# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of emesene.
# Emesene is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# emesene is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with emesene; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import os
import re
import time
import paths
import emesenelib.common
from Parser import ConversationDataType
tagRe = re.compile('%(.*?)%')
class ConversationLayoutManager(object):
''' This class handles the conversation theming system '''
def __init__(self, controller):
self.infos = {}
self.theme = {}
self.controller = controller
self.config = controller.config
self.unifiedParser = controller.unifiedParser
def reset(self):
''' Resets the theme '''
self.infos['name'] = ''
self.infos['description'] = ''
self.infos['author'] = ''
self.infos['website'] = ''
self.theme['incoming'] = ''
self.theme['consecutive_incoming'] = ''
self.theme['offline_incoming'] = ''
self.theme['outgoing'] = ''
self.theme['consecutive_outgoing'] = ''
self.theme['information'] = ''
self.theme['error'] = ''
def setValue(self, key, value):
''' Sets a key according to the given value '''
if key in self.theme.keys():
self.theme[key] = value
elif key in self.infos.keys():
self.infos[key] = value
emesenelib.common.debug(key + ' is not a valid property for a conversation layout !')
def resolveValue(self):
''' Resolve shortcut like "incoming=outgoing" '''
for key, value in self.theme.iteritems():
if value in self.theme.keys():
self.theme[key] = self.theme[value]
def setDefault(self):
''' Sets the default theme (you should use that when a load fails) '''
self.theme['incoming'] = '<span style="font-weight: bold;">%nick% says :</span><br/> [%h%:%m%:%s%] %formattedmessage%<br/>'
self.theme['consecutive_incoming'] = ' [%h%:%m%:%s%] %formattedmessage%<br/>'
self.theme['offline_incoming'] = 'incoming'
self.theme['outgoing'] = 'incoming'
self.theme['consecutive_outgoing'] = 'consecutive_incoming'
self.theme['information'] = ' [%h%:%m%:%s%] <span style="font-weight: bold;">%message%</span><br/>'
self.theme['error'] = ' [%h%:%m%:%s%] <span style="font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000;">%message%</span><br/>'
def load(self, name):
'''Loads a theme, return true on success, false otherwise.
It seeks the theme in config dir, and then in app dir.
If the loads fails, the old layout is restored'''
def doLoad(filename):
themefile = None
themefile = open(filename, 'r')
themestring = themefile.read()
for i in themestring.splitlines():
i = i.lstrip()
if i != '' and not i.startswith('#'):
delim = i.find('=')
key = i[:delim].lower()
value = i[delim+1:]
self.setValue(key, value)
if not self.isValid():
return False
return True
if themefile:
return False
oldInfos = self.infos
oldTheme = self.theme
filename = paths.CONVTHEMES_HOME_PATH + os.sep + name + os.sep + 'theme'
if not os.path.exists(filename):
filename = paths.CONVTHEMES_SYSTEM_WIDE_PATH + os.sep + name + \
os.sep + 'theme'
if os.path.exists(filename):
success = doLoad(filename)
success = False
if not success:
self.infos = oldInfos
self.theme = oldTheme
return success
def isValid(self):
''' Checks if the theme is valid '''
for value in self.theme.values():
if value == None or value in self.theme.keys():
return False
return True
def listAvailableThemes(self):
''' Lists all available and valid themes and return a list '''
conversationLayout = ConversationLayoutManager(self.controller)
validThemesList = []
homethemes = os.listdir(paths.CONVTHEMES_HOME_PATH)
except OSError:
homethemes = []
globalthemes = os.listdir(paths.CONVTHEMES_SYSTEM_WIDE_PATH)
except OSError:
globalthemes = []
for currentTheme in homethemes + globalthemes:
if conversationLayout.load(currentTheme):
return validThemesList
def layout(self, username, message, format, conversation, type, timestamp, \
ink=False, p4c=False):
''' Returns HTML code according to the the current theme '''
if type not in self.theme.keys():
return ''
switchboard = conversation.switchboard
if not ink:
messageDataObject = self.unifiedParser.getParser(message, ConversationDataType)
message = messageDataObject.get(smileys=self.config.user['parseSmilies'])
message = message.replace('\n', '<br/>')
if os.name == 'posix':
message = '<img src="file://%s" alt="Ink message" />' % message
