copy of the text
self_txt = txt
#Find the nextPage link, if not exist, the page is last history page
matchObj = RLinkToNextPage.search(self_txt)
if getAll and matchObj:
startFromPage = matchObj.group(1)
thisHistoryDone = True
if not skipFirst:
edits = editR.findall(self_txt)
if skipFirst:
# Skip the first page only,
skipFirst = False
if reverseOrder:
#for edit in edits:
if len(edits) < revCount:
thisHistoryDone = True
return dataQ
def getVersionHistoryTable(self, forceReload=False, reverseOrder=False,
getAll=False, revCount=500):
"""Return the version history as a wiki table."""
result = '{| border="1"\n'
result += '! oldid || date/time || username || edit summary\n'
for oldid, time, username, summary in self.getVersionHistory(forceReload = forceReload, reverseOrder = reverseOrder, getAll = getAll, revCount = revCount):
result += '|----\n'
result += '| %s || %s || %s || <nowiki>%s</nowiki>\n' % (oldid, time, username, summary)
result += '|}\n'
return result
def fullVersionHistory(self):
Return all previous versions including wikitext.
Gives a list of tuples consisting of revision ID, edit date/time, user name and
address = self.site().export_address()
predata = {
'action': 'submit',
'pages': self.title()
get_throttle(requestsize = 10)
now = time.time()
response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata)
data = data.encode(self.site().encoding())
# get_throttle.setDelay(time.time() - now)
output = []
# TODO: parse XML using an actual XML parser instead of regex!
r = re.compile("\<revision\>.*?\<id\>(?P<id>.*?)\<\/id\>.*?\<timestamp\>(?P<timestamp>.*?)\<\/timestamp\>.*?\<(?:ip|username)\>(?P<user>.*?)\</(?:ip|username)\>.*?\<text.*?\>(?P<content>.*?)\<\/text\>",re.DOTALL)
#r = re.compile("\<revision\>.*?\<timestamp\>(.*?)\<\/timestamp\>.*?\<(?:ip|username)\>(.*?)\<",re.DOTALL)
return [ (match.group('id'),
for match in r.finditer(data) ]
def contributingUsers(self):
"""Return a set of usernames (or IPs) of users who edited this page."""
edits = self.getVersionHistory()
users = set([edit[2] for edit in edits])
return users
def move(self, newtitle, reason=None, movetalkpage=True, movesubpages=False, sysop=False,
throttle=True, deleteAndMove=False, safe=True, fixredirects=True, leaveRedirect=True):
"""Move this page to new title given by newtitle. If safe, don't try
to move and delete if not directly requested.
* fixredirects has no effect in MW < 1.13"""
if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 12:
return self._moveOld(newtitle, reason, movetalkpage, sysop,
throttle, deleteAndMove, safe, fixredirects, leaveRedirect)
# Login
sysop = self._getActionUser(action = 'move', restriction = self.moveRestriction, sysop = False)
if deleteAndMove:
sysop = self._getActionUser(action = 'delete', restriction = '', sysop = True)
Page(self.site(), newtitle).delete(self.site().mediawiki_message('delete_and_move_reason'), False, False)
# Check blocks
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = sysop)
if throttle:
if reason is None:
reason = input(u'Please enter a reason for the move:')
if self.isTalkPage():
movetalkpage = False
params = {
'action': 'move',
'from': self.title(),
'to': newtitle,
'token': self.site().getToken(sysop=sysop),
'reason': reason,
#'': '',
if movesubpages:
params['movesubpages'] = 1
if movetalkpage:
params['movetalk'] = 1
if not leaveRedirect:
params['noredirect'] = 1
result = query.GetData(params, self.site(), sysop=sysop)
if 'error' in result:
err = result['error']['code']
if err == 'articleexists':
if safe:
output(u'Page move failed: Target page [[%s]] already exists.' % newtitle)
# Try to delete and move
return self.move(newtitle, reason, movetalkpage, movesubpages, throttle = throttle, deleteAndMove = True)
except NoUsername:
# We dont have the user rights to delete
output(u'Page moved failed: Target page [[%s]] already exists.' % newtitle)
#elif err == 'protectedpage':
output("Unknown Error: %s" % result)
return False
elif 'move' in result:
if deleteAndMove:
output(u'Page %s moved to %s, deleting the existing page' % (self.title(), newtitle))
output(u'Page %s moved to %s' % (self.title(), newtitle))
if hasattr(self, '_contents'):
#self.__init__(self.site(), newtitle, defaultNamespace = self._namespace)
self.get(force=True, get_redirect=True, throttle=False)
except NoPage:
output(u'Page %s is moved and no longer exist.' % self.title() )
#delattr(self, '_contents')
return True
def _moveOld(self, newtitle, reason=None, movetalkpage=True, movesubpages=False, sysop=False,
throttle=True, deleteAndMove=False, safe=True, fixredirects=True, leaveRedirect=True):
# Login
sysop = self._getActionUser(action = 'move', restriction = self.moveRestriction, sysop = False)
if deleteAndMove:
sysop = self._getActionUser(action = 'delete', restriction = '', sysop = True)
# Check blocks
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = sysop)
if throttle:
if reason is None:
reason = input(u'Please enter a reason for the move:')
if self.isTalkPage():
movetalkpage = False
host = self.site().hostname()
address = self.site().move_address()
token = self.site().getToken(sysop = sysop)
predata = {
'wpOldTitle': self.title().encode(self.site().encoding()),
'wpNewTitle': newtitle.encode(self.site().encoding()),
'wpReason': reason.encode(self.site().encoding()),
if deleteAndMove:
predata['wpDeleteAndMove'] = self.site().mediawiki_message('delete_and_move_confirm')
predata['wpConfirm'] = '1'
if movetalkpage:
predata['wpMovetalk'] = '1'
predata['wpMovetalk'] = '0'
if self.site().versionnumber() >= 13:
if fixredirects:
predata['wpFixRedirects'] = '1'
predata['wpFixRedirects'] = '0'
if leaveRedirect:
predata['wpLeaveRedirect'] = '1'
predata['wpLeaveRedirect'] = '0'
if movesubpages:
predata['wpMovesubpages'] = '1'
predata['wpMovesubpages'] = '0'
if token:
predata['wpEditToken'] = token
response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata, sysop = sysop)
if data == u'' or self.site().mediawiki_message('pagemovedsub') in data:
#Move Success
if deleteAndMove:
output(u'Page %s moved to %s, deleting the existing page' % (self.title(), newtitle))
output(u'Page %s moved to %s' % (self.title(), newtitle))
if hasattr(self, '_contents'):
#self.__init__(self.site(), newtitle, defaultNamespace = self._namespace)
self.get(force=True, get_redirect=True, throttle=False)
except NoPage:
output(u'Page %s is moved and no longer exist.' % self.title() )
#delattr(self, '_contents')
return True
#Move Failure
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = sysop)
if self.site().mediawiki_message('articleexists') in data or self.site().mediawiki_message('delete_and_move') in data:
if safe:
output(u'Page move failed: Target page [[%s]] already exists.' % newtitle)
return False
# Try to delete and move
return self._moveOld(newtitle, reason, movetalkpage, movesubpages, throttle = throttle, deleteAndMove = True)
except NoUsername:
# We dont have the user rights to delete
output(u'Page moved failed: Target page [[%s]] already exists.' % newtitle)
return False
elif not self.exists():
raise NoPage(u'Page move failed: Source page [[%s]] does not exist.' % newtitle)
elif Page(self.site(),newtitle).exists():
# XXX : This might be buggy : if the move was successful, the target pase *has* been created
raise PageNotSaved(u'Page move failed: Target page [[%s]] already exists.' % newtitle)
output(u'Page move failed for unknown reason.')
ibegin = data.index('<!-- start content -->') + 22
iend = data.index('<!-- end content -->')
except ValueError:
# if begin/end markers weren't found, show entire HTML file
# otherwise, remove the irrelevant sections
data = data[ibegin:iend]
return False
def delete(self, reason=None, prompt=True, throttle=True, mark=False):
"""Deletes the page from the wiki.
Requires administrator status. If reason is None, asks for a
reason. If prompt is True, asks the user if he wants to delete the
If the user does not have admin rights and mark is True,
the page is marked for deletion instead.
# Login
self._getActionUser(action = 'delete', sysop = True)
except NoUsername:
if mark and self.exists():
text = self.get(get_redirect = True)
output(u'Cannot delete page %s - marking the page for deletion instead:' % self.aslink())
# Note: Parameters to {{delete}}, and their meanings, vary from one Wikipedia to another.
# If you want or need to use them, you must be careful not to break others. Else don't.
self.put(u'{{delete}}\n%s --~~~~\n----\n\n%s' % (reason, text), comment = reason)
# Check blocks
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = True)
if throttle:
if reason is None:
reason = input(u'Please enter a reason for the deletion:')
answer = 'y'
if prompt and not hasattr(self.site(), '_noDeletePrompt'):
answer = inputChoice(u'Do you want to delete %s?' % self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True), ['yes', 'no', 'all'], ['y', 'N', 'a'], 'N')
if answer == 'a':
answer = 'y'
self.site()._noDeletePrompt = True
if answer == 'y':
token = self.site().getToken(self, sysop = True)
reason = reason.encode(self.site().encoding())
if self.site().has_api() and self.site().versionnumber() >= 12:
#API Mode
params = {
'action': 'delete',
'title': self.title(),
'token': token,
'reason': reason,
datas = query.GetData(params, self.site(), sysop = True)
if 'delete' in datas:
output(u'Page %s deleted' % self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
return True
if datas['error']['code'] == 'missingtitle':
output(u'Page %s could not be deleted - it doesn\'t exist' % self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
output(u'Deletion of %s failed for an unknown reason. The response text is:' % self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
output('%s' % datas)
return False
#Ordinary mode from webpage.
host = self.site().hostname()
address = self.site().delete_address(self.urlname())
predata = {
'wpDeleteReasonList': 'other',
'wpReason': reason,
#'wpComment': reason, <- which version?
'wpConfirm': '1',
'wpConfirmB': '1',
'wpEditToken': token,
response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata, sysop = True)
if data:
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = True)
if self.site().mediawiki_message('actioncomplete') in data:
output(u'Page %s deleted' % self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
return True
elif self.site().mediawiki_message('cannotdelete') in data:
output(u'Page %s could not be deleted - it doesn\'t exist' % self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
return False
output(u'Deletion of %s failed for an unknown reason. The response text is:' % self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
ibegin = data.index('<!-- start content -->') + 22
iend = data.index('<!-- end content -->')
except ValueError:
# if begin/end markers weren't found, show entire HTML file
# otherwise, remove the irrelevant sections
data = data[ibegin:iend]
return False
def loadDeletedRevisions(self):
"""Retrieve all deleted revisions for this Page from Special/Undelete.
Stores all revisions' timestamps, dates, editors and comments.
Returns list of timestamps (which can be used to retrieve revisions
later on).
# Login
self._getActionUser(action = 'deletedhistory', sysop = True)
#TODO: Handle image file revisions too.
output(u'Loading list of deleted revisions for [[%s]]...' % self.title())
self._deletedRevs = {}
if self.site().has_api() and self.site().versionnumber() >= 12:
params = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'deletedrevs',
'drfrom': self.titleWithoutNamespace(),
'drnamespace': self.namespace(),
'drprop': ['revid','user','comment','content'],#','minor','len','token'],
'drlimit': 100,
'drdir': 'older',
#'': '',
count = 0
while True:
data = query.GetData(params, self.site(), sysop=True)
for x in data['query']['deletedrevs']:
if x['title'] != self.title():
for y in x['revisions']:
count += 1
self._deletedRevs[parsetime2stamp(y['timestamp'])] = [y['timestamp'], y['user'], y['comment'] , y['*'], False]
if 'query-continue' in data and data['query-continue']['deletedrevs']['drcontinue'].split('|')[1] == self.titleWithoutNamespace():
params['drcontinue'] = data['query-continue']['deletedrevs']['drcontinue']
self._deletedRevsModified = False
address = self.site().undelete_view_address(self.urlname())
text = self.site().getUrl(address, sysop = True)
#TODO: Handle non-existent pages etc
rxRevs = re.compile(r'<input name="(?P<ts>(?:ts|fileid)\d+)".*?title=".*?">(?P<date>.*?)</a>.*?title=".*?">(?P<editor>.*?)</a>.*?<span class="comment">\((?P<comment>.*?)\)</span>',re.DOTALL)
for rev in rxRevs.finditer(text):
self._deletedRevs[rev.group('ts')] = [
None, #Revision text
False, #Restoration marker
self._deletedRevsModified = False
return self._deletedRevs.keys()
def getDeletedRevision(self, timestamp, retrieveText=False):
"""Return a particular deleted revision by timestamp.
Return value is a list of [date, editor, comment, text, restoration
marker]. text will be None, unless retrieveText is True (or has been
retrieved earlier).
if self._deletedRevs is None:
if timestamp not in self._deletedRevs:
#TODO: Throw an exception instead?
return None
if retrieveText and not self._deletedRevs[timestamp][3] and timestamp[:2]=='ts':
# Login
self._getActionUser(action = 'delete', sysop = True)
output(u'Retrieving text of deleted revision...')
address = self.site().undelete_view_address(self.urlname(),timestamp)
text = self.site().getUrl(address, sysop = True)
und = re.search('<textarea readonly="1" cols="80" rows="25">(.*?)</textarea><div><form method="post"',text,re.DOTALL)
if und:
self._deletedRevs[timestamp][3] = und.group(1)
return self._deletedRevs[timestamp]
def markDeletedRevision(self, timestamp, undelete=True):
"""Mark the revision identified by timestamp for undeletion.
If undelete is False, mark the revision to remain deleted.
if self._deletedRevs is None:
if timestamp not in self._deletedRevs:
#TODO: Throw an exception?
return None
self._deletedRevs[timestamp][4] = undelete
self._deletedRevsModified = True
def undelete(self, comment='', throttle=True):
"""Undeletes page based on the undeletion markers set by previous calls.
If no calls have been made since loadDeletedRevisions(), everything
will be restored.
Simplest case:
wikipedia.Page(...).undelete('This will restore all revisions')
More complex:
pg = wikipedia.Page(...)
revs = pg.loadDeletedRevsions()
for rev in revs:
if ... #decide whether to undelete a revision
pg.markDeletedRevision(rev) #mark for undeletion
pg.undelete('This will restore only selected revisions.')
# Login
self._getActionUser(action = 'undelete', sysop = True)
# Check blocks
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = True)
token = self.site().getToken(self, sysop=True)
if throttle:
if self.site().has_api() and self.site().versionnumber() >= 12:
params = {
'action': 'undelete',
'title': self.title(),
'reason': comment,
'token': token,
if self._deletedRevs and self._deletedRevsModified:
selected = []
for ts in self._deletedRevs:
if self._deletedRevs[ts][4]:
params['timestamps'] = ts,
result = query.GetData(params, self.site(), sysop=True)
if 'error' in result:
raise RuntimeError("%s" % result['error'])
elif 'undelete' in result:
output(u'Page %s undeleted' % self.aslink())
return result
address = self.site().undelete_address()
formdata = {
'target': self.title(),
'wpComment': comment,
'wpEditToken': token,
'restore': self.site().mediawiki_message('undeletebtn')
if self._deletedRevs and self._deletedRevsModified:
for ts in self._deletedRevs:
if self._deletedRevs[ts][4]:
formdata['ts'+ts] = '1'
self._deletedRevs = None
#TODO: Check for errors below (have we succeeded? etc):
result = self.site().postForm(address,formdata,sysop=True)
output(u'Page %s undeleted' % self.aslink())
return result
def protect(self, editcreate = 'sysop', move = 'sysop', unprotect = False, reason = None, editcreate_duration = 'infinite',
move_duration = 'infinite', cascading = False, prompt = True, throttle = True):
"""(Un)protect a wiki title. Requires administrator status.
If the title is not exist, the protection only ec (aka edit/create) available
If reason is None, asks for a reason. If prompt is True, asks the
user if he wants to protect the page. Valid values for ec and move
* '' (equivalent to 'none')
* 'autoconfirmed'
* 'sysop'
# Login
self._getActionUser(action = 'protect', sysop = True)
# Check blocks
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = True)
#if self.exists() and editcreate != move: # check protect level if edit/move not same
# if editcreate == 'sysop' and move != 'sysop':
# raise Error("The level configuration is not safe")
if unprotect:
editcreate = move = ''
editcreate, move = editcreate.lower(), move.lower()
if throttle:
if reason is None:
reason = input(
u'Please enter a reason for the change of the protection level:')
reason = reason.encode(self.site().encoding())
answer = 'y'
if prompt and not hasattr(self.site(), '_noProtectPrompt'):
answer = inputChoice(
u'Do you want to change the protection level of %s?'
