# Written by Jun Wang, Jie Yang
# see LICENSE.txt for license information
import sys
import math
from random import random
def cooccurrence(pref1, pref2):
i = 0
j = 0
co = 0
size1 = len(pref1)
size2 = len(pref2)
if size1 == 0 or size2 == 0:
return 0
while 1:
if (i>= size1) or (j>=size2): break
Curr_ID1 = pref1[i]
Curr_ID2 = pref2[j]
if Curr_ID1 < Curr_ID2 :
elif Curr_ID1 > Curr_ID2 :
co +=1
return co
def cooccurrence2(pref1, pref2): # pref1 is sorted
i = 0
j = 0
co = 0
size1 = len(pref1)
size2 = len(pref2)
if size1 == 0 or size2 == 0:
return 0
while 1:
if (i>= size1) or (j>=size2): break
Curr_ID1 = pref1[i]
Curr_ID2 = pref2[j]
if Curr_ID1 < Curr_ID2 :
elif Curr_ID1 > Curr_ID2 :
co +=1
return co
def P2PSim(pref1, pref2):
co = cooccurrence(pref1, pref2)
if co == 0:
return 0
normValue = math.sqrt(len(pref1)*len(pref2))
sim0 = co/normValue
sim = int(sim0*1000) # use integer for bencode
return sim
def P2PSim2(pref1, pref2): # use cooccurrence2
co = cooccurrence2(pref1, pref2)
if co == 0:
return 0
normValue = math.sqrt(len(pref1)*len(pref2))
sim0 = co/normValue
sim = int(sim0*1000) # use integer for bencode
return sim
def selectByProbability(pdf_vector, num=1, smooth=2, smooth_value=1, inplace=True):
""" select a number of candidates based on their probabilities """
# Attention: pdf_vector will be changed after this call
# pdf_vector: Discrete vector of the Probability Density Function
# num: the number of candidates to be selected
# smooth:
# 0 - no smooth
# 1 - always smooth
# 2 - if pdf_vector contains 0, smooth
# smooth_value: the extra value added to each item if smooth
# return: The index list of selected items
if not pdf_vector:
return []
if not inplace:
pdf_vector = pdf_vector[:]
n = len(pdf_vector)
candidates = range(n)
if num >= n:
return candidates
if smooth == 1 or (smooth == 2 and min(pdf_vector) == 0):
for i in candidates:
pdf_vector[i] += smooth_value
selected = []
while len(selected) < num:
cdf_vector = getCDF(pdf_vector)
rand = random() * max(cdf_vector)
cand = bisearch(cdf_vector, rand) # bisect
return selected
def getCDF(pdf_vector):
cdf_vector = []
sum = 0
for i in xrange(len(pdf_vector)):
if pdf_vector[i] > 0:
sum += pdf_vector[i]
return cdf_vector
def bisearch(vector, value): # vector must be sorted
low = 0
high = len(vector)
while low < high:
mid = (low + high) / 2
if value == vector[mid]:
return mid
elif value > vector[mid]:
low = mid + 1
high = mid
return low
if '__main__'== __name__:
def testSim():
pref1 = [1,3,6,8,9,0,2,7,5,4]
pref2 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
pref3 = [1,3,5,7,9, 11, 13]
pref4 = [11, 24, 25, 64]
pref5 = []
pref6 = [1, 66, 77, 88, 99, 100, 11]
#cand = ['111','222','333','444','555','666','777','888','999']
# for j in xrange(55000):
# x = selectByProbability(pref1[:], pref1, 1)
# for i in x:
# print i,
# print
# print "****"
# print pref1
# print bisearch(pref1, 3.1)
# print getCDF(pref1)
print cooccurrence(pref1, pref2), P2PSim(pref1, pref2)
print cooccurrence(pref1, pref3), P2PSim(pref1, pref3)
print cooccurrence(pref1, pref4), P2PSim(pref1, pref4)
print cooccurrence(pref1, pref5), P2PSim(pref1, pref5)
print cooccurrence(pref1, pref6), P2PSim(pref1, pref6)