% self.aslink(forceInterwiki = True),
['Yes', 'No', 'All'], ['Y', 'N', 'A'], 'N')
if answer == 'a':
answer = 'y'
self.site()._noProtectPrompt = True
if answer == 'y':
if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 12:
return self._oldProtect(editcreate, move, unprotect, reason,
editcreate_duration, move_duration,
cascading, prompt, throttle)
token = self.site().getToken(self, sysop = True)
# Translate 'none' to ''
protections = []
expiry = []
if editcreate == 'none':
editcreate = 'all'
if move == 'none':
move = 'all'
if editcreate_duration == 'none' or not editcreate_duration:
editcreate_duration = 'infinite'
if move_duration == 'none' or not move_duration:
move_duration = 'infinite'
if self.exists():
protections.append("edit=%s" % editcreate)
protections.append("move=%s" % move)
protections.append("create=%s" % editcreate)
params = {
'action': 'protect',
'title': self.title(),
'token': token,
'protections': protections,
'expiry': expiry,
#'': '',
if reason:
params['reason'] = reason
if cascading:
if editcreate != 'sysop' or move != 'sysop' or not self.exists():
# You can't protect a page as autoconfirmed and cascading, prevent the error
# Cascade only available exists page, create prot. not.
output(u"NOTE: The page can't be protected with cascading and not also with only-sysop. Set cascading \"off\"")
params['cascade'] = 1
result = query.GetData(params, self.site(), sysop=True)
if 'error' in result: #error occured
err = result['error']['code']
output('%s' % result)
#if err == '':
#elif err == '':
if result['protect']:
output(u'Changed protection level of page %s.' % self.aslink())
return True
return False
def _oldProtect(self, editcreate = 'sysop', move = 'sysop', unprotect = False, reason = None, editcreate_duration = 'infinite',
move_duration = 'infinite', cascading = False, prompt = True, throttle = True):
"""internal use for protect page by ordinary web page form"""
host = self.site().hostname()
token = self.site().getToken(sysop = True)
# Translate 'none' to ''
if editcreate == 'none': editcreate = ''
if move == 'none': move = ''
# Translate no duration to infinite
if editcreate_duration == 'none' or not editcreate_duration: editcreate_duration = 'infinite'
if move_duration == 'none' or not move_duration: move_duration = 'infinite'
# Get cascading
if cascading == False:
cascading = '0'
if editcreate != 'sysop' or move != 'sysop' or not self.exists():
# You can't protect a page as autoconfirmed and cascading, prevent the error
# Cascade only available exists page, create prot. not.
cascading = '0'
output(u"NOTE: The page can't be protected with cascading and not also with only-sysop. Set cascading \"off\"")
cascading = '1'
if unprotect:
address = self.site().unprotect_address(self.urlname())
address = self.site().protect_address(self.urlname())
predata = {}
if self.site().versionnumber >= 10:
predata['mwProtect-cascade'] = cascading
predata['mwProtect-reason'] = reason
if not self.exists(): #and self.site().versionnumber() >= :
#create protect
predata['mwProtect-level-create'] = editcreate
predata['wpProtectExpirySelection-create'] = editcreate_duration
#edit/move Protect
predata['mwProtect-level-edit'] = editcreate
predata['mwProtect-level-move'] = move
if self.site().versionnumber() >= 14:
predata['wpProtectExpirySelection-edit'] = editcreate_duration
predata['wpProtectExpirySelection-move'] = move_duration
predata['mwProtect-expiry'] = editcreate_duration
if token:
predata['wpEditToken'] = token
response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata, sysop=True)
if response.code == 302 and not data:
output(u'Changed protection level of page %s.' % self.aslink())
return True
#Normally, we expect a 302 with no data, so this means an error
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = True)
output(u'Failed to change protection level of page %s:'
% self.aslink())
output(u"HTTP response code %s" % response.code)
return False
def removeImage(self, image, put=False, summary=None, safe=True):
"""Remove all occurrences of an image from this Page."""
# TODO: this should be grouped with other functions that operate on
# wiki-text rather than the Page object
return self.replaceImage(image, None, put, summary, safe)
def replaceImage(self, image, replacement=None, put=False, summary=None,
"""Replace all occurences of an image by another image.
Giving None as argument for replacement will delink instead of
The argument image must be without namespace and all spaces replaced
by underscores.
If put is False, the new text will be returned. If put is True, the
edits will be saved to the wiki and True will be returned on succes,
and otherwise False. Edit errors propagate.
# TODO: this should be grouped with other functions that operate on
# wiki-text rather than the Page object
# Copyright (c) Orgullomoore, Bryan
# TODO: document and simplify the code
site = self.site()
text = self.get()
new_text = text
def capitalizationPattern(s):
Given a string, creates a pattern that matches the string, with
the first letter case-insensitive if capitalization is switched
on on the site you're working on.
if self.site().nocapitalize:
return re.escape(s)
return ur'(?:[%s%s]%s)' % (re.escape(s[0].upper()), re.escape(s[0].lower()), re.escape(s[1:]))
namespaces = set(site.namespace(6, all = True) + site.namespace(-2, all = True))
# note that the colon is already included here
namespacePattern = ur'\s*(?:%s)\s*\:\s*' % u'|'.join(namespaces)
imagePattern = u'(%s)' % capitalizationPattern(image).replace(r'\_', '[ _]')
def filename_replacer(match):
if replacement is None:
return u''
old = match.group()
return old[:match.start('filename')] + replacement + old[match.end('filename'):]
# The group params contains parameters such as thumb and 200px, as well
# as the image caption. The caption can contain wiki links, but each
# link has to be closed properly.
paramPattern = r'(?:\|(?:(?!\[\[).|\[\[.*?\]\])*?)'
rImage = re.compile(ur'\[\[(?P<namespace>%s)(?P<filename>%s)(?P<params>%s*?)\]\]' % (namespacePattern, imagePattern, paramPattern))
if replacement is None:
new_text = rImage.sub('', new_text)
new_text = rImage.sub('[[\g<namespace>%s\g<params>]]' % replacement, new_text)
# Remove the image from galleries
galleryR = re.compile(r'(?is)<gallery>(?P<items>.*?)</gallery>')
galleryItemR = re.compile(r'(?m)^%s?(?P<filename>%s)\s*(?P<label>\|.*?)?\s*$' % (namespacePattern, imagePattern))
def gallery_replacer(match):
return ur'<gallery>%s<gallery>' % galleryItemR.sub(filename_replacer, match.group('items'))
new_text = galleryR.sub(gallery_replacer, new_text)
if (text == new_text) or (not safe):
# All previous steps did not work, so the image is
# likely embedded in a complicated template.
# Note: this regular expression can't handle nested templates.
templateR = re.compile(ur'(?s)\{\{(?P<contents>.*?)\}\}')
fileReferenceR = re.compile(u'%s(?P<filename>(?:%s)?)' % (namespacePattern, imagePattern))
def template_replacer(match):
return fileReferenceR.sub(filename_replacer, match.group(0))
new_text = templateR.sub(template_replacer, new_text)
if put:
if text != new_text:
# Save to the wiki
self.put(new_text, summary)
return True
return False
return new_text
def getLatestEditors(self, limit = 1):
""" Function to get the last editors of a page """
if hasattr(self, '_versionhistory'):
data = self.getVersionHistory(getAll=True, revCount = limit)
data = self.getVersionHistory(revCount = limit)
result = []
for i in data:
return result
class ImagePage(Page):
"""A subclass of Page representing an image descriptor wiki page.
Supports the same interface as Page, with the following added methods:
getImagePageHtml : Download image page and return raw HTML text.
fileURL : Return the URL for the image described on this
fileIsOnCommons : Return True if image stored on Wikimedia
fileIsShared : Return True if image stored on Wikitravel
shared repository.
getFileMd5Sum : Return image file's MD5 checksum.
getFileVersionHistory : Return the image file's version history.
getFileVersionHistoryTable: Return the version history in the form of a
wiki table.
usingPages : Yield Pages on which the image is displayed.
def __init__(self, site, title, insite = None):
Page.__init__(self, site, title, insite, defaultNamespace=6)
if self.namespace() != 6:
raise ValueError(u'BUG: %s is not in the image namespace!' % title)
self._imagePageHtml = None
self._local = None
self._latestInfo = {}
self._infoLoaded = False
def getImagePageHtml(self):
Download the image page, and return the HTML, as a unicode string.
Caches the HTML code, so that if you run this method twice on the
same ImagePage object, the page will only be downloaded once.
if not self._imagePageHtml:
path = self.site().get_address(self.urlname())
self._imagePageHtml = self.site().getUrl(path)
return self._imagePageHtml
def _loadInfo(self, limit = 1):
params = {
'action': 'query',
'prop': 'imageinfo',
'titles': self.title(),
'iiprop': ['timestamp', 'user', 'comment', 'url', 'size', 'dimensions', 'sha1', 'mime', 'metadata', 'archivename', 'bitdepth'],
'iilimit': limit,
data = query.GetData(params, self.site())
except NotImplementedError:
output("API not work, loading page HTML.")
if 'error' in data:
raise RuntimeError("%s" %data['error'])
count = 0
if data['query']['pages'].values()[0]["imagerepository"] == "shared":
self._local = False
self._local = True
infos = []
while True:
for info in data['query']['pages'].values()[0]['imageinfo']:
count += 1
if count == 1 and 'iistart' not in params:
# count 1 and no iicontinue mean first image revision is latest.
self._latestInfo = info
if limit == 1:
if 'query-continue' in data and limit != 1:
params['iistart'] = data['query-continue']['imageinfo']['iistart']
except KeyError:
output("Not image in imagepage")
self._infoLoaded = True
if limit > 1:
return infos
def fileUrl(self):
"""Return the URL for the image described on this page."""
# There are three types of image pages:
# * normal, small images with links like: filename.png (10KB, MIME type: image/png)
# * normal, large images with links like: Download high resolution version (1024x768, 200 KB)
# * SVG images with links like: filename.svg (1KB, MIME type: image/svg)
# This regular expression seems to work with all of them.
# The part after the | is required for copying .ogg files from en:, as they do not
# have a "full image link" div. This might change in the future; on commons, there
# is a full image link for .ogg and .mid files.
#change to API query: action=query&titles=File:wiki.jpg&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=url
if not self._infoLoaded:
if self._infoLoaded:
return self._latestInfo['url']
urlR = re.compile(r'<div class="fullImageLink" id="file">.*?<a href="(?P<url>[^ ]+?)"(?! class="image")|<span class="dangerousLink"><a href="(?P<url2>.+?)"', re.DOTALL)
m = urlR.search(self.getImagePageHtml())
url = m.group('url') or m.group('url2')
return url
def fileIsOnCommons(self):
"""Return True if the image is stored on Wikimedia Commons"""
if not self._infoLoaded:
if self._infoLoaded:
return not self._local
return self.fileUrl().startswith(u'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/')
def fileIsShared(self):
"""Return True if image is stored on Wikitravel shared repository."""
if 'wikitravel_shared' in self.site().shared_image_repository():
return self.fileUrl().startswith(u'http://wikitravel.org/upload/shared/')
return self.fileIsOnCommons()
# FIXME: MD5 might be performed on not complete file due to server disconnection
# (see bug #1795683).
def getFileMd5Sum(self):
"""Return image file's MD5 checksum."""
f = MyURLopener.open(self.fileUrl())
return md5(f.read()).hexdigest()
def getFileVersionHistory(self):
"""Return the image file's version history.
Return value is a list of tuples containing (timestamp, username,
resolution, filesize, comment).
result = []
infos = self._loadInfo(500)
#API query
if infos:
for i in infos:
result.append((i['timestamp'], i['user'], u"%s%s" % (i['width'], i['height']), i['size'], i['comment']))
return result
#from ImagePage HTML
history = re.search('(?s)<table class="wikitable filehistory">.+?</table>', self.getImagePageHtml())
if history:
lineR = re.compile(r'<tr>(?:<td>.*?</td>){1,2}<td.*?><a href=".+?">(?P<datetime>.+?)</a></td><td>.*?(?P<resolution>\d+\xd7\d+) <span.*?>\((?P<filesize>.+?)\)</span></td><td><a href=".+?"(?: class="new"|) title=".+?">(?P<username>.+?)</a>.*?</td><td>(?:.*?<span class="comment">\((?P<comment>.*?)\)</span>)?</td></tr>')
if not lineR.search(history.group()):
# b/c code
lineR = re.compile(r'<tr>(?:<td>.*?</td>){1,2}<td><a href=".+?">(?P<datetime>.+?)</a></td><td><a href=".+?"(?: class="new"|) title=".+?">(?P<username>.+?)</a>.*?</td><td>(?P<resolution>.*?)</td><td class=".+?">(?P<filesize>.+?)</td><td>(?P<comment>.*?)</td></tr>')
# backward compatible code
history = re.search('(?s)<ul class="special">.+?</ul>', self.getImagePageHtml())
if history:
lineR = re.compile('<li> \(.+?\) \(.+?\) <a href=".+?" title=".+?">(?P<datetime>.+?)</a> . . <a href=".+?" title=".+?">(?P<username>.+?)</a> \(.+?\) . . (?P<resolution>\d+.+?\d+) \((?P<filesize>[\d,\.]+) .+?\)( <span class="comment">(?P<comment>.*?)</span>)?</li>')
if history:
for match in lineR.finditer(history.group()):
datetime = match.group('datetime')
username = match.group('username')
resolution = match.group('resolution')
size = match.group('filesize')
comment = match.group('comment') or ''
result.append((datetime, username, resolution, size, comment))
return result
def getLatestUploader(self):
""" Function that uses the APIs to detect the latest uploader of the image """
if not self._infoLoaded:
if self._infoLoaded:
return [self._latestInfo['user'], self._latestInfo['timestamp']]
inf = self.getFileVersionHistory()[0]
return [inf[1], inf[0]]
def getHash(self):
""" Function that return the Hash of an file in oder to understand if two
Files are the same or not.
if self.exists():
if not self._infoLoaded:
return self._latestInfo['sha1']
except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
except NoPage:
output(u'%s has been deleted before getting the Hash. Skipping...' % self.title())
return None
except IsRedirectPage:
output("Skipping %s because it's a redirect." % self.title())
return None
raise NoHash('No Hash found in the APIs! Maybe the regex to catch it is wrong or someone has changed the APIs structure.')
output(u'File deleted before getting the Hash. Skipping...')
return None
def getFileVersionHistoryTable(self):
"""Return the version history in the form of a wiki table."""
lines = []
for (datetime, username, resolution, size, comment) in self.getFileVersionHistory():
lines.append(u'| %s || %s || %s || %s || <nowiki>%s</nowiki>' % (datetime, username, resolution, size, comment))
return u'{| border="1"\n! date/time || username || resolution || size || edit summary\n|----\n' + u'\n|----\n'.join(lines) + '\n|}'
def usingPages(self):
if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 11:
for a in self._usingPagesOld():
yield a
params = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'imageusage',
'iutitle': self.title(),
'iulimit': config.special_page_limit,
#'': '',
while True:
data = query.GetData(params, self.site())
if 'error' in data:
raise RuntimeError("%s" % data['error'])
for iu in data['query']["imageusage"]:
yield Page(self.site(), iu['title'], defaultNamespace=iu['ns'])
if 'query-continue' in data:
params['iucontinue'] = data['query-continue']['imageusage']['iucontinue']
def _usingPagesOld(self):
"""Yield Pages on which the image is displayed."""
titleList = re.search('(?s)<h2 id="filelinks">.+?<!-- end content -->',
lineR = re.compile(
'<li><a href="[^\"]+" title=".+?">(?P<title>.+?)</a></li>')
for match in lineR.finditer(titleList):
yield Page(self.site(), match.group('title'))
except InvalidTitle:
u"Image description page %s contains invalid reference to [[%s]]."
% (self.title(), match.group('title')))
class _GetAll(object):
"""For internal use only - supports getall() function"""
def __init__(self, site, pages, throttle, force):
self.site = site
self.pages = []
self.throttle = throttle
self.force = force
self.sleeptime = 15
for page in pages:
if (not hasattr(page, '_contents') and not hasattr(page, '_getexception')) or force:
elif verbose:
output(u"BUGWARNING: %s already done!" % page.aslink())
def sleep(self):
if self.sleeptime <= 60:
self.sleeptime += 15
elif self.sleeptime < 360:
self.sleeptime += 60
def run(self):
if self.pages:
# Sometimes query does not contains revisions
if self.site.has_api() and debug:
while True:
data = self.getDataApi()
except (socket.error, httplib.BadStatusLine, ServerError):
# Print the traceback of the caught exception
s = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
if not isinstance(s, unicode):
s = s.decode('utf-8')
output(u'%s\nDBG> got network error in _GetAll.run. ' \
'Sleeping for %d seconds...' % (s, self.sleeptime))
if 'error' in data:
raise RuntimeError(data['error'])
if 'normalized' in data['query']:
self._norm = dict([(x['from'],x['to']) for x in data['query']['normalized']])
for vals in data['query']['pages'].values():
while True:
data = self.getData()
except (socket.error, httplib.BadStatusLine, ServerError):
# Print the traceback of the caught exception
s = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
if not isinstance(s, unicode):
s = s.decode('utf-8')
output(u'%s\nDBG> got network error in _GetAll.run. ' \
'Sleeping for %d seconds...' % (s, self.sleeptime))
if "<title>Wiki does not exist</title>" in data:
raise NoSuchSite(u'Wiki %s does not exist yet' % self.site)
elif "</mediawiki>" not in data[-20:]:
# HTML error Page got thrown because of an internal
# error when fetching a revision.
output(u'Received incomplete XML data. ' \
'Sleeping for %d seconds...' % self.sleeptime)
elif "<siteinfo>" not in data: # This probably means we got a 'temporary unaivalable'
output(u'Got incorrect export page. ' \
'Sleeping for %d seconds...' % self.sleeptime)
R = re.compile(r"\s*<\?xml([^>]*)\?>(.*)",re.DOTALL)
m = R.match(data)
if m:
data = m.group(2)
handler = xmlreader.MediaWikiXmlHandler()
#f = open("backup.txt", "w")
xml.sax.parseString(data, handler)
except (xml.sax._exceptions.SAXParseException, ValueError), err:
debugDump( 'SaxParseBug', self.site, err, data )
except PageNotFound:
# All of the ones that have not been found apparently do not exist
for pl in self.pages:
if not hasattr(pl,'_contents') and not hasattr(pl,'_getexception'):
pl._getexception = NoPage
def oneDone(self, entry):
title = entry.title
username = entry.username
ipedit = entry.ipedit
timestamp = entry.timestamp
text = entry.text
editRestriction = entry.editRestriction
moveRestriction = entry.moveRestriction
revisionId = entry.revisionid
page = Page(self.site, title)
successful = False
for page2 in self.pages:
if page2.sectionFreeTitle() == page.sectionFreeTitle():
if not (hasattr(page2,'_contents') or hasattr(page2,'_getexception')) or self.force:
page2.editRestriction = entry.editRestriction
page2.moveRestriction = entry.moveRestriction
if editRestriction == 'autoconfirmed':
page2._editrestriction = True
page2._permalink = entry.revisionid
page2._userName = username
page2._ipedit = ipedit
page2._revisionId = revisionId
page2._editTime = timestamp
section = page2.section()
# Store the content
page2._contents = text
m = self.site.redirectRegex().match(text)
if m:
## output(u"%s is a redirect" % page2.aslink())
redirectto = m.group(1)
if section and not "#" in redirectto:
redirectto += "#" + section
page2._getexception = IsRedirectPage
page2._redirarg = redirectto
# This is used for checking deletion conflict.
# Use the data loading time.
page2._startTime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
if section:
m = re.search("\.3D\_*(\.27\.27+)?(\.5B\.5B)?\_*%s\_*(\.5B\.5B)?(\.27\.27+)?\_*\.3D" % re.escape(section), sectionencode(text,page2.site().encoding()))
if not m:
output(u"WARNING: Section not found: %s" % page2.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
except AttributeError:
# There is no exception yet
page2._getexception = SectionError
successful = True
# Note that there is no break here. The reason is that there
# might be duplicates in the pages list.
if not successful:
output(u"BUG>> title %s (%s) not found in list" % (title, page.aslink(forceInterwiki=True)))
output(u'Expected one of: %s' % u','.join([page2.aslink(forceInterwiki=True) for page2 in self.pages]))
raise PageNotFound
def headerDone(self, header):
# Verify version
version = header.generator
p = re.compile('^MediaWiki (.+)$')
m = p.match(version)
if m:
version = m.group(1)
if version != self.site.version():
output(u'WARNING: Family file %s contains version number %s, but it should be %s' % (self.site.family.name, self.site.version(), version))
# Verify case
if self.site.nocapitalize:
case = 'case-sensitive'
case = 'first-letter'
if case != header.case.strip():
output(u'WARNING: Family file %s contains case %s, but it should be %s' % (self.site.family.name, case, header.case.strip()))
# Verify namespaces
lang = self.site.lang
ids = header.namespaces.keys()
for id in ids:
nshdr = header.namespaces[id]
if self.site.family.isDefinedNSLanguage(id, lang):
ns = self.site.namespace(id) or u''
if ns != nshdr:
dflt = self.site.family.namespace('_default', id)
except KeyError:
dflt = u''
if not ns and not dflt:
flag = u"is not set, but should be '%s'" % nshdr
elif dflt == ns:
flag = u"is set to default ('%s'), but should be '%s'" % (ns, nshdr)
elif dflt == nshdr:
flag = u"is '%s', but should be removed (default value '%s')" % (ns, nshdr)
flag = u"is '%s', but should be '%s'" % (ns, nshdr)
output(u"WARNING: Outdated family file %s: namespace['%s'][%i] %s" % (self.site.family.name, lang, id, flag))
#self.site.family.namespaces[id][lang] = nshdr
output(u"WARNING: Missing namespace in family file %s: namespace['%s'][%i] (it is set to '%s')" % (self.site.family.name, lang, id, nshdr))
for id in self.site.family.namespaces:
if self.site.family.isDefinedNSLanguage(id, lang) and id not in header.namespaces:
output(u"WARNING: Family file %s includes namespace['%s'][%i], but it should be removed (namespace doesn't exist in the site)" % (self.site.family.name, lang, id))
def getData(self):
address = self.site.export_address()
pagenames = [page.sectionFreeTitle() for page in self.pages]
# We need to use X convention for requested page titles.
if self.site.lang == 'eo':
pagenames = [encodeEsperantoX(pagetitle) for pagetitle in pagenames]
pagenames = u'\r\n'.join(pagenames)
if type(pagenames) is not unicode:
output(u'Warning: xmlreader.WikipediaXMLHandler.getData() got non-unicode page names. Please report this.')
print pagenames
# convert Unicode string to the encoding used on that wiki
pagenames = pagenames.encode(self.site.encoding())
predata = {
'action': 'submit',
'pages': pagenames,
'curonly': 'True',
# Slow ourselves down
get_throttle(requestsize = len(self.pages))
# Now make the actual request to the server
now = time.time()
response, data = self.site.postForm(address, predata)
# The XML parser doesn't expect a Unicode string, but an encoded one,
# so we'll encode it back.
data = data.encode(self.site.encoding())
#get_throttle.setDelay(time.time() - now)
return data
def oneDoneApi(self, data):
title = data['title']
if not ('missing' in data or 'invalid' in data):
revisionId = data['lastrevid']
rev = None
rev = data['revisions']
except KeyError:
raise u'NOTE: Last revision of [[%s]] not found' % title
username = rev[0]['user']
ipedit = 'anon' in rev[0]
timestamp = rev[0]['timestamp']
text = rev[0]['*']
editRestriction = ''
moveRestriction = ''
for revs in data['protection']:
if revs['type'] == 'edit':
editRestriction = revs['level']
elif revs['type'] == 'move':
moveRestriction = revs['level']
page = Page(self.site, title)
successful = False
for page2 in self.pages:
if hasattr(self, '_norm') and page2.sectionFreeTitle() in self._norm:
page2._title = self._norm[page2.sectionFreeTitle()]
if page2.sectionFreeTitle() == page.sectionFreeTitle():
if 'missing' in data:
page2._getexception = NoPage
successful = True
if 'invalid' in data:
page2._getexception = BadTitle
successful = True
if not (hasattr(page2,'_contents') or hasattr(page2,'_getexception')) or self.force:
page2.editRestriction = editRestriction
page2.moveRestriction = moveRestriction
if editRestriction == 'autoconfirmed':
page2._editrestriction = True
page2._permalink = revisionId
if rev:
page2._userName = username
page2._ipedit = ipedit
page2._editTime = timestamp
page2._contents = text
raise u'BUG?>>: Last revision of [[%s]] not found' % title
page2._revisionId = revisionId
section = page2.section()
if 'redirect' in data:
## output(u"%s is a redirect" % page2.aslink())
m = self.site.redirectRegex().match(text)
redirectto = m.group(1)
if section and not "#" in redirectto:
redirectto += "#" + section
page2._getexception = IsRedirectPage
page2._redirarg = redirectto
# This is used for checking deletion conflict.
# Use the data loading time.
page2._startTime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime())
if section:
m = re.search("\.3D\_*(\.27\.27+)?(\.5B\.5B)?\_*%s\_*(\.5B\.5B)?(\.27\.27+)?\_*\.3D" % re.escape(section), sectionencode(text,page2.site().encoding()))
if not m:
output(u"WARNING: Section not found: %s" % page2.aslink(forceInterwiki = True))
except AttributeError:
# There is no exception yet
page2._getexception = SectionError
successful = True
# Note that there is no break here. The reason is that there
# might be duplicates in the pages list.
if not successful:
output(u"BUG>> title %s (%s) not found in list" % (title, page.aslink(forceInterwiki=True)))
output(u'Expected one of: %s' % u','.join([page2.aslink(forceInterwiki=True) for page2 in self.pages]))
raise PageNotFound
def headerDoneApi(self, header):
p = re.compile('^MediaWiki (.+)$')
m = p.match(header['general']['generator'])
if m:
version = m.group(1)
if version != self.site.version():
output(u'WARNING: Family file %s contains version number %s, but it should be %s' % (self.site.family.name, self.site.version(), version))
# Verify case
if self.site.nocapitalize:
case = 'case-sensitive'
case = 'first-letter'
if case != header['general']['case'].strip():
output(u'WARNING: Family file %s contains case %s, but it should be %s' % (self.site.family.name, case, header.case.strip()))
# Verify namespaces
lang = self.site.lang
ids = header['namespaces'].keys()
for id in ids:
nshdr = header['namespaces'][id]['*']
id = header['namespaces'][id]['id']
if self.site.family.isDefinedNSLanguage(id, lang):
ns = self.site.namespace(id) or u''
if ns != nshdr:
dflt = self.site.family.namespace('_default', id)
except KeyError:
dflt = u''
if not ns and not dflt:
flag = u"is not set, but should be '%s'" % nshdr
elif dflt == ns:
flag = u"is set to default ('%s'), but should be '%s'" % (ns, nshdr)
elif dflt == nshdr:
flag = u"is '%s', but should be removed (default value '%s')" % (ns, nshdr)
flag = u"is '%s', but should be '%s'" % (ns, nshdr)
output(u"WARNING: Outdated family file %s: namespace['%s'][%i] %s" % (self.site.family.name, lang, id, flag))
#self.site.family.namespaces[id][lang] = nshdr
output(u"WARNING: Missing namespace in family file %s: namespace['%s'][%i] (it is set to '%s')" % (self.site.family.name, lang, id, nshdr))
for id in self.site.family.namespaces:
if self.site.family.isDefinedNSLanguage(id, lang) and u'%i' % id not in header['namespaces']:
output(u"WARNING: Family file %s includes namespace['%s'][%i], but it should be removed (namespace doesn't exist in the site)" % (self.site.family.name, lang, id ) )
def getDataApi(self):
pagenames = [page.sectionFreeTitle() for page in self.pages]
params = {
'action': 'query',
'prop': ['info', 'revisions'],
'titles': pagenames,
'siprop': ['general', 'namespaces'],
'rvprop': ['content', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment', 'size'],#'ids',
'inprop': ['protection', 'talkid', 'subjectid'], #, 'url', 'readable'
# Slow ourselves down
get_throttle(requestsize = len(self.pages))
# Now make the actual request to the server
now = time.time()
#get_throttle.setDelay(time.time() - now)
return query.GetData(params, self.site)
def getall(site, pages, throttle=True, force=False):
"""Use Special:Export to bulk-retrieve a group of pages from site
Arguments: site = Site object
pages = iterable that yields Page objects
# TODO: why isn't this a Site method?
pages = list(pages) # if pages is an iterator, we need to make it a list
output(u'Getting %d pages %s from %s...'
% (len(pages), iif(site.has_api() and debug, u'via API', u''), site))
limit = config.special_page_limit / 4 # default is 500/4, but It might have good point for server.
if len(pages) > limit:
# separate export pages for bulk-retrieve
for pagg in range(0, len(pages), limit):
if pagg == range(0, len(pages), limit)[-1]: #latest retrieve
k = pages[pagg:]
output(u'Getting pages %d - %d of %d...' % (pagg + 1, len(pages), len(pages)))
_GetAll(site, k, throttle, force).run()
pages[pagg:] = k
k = pages[pagg:pagg + limit]
output(u'Getting pages %d - %d of %d...' % (pagg + 1, pagg + limit, len(pages)))
_GetAll(site, k, throttle, force).run()
pages[pagg:pagg + limit] = k
get_throttle(requestsize = len(pages) / 10) # one time to retrieve is 7.7 sec.
_GetAll(site, pages, throttle, force).run()
# Library functions
def setAction(s):
"""Set a summary to use for changed page submissions"""
global action
action = s
def iif(q, a, b):
"""inline if"""
if q: return a
else: return b
# Default action
setAction('Wikipedia python library')
def setUserAgent(s):
"""Set a User-agent: header passed to the HTTP server"""
global useragent
useragent = s
# Default User-agent
def url2link(percentname, insite, site):
"""Convert urlname of a wiki page into interwiki link format.
'percentname' is the page title as given by Page.urlname();
'insite' specifies the target Site;
'site' is the Site on which the page is found.
# Note: this is only needed if linking between wikis that use different
# encodings, so it is now largely obsolete. [CONFIRM]
percentname = percentname.replace('_', ' ')
x = url2unicode(percentname, site = site)
return unicode2html(x, insite.encoding())
def decodeEsperantoX(text):
Decode Esperanto text encoded using the x convention.
E.g., Cxefpagxo and CXefpagXo will both be converted to efpao.
Note that to encode non-Esperanto words like Bordeaux, one uses a
double x, i.e. Bordeauxx or BordeauxX.
chars = {
u'c': u'',
u'C': u'',
u'g': u'',
u'G': u'',
u'h': u'',
u'H': u'',
u'j': u'',
u'J': u'',
u's': u'',
u'S': u'',
u'u': u'',
u'U': u'',
for latin, esperanto in chars.iteritems():
# A regular expression that matches a letter combination which IS
# encoded using x-convention.
xConvR = re.compile(latin + '[xX]+')
pos = 0
result = ''
# Each matching substring will be regarded exactly once.
while True:
match = xConvR.search(text[pos:])
if match:
old = match.group()
if len(old) % 2 == 0:
# The first two chars represent an Esperanto letter.
# Following x's are doubled.
new = esperanto + ''.join([old[2 * i]
for i in range(1, len(old)/2)])
# The first character stays latin; only the x's are doubled.
new = latin + ''.join([old[2 * i + 1]
for i in range(0, len(old)/2)])
result += text[pos : match.start() + pos] + new
pos += match.start() + len(old)
result += text[pos:]
text = result
return text
def encodeEsperantoX(text):
Convert standard wikitext to the Esperanto x-encoding.
Double X-es where necessary so that we can submit a page to an Esperanto
wiki. Again, we have to keep stupid stuff like cXxXxxX in mind. Maybe
someone wants to write about the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-Uxx camera series on
eo: ;)
# A regular expression that matches a letter combination which is NOT
# encoded in x-convention.
notXConvR = re.compile('[cghjsuCGHJSU][xX]+')
pos = 0
result = ''
while True:
match = notXConvR.search(text[pos:])
if match:
old = match.group()
# the first letter stays; add an x after each X or x.
new = old[0] + ''.join([old[i] + 'x' for i in range(1, len(old))])
result += text[pos : match.start() + pos] + new
pos += match.start() + len(old)
result += text[pos:]
text = result
return text
def sectionencode(text, encoding):
"""Encode text so that it can be used as a section title in wiki-links."""
return urllib.quote(text.replace(" ","_").encode(encoding)).replace("%",".")
######## Unicode library functions ########
def UnicodeToAsciiHtml(s):
"""Convert unicode to a bytestring using HTML entities."""
html = []
for c in s:
cord = ord(c)
if 31 < cord < 128:
return ''.join(html)
def url2unicode(title, site, site2 = None):
"""Convert url-encoded text to unicode using site's encoding.
If site2 is provided, try its encodings as well. Uses the first encoding
that doesn't cause an error.
# create a list of all possible encodings for both hint sites
encList = [site.encoding()] + list(site.encodings())
if site2 and site2 <> site:
encList += list(site2.encodings())
firstException = None
# try to handle all encodings (will probably retry utf-8)
for enc in encList:
t = title.encode(enc)
t = urllib.unquote(t)
return unicode(t, enc)
except UnicodeError, ex:
if not firstException:
firstException = ex
# Couldn't convert, raise the original exception
raise firstException
def unicode2html(x, encoding):
Ensure unicode string is encodable, or else convert to ASCII for HTML.
Arguments are a unicode string and an encoding. Attempt to encode the
string into the desired format; if that doesn't work, encode the unicode
into html &#; entities. If it does work, return it unchanged.
except UnicodeError:
x = UnicodeToAsciiHtml(x)
return x
def html2unicode(text, ignore = []):
"""Replace all HTML entities in text by equivalent unicode characters."""
# This regular expression will match any decimal and hexadecimal entity and
# also entities that might be named entities.
entityR = re.compile(r'&(#(?P<decimal>\d+)|#x(?P<hex>[0-9a-fA-F]+)|(?P<name>[A-Za-z]+));')
#These characters are Html-illegal, but sadly you *can* find some of these and
#converting them to unichr(decimal) is unsuitable
convertIllegalHtmlEntities = {
128 : 8364, #
130 : 8218, #
131 : 402, #
132 : 8222, #
133 : 8230, #
134 : 8224, #
135 : 8225, #
136 : 710, #
137 : 8240, #
138 : 352, #
139 : 8249, #
140 : 338, #
142 : 381, #
145 : 8216, #
146 : 8217, #
147 : 8220, #
148 : 8221, #
149 : 8226, #
150 : 8211, #
151 : 8212, #
152 : 732, #
153 : 8482, #
154 : 353, #
155 : 8250, #
156 : 339, #
158 : 382, #
159 : 376 #
#ensuring that illegal   and , which have no known values,
#don't get converted to unichr(129), unichr(141) or unichr(157)
ignore = set(ignore) | set([129, 141, 157])
result = u''
i = 0
found = True
while found:
text = text[i:]
match = entityR.search(text)
if match:
unicodeCodepoint = None
if match.group('decimal'):
unicodeCodepoint = int(match.group('decimal'))
elif match.group('hex'):
unicodeCodepoint = int(match.group('hex'), 16)
elif match.group('name'):
name = match.group('name')
if name in htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint:
# We found a known HTML entity.
unicodeCodepoint = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[name]
result += text[:match.start()]
except KeyError:
if unicodeCodepoint and unicodeCodepoint not in ignore and (WIDEBUILD or unicodeCodepoint < 65534):
result += unichr(unicodeCodepoint)
# Leave the entity unchanged
result += text[match.start():match.end()]
i = match.end()
result += text
found = False
return result
# Warning! _familyCache does not necessarily have to be consistent between
# two statements. Always ensure that a local reference is created when
# accessing Family objects
_familyCache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
def Family(fam = None, fatal = True, force = False):
Import the named family.
If fatal is True, the bot will stop running when the given family is
unknown. If fatal is False, it will only raise a ValueError exception.
if fam is None:
fam = config.family
family = _familyCache.get(fam)
if family and not force:
return family
# search for family module in the 'families' subdirectory
myfamily = __import__('%s_family' % fam)
except ImportError:
if fatal:
Error importing the %s family. This probably means the family
does not exist. Also check your configuration file."""
% fam)
import traceback
raise ValueError("Family %s does not exist" % repr(fam))
family = myfamily.Family()
_familyCache[fam] = family
return family
class Site(object):
"""A MediaWiki site. Do not instantiate directly; use getSite() function.
Constructor takes four arguments; only code is mandatory:
code language code for Site
fam Wiki family (optional: defaults to configured).
Can either be a string or a Family object.
user User to use (optional: defaults to configured)
persistent_http Use a persistent http connection. An http connection
has to be established only once, making stuff a whole
lot faster. Do NOT EVER use this if you share Site
objects across threads without proper locking.
language: This Site's language code.
family: This Site's Family object.
sitename: A string representing this Site.
languages: A list of all languages contained in this site's Family.
validLanguageLinks: A list of language codes that can be used in interwiki
loggedInAs: return current username, or None if not logged in.
forceLogin: require the user to log in to the site
messages: return True if there are new messages on the site
cookies: return user's cookies as a string
getUrl: retrieve an URL from the site
urlEncode: Encode a query to be sent using an http POST request.
postForm: Post form data to an address at this site.
postData: Post encoded form data to an http address at this site.
namespace(num): Return local name of namespace 'num'.
normalizeNamespace(value): Return preferred name for namespace 'value' in
this Site's language.
namespaces: Return list of canonical namespace names for this Site.
getNamespaceIndex(name): Return the int index of namespace 'name', or None
if invalid.
redirect: Return the localized redirect tag for the site.
redirectRegex: Return compiled regular expression matching on redirect
mediawiki_message: Retrieve the text of a specified MediaWiki message
has_mediawiki_message: True if this site defines specified MediaWiki
has_api: True if this site's family provides api interface
shared_image_repository: Return tuple of image repositories used by this
category_on_one_line: Return True if this site wants all category links
on one line.
interwiki_putfirst: Return list of language codes for ordering of
interwiki links.
linkto(title): Return string in the form of a wikilink to 'title'
isInterwikiLink(s): Return True if 's' is in the form of an interwiki
getSite(lang): Return Site object for wiki in same family, language
version: Return MediaWiki version string from Family file.
versionnumber: Return int identifying the MediaWiki version.
live_version: Return version number read from Special:Version.
checkCharset(charset): Warn if charset doesn't match family file.
server_time : returns server time (currently userclock depending)
linktrail: Return regex for trailing chars displayed as part of a link.
disambcategory: Category in which disambiguation pages are listed.
Methods that yield Page objects derived from a wiki's Special: pages
(note, some methods yield other information in a tuple along with the
Pages; see method docs for details) --
search(query): query results from Special:Search
allpages(): Special:Allpages
prefixindex(): Special:Prefixindex
protectedpages(): Special:ProtectedPages
newpages(): Special:Newpages
newimages(): Special:Log&type=upload
longpages(): Special:Longpages
shortpages(): Special:Shortpages
categories(): Special:Categories (yields Category objects)
deadendpages(): Special:Deadendpages
ancientpages(): Special:Ancientpages
lonelypages(): Special:Lonelypages
recentchanges(): Special:Recentchanges
unwatchedpages(): Special:Unwatchedpages (sysop accounts only)
uncategorizedcategories(): Special:Uncategorizedcategories (yields
Category objects)
uncategorizedpages(): Special:Uncategorizedpages
uncategorizedimages(): Special:Uncategorizedimages (yields
ImagePage objects)
unusedcategories(): Special:Unusuedcategories (yields Category)
unusedfiles(): Special:Unusedimages (yields ImagePage)
randompage: Special:Random
randomredirectpage: Special:RandomRedirect
withoutinterwiki: Special:Withoutinterwiki
linksearch: Special:Linksearch
Convenience methods that provide access to properties of the wiki Family
object; all of these are read-only and return a unicode string unless
noted --
encoding: The current encoding for this site.
encodings: List of all historical encodings for this site.
category_namespace: Canonical name of the Category namespace on this
category_namespaces: List of all valid names for the Category
image_namespace: Canonical name of the Image namespace on this site.
template_namespace: Canonical name of the Template namespace on this
protocol: Protocol ('http' or 'https') for access to this site.
hostname: Host portion of site URL.
path: URL path for index.php on this Site.
dbName: MySQL database name.
Methods that return addresses to pages on this site (usually in
Special: namespace); these methods only return URL paths, they do not
interact with the wiki --
export_address: Special:Export.
query_address: URL path + '?' for query.php
api_address: URL path + '?' for api.php
apipath: URL path for api.php
move_address: Special:Movepage.
delete_address(s): Delete title 's'.
undelete_view_address(s): Special:Undelete for title 's'
undelete_address: Special:Undelete.
protect_address(s): Protect title 's'.
unprotect_address(s): Unprotect title 's'.
put_address(s): Submit revision to page titled 's'.
get_address(s): Retrieve page titled 's'.
nice_get_address(s): Short URL path to retrieve page titled 's'.
edit_address(s): Edit form for page titled 's'.
purge_address(s): Purge cache and retrieve page 's'.
block_address: Block an IP address.
unblock_address: Unblock an IP address.
blocksearch_address(s): Search for blocks on IP address 's'.
linksearch_address(s): Special:Linksearch for target 's'.
search_address(q): Special:Search for query 'q'.
allpages_address(s): Special:Allpages.
newpages_address: Special:Newpages.
longpages_address: Special:Longpages.
shortpages_address: Special:Shortpages.
unusedfiles_address: Special:Unusedimages.
categories_address: Special:Categories.
deadendpages_address: Special:Deadendpages.
ancientpages_address: Special:Ancientpages.
lonelypages_address: Special:Lonelypages.
protectedpages_address: Special:ProtectedPages
unwatchedpages_address: Special:Unwatchedpages.
uncategorizedcategories_address: Special:Uncategorizedcategories.
uncategorizedimages_address: Special:Uncategorizedimages.
uncategorizedpages_address: Special:Uncategorizedpages.
unusedcategories_address: Special:Unusedcategories.
withoutinterwiki_address: Special:Withoutinterwiki.
references_address(s): Special:Whatlinksere for page 's'.
allmessages_address: Special:Allmessages.
upload_address: Special:Upload.
double_redirects_address: Special:Doubleredirects.
broken_redirects_address: Special:Brokenredirects.
random_address: Special:Random.
randomredirect_address: Special:Random.
login_address: Special:Userlogin.
captcha_image_address(id): Special:Captcha for image 'id'.
watchlist_address: Special:Watchlist editor.
contribs_address(target): Special:Contributions for user 'target'.
def __init__(self, code, fam=None, user=None, persistent_http = None):
self.lang = code.lower()
if isinstance(fam, basestring) or fam is None:
self.family = Family(fam, fatal = False)
self.family = fam
# if we got an outdated language code, use the new one instead.
if self.lang in self.family.obsolete:
if self.family.obsolete[self.lang] is not None:
self.lang = self.family.obsolete[self.lang]
# no such language anymore
raise NoSuchSite("Language %s in family %s is obsolete" % (self.lang, self.family.name))
if self.lang not in self.languages():
if self.lang == 'zh-classic' and 'zh-classical' in self.languages():
self.lang = 'zh-classical'
# ev0l database hack (database is varchar[10] -> zh-classical is cut to zh-classic.
elif self.family.name in self.family.langs.keys() or len(self.family.langs) == 1:
self.lang = self.family.name
raise NoSuchSite("Language %s does not exist in family %s"%(self.lang,self.family.name))
self._mediawiki_messages = {}
self._info = {}
self.nocapitalize = self.lang in self.family.nocapitalize
self.user = user
self._userData = [False, False]
self._userName = [None, None]
self._isLoggedIn = [None, None]
self._isBlocked = [None, None]
self._messages = [None, None]
self._rights = [None, None]
self._token = [None, None]
self._cookies = [None, None]
# Calculating valid languages took quite long, so we calculate it once
# in initialization instead of each time it is used.
self._validlanguages = []
for language in self.languages():
if not language[0].upper() + language[1:] in self.namespaces():
self.persistent_http = False
def _userIndex(self, sysop = False):
"""Returns the internal index of the user."""
if sysop:
return 1
return 0
def username(self, sysop = False):
return self._userName[self._userIndex(sysop = sysop)]
def loggedInAs(self, sysop = False):
"""Return the current username if logged in, otherwise return None.
Checks if we're logged in by loading a page and looking for the login
link. We assume that we're not being logged out during a bot run, so
loading the test page is only required once.
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
if self._isLoggedIn[index] is None:
# Load the details only if you don't know the login status.
# Don't load them just because the other details aren't known.
self._load(sysop = sysop)
if self._isLoggedIn[index]:
return self._userName[index]
return None
def forceLogin(self, sysop = False):
"""Log the user in if not already logged in."""
if not self.loggedInAs(sysop = sysop):
loginMan = login.LoginManager(site = self, sysop = sysop)
if loginMan.login(retry = True):
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
self._isLoggedIn[index] = True
self._userName[index] = loginMan.username
# We know nothing about the new user (but its name)
# Old info is about the anonymous user
self._userData[index] = False
def checkBlocks(self, sysop = False):
"""Check if the user is blocked, and raise an exception if so."""
self._load(sysop = sysop)
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
if self._isBlocked[index]:
# User blocked
raise UserBlocked('User is blocked in site %s' % self)
def isBlocked(self, sysop = False):
"""Check if the user is blocked."""
self._load(sysop = sysop)
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
if self._isBlocked[index]:
# User blocked
return True
return False
def _getBlock(self, sysop = False):
"""Get user block data from the API."""
params = {
'action': 'query',
'meta': 'userinfo',
'uiprop': 'blockinfo',
data = query.GetData(params, self)
if not data or 'error' in data:
return False
if self.versionnumber() == 11: # fix for version 1.11 API.
data = data['userinfo']
data = data['query']['userinfo']
return 'blockedby' in data
except NotImplementedError:
return False
def isAllowed(self, right, sysop = False):
"""Check if the user has a specific right.
Among possible rights:
* Actions: edit, move, delete, protect, upload
* User levels: autoconfirmed, sysop, bot, empty string (always true)
if right == '' or right is None:
return True
self._load(sysop = sysop)
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
return right in self._rights[index]
def server_time(self):
"""returns a datetime object representing server time"""
# It is currently user-clock depending
return self.family.server_time()
def messages(self, sysop = False):
"""Returns true if the user has new messages, and false otherwise."""
self._load(sysop = sysop)
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
return self._messages[index]
def cookies(self, sysop = False):
"""Return a string containing the user's current cookies."""
self._loadCookies(sysop = sysop)
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
if self._cookies[index]:
#convert cookies dictionary data to string.
outputDatas = ""
for k, v in self._cookies[index].iteritems():
if v:
outputDatas += "%s=%s; " % (k,v)
# protection for value ''
outputDatas += "%s=none; " % k
return outputDatas
return None
def _loadCookies(self, sysop = False):
Retrieve session cookies for login
if family datas define the cross projects, this function will search
the central login file made by self or cross available project
functioin will read the cookiedata if got one of them is exist
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
if self._cookies[index] is not None:
if sysop:
username = config.sysopnames[self.family.name][self.lang]
except KeyError:
raise NoUsername("""\
You tried to perform an action that requires admin privileges, but you haven't
entered your sysop name in your user-config.py. Please add
sysopnames['%s']['%s']='name' to your user-config.py"""
% (self.family.name, self.lang))
username = config.usernames[self.family.name][self.lang]
except KeyError:
self._cookies[index] = None
self._isLoggedIn[index] = False
# check central login data if cross_projects is available.
localFn = '%s-%s-%s-login.data' % (self.family.name, self.lang, username)
localPa = config.datafilepath('login-data', localFn)
if self.family.cross_projects:
for proj in [self.family.name] + self.family.cross_projects:
#find all central data in all cross_projects
centralFn = '%s-%s-central-login.data' % (proj, username)
centralPa = config.datafilepath('login-data', centralFn)
if os.path.exists(centralPa):
self._cookies[index] = self._readCookies(centralFn)
if os.path.exists(localPa):
#read and dump local logindata into self._cookies[index]
# if self._cookies[index] is not availabe, read the local data and set the dictionary.
if type(self._cookies[index]) == dict:
for k, v in self._readCookies(localFn).iteritems():
if k not in self._cookies[index]:
self._cookies[index][k] = v
self._cookies[index] = dict([(k,v) for k,v in self._readCookies(localFn).iteritems()])
#self._cookies[index] = query.CombineParams(self._cookies[index], self._readCookies(localFn))
elif not os.path.exists(localPa) and not self.family.cross_projects:
#keep anonymous mode if not login and centralauth not enable
self._cookies[index] = None
self._isLoggedIn[index] = False
def _readCookies(self, filename):
"""read login cookie file and return a dictionary."""
f = open( config.datafilepath('login-data', filename), 'r')
ck = re.compile("(.*?)=(.*?)\n")
data = dict([(x[0],x[1]) for x in ck.findall(f.read())])
#data = dict(ck.findall(f.read()))
return data
except IOError:
return None
def _setupCookies(self, datas, sysop = False):
"""save the cookie dictionary to files
if cross_project enable, savefiles will separate two, centraldata and localdata.
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
if not self._cookies[index]:
self._cookies[index] = datas
cache = {0:"",1:""} #0 is central auth, 1 is local.
if not self.username(sysop):
if not self._cookies[index]:
elif self.family.cross_projects_cookie_username in self._cookies[index]:
# Using centralauth to cross login data, it's not necessary to forceLogin, but Site() didn't know it.
# So we need add centralauth username data into siteattribute
self._userName[index] = self._cookies[index][self.family.cross_projects_cookie_username]
for k, v in datas.iteritems():
#put key and values into save cache
if self.family.cross_projects and k in self.family.cross_projects_cookies:
cache[0] += "%s=%s\n" % (k,v)
cache[1] += "%s=%s\n" % (k,v)
# write the data.
if self.family.cross_projects and cache[0]:
filename = '%s-%s-central-login.data' % (self.family.name, self.username(sysop))
f = open(config.datafilepath('login-data', filename), 'w')
filename = '%s-%s-%s-login.data' % (self.family.name, self.lang, self.username(sysop))
f = open(config.datafilepath('login-data', filename), 'w')
def _removeCookies(self, name):
# remove cookies.
# ToDo: remove all local datas if cross_projects enable.
if self.family.cross_projects:
file = config.datafilepath('login-data', '%s-%s-central-login.data' % (self.family.name, name))
if os.path.exists(file):
os.remove( file )
file = config.datafilepath('login-data', '%s-%s-%s-login.data' % (self.family.name, self.lang, name))
if os.path.exists(file):
def updateCookies(self, datas, sysop = False):
"""Check and update the current cookies datas and save back to files."""
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
if not self._cookies[index]:
self._setupCookies(datas, sysop)
for k, v in datas.iteritems():
if k in self._cookies[index]:
if v != self._cookies[index][k]:
self._cookies[index][k] = v
self._cookies[index][k] = v
self._setupCookies(self._cookies[index], sysop)
def urlEncode(self, query):
"""Encode a query so that it can be sent using an http POST request."""
if not query:
return None
if hasattr(query, 'iteritems'):
iterator = query.iteritems()
iterator = iter(query)
l = []
wpEditToken = None
for key, value in iterator:
if isinstance(key, unicode):
key = key.encode('utf-8')
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = value.encode('utf-8')
key = urllib.quote(key)
value = urllib.quote(value)
if key == 'wpEditToken':
wpEditToken = value
l.append(key + '=' + value)
# wpEditToken is explicitly added as last value.
# If a premature connection abort occurs while putting, the server will
# not have received an edit token and thus refuse saving the page
if wpEditToken is not None:
l.append('wpEditToken=' + wpEditToken)
return '&'.join(l)
def solveCaptcha(self, data):
if type(data) == dict: # API Mode result
if 'edit' in data and data['edit']['result'] != u"Success":
data = data['edit']
if "captcha" in data:
data = data['captcha']
captype = data['type']
id = data['id']
if captype in ['simple', 'math', 'question']:
answer = input('What is the answer to the captcha "%s" ?' % data['question'])
elif captype == 'image':
url = self.protocol() + '://' + self.hostname() + self.captcha_image_address(id)
answer = ui.askForCaptcha(url)
else: #no captcha id result, maybe ReCaptcha.
raise CaptchaError('We have been prompted for a ReCaptcha, but pywikipedia does not yet support ReCaptchas')
return {'id':id, 'answer':answer}
return None
captchaW = re.compile('<label for="wpCaptchaWord">(?P<question>[^<]*)</label>')
captchaR = re.compile('<input type="hidden" name="wpCaptchaId" id="wpCaptchaId" value="(?P<id>\d+)" />')
match = captchaR.search(data)
if match:
id = match.group('id')
match = captchaW.search(data)
if match:
answer = input('What is the answer to the captcha "%s" ?' % match.group('question'))
if not config.solve_captcha:
raise CaptchaError(id)
url = self.protocol() + '://' + self.hostname() + self.captcha_image_address(id)
answer = ui.askForCaptcha(url)
return {'id':id, 'answer':answer}
Recaptcha = re.compile('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://api\.recaptcha\.net/[^"]*"></script>')
if Recaptcha.search(data):
raise CaptchaError('We have been prompted for a ReCaptcha, but pywikipedia does not yet support ReCaptchas')
return None
def postForm(self, address, predata, sysop = False, cookies = None):
"""Post http form data to the given address at this site.
address - the absolute path without hostname.
predata - a dict or any iterable that can be converted to a dict,
containing keys and values for the http form.
cookies - the cookies to send with the form. If None, send self.cookies
Return a (response, data) tuple, where response is the HTTP
response object and data is a Unicode string containing the
body of the response.
data = self.urlEncode(predata)
if cookies:
return self.postData(address, data, sysop=sysop,
return self.postData(address, data, sysop=sysop,
cookies=self.cookies(sysop = sysop))
except socket.error, e:
raise ServerError(e)
def postData(self, address, data,
contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
sysop = False, compress = True, cookies = None):
"""Post encoded data to the given http address at this site.
address is the absolute path without hostname.
data is an ASCII string that has been URL-encoded.
Returns a (response, data) tuple where response is the HTTP
response object and data is a Unicode string containing the
body of the response.
if address[-1] == "?":
address = address[:-1]
headers = {
'User-agent': useragent,
'Content-Length': str(len(data)),
if cookies:
headers['Cookie'] = cookies
if compress:
headers['Accept-encoding'] = 'gzip'
#print '%s' % headers
url = '%s://%s%s' % (self.protocol(), self.hostname(), address)
# Try to retrieve the page until it was successfully loaded (just in
# case the server is down or overloaded).
# Wait for retry_idle_time minutes (growing!) between retries.
retry_idle_time = 1
retry_attempt = 0
while True:
request = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)
f = MyURLopener.open(request)
# read & info can raise socket.error
text = f.read()
headers = f.info()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
if e.code in [401, 404]:
raise PageNotFound(u'Page %s could not be retrieved. Check your family file ?' % url)
# just check for HTTP Status 500 (Internal Server Error)?
elif e.code in [500, 502, 504]:
output(u'HTTPError: %s %s' % (e.code, e.msg))
if config.retry_on_fail:
retry_attempt += 1
if retry_attempt > config.maxretries:
raise MaxTriesExceededError()
output(u"""WARNING: Could not open '%s'.\nMaybe the server is down. Retrying in %i minutes..."""
% (url, retry_idle_time))
time.sleep(retry_idle_time * 60)
# Next time wait longer, but not longer than half an hour
retry_idle_time *= 2
if retry_idle_time > 30:
retry_idle_time = 30
output(u"Result: %s %s" % (e.code, e.msg))
except Exception, e:
output(u'%s' %e)
if config.retry_on_fail:
output(u"""WARNING: Could not open '%s'. Maybe the server or\n your connection is down. Retrying in %i minutes..."""
% (url, retry_idle_time))
time.sleep(retry_idle_time * 60)
retry_idle_time *= 2
if retry_idle_time > 30:
retry_idle_time = 30
# check cookies return or not, if return, send its to update.
if hasattr(f, 'sheaders'):
ck = f.sheaders
ck = f.info().getallmatchingheaders('set-cookie')
if ck:
Reat=re.compile(': (.*?)=(.*?);')
tmpc = {}
for d in ck:
m = Reat.search(d)
if m: tmpc[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
if self.cookies(sysop):
self.updateCookies(tmpc, sysop)
resContentType = headers.get('content-type', '')
contentEncoding = headers.get('content-encoding', '')
# Ensure that all sent data is received
if int(headers.get('content-length', '0')) != len(text) and 'content-length' in headers:
output(u'Warning! len(text) does not match content-length: %s != %s' % \
(len(text), headers.get('content-length')))
return self.postData(address, data, contentType, sysop, compress, cookies)
if compress and contentEncoding == 'gzip':
text = decompress_gzip(text)
R = re.compile('charset=([^\'\";]+)')
m = R.search(resContentType)
if m:
charset = m.group(1)
if verbose:
output(u"WARNING: No character set found.")
# UTF-8 as default
charset = 'utf-8'
# Check if this is the charset we expected
# Convert HTML to Unicode
text = unicode(text, charset, errors = 'strict')
except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
print e
if no_hostname:
output(u'ERROR: Invalid characters found on %s, replaced by \\ufffd.' % path)
output(u'ERROR: Invalid characters found on %s://%s%s, replaced by \\ufffd.' % (self.protocol(), self.hostname(), path))
# We use error='replace' in case of bad encoding.
text = unicode(text, charset, errors = 'replace')
# If a wiki page, get user data
self._getUserDataOld(text, sysop = sysop)
return f, text
def getUrl(self, path, retry = None, sysop = False, data = None, compress = True,
no_hostname = False, cookie_only=False, refer=None, back_response=False):
Low-level routine to get a URL from the wiki.
path - The absolute path, without the hostname.
retry - If True, retries loading the page when a network error
sysop - If True, the sysop account's cookie will be used.
data - An optional dict providing extra post request parameters.
cookie_only - Only return the cookie the server sent us back
Returns the HTML text of the page converted to unicode.
if retry is None:
retry = config.retry_on_fail
headers = {
'User-agent': useragent,
#'Accept-Language': config.mylang,
#'Accept-Charset': config.textfile_encoding,
#'Keep-Alive': '115',
#'Connection': 'keep-alive',
#'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0',
#'': '',
if not no_hostname and self.cookies(sysop = sysop):
headers['Cookie'] = self.cookies(sysop = sysop)
if compress:
headers['Accept-encoding'] = 'gzip'
if refer:
headers['Refer'] = refer
if no_hostname: # This allow users to parse also toolserver's script
url = path # and other useful pages without using some other functions.
url = '%s://%s%s' % (self.protocol(), self.hostname(), path)
data = self.urlEncode(data)
# Try to retrieve the page until it was successfully loaded (just in
# case the server is down or overloaded).
# Wait for retry_idle_time minutes (growing!) between retries.
retry_idle_time = 1
while True:
request = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)
f = MyURLopener.open(request)
# read & info can raise socket.error
text = f.read()
headers = f.info()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
if e.code in [401, 404]:
raise PageNotFound(u'Page %s could not be retrieved. Check your family file ?' % url)
elif e.code == 504:
output(u'HTTPError: %s %s' % (e.code, e.msg))
if retry:
output(u"""WARNING: Could not open '%s'.Maybe the server or\n your connection is down. Retrying in %i minutes..."""
% (url, retry_idle_time))
time.sleep(retry_idle_time * 60)
# Next time wait longer, but not longer than half an hour
retry_idle_time *= 2
if retry_idle_time > 30:
retry_idle_time = 30
output(u"Result: %s %s" % (e.code, e.msg))
except Exception, e:
output(u'%s' %e)
if retry:
output(u"""WARNING: Could not open '%s'. Maybe the server or\n your connection is down. Retrying in %i minutes..."""
% (url, retry_idle_time))
time.sleep(retry_idle_time * 60)
retry_idle_time *= 2
if retry_idle_time > 30:
retry_idle_time = 30
# check cookies return or not, if return, send its to update.
if hasattr(f, 'sheaders'):
ck = f.sheaders
ck = f.info().getallmatchingheaders('set-cookie')
if not no_hostname and ck:
Reat=re.compile(': (.*?)=(.*?);')
tmpc = {}
for d in ck:
m = Reat.search(d)
if m: tmpc[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
self.updateCookies(tmpc, sysop)
if cookie_only:
return headers.get('set-cookie', '')
contentType = headers.get('content-type', '')
contentEncoding = headers.get('content-encoding', '')
# Ensure that all sent data is received
if int(headers.get('content-length', '0')) != len(text) and 'content-length' in headers:
output(u'Warning! len(text) does not match content-length: %s != %s' % \
(len(text), headers.get('content-length')))
return self.getUrl(path, retry, sysop, data, compress, no_hostname, cookie_only, back_response)
if compress and contentEncoding == 'gzip':
text = decompress_gzip(text)
R = re.compile('charset=([^\'\";]+)')
m = R.search(contentType)
if m:
charset = m.group(1)
if verbose:
output(u"WARNING: No character set found.")
# UTF-8 as default
charset = 'utf-8'
# Check if this is the charset we expected
# Convert HTML to Unicode
text = unicode(text, charset, errors = 'strict')
except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
print e
if no_hostname:
output(u'ERROR: Invalid characters found on %s, replaced by \\ufffd.' % path)
output(u'ERROR: Invalid characters found on %s://%s%s, replaced by \\ufffd.' % (self.protocol(), self.hostname(), path))
# We use error='replace' in case of bad encoding.
text = unicode(text, charset, errors = 'replace')
# If a wiki page, get user data
self._getUserDataOld(text, sysop = sysop)
if back_response:
return f, text
return text
def _getUserData(self, text, sysop = False, force = True):
Get the user data from an API query dict.
* text - the page text
* sysop - is the user a sysop?
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
# Check for blocks
if 'blockedby' in text and not self._isBlocked[index]:
# Write a warning if not shown earlier
if sysop:
account = 'Your sysop account'
account = 'Your account'
output(u'WARNING: %s on %s is blocked. Editing using this account will stop the run.' % (account, self))
self._isBlocked[index] = 'blockedby' in text
# Check for new messages, the data must had key 'messages' in dict.
if 'messages' in text:
if not self._messages[index]:
# User has *new* messages
if sysop:
output(u'NOTE: You have new messages in your sysop account on %s' % self)
output(u'NOTE: You have new messages on %s' % self)
self._messages[index] = True
self._messages[index] = False
# Don't perform other checks if the data was already loaded
if self._userData[index] and not force:
# Get username.
# The data in anonymous mode had key 'anon'
# if 'anon' exist, username is IP address, not to collect it right now
if not 'anon' in text:
self._isLoggedIn[index] = True
self._userName[index] = text['name']
self._isLoggedIn[index] = False
self._userName[index] = None
# Get user groups and rights
if 'groups' in text:
self._rights[index] = text['groups']
# Warnings
# Don't show warnings for not logged in users, they will just fail to
# do any action
if self._isLoggedIn[index]:
if 'bot' not in self._rights[index] and config.notify_unflagged_bot:
# Sysop + bot flag = Sysop flag in MediaWiki < 1.7.1?
if sysop:
output(u'Note: Your sysop account on %s does not have a bot flag. Its edits will be visible in the recent changes.' % self)
output(u'WARNING: Your account on %s does not have a bot flag. Its edits will be visible in the recent changes and it may get blocked.' % self)
if sysop and 'sysop' not in self._rights[index]:
output(u'WARNING: Your sysop account on %s does not seem to have sysop rights. You may not be able to perform any sysop-restricted actions using it.' % self)
# 'groups' is not exists, set default rights
self._rights[index] = []
if self._isLoggedIn[index]:
# Logged in user
# Assume bot, and thus autoconfirmed
self._rights[index].extend(['bot', 'autoconfirmed'])
if sysop:
# Assume user reported as a sysop indeed has the sysop rights
# Assume the user has the default rights if API not query back
self._rights[index].extend(['read', 'createaccount', 'edit', 'upload', 'createpage', 'createtalk', 'move', 'upload'])
#remove Duplicate rights
self._rights[index] = list(set(self._rights[index]))
# Get token
if 'preferencestoken' in text:
self._token[index] = text['preferencestoken']
if self._rights[index] is not None:
# Token and rights are loaded - user data is now loaded
self._userData[index] = True
elif self.versionnumber() < 14:
# uiprop 'preferencestoken' is start from 1.14, if 1.8~13, we need to use other way to get token
params = {
'action': 'query',
'prop': 'info',
'titles':'Non-existing page',
'intoken': 'edit',
data = query.GetData(params, self, sysop=sysop)['query']['pages'].values()[0]
if 'edittoken' in data:
self._token[index] = data['edittoken']
self._userData[index] = True
output(u'WARNING: Token not found on %s. You will not be able to edit any page.' % self)
if not self._isBlocked[index]:
output(u'WARNING: Token not found on %s. You will not be able to edit any page.' % self)
def _getUserDataOld(self, text, sysop = False, force = True):
Get the user data from a wiki page data.
* text - the page text
* sysop - is the user a sysop?
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
if '<div id="globalWrapper">' not in text:
# Not a wiki page
# Check for blocks - but only if version is 1.11 (userinfo is available)
# and the user data was not yet loaded
if self.versionnumber() >= 11 and (not self._userData[index] or force):
blocked = self._getBlock(sysop = sysop)
if blocked and not self._isBlocked[index]:
# Write a warning if not shown earlier
if sysop:
account = 'Your sysop account'
account = 'Your account'
output(u'WARNING: %s on %s is blocked. Editing using this account will stop the run.' % (account, self))
self._isBlocked[index] = blocked
# Check for new messages
if '<div class="usermessage">' in text:
if not self._messages[index]:
# User has *new* messages
if sysop:
output(u'NOTE: You have new messages in your sysop account on %s' % self)
output(u'NOTE: You have new messages on %s' % self)
self._messages[index] = True
self._messages[index] = False
# Don't perform other checks if the data was already loaded
if self._userData[index] and not force:
# Search for the the user page link at the top.
# Note that the link of anonymous users (which doesn't exist at all
# in Wikimedia sites) has the ID pt-anonuserpage, and thus won't be
# found here.
userpageR = re.compile('<li id="pt-userpage"><a href=".+?">(?P<username>.+?)</a></li>')
m = userpageR.search(text)
if m:
self._isLoggedIn[index] = True
self._userName[index] = m.group('username')
self._isLoggedIn[index] = False
# No idea what is the user name, and it isn't important
self._userName[index] = None
if self.family.name == 'wikitravel': # fix for Wikitravel's user page link.
self = self.family.user_page_link(self,index)
# Check user groups, if possible (introduced in 1.10)
groupsR = re.compile(r'var wgUserGroups = \[\"(.+)\"\];')
m = groupsR.search(text)
checkLocal = True
if default_code in self.family.cross_allowed: # if current languages in cross allowed list, check global bot flag.
globalgroupsR = re.compile(r'var wgGlobalGroups = \[\"(.+)\"\];')
mg = globalgroupsR.search(text)
if mg: # the account had global permission
globalRights = mg.group(1)
globalRights = globalRights.split('","')
self._rights[index] = globalRights
if self._isLoggedIn[index]:
if 'Global_bot' in globalRights: # This account has the global bot flag, no need to check local flags.
checkLocal = False
output(u'Your bot account does not have global the bot flag, checking local flag.')
if verbose: output(u'Note: this language does not allow global bots.')
if m and checkLocal:
rights = m.group(1)
rights = rights.split('", "')
if '*' in rights:
self._rights[index] = rights
# Warnings
# Don't show warnings for not logged in users, they will just fail to
# do any action
if self._isLoggedIn[index]:
if 'bot' not in self._rights[index] and config.notify_unflagged_bot:
# Sysop + bot flag = Sysop flag in MediaWiki < 1.7.1?
if sysop:
output(u'Note: Your sysop account on %s does not have a bot flag. Its edits will be visible in the recent changes.' % self)
output(u'WARNING: Your account on %s does not have a bot flag. Its edits will be visible in the recent changes and it may get blocked.' % self)
if sysop and 'sysop' not in self._rights[index]:
output(u'WARNING: Your sysop account on %s does not seem to have sysop rights. You may not be able to perform any sysop-restricted actions using it.' % self)
# We don't have wgUserGroups, and can't check the rights
self._rights[index] = []
if self._isLoggedIn[index]:
# Logged in user
# Assume bot, and thus autoconfirmed
self._rights[index].extend(['bot', 'autoconfirmed'])
if sysop:
# Assume user reported as a sysop indeed has the sysop rights
# Assume the user has the default rights
self._rights[index].extend(['read', 'createaccount', 'edit', 'upload', 'createpage', 'createtalk', 'move', 'upload'])
if 'bot' in self._rights[index] or 'sysop' in self._rights[index]:
if 'sysop' in self._rights[index]:
self._rights[index].extend(['delete', 'undelete', 'block', 'protect', 'import', 'deletedhistory', 'unwatchedpages'])
# Search for a token
tokenR = re.compile(r"\<input type='hidden' value=\"(.*?)\" name=\"wpEditToken\"")
tokenloc = tokenR.search(text)
if tokenloc:
self._token[index] = tokenloc.group(1)
if self._rights[index] is not None:
# In this case, token and rights are loaded - user data is now loaded
self._userData[index] = True
# Token not found
# Possible reason for this is the user is blocked, don't show a
# warning in this case, otherwise do show a warning
# Another possible reason is that the page cannot be edited - ensure
# there is a textarea and the tab "view source" is not shown
if u'<textarea' in text and u'<li id="ca-viewsource"' not in text and not self._isBlocked[index]:
# Token not found
output(u'WARNING: Token not found on %s. You will not be able to edit any page.' % self)
def siteinfo(self, key = 'general', force = False, dump = False):
"""Get Mediawiki Site informations by API
dump - return all siteinfo datas
some siprop params is huge data for MediaWiki, they take long times to read by testment.
these params could get, but only one by one.
# protection for key in other datatype
if type(key) not in [str, unicode]:
key = 'general'
if self._info and key in self._info and not force:
if dump:
return self._info
return self._info[key]
params = {
'siprop':['general', 'namespaces', ],
#ver 1.10 handle
if self.versionnumber() > 10:
params['siprop'].extend(['statistics', ])
if key in ['specialpagealiases', 'interwikimap', 'namespacealiases', 'usergroups', ]:
if verbose: print 'getting huge siprop %s...' % key
params['siprop'] = [key]
#ver 1.13 handle
if self.versionnumber() > 13:
if key not in ['specialpagealiases', 'interwikimap', 'namespacealiases', 'usergroups', ]:
params['siprop'].extend(['fileextensions', 'rightsinfo', ])
if key in ['magicwords', 'extensions', ]:
if verbose: print 'getting huge siprop %s...' % key
params['siprop'] = [key]
data = query.GetData(params, self)['query']
except NotImplementedError:
return None
if not hasattr(self, '_info'):
self._info = data
if key == 'magicwords':
for entry in data[key]:
self._info[key][entry['name']] = entry['aliases']
for k, v in data.iteritems():
self._info[k] = v
#data pre-process
if dump:
return self._info
return self._info[key]
except KeyError:
return None
def mediawiki_message(self, key, forceReload = False):
"""Return the MediaWiki message text for key "key" """
# Allmessages is retrieved once for all per created Site object
if (not self._mediawiki_messages) or forceReload:
api = self.has_api()
if verbose:
output(u"Retrieving mediawiki messages from Special:Allmessages")
# Only MediaWiki r27393/1.12 and higher support XML output for Special:Allmessages
if self.versionnumber() < 12:
usePHP = True
usePHP = False
elementtree = True
from xml.etree.cElementTree import XML# 2.5
from cElementTree import XML
except ImportError:
from elementtree.ElementTree import XML
except ImportError:
if verbose:
output(u'Elementtree was not found, using BeautifulSoup instead')
elementtree = False
if config.use_diskcache and not api:
import diskcache
_dict = lambda x : diskcache.CachedReadOnlyDictI(x, prefix = "msg-%s-%s-" % (self.family.name, self.lang))
_dict = dict
retry_idle_time = 1
retry_attempt = 0
while True:
if api and self.versionnumber() >= 12 or self.versionnumber() >= 16:
params = {
'action': 'query',
'meta': 'allmessages',
'ammessages': key,
datas = query.GetData(params, self)['query']['allmessages'][0]
if "missing" in datas:
raise KeyError("message is not exist.")
elif datas['name'] not in self._mediawiki_messages:
self._mediawiki_messages[datas['name']] = datas['*']
#self._mediawiki_messages = _dict([(tag['name'].lower(), tag['*'])
# for tag in datas if not 'missing' in tag])
elif usePHP:
phppage = self.getUrl(self.get_address("Special:Allmessages") + "&ot=php")
Rphpvals = re.compile(r"(?ms)'([^']*)' => '(.*?[^\\])',")
# Previous regexp don't match empty messages. Fast workaround...
phppage = re.sub("(?m)^('.*?' =>) '',", r"\1 ' ',", phppage)
self._mediawiki_messages = _dict([(name.strip().lower(),
html2unicode(message.replace("\\'", "'")))
for (name, message) in Rphpvals.findall(phppage)])
xml = self.getUrl(self.get_address("Special:Allmessages") + "&ot=xml")
# xml structure is :
# <messages lang="fr">
# <message name="about"> propos</message>
# ...
# </messages>
if elementtree:
decode = xml.encode(self.encoding())
# Skip extraneous data such as PHP warning or extra
# whitespaces added from some MediaWiki extensions
xml_dcl_pos = decode.find('<?xml')
if xml_dcl_pos > 0:
decode = decode[xml_dcl_pos:]
tree = XML(decode)
self._mediawiki_messages = _dict([(tag.get('name').lower(), tag.text)
for tag in tree.getiterator('message')])
tree = BeautifulStoneSoup(xml)
self._mediawiki_messages = _dict([(tag.get('name').lower(), html2unicode(tag.string))
for tag in tree.findAll('message') if tag.string])
if not self._mediawiki_messages:
# No messages could be added.
# We assume that the server is down.
# Wait some time, then try again.
output(u'WARNING: No messages found in Special:Allmessages. Maybe the server is down. Retrying in %i minutes...' % retry_idle_time)
time.sleep(retry_idle_time * 60)
# Next time wait longer, but not longer than half an hour
retry_attempt += 1
if retry_attempt > config.maxretries:
raise ServerError()
retry_idle_time *= 2
if retry_idle_time > 30:
retry_idle_time = 30
if self.family.name == 'wikitravel': # fix for Wikitravel's mediawiki message setting
self = self.family.mediawiki_message(self)
key = key.lower()
return self._mediawiki_messages[key]
except KeyError:
if not forceReload:
return self.mediawiki_message(key, True)
raise KeyError("MediaWiki key '%s' does not exist on %s" % (key, self))
def has_mediawiki_message(self, key):
"""Return True if this site defines a MediaWiki message for 'key'."""
#return key in self._mediawiki_messages
v = self.mediawiki_message(key)
return True
except KeyError:
return False
def has_api(self):
"""Return True if this sites family has api interface."""
if config.use_api:
x = self.apipath()
del x
return True
except NotImplementedError:
return False
def _load(self, sysop = False, force = False):
Loads user data.
This is only done if we didn't do get any page yet and the information
is requested, otherwise we should already have this data.
* sysop - Get sysop user data?
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
if self._userData[index] and not force:
if verbose:
output(u'Getting information for site %s' % self)
# Get data
# API Userinfo is available from version 1.11
# preferencetoken available from 1.14
if self.has_api() and self.versionnumber() >= 11:
#Query userinfo
params = {
'action': 'query',
'meta': 'userinfo',
'uiprop': ['blockinfo','groups','rights','hasmsg'],
if self.versionnumber() >= 12:
if self.versionnumber() >= 14:
data = query.GetData(params, self, sysop=sysop)
# Show the API error code instead making an index error
if 'error' in data:
raise RuntimeError('%s' % data['error'])
if self.versionnumber() == 11:
text = data['userinfo']
text = data['query']['userinfo']
self._getUserData(text, sysop = sysop, force = force)
url = self.edit_address('Non-existing_page')
text = self.getUrl(url, sysop = sysop)
self._getUserDataOld(text, sysop = sysop, force = force)
def search(self, key, number = 10, namespaces = None):
Yield search results for query.
Use API when enabled use_api and version >= 1.11,
or use Special:Search.
if self.has_api() and self.versionnumber() >= 11:
#Yield search results (using api) for query.
params = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'search',
'srsearch': key,
'srlimit': number
if namespaces:
params['srnamespace'] = namespaces
offset = 0
while offset < number:
params['sroffset'] = offset
data = query.GetData(params, self)['query']
if 'error' in data:
raise RuntimeError('%s' % data['error'])
if not data['search']:
for s in data['search']:
offset += 1
page = Page(self, s['title'])
yield page, s['snippet'], '', s['size'], s['wordcount'], s['timestamp']
#Yield search results (using Special:Search page) for query.
throttle = True
path = self.search_address(urllib.quote_plus(key.encode('utf-8')),
n=number, ns=namespaces)
html = self.getUrl(path)
entryR = re.compile(ur'<li><a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a>',
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
page = Page(self, m.group('title'))
yield page, '', '', '', '', ''
# TODO: avoid code duplication for the following methods
def logpages(self, number = 50, mode = '', title = None, user = None, repeat = False,
namespace = [], start = None, end = None, tag = None, newer = False, dump = False):
if not self.has_api() or self.versionnumber() < 11 or \
mode not in ('block', 'protect', 'rights', 'delete', 'upload',
'move', 'import', 'patrol', 'merge', 'suppress',
'review', 'stable', 'gblblock', 'renameuser',
'globalauth', 'gblrights', 'abusefilter', 'newusers'):
raise NotImplementedError, mode
params = {
'action' : 'query',
'list' : 'logevents',
'letype' : mode,
'lelimit' : int(number),
'ledir' : 'older',
'leprop' : ['ids', 'title', 'type', 'user', 'timestamp', 'comment', 'details',],
if number > config.special_page_limit:
params['lelimit'] = config.special_page_limit
if number > 5000 and self.isAllowed('apihighlimits'):
params['lelimit'] = 5000
if newer:
params['ledir'] = 'newer'
if user:
params['leuser'] = user
if title:
params['letitle'] = title
if start:
params['lestart'] = start
if end:
params['leend'] = end
if tag and self.versionnumber() >= 16: # tag support from mw:r58399
params['letag'] = tag
nbresults = 0
while True:
result = query.GetData(params, self)
if 'error' in result or 'warnings' in result:
output('%s' % result)
raise Error
for c in result['query']['logevents']:
if (not namespace or c['ns'] in namespace) and \
not c.has_key('actionhidden'):
if dump:
# dump result only.
yield c
if c['ns'] == 6:
p_ret = ImagePage(self, c['title'])
p_ret = Page(self, c['title'], defaultNamespace=c['ns'])
yield (p_ret, c['user'],
c['comment'], )
nbresults += 1
if nbresults >= number:
if 'query-continue' in result and nbresults < number:
params['lestart'] = result['query-continue']['logevents']['lestart']
elif repeat:
nbresults = 0
except KeyError:
def newpages(self, number = 10, get_redirect = False, repeat = False, namespace = 0):
"""Yield new articles (as Page objects) from Special:Newpages.
Starts with the newest article and fetches the number of articles
specified in the first argument. If repeat is True, it fetches
Newpages again. If there is no new page, it blocks until there is
one, sleeping between subsequent fetches of Newpages.
The objects yielded are tuples composed of the Page object,
timestamp (unicode), length (int), an empty unicode string, username
or IP address (str), comment (unicode).
# TODO: in recent MW versions Special:Newpages takes a namespace parameter,
# and defaults to 0 if not specified.
# TODO: Detection of unregistered users is broken
# TODO: Repeat mechanism doesn't make much sense as implemented;
# should use both offset and limit parameters, and have an
# option to fetch older rather than newer pages
seen = set()
while True:
if self.has_api() and self.versionnumber() >= 10:
params = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'recentchanges',
'rctype': 'new',
'rcnamespace': namespace,
'rclimit': int(number),
'rcprop': ['ids','title','timestamp','sizes','user','comment'],
'rcshow': ['!bot','!redirect'],
#'': '',
data = query.GetData(params, self)['query']['recentchanges']
for np in data:
if np['pageid'] not in seen:
page = Page(self, np['title'], defaultNamespace=np['ns'])
yield page, np['timestamp'], np['newlen'], u'', np['user'], np['comment']
path = self.newpages_address(n=number, namespace=namespace)
# The throttling is important here, so always enabled.
html = self.getUrl(path)
entryR = re.compile('<li[^>]*>(?P<date>.+?) \S*?<a href=".+?"'
' title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a>.+?[\(\[](?P<length>[\d,.]+)[^\)\]]*[\)\]]'
' .?<a href=".+?" title=".+?:(?P<username>.+?)">')
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
date = m.group('date')
title = m.group('title')
title = title.replace('"', '"')
length = int(re.sub("[,.]", "", m.group('length')))
loggedIn = u''
username = m.group('username')
comment = u''
if title not in seen:
page = Page(self, title)
yield page, date, length, loggedIn, username, comment
if not repeat:
def longpages(self, number = 10, repeat = False):
"""Yield Pages from Special:Longpages.
Return values are a tuple of Page object, length(int).
#TODO: should use offset and limit parameters; 'repeat' as now
# implemented is fairly useless
# this comment applies to all the XXXXpages methods following, as well
seen = set()
path = self.longpages_address(n=number)
entryR = re.compile(ur'<li>\(<a href=".+?" title=".+?">.+?</a>\) .<a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a> .\[(?P<length>[\d.,]+).*?\]</li>', re.UNICODE)
while True:
html = self.getUrl(path)
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
length = int(re.sub('[.,]', '', m.group('length')))
if title not in seen:
page = Page(self, title)
yield page, length
if not repeat:
def shortpages(self, number = 10, repeat = False):
"""Yield Pages and lengths from Special:Shortpages."""
throttle = True
seen = set()
path = self.shortpages_address(n = number)
entryR = re.compile(ur'<li>\(<a href=".+?" title=".+?">.+?</a>\) .<a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a> .\[(?P<length>[\d.,]+).*?\]</li>', re.UNICODE)
while True:
html = self.getUrl(path)
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
length = int(re.sub('[., ]', '', m.group('length')))
if title not in seen:
page = Page(self, title)
yield page, length
if not repeat:
def categories(self, number=10, repeat=False):
"""Yield Category objects from Special:Categories"""
import catlib
seen = set()
while True:
path = self.categories_address(n=number)
html = self.getUrl(path)
entryR = re.compile(
'<li><a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a>.*?</li>')
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
if title not in seen:
page = catlib.Category(self, title)
yield page
if not repeat:
def deadendpages(self, number = 10, repeat = False):
"""Yield Page objects retrieved from Special:Deadendpages."""
seen = set()
while True:
path = self.deadendpages_address(n=number)
html = self.getUrl(path)
entryR = re.compile(
'<li><a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a></li>')
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
if title not in seen:
page = Page(self, title)
yield page
if not repeat:
def ancientpages(self, number = 10, repeat = False):
"""Yield Pages, datestamps from Special:Ancientpages."""
seen = set()
while True:
path = self.ancientpages_address(n=number)
html = self.getUrl(path)
entryR = re.compile('<li><a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a> (?P<date>.+?)</li>')
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
date = m.group('date')
if title not in seen:
page = Page(self, title)
yield page, date
if not repeat:
def lonelypages(self, number = 10, repeat = False):
"""Yield Pages retrieved from Special:Lonelypages."""
throttle = True
seen = set()
while True:
path = self.lonelypages_address(n=number)
html = self.getUrl(path)
entryR = re.compile(
'<li><a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a></li>')
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
if title not in seen:
page = Page(self, title)
yield page
if not repeat:
def unwatchedpages(self, number = 10, repeat = False):
"""Yield Pages from Special:Unwatchedpages (requires Admin privileges)."""
seen = set()
while True:
path = self.unwatchedpages_address(n=number)
html = self.getUrl(path, sysop = True)
entryR = re.compile(
'<li><a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a>.+?</li>')
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
if title not in seen:
page = Page(self, title)
yield page
if not repeat:
def uncategorizedcategories(self, number = 10, repeat = False):
"""Yield Categories from Special:Uncategorizedcategories."""
import catlib
seen = set()
while True:
path = self.uncategorizedcategories_address(n=number)
html = self.getUrl(path)
entryR = re.compile(
'<li><a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a></li>')
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
if title not in seen:
page = catlib.Category(self, title)
yield page
if not repeat:
def newimages(self, number = 100, lestart = None, leend = None, leuser = None, letitle = None, repeat = False):
Yield ImagePages from APIs, call: action=query&list=logevents&letype=upload&lelimit=500
Options directly from APIs:
Default: ids|title|type|user|timestamp|comment|details
lestart - The timestamp to start enumerating from.
leend - The timestamp to end enumerating.
ledir - In which direction to enumerate.
One value: newer, older
Default: older
leuser - Filter entries to those made by the given user.
letitle - Filter entries to those related to a page.
lelimit - How many total event entries to return.
No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
Default: 10
for o, u, t, c in self.logpages(number = number, mode = 'upload', title = letitle, user = leuser,
repeat = repeat, start = lestart, end = leend):
yield o, t, u, c
def recentchanges(self, number = 100, rcstart = None, rcend = None, rcshow = None, rcdir='older', rctype ='edit|new', namespace=None, includeredirects=True, repeat = False):
Yield ImagePages from APIs, call: action=query&list=recentchanges&rctype=edit|new&rclimit=500
Options directly from APIs:
rcstart - The timestamp to start enumerating from.
rcend - The timestamp to end enumerating.
rcdir - In which direction to enumerate.
One value: newer, older
Default: older
rcnamespace - Filter log entries to only this namespace(s)
Values (separate with '|'):
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
rcprop - Include additional pieces of information
Values (separate with '|'):
user, comment, flags, timestamp, title, ids, sizes,
redirect, patrolled, loginfo
Default: title|timestamp|ids
rctoken - Which tokens to obtain for each change
Values (separate with '|'): patrol
rcshow - Show only items that meet this criteria.
For example, to see only minor edits done by
logged-in users, set show=minor|!anon
Values (separate with '|'):
minor, !minor, bot, !bot, anon, !anon,
redirect, !redirect, patrolled, !patrolled
rclimit - How many total changes to return.
No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed.
Default: 10
rctype - Which types of changes to show.
Values (separate with '|'): edit, new, log
if rctype is None:
rctype = 'edit|new'
params = {
'action' : 'query',
'list' : 'recentchanges',
'rcdir' : rcdir,
'rctype' : rctype,
'rcprop' : ['user','comment','timestamp','title','ids','loginfo'], #','flags','sizes','redirect','patrolled']
'rcnamespace' : namespace,
'rclimit' : int(number),
if rcstart: params['rcstart'] = rcstart
if rcend: params['rcend'] = rcend
if rcshow: params['rcshow'] = rcshow
if rctype: params['rctype'] = rctype
while True:
data = query.GetData(params, self, encodeTitle = False)
if 'error' in data:
raise RuntimeError('%s' % data['error'])
rcData = data['query']['recentchanges']
except KeyError:
raise ServerError("The APIs don't return data, the site may be down")
for i in rcData:
comment = ''
if 'comment' in i:
comment = i['comment']
loginfo = ''
if 'loginfo' in i:
loginfo = i['loginfo']
# pageid = rcItem['pageid']
# logid = rcItem['logid']
page = Page(self, i['title'], defaultNamespace=i['ns'])
yield page, i['timestamp'], i['user'], comment, loginfo
if not repeat:
def uncategorizedimages(self, number = 10, repeat = False):
"""Yield ImagePages from Special:Uncategorizedimages."""
seen = set()
ns = self.image_namespace()
entryR = re.compile(
'<a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>%s:.+?)">.+?</a>' % ns)
while True:
path = self.uncategorizedimages_address(n=number)
html = self.getUrl(path)
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
if title not in seen:
page = ImagePage(self, title)
yield page
if not repeat:
def uncategorizedpages(self, number = 10, repeat = False):
"""Yield Pages from Special:Uncategorizedpages."""
seen = set()
while True:
path = self.uncategorizedpages_address(n=number)
html = self.getUrl(path)
entryR = re.compile(
'<li><a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a></li>')
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
if title not in seen:
page = Page(self, title)
yield page
if not repeat:
def unusedcategories(self, number = 10, repeat = False):
"""Yield Category objects from Special:Unusedcategories."""
import catlib
seen = set()
while True:
path = self.unusedcategories_address(n=number)
html = self.getUrl(path)
entryR = re.compile('<li><a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a></li>')
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
if title not in seen:
page = catlib.Category(self, title)
yield page
if not repeat:
def unusedfiles(self, number = 10, repeat = False, extension = None):
"""Yield ImagePage objects from Special:Unusedimages."""
seen = set()
ns = self.image_namespace()
entryR = re.compile(
'<a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>%s:.+?)">.+?</a>' % ns)
while True:
path = self.unusedfiles_address(n=number)
html = self.getUrl(path)
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
fileext = None
title = m.group('title')
if extension:
fileext = title[len(title)-3:]
if title not in seen and fileext == extension:
## Check whether the media is used in a Proofread page
# code disabled because it slows this method down, and
# because it is unclear what it's supposed to do.
#basename = title[6:]
#page = Page(self, 'Page:' + basename)
#if not page.exists():
image = ImagePage(self, title)
yield image
if not repeat:
def withoutinterwiki(self, number=10, repeat=False):
"""Yield Pages without language links from Special:Withoutinterwiki."""
seen = set()
while True:
path = self.withoutinterwiki_address(n=number)
html = self.getUrl(path)
entryR = re.compile('<li><a href=".+?" title="(?P<title>.+?)">.+?</a></li>')
for m in entryR.finditer(html):
title = m.group('title')
if title not in seen:
page = Page(self, title)
yield page
if not repeat:
def randompage(self, redirect = False):
if self.has_api() and self.versionnumber() >= 12:
params = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'random',
#'rnnamespace': '0',
'rnlimit': '1',
#'': '',
if redirect:
params['rnredirect'] = 1
data = query.GetData(params, self)
return Page(self, data['query']['random'][0]['title'])
if redirect:
"""Yield random redirect page via Special:RandomRedirect."""
html = self.getUrl(self.randomredirect_address())
"""Yield random page via Special:Random"""
html = self.getUrl(self.random_address())
m = re.search('var wgPageName = "(?P<title>.+?)";', html)
if m is not None:
return Page(self, m.group('title'))
def randomredirectpage(self):
return self.randompage(redirect = True)
def allpages(self, start='!', namespace=None, includeredirects=True,
Yield all Pages in alphabetical order.
start Start at this page. By default, it starts at '!', and yields
all pages.
namespace Yield all pages in this namespace; defaults to 0.
MediaWiki software will only return pages in one namespace
at a time.
If includeredirects is False, redirects will not be found.
It is advised not to use this directly, but to use the
AllpagesPageGenerator from pagegenerators.py instead.
if namespace is None:
page = Page(self, start)
namespace = page.namespace()
start = page.titleWithoutNamespace()
if not self.has_api():
for page in self._allpagesOld(start, namespace, includeredirects, throttle):
yield page
params = {
'action' : 'query',
'list' : 'allpages',
'aplimit' : config.special_page_limit,
'apnamespace': namespace,
'apfrom' : start
if not includeredirects:
params['apfilterredir'] = 'nonredirects'
elif includeredirects == 'only':
params['apfilterredir'] = 'redirects'
while True:
if throttle:
data = query.GetData(params, self)
if 'warnings' in data:
warning = data['warnings']['allpages']['*']
raise str(warning)
count = 0
for p in data['query']['allpages']:
count += 1
yield Page(self, p['title'])
if count >= config.special_page_limit:
if 'query-continue' in data and count < params['aplimit']:
params['apfrom'] = data['query-continue']['allpages']['apfrom']
def _allpagesOld(self, start='!', namespace=0, includeredirects=True,
Yield all Pages from Special:Allpages.
This method doesn't work with MediaWiki 1.14 because of a change to
Special:Allpages. It is only left here for compatibility with older
MediaWiki versions, which don't support the API.
start Start at this page. By default, it starts at '!', and yields
all pages.
namespace Yield all pages in this namespace; defaults to 0.
MediaWiki software will only return pages in one namespace
at a time.
If includeredirects is False, redirects will not be found.
If includeredirects equals the string 'only', only redirects
will be found. Note that this has not been tested on older
versions of the MediaWiki code.
It is advised not to use this directly, but to use the
AllpagesPageGenerator from pagegenerators.py instead.
monobook_error = True
if start == '':
while True:
# encode Non-ASCII characters in hexadecimal format (e.g. %F6)
start = start.encode(self.encoding())
start = urllib.quote(start)
# load a list which contains a series of article names (always 480)
path = self.allpages_address(start, namespace)
output(u'Retrieving Allpages special page for %s from %s, namespace %i' % (repr(self), start, namespace))
returned_html = self.getUrl(path)
# Try to find begin and end markers
# In 1.4, another table was added above the navigational links
if self.versionnumber() >= 4:
begin_s = '</table><hr /><table'
end_s = '</table'
begin_s = '<table'
end_s = '</table'
ibegin = returned_html.index(begin_s)
iend = returned_html.index(end_s,ibegin + 3)
except ValueError:
if monobook_error:
raise ServerError("Couldn't extract allpages special page. Make sure you're using MonoBook skin.")
# No list of wikilinks
monobook_error = False
# remove the irrelevant sections
returned_html = returned_html[ibegin:iend]
if self.versionnumber()==2:
R = re.compile('/wiki/(.*?)\" *class=[\'\"]printable')
elif self.versionnumber()<5:
# Apparently the special code for redirects was added in 1.5
R = re.compile('title ?=\"(.*?)\"')
elif not includeredirects:
R = re.compile('\<td(?: width="33%")?\>\<a href=\"\S*\" +title ?="(.*?)"')
elif includeredirects == 'only':
R = re.compile('\<td(?: width="33%")?>\<[^\<\>]*allpagesredirect\"\>\<a href=\"\S*\" +title ?="(.*?)"')
R = re.compile('title ?=\"(.*?)\"')
# Count the number of useful links on this page
n = 0
for hit in R.findall(returned_html):
# count how many articles we found on the current page
n = n + 1
if self.versionnumber()==2:
yield Page(self, url2link(hit, site = self, insite = self))
yield Page(self, hit)
# save the last hit, so that we know where to continue when we
# finished all articles on the current page. Append a '!' so that
# we don't yield a page twice.
start = Page(self,hit).titleWithoutNamespace() + '!'
# A small shortcut: if there are less than 100 pages listed on this
# page, there is certainly no next. Probably 480 would do as well,
# but better be safe than sorry.
if n < 100:
if (not includeredirects) or includeredirects == 'only':
# Maybe there were only so few because the rest is or is not a redirect
R = re.compile('title ?=\"(.*?)\"')
allLinks = R.findall(returned_html)
if len(allLinks) < 100:
elif n == 0:
# In this special case, no pages of the requested type
# were found, and "start" will remain and be double-encoded.
# Use the last page as the start of the next page.
start = Page(self, allLinks[-1]).titleWithoutNamespace() + '!'
# # Don't send a new request if "Next page (pagename)" isn't present
# Rnonext = re.compile(r'title="(Special|%s):.+?">%s</a></td></tr></table>' % (
# self.mediawiki_message('nstab-special'),
# re.escape(self.mediawiki_message('nextpage')).replace('\$1', '.*?')))
# if not Rnonext.search(full_returned_html):
# break
def prefixindex(self, prefix, namespace=0, includeredirects=True):
"""Yield all pages with a given prefix.
prefix The prefix of the pages.
namespace Namespace number; defaults to 0.
MediaWiki software will only return pages in one namespace
at a time.
If includeredirects is False, redirects will not be found.
If includeredirects equals the string 'only', only redirects
will be found. Note that this has not been tested on older
versions of the MediaWiki code.
It is advised not to use this directly, but to use the
PrefixingPageGenerator from pagegenerators.py instead.
for page in self.allpages(start = prefix, namespace = namespace, includeredirects = includeredirects):
if page.titleWithoutNamespace().startswith(prefix):
yield page
def protectedpages(self, namespace = None, type = 'edit', lvl = 0):
""" Yield all the protected pages, using Special:ProtectedPages
* namespace is a namespace number
* type can be 'edit' or 'move
* lvl : protection level, can be 0, 'autoconfirmed', or 'sysop'
# Avoid problems of encoding and stuff like that, let it divided please
url = self.protectedpages_address()
url += '&type=%s&level=%s' % (type, lvl)
if namespace is not None: # /!\ if namespace seems simpler, but returns false when ns=0
url += '&namespace=%s' % namespace
parser_text = self.getUrl(url)
while 1:
#<li><a href="/wiki/Pagina_principale" title="Pagina principale">Pagina principale</a> <small>(6.522 byte)</small> (protetta)</li>
m = re.findall(r'<li><a href=".*?" title=".*?">(.*?)</a>.*?<small>\((.*?)\)</small>.*?\((.*?)\)</li>', parser_text)
for data in m:
title = data[0]
size = data[1]
status = data[2]
yield Page(self, title)
nextpage = re.findall(r'<.ul>\(.*?\).*?\(.*?\).*?\(<a href="(.*?)".*?</a>\) +?\(<a href=', parser_text)
if nextpage != []:
parser_text = self.getUrl(nextpage[0].replace('&', '&'))
def linksearch(self, siteurl, limit=500):
"""Yield Pages from results of Special:Linksearch for 'siteurl'."""
cache = []
R = re.compile('title ?=\"([^<>]*?)\">[^<>]*</a></li>')
urlsToRetrieve = [siteurl]
if not siteurl.startswith('*.'):
urlsToRetrieve.append('*.' + siteurl)
if self.has_api() and self.versionnumber() >= 11:
output(u'Querying API exturlusage...')
for url in urlsToRetrieve:
params = {
'action': 'query',
'list' : 'exturlusage',
'eulimit': limit,
'euquery': url,
count = 0
while True:
data = query.GetData(params, self)
if data['query']['exturlusage'] == []:
for pages in data['query']['exturlusage']:
count += 1
if not siteurl in pages['title']:
# the links themselves have similar form
if pages['pageid'] not in cache:
yield Page(self, pages['title'], defaultNamespace=pages['ns'])
if count >= limit:
if 'query-continue' in data and count < limit:
params['euoffset'] = data[u'query-continue'][u'exturlusage'][u'euoffset']
output(u'Querying [[Special:Linksearch]]...')
for url in urlsToRetrieve:
offset = 0
while True:
path = self.linksearch_address(url, limit=limit, offset=offset)
html = self.getUrl(path)
#restricting the HTML source :
#when in the source, this div marks the beginning of the input
loc = html.find('<div class="mw-spcontent">')
if loc > -1:
html = html[loc:]
#when in the source, marks the end of the linklist
loc = html.find('<div class="printfooter">')
if loc > -1:
html = html[:loc]
#our regex fetches internal page links and the link they contain
links = R.findall(html)
if not links:
#no more page to be fetched for that link
for title in links:
if not siteurl in title:
# the links themselves have similar form
if title in cache:
yield Page(self, title)
offset += limit
def __repr__(self):
return self.family.name+":"+self.lang
def linkto(self, title, othersite = None):
"""Return unicode string in the form of a wikilink to 'title'
Use optional Site argument 'othersite' to generate an interwiki link
from the other site to the current site.
if othersite and othersite.lang != self.lang:
return u'[[%s:%s]]' % (self.lang, title)
return u'[[%s]]' % title
def isInterwikiLink(self, s):
"""Return True if s is in the form of an interwiki link.
Interwiki links have the form "foo:bar" or ":foo:bar" where foo is a
known language code or family. Called recursively if the first part
of the link refers to this site's own family and/or language.
s = s.replace("_", " ").strip(" ").lstrip(":")
if not ':' in s:
return False
first, rest = s.split(':',1)
# interwiki codes are case-insensitive
first = first.lower().strip(" ")
# commons: forwards interlanguage links to wikipedia:, etc.
if self.family.interwiki_forward:
interlangTargetFamily = Family(self.family.interwiki_forward)
interlangTargetFamily = self.family
if self.getNamespaceIndex(first):
return False
if first in interlangTargetFamily.langs:
if first == self.lang:
return self.isInterwikiLink(rest)
return True
if first in self.family.get_known_families(site = self):
if first == self.family.name:
return self.isInterwikiLink(rest)
return True
return False
def getmagicwords(self, word):
"""Return list of localized "word" magic words for the site."""
return self.siteinfo('magicwords').get(word)
def redirect(self, default=False):
"""Return the localized redirect tag for the site.
Argument is ignored (but maintained for backwards-compatibility).
# return the magic word without the preceding '#' character
return self.getmagicwords('redirect')[0].lstrip("#")
def redirectRegex(self):
"""Return a compiled regular expression matching on redirect pages.
Group 1 in the regex match object will be the target title.
#NOTE: this is needed, since the API can give false positives!
default = 'REDIRECT'
keywords = self.getmagicwords('redirect')
pattern = r'(?:' + '|'.join(keywords) + ')'
except KeyError:
# no localized keyword for redirects
pattern = r'#%s' % default
if self.versionnumber() > 12:
# in MW 1.13 (at least) a redirect directive can follow whitespace
prefix = r'\s*'
prefix = r'[\r\n]*'
# A redirect starts with hash (#), followed by a keyword, then
# arbitrary stuff, then a wikilink. The wikilink may contain
# a label, although this is not useful.
return re.compile(prefix + pattern
+ '\s*:?\s*\[\[(.+?)(?:\|.*?)?\]\]',
def pagenamecodes(self, default=True):
"""Return list of localized PAGENAME tags for the site."""
return self.getmagicwords('pagename')
def pagename2codes(self, default=True):
"""Return list of localized PAGENAMEE tags for the site."""
return self.getmagicwords('pagenamee')
def resolvemagicwords(self, wikitext):
"""Replace the {{ns:xx}} marks in a wikitext with the namespace names"""
defaults = []
for namespace in self.family.namespaces.itervalues():
value = namespace.get('_default', None)
if value:
if isinstance(value, list):
defaults += value
named = re.compile(u'{{ns:(' + '|'.join(defaults) + ')}}', re.I)
def replacenamed(match):
return self.normalizeNamespace(match.group(1))
wikitext = named.sub(replacenamed, wikitext)
numbered = re.compile('{{ns:(-?\d{1,2})}}', re.I)
def replacenumbered(match):
return self.namespace(int(match.group(1)))
return numbered.sub(replacenumbered, wikitext)
# The following methods are for convenience, so that you can access
# methods of the Family class easier.
def encoding(self):
"""Return the current encoding for this site."""
return self.family.code2encoding(self.lang)
def encodings(self):
"""Return a list of all historical encodings for this site."""
return self.family.code2encodings(self.lang)
def category_namespace(self):
"""Return the canonical name of the Category namespace on this site."""
# equivalent to self.namespace(14)?
return self.family.category_namespace(self.lang)
def category_namespaces(self):
"""Return a list of all valid names for the Category namespace."""
return self.family.category_namespaces(self.lang)
def category_redirects(self):
return self.family.category_redirects(self.lang)
def image_namespace(self, fallback = '_default'):
"""Return the canonical name of the Image namespace on this site."""
# equivalent to self.namespace(6)?
return self.family.image_namespace(self.lang, fallback)
def template_namespace(self, fallback = '_default'):
"""Return the canonical name of the Template namespace on this site."""
# equivalent to self.namespace(10)?
return self.family.template_namespace(self.lang, fallback)
def export_address(self):
"""Return URL path for Special:Export."""
return self.family.export_address(self.lang)
def query_address(self):
"""Return URL path + '?' for query.php (if enabled on this Site)."""
return self.family.query_address(self.lang)
def api_address(self):
"""Return URL path + '?' for api.php (if enabled on this Site)."""
return self.family.api_address(self.lang)
def apipath(self):
"""Return URL path for api.php (if enabled on this Site)."""
return self.family.apipath(self.lang)
def scriptpath(self):
"""Return URL prefix for scripts on this site ({{SCRIPTPATH}} value)"""
return self.family.scriptpath(self.lang)
def protocol(self):
"""Return protocol ('http' or 'https') for access to this site."""
return self.family.protocol(self.lang)
def hostname(self):
"""Return host portion of site URL."""
return self.family.hostname(self.lang)
def path(self):
"""Return URL path for index.php on this Site."""
return self.family.path(self.lang)
def dbName(self):
"""Return MySQL database name."""
return self.family.dbName(self.lang)
def move_address(self):
"""Return URL path for Special:Movepage."""
return self.family.move_address(self.lang)
def delete_address(self, s):
"""Return URL path to delete title 's'."""
return self.family.delete_address(self.lang, s)
def undelete_view_address(self, s, ts=''):
"""Return URL path to view Special:Undelete for title 's'
Optional argument 'ts' returns path to view specific deleted version.
return self.family.undelete_view_address(self.lang, s, ts)
def undelete_address(self):
"""Return URL path to Special:Undelete."""
return self.family.undelete_address(self.lang)
def protect_address(self, s):
"""Return URL path to protect title 's'."""
return self.family.protect_address(self.lang, s)
def unprotect_address(self, s):
"""Return URL path to unprotect title 's'."""
return self.family.unprotect_address(self.lang, s)
def put_address(self, s):
"""Return URL path to submit revision to page titled 's'."""
return self.family.put_address(self.lang, s)
def get_address(self, s):
"""Return URL path to retrieve page titled 's'."""
title = s.replace(' ', '_')
return self.family.get_address(self.lang, title)
def nice_get_address(self, s):
"""Return shorter URL path to retrieve page titled 's'."""
return self.family.nice_get_address(self.lang, s)
def edit_address(self, s):
"""Return URL path for edit form for page titled 's'."""
return self.family.edit_address(self.lang, s)
def purge_address(self, s):
"""Return URL path to purge cache and retrieve page 's'."""
return self.family.purge_address(self.lang, s)
def block_address(self):
"""Return path to block an IP address."""
return self.family.block_address(self.lang)
def unblock_address(self):
"""Return path to unblock an IP address."""
return self.family.unblock_address(self.lang)
def blocksearch_address(self, s):
"""Return path to search for blocks on IP address 's'."""
return self.family.blocksearch_address(self.lang, s)
def linksearch_address(self, s, limit=500, offset=0):
"""Return path to Special:Linksearch for target 's'."""
return self.family.linksearch_address(self.lang, s, limit=limit, offset=offset)
def search_address(self, q, n=50, ns=0):
"""Return path to Special:Search for query 'q'."""
return self.family.search_address(self.lang, q, n, ns)
def allpages_address(self, s, ns = 0):
"""Return path to Special:Allpages."""
return self.family.allpages_address(self.lang, start=s, namespace = ns)
def log_address(self, n=50, mode = '', user = ''):
"""Return path to Special:Log."""
return self.family.log_address(self.lang, n, mode, user)
def newpages_address(self, n=50, namespace=0):
"""Return path to Special:Newpages."""
return self.family.newpages_address(self.lang, n, namespace)
def longpages_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Longpages."""
return self.family.longpages_address(self.lang, n)
def shortpages_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Shortpages."""
return self.family.shortpages_address(self.lang, n)
def unusedfiles_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Unusedimages."""
return self.family.unusedfiles_address(self.lang, n)
def categories_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Categories."""
return self.family.categories_address(self.lang, n)
def deadendpages_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Deadendpages."""
return self.family.deadendpages_address(self.lang, n)
def ancientpages_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Ancientpages."""
return self.family.ancientpages_address(self.lang, n)
def lonelypages_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Lonelypages."""
return self.family.lonelypages_address(self.lang, n)
def protectedpages_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:ProtectedPages"""
return self.family.protectedpages_address(self.lang, n)
def unwatchedpages_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Unwatchedpages."""
return self.family.unwatchedpages_address(self.lang, n)
def uncategorizedcategories_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Uncategorizedcategories."""
return self.family.uncategorizedcategories_address(self.lang, n)
def uncategorizedimages_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Uncategorizedimages."""
return self.family.uncategorizedimages_address(self.lang, n)
def uncategorizedpages_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Uncategorizedpages."""
return self.family.uncategorizedpages_address(self.lang, n)
def unusedcategories_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Unusedcategories."""
return self.family.unusedcategories_address(self.lang, n)
def withoutinterwiki_address(self, n=500):
"""Return path to Special:Withoutinterwiki."""
return self.family.withoutinterwiki_address(self.lang, n)
def references_address(self, s):
"""Return path to Special:Whatlinksere for page 's'."""
return self.family.references_address(self.lang, s)
def allmessages_address(self):
"""Return path to Special:Allmessages."""
return self.family.allmessages_address(self.lang)
def upload_address(self):
"""Return path to Special:Upload."""
return self.family.upload_address(self.lang)
def double_redirects_address(self, default_limit = True):
"""Return path to Special:Doubleredirects."""
return self.family.double_redirects_address(self.lang, default_limit)
def broken_redirects_address(self, default_limit = True):
"""Return path to Special:Brokenredirects."""
return self.family.broken_redirects_address(self.lang, default_limit)
def random_address(self):
"""Return path to Special:Random."""
return self.family.random_address(self.lang)
def randomredirect_address(self):
"""Return path to Special:RandomRedirect."""
return self.family.randomredirect_address(self.lang)
def login_address(self):
"""Return path to Special:Userlogin."""
return self.family.login_address(self.lang)
def captcha_image_address(self, id):
"""Return path to Special:Captcha for image 'id'."""
return self.family.captcha_image_address(self.lang, id)
def watchlist_address(self):
"""Return path to Special:Watchlist editor."""
return self.family.watchlist_address(self.lang)
def contribs_address(self, target, limit=500, offset=''):
"""Return path to Special:Contributions for user 'target'."""
return self.family.contribs_address(self.lang,target,limit,offset)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(repr(self))
def version(self):
"""Return MediaWiki version number as a string."""
return self.family.version(self.lang)
def versionnumber(self):
"""Return an int identifying MediaWiki version.
Currently this is implemented as returning the minor version
number; i.e., 'X' in version '1.X.Y'
return self.family.versionnumber(self.lang)
def live_version(self):
"""Return the 'real' version number found on [[Special:Version]]
Return value is a tuple (int, int, str) of the major and minor
version numbers and any other text contained in the version.
global htmldata
if not hasattr(self, "_mw_version"):
versionpage = self.getUrl(self.get_address("Special:Version"))
htmldata = BeautifulSoup(versionpage, convertEntities="html")
versionstring = htmldata.findAll(text="MediaWiki"
m = re.match(r"^: ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(.*)$", str(versionstring))
if m:
self._mw_version = (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)),
self._mw_version = self.family.version(self.lang).split(".")
return self._mw_version
def checkCharset(self, charset):
"""Warn if charset returned by wiki doesn't match family file."""
fromFamily = self.encoding()
assert fromFamily.lower() == charset.lower(), \
"charset for %s changed from %s to %s" \
% (repr(self), fromFamily, charset)
if fromFamily.lower() != charset.lower():
raise ValueError(
"code2encodings has wrong charset for %s. It should be %s, but is %s"
% (repr(self), charset, self.encoding()))
def shared_image_repository(self):
"""Return a tuple of image repositories used by this site."""
return self.family.shared_image_repository(self.lang)
def __cmp__(self, other):
"""Perform equality and inequality tests on Site objects."""
if not isinstance(other, Site):
return 1
if self.family.name == other.family.name:
return cmp(self.lang ,other.lang)
return cmp(self.family.name, other.family.name)
def category_on_one_line(self):
"""Return True if this site wants all category links on one line."""
return self.lang in self.family.category_on_one_line
def interwiki_putfirst(self):
"""Return list of language codes for ordering of interwiki links."""
return self.family.interwiki_putfirst.get(self.lang, None)
def interwiki_putfirst_doubled(self, list_of_links):
# TODO: is this even needed? No family in the framework has this
# dictionary defined!
if self.lang in self.family.interwiki_putfirst_doubled:
if len(list_of_links) >= self.family.interwiki_putfirst_doubled[self.lang][0]:
list_of_links2 = []
for lang in list_of_links:
list = []
for lang in self.family.interwiki_putfirst_doubled[self.lang][1]:
except ValueError:
return list
return False
return False
def getSite(self, code):
"""Return Site object for language 'code' in this Family."""
return getSite(code = code, fam = self.family, user=self.user)
def namespace(self, num, all = False):
"""Return string containing local name of namespace 'num'.
If optional argument 'all' is true, return a tuple of all recognized
values for this namespace.
return self.family.namespace(self.lang, num, all = all)
def normalizeNamespace(self, value):
"""Return canonical name for namespace 'value' in this Site's language.
'Value' should be a string or unicode.
If no match, return 'value' unmodified.
if not self.nocapitalize:
# make sure first letter gets normalized; there is at least
# one case ("") in which s.lower().upper() != s
value = value[0].lower().upper() + value[1:]
return self.family.normalizeNamespace(self.lang, value)
def namespaces(self):
"""Return list of canonical namespace names for this Site."""
# n.b.: this does not return namespace numbers; to determine which
# numeric namespaces the framework recognizes for this Site (which
# may or may not actually exist on the wiki), use
# self.family.namespaces.keys()
if self in _namespaceCache:
return _namespaceCache[self]
nslist = []
for n in self.family.namespaces:
ns = self.family.namespace(self.lang, n)
except KeyError:
# No default namespace defined
if ns is not None:
nslist.append(self.family.namespace(self.lang, n))
_namespaceCache[self] = nslist
return nslist
def getNamespaceIndex(self, namespace):
"""Given a namespace name, return its int index, or None if invalid."""
return self.family.getNamespaceIndex(self.lang, namespace)
def linktrail(self):
"""Return regex for trailing chars displayed as part of a link."""
return self.family.linktrail(self.lang)
def language(self):
"""Return Site's language code."""
return self.lang
def fam(self):
"""Return Family object for this Site."""
return self.family
def sitename(self):
"""Return string representing this Site's name and language."""
return self.family.name+':'+self.lang
def languages(self):
"""Return list of all valid language codes for this site's Family."""
return self.family.langs.keys()
def validLanguageLinks(self):
"""Return list of language codes that can be used in interwiki links."""
return self._validlanguages
def disambcategory(self):
"""Return Category in which disambig pages are listed."""
import catlib
return catlib.Category(self,
except KeyError:
raise NoPage
def getToken(self, getalways = True, getagain = False, sysop = False):
index = self._userIndex(sysop)
if getagain or (getalways and self._token[index] is None):
output(u'Getting a token.')
self._load(sysop = sysop, force = True)
if self._token[index] is not None:
return self._token[index]
return False
def getFilesFromAnHash(self, hash_found = None):
""" Function that uses APIs to give the images that has the same hash. Useful
to find duplicates or nowcommons.
NOTE: it returns also the image itself, if you don't want it, just
filter the list returned.
NOTE 2: it returns the image WITHOUT the image namespace.
if self.versionnumber() < 12:
return None
if hash_found is None: # If the hash is none return None and not continue
return None
# Now get all the images with the same hash
image_namespace = "%s:" % self.image_namespace() # Image:
params = {
'action' :'query',
'list' :'allimages',
'aisha1' :hash_found,
allimages = query.GetData(params, self, encodeTitle = False)['query']['allimages']
files = list()
for imagedata in allimages:
image = imagedata[u'name']
return files
# Caches to provide faster access
_sites = {}
_namespaceCache = {}
def getSite(code=None, fam=None, user=None, persistent_http=None, noLogin=False):
if code is None:
code = default_code
if fam is None:
fam = default_family
key = '%s:%s:%s:%s' % (fam, code, user, persistent_http)
if key not in _sites:
_sites[key] = Site(code=code, fam=fam, user=user,
ret = _sites[key]
if not ret.family.isPublic() and not noLogin:
return ret
def setSite(site):
global default_code, default_family
default_code = site.language()
default_family = site.family
def calledModuleName():
"""Return the name of the module calling this function.
This is required because the -help option loads the module's docstring
and because the module name will be used for the filename of the log.
# get commandline arguments
args = sys.argv
# clip off the '.py' filename extension
return os.path.basename(args[0][:args[0].rindex('.')])
except ValueError:
return os.path.basename(args[0])
def decodeArg(arg):
if sys.platform=='win32':
if config.console_encoding == 'cp850':
# Western Windows versions give parameters encoded as windows-1252
# even though the console encoding is cp850.
return unicode(arg, 'windows-1252')
elif config.console_encoding == 'cp852':
# Central/Eastern European Windows versions give parameters encoded
# as windows-1250 even though the console encoding is cp852.
return unicode(arg, 'windows-1250')
return unicode(arg, config.console_encoding)
# Linux uses the same encoding for both.
# I don't know how non-Western Windows versions behave.
return unicode(arg, config.console_encoding)
def handleArgs(*args):
"""Handle standard command line arguments, return the rest as a list.
Takes the commandline arguments, converts them to Unicode, processes all
global parameters such as -lang or -log. Returns a list of all arguments
that are not global. This makes sure that global arguments are applied
first, regardless of the order in which the arguments were given.
args may be passed as an argument, thereby overriding sys.argv
global default_code, default_family, verbose, debug
# get commandline arguments
if not args:
args = sys.argv[1:]
# get the name of the module calling this function. This is
# required because the -help option loads the module's docstring and because
# the module name will be used for the filename of the log.
# TODO: check if the following line is platform-independent
moduleName = calledModuleName()
nonGlobalArgs = []
for arg in args:
arg = decodeArg(arg)
if arg == '-help':
elif arg.startswith('-family:'):
default_family = arg[8:]
elif arg.startswith('-lang:'):
default_code = arg[6:]
elif arg.startswith('-putthrottle:'):
config.put_throttle = int(arg[len("-putthrottle:") : ])
elif arg.startswith('-pt:'):
config.put_throttle = int(arg[len("-pt:") : ])
elif arg == '-log':
elif arg.startswith('-log:'):
setLogfileStatus(True, arg[5:])
elif arg == '-nolog':
elif arg == '-verbose' or arg == "-v":
verbose += 1
elif arg == '-daemonize':
import daemonize
elif arg.startswith('-daemonize:'):
import daemonize
daemonize.daemonize(redirect_std = arg[11:])
elif arg == '-cosmeticchanges' or arg == '-cc':
config.cosmetic_changes = not config.cosmetic_changes
output(u'NOTE: option cosmetic_changes is %s\n' % config.cosmetic_changes)
# global debug option for development purposes. Normally does nothing.
elif arg == '-debug':
debug = True
config.special_page_limit = 500
# the argument is not global. Let the specific bot script care
# about it.
if verbose:
output(u'Pywikipediabot %s' % (version.getversion()))
output(u'Python %s' % (sys.version))
return nonGlobalArgs
# Interpret configuration
# search for user interface module in the 'userinterfaces' subdirectory
exec "import %s_interface as uiModule" % config.userinterface
ui = uiModule.UI()
verbose = 0
debug = False
default_family = config.family
default_code = config.mylang
logfile = None
# Check
# if the default family+wiki is a non-public one,
# getSite will try login in. We don't want that, the module
# is not yet loaded.
except KeyError:
u"""Please create a file user-config.py, and put in there:\n
One line saying \"mylang='language'\"
One line saying \"usernames['wikipedia']['language']='yy'\"\n
...filling in your username and the language code of the wiki you want to work
For other possible configuration variables check config.py.
# Set socket timeout
def writeToCommandLogFile():
Save the name of the called module along with all parameters to
logs/commands.log so that the user can look it up later to track errors
or report bugs.
modname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
# put quotation marks around all parameters
args = [decodeArg(modname)] + [decodeArg('"%s"' % s) for s in sys.argv[1:]]
commandLogFilename = config.datafilepath('logs', 'commands.log')
commandLogFile = codecs.open(commandLogFilename, 'a', 'utf-8')
except IOError:
commandLogFile = codecs.open(commandLogFilename, 'w', 'utf-8')
# add a timestamp in ISO 8601 formulation
isoDate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
commandLogFile.write("%s r%s Python %s "
% (isoDate, version.getversiondict()['rev'],
s = u' '.join(args)
commandLogFile.write(s + os.linesep)
def setLogfileStatus(enabled, logname = None):
global logfile
if enabled:
if not logname:
logname = '%s.log' % calledModuleName()
logfn = config.datafilepath('logs', logname)
logfile = codecs.open(logfn, 'a', 'utf-8')
except IOError:
logfile = codecs.open(logfn, 'w', 'utf-8')
# disable the log file
logfile = None
if '*' in config.log or calledModuleName() in config.log:
colorTagR = re.compile('\03{.*?}', re.UNICODE)
def log(text):
"""Write the given text to the logfile."""
if logfile:
# remove all color markup
plaintext = colorTagR.sub('', text)
# save the text in a logfile (will be written in utf-8)
output_lock = threading.Lock()
input_lock = threading.Lock()
output_cache = []
def output(text, decoder = None, newline = True, toStdout = False):
"""Output a message to the user via the userinterface.
Works like print, but uses the encoding used by the user's console
(console_encoding in the configuration file) instead of ASCII.
If decoder is None, text should be a unicode string. Otherwise it
should be encoded in the given encoding.
If newline is True, a linebreak will be added after printing the text.
If toStdout is True, the text will be sent to standard output,
so that it can be piped to another process. All other text will
be sent to stderr. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_%28Unix%29
text can contain special sequences to create colored output. These
consist of the escape character \03 and the color name in curly braces,
e. g. \03{lightpurple}. \03{default} resets the color.
if decoder:
text = unicode(text, decoder)
elif type(text) is not unicode:
if verbose and sys.platform != 'win32':
print "DBG> BUG: Non-unicode (%s) passed to wikipedia.output without decoder!" % type(text)
print traceback.print_stack()
print "DBG> Attempting to recover, but please report this problem"
text = unicode(text, 'utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
text = unicode(text, 'iso8859-1')
if newline:
text += u'\n'
if input_lock.locked():
cache_output(text, toStdout = toStdout)
ui.output(text, toStdout = toStdout)
def cache_output(*args, **kwargs):
output_cache.append((args, kwargs))
def flush_output_cache():
(args, kwargs) = output_cache.pop(0)
ui.output(*args, **kwargs)
def input(question, password = False):
"""Ask the user a question, return the user's answer.
* question - a unicode string that will be shown to the user. Don't add a
space after the question mark/colon, this method will do this
for you.
* password - if True, hides the user's input (for password entry).
Returns a unicode string.
data = ui.input(question, password)
return data
def inputChoice(question, answers, hotkeys, default = None):
"""Ask the user a question with several options, return the user's choice.
The user's input will be case-insensitive, so the hotkeys should be
distinctive case-insensitively.
* question - a unicode string that will be shown to the user. Don't add a
space after the question mark, this method will do this
for you.
* answers - a list of strings that represent the options.
* hotkeys - a list of one-letter strings, one for each answer.
* default - an element of hotkeys, or None. The default choice that will
be returned when the user just presses Enter.
Returns a one-letter string in lowercase.
data = ui.inputChoice(question, answers, hotkeys, default).lower()
return data
def showHelp(moduleName = None):
# the parameter moduleName is deprecated and should be left out.
moduleName = moduleName or sys.argv[0][:sys.argv[0].rindex('.')]
moduleName = moduleName[moduleName.rindex("\\")+1:]
except ValueError: # There was no \ in the module name, so presumably no problem
globalHelp =u'''
Global arguments available for all bots:
-dir:PATH Read the bot's configuration data from directorygivenby import
PATH, instead of from thedefaultdirectory. import
-lang:xx Set the language of the wiki you want to work on, overriding
the configuration in user-config.py. xx should be the
language code.
-family:xyz Set the family of the wiki you want to work on, e.g.
wikipedia, wiktionary, wikitravel, ...
This will override the configuration in user-config.py.
-daemonize:xyz Immediately returns control to the terminal and redirects
stdout and stderr to xyz (only use for bots that require
no input from stdin import
-help Shows this help text.
-log Enable the logfile. Logs will be stored in the logs
-log:xyz Enable the logfile, using xyz as the filename.
-nolog Disable the logfile (if it is enabled by default).
-putthrottle:n Set the minimum time (in seconds) the bot will wait between
-pt:n saving pages.
-verbose Have the bot provide additional output that may be useful in
-v debugging.
-cosmeticchanges Toggles the cosmetic_changes setting made in config.py or
-cc user_config.py to its inverse and overrules it. All other
settings and restrictions are untouched.
output(globalHelp, toStdout = True)
exec('import %s as module' % moduleName)
helpText = module.__doc__.decode('utf-8')
if hasattr(module, 'docuReplacements'):
for key, value in module.docuReplacements.iteritems():
helpText = helpText.replace(key, value.strip('\n\r'))
output(helpText, toStdout = True)
output(u'Sorry, no help available for %s' % moduleName)
page_put_queue = Queue.Queue(config.max_queue_size)
def async_put():
"""Daemon; take pages from the queue and try to save them on the wiki."""
while True:
(page, newtext, comment, watchArticle,
minorEdit, force, callback) = page_put_queue.get()
if page is None:
# an explicit end-of-Queue marker is needed for compatibility
# with Python 2.4; in 2.5, we could use the Queue's task_done()
# and join() methods
page.put(newtext, comment, watchArticle, minorEdit, force)
error = None
except Exception, error:
if callback is not None:
callback(page, error)
# if callback is provided, it is responsible for exception handling
if isinstance(error, SpamfilterError):
output(u"Saving page %s prevented by spam filter: %s"
% (page.aslink(True), error.url))
elif isinstance(error, PageNotSaved):
output(u"Saving page %s failed: %s" % (page.aslink(True), error))
elif isinstance(error, LockedPage):
output(u"Page %s is locked; not saved." % page.aslink(True))
elif isinstance(error, NoUsername):
output(u"Page %s not saved; sysop privileges required."
% page.aslink(True))
elif error is not None:
tb = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())
output(u"Saving page %s failed:\n%s"
% (page.aslink(True), "".join(tb)))
_putthread = threading.Thread(target=async_put)
# identification for debugging purposes
## Don't start the queue if it is not necessary.
def stopme():
"""This should be run when a bot does not interact with the Wiki, or
when it has stopped doing so. After a bot has run stopme() it will
not slow down other bots any more.
def _flush():
"""Wait for the page-putter to flush its queue.
Called automatically upon exiting from Python.
def remaining():
import datetime
remainingPages = page_put_queue.qsize() - 1
# -1 because we added a None element to stop the queue
remainingSeconds = datetime.timedelta(
seconds=(remainingPages * put_throttle.getDelay(True)))
return (remainingPages, remainingSeconds)
page_put_queue.put((None, None, None, None, None, None, None))
if page_put_queue.qsize() > 1:
output(u'Waiting for %i pages to be put. Estimated time remaining: %s'
% remaining())
except KeyboardInterrupt:
answer = inputChoice(u"""\
There are %i pages remaining in the queue. Estimated time remaining: %s
Really exit?"""
% remaining(),
['yes', 'no'], ['y', 'N'], 'N')
if answer == 'y':
except NameError:
if config.use_diskcache and not config.use_api:
for site in _sites.itervalues():
if site._mediawiki_messages:
except OSError:
import atexit
def debugDump(name, site, error, data):
import time
name = unicode(name)
error = unicode(error)
site = unicode(repr(site).replace(u':',u'_'))
filename = '%s_%s__%s.dump' % (name, site, time.asctime())
filename = filename.replace(' ','_').replace(':','-')
f = file(filename, 'wb') #trying to write it in binary
#f = codecs.open(filename, 'w', 'utf-8')
f.write(u'Error reported: %s\n\n' % error)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
output( u'ERROR: %s caused error %s. Dump %s created.' % (name,error,filename) )
get_throttle = Throttle()
put_throttle = Throttle(write=True)
def decompress_gzip(data):
# Use cStringIO if available
# TODO: rewrite gzip.py such that it supports unseekable fileobjects.
if data:
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
import gzip
data = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj = StringIO(data)).read()
except IOError:
return data
def parsetime2stamp(tz):
s = time.strptime(tz, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
return int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", s))
#Redirect Handler for urllib2
class U2RedirectHandler(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler):
def redirect_request(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers, newurl):
newreq = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.redirect_request(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers, newurl)
if (newreq.get_method() == "GET"):
for cl in "Content-Length", "Content-length", "content-length", "CONTENT-LENGTH":
if newreq.has_header(cl):
del newreq.headers[cl]
return newreq
def http_error_301(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
result = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_301(
self, req, fp, code, msg, headers)
result.code = code
result.sheaders = [v for v in headers.__str__().split('\n') if v.startswith('Set-Cookie:')]
return result
def http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
result = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_302(
self, req, fp, code, msg, headers)
result.code = code
result.sheaders = [v for v in headers.__str__().split('\n') if v.startswith('Set-Cookie:')]
return result
# Site Cookies handler
COOKIEFILE = config.datafilepath('login-data', 'cookies.lwp')
cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
if os.path.isfile(COOKIEFILE):
cookieProcessor = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)
MyURLopener = urllib2.build_opener(U2RedirectHandler)
if config.proxy['host']:
proxyHandler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http':'http://%s/' % config.proxy['host'] })
if config.proxy['auth']:
proxyAuth = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
proxyAuth.add_password(None, config.proxy['host'], config.proxy['auth'][0], config.proxy['auth'][1])
proxyAuthHandler = urllib2.ProxyBasicAuthHandler(proxyAuth)
if config.authenticate:
passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
for site in config.authenticate:
passman.add_password(None, site, config.authenticate[site][0], config.authenticate[site][1])
authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
MyURLopener.addheaders = [('User-agent', useragent)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
print 'Pywikipediabot %s' % version.getversion()
print 'Python %s' % sys.version