message = '<img src="file://localhost/%s" alt="Ink message" />' % message
arguments = {}
# Fills nick
arguments['nick'] = ''
if username:
if username.find("@") == -1: #if it's not an email
arguments['nick'] = username
else: #may catch nicknames with the char "@"
arguments['nick'] = self.controller.msn.getUserDisplayName(username)
# prevent lowercasing nick when an oim is received
#if type == 'offline_incoming' and username.find("@") != -1:
# arguments['nick'] = username
# Fills email
arguments['email'] = username
# Fills message
arguments['message'] = message
# Fills avatar
arguments['avatar'] = ''
if type == 'outgoing' or type == 'consecutive_outgoing':
arguments['avatar'] = self.controller.avatar.getImagePath()
elif type == 'incoming' or type == 'consecutive_incoming':
arguments['avatar'] = self.controller.msn.cacheDir + os.sep + \
username.split('@')[0] + '.tmp'
# Fills (?) timestamp
arguments['timestamp'] = timestamp
# Layout
if format is None:
parser = LayoutTagParser(self, arguments, self.getCssStyle(), type)
parser = LayoutTagParser(self, arguments, format, type)
result = tagRe.sub(parser.sub, self.theme[type])
return '<span><span style="font-size: %spt;">%s</span></span>' % \
(self.config.user['fontSize'], result)
def getPreview(self):
''' Returns a preview of the layout '''
preview = ''
arguments = {}
userStyle = self.getCssStyle()
# Fills arguments with faked ones
# First message
arguments['nick'] = self.controller.msn.nick
arguments['email'] = 'youremail@hotmail.com'
arguments['message'] = _('This is an outgoing message')
arguments['avatar'] = self.controller.avatar.getImagePath()
arguments['timestamp'] = time.time()
parser = LayoutTagParser(self, arguments, userStyle, 'outgoing')
preview += tagRe.sub(parser.sub, self.theme['outgoing'])
# Second message
arguments['message'] = _('This is a consecutive outgoing message')
parser = LayoutTagParser(self, arguments, userStyle, 'consecutive_outgoing')
preview += tagRe.sub(parser.sub, self.theme['consecutive_outgoing'])
# Third message
arguments['nick'] = 'John Doe'
arguments['email'] = 'john_doe@hotmail.com'
arguments['message'] = _('This is an incoming message')
# TODO : have an example picture
arguments['avatar'] = self.controller.avatar.getImagePath()
parser = LayoutTagParser(self, arguments, None, 'incoming')
preview += tagRe.sub(parser.sub, self.theme['incoming'])
# Fourth message
arguments['message'] = _('This is a consecutive incoming message')
parser = LayoutTagParser(self, arguments, None, 'consecutive_incoming')
preview += tagRe.sub(parser.sub, self.theme['consecutive_incoming'])
# Information message
arguments['message'] = _('This is an information message')
parser = LayoutTagParser(self, arguments, None, 'information')
preview += tagRe.sub(parser.sub, self.theme['information'])
# Fourth message
arguments['message'] = _('This is an error message')
parser = LayoutTagParser(self, arguments, None, 'error')
preview += tagRe.sub(parser.sub, self.theme['error'])
return '<span><span style="font-size: %spt;">%s</span></span>' % \
(self.config.user['fontSize'], preview)
def getCssStyle(self):
'''return the css style of the user'''
style = ''
if self.config.user['fontBold']:
style += 'font-weight: bold;'
if self.config.user['fontItalic']:
style += 'font-style: italic;'
if self.config.user['fontUnderline']:
if self.config.user['fontStrike']:
style += 'text-decoration: underline line-through;'
style += 'text-decoration: underline;'
elif self.config.user['fontStrike']:
style += 'text-decoration: line-through;'
style += 'font-size: ' + str(self.config.user['fontSize']) + 'pt;'
style += 'color: ' + str(self.config.user['fontColor']) + ';'
style += 'font-family: ' + str(self.config.user['fontFace']) + ';'
return style
def getName(self):
return self.infos['name']
def getDescription(self):
return self.infos['description']
def getAuthor(self):
return self.infos['author']
def getWebsite(self):
return self.infos['website']
class LayoutTagParser:
'''thread-safe environment to parse layout tags'''
def __init__(self, parent, arguments, format, type):
self.parent = parent
self.arguments = arguments
self.format = format
self.type = type
self.controller = parent.controller
self.config = parent.controller.config
self.unifiedParser = parent.unifiedParser
def sub(self, data):
''' Called by re.sub for each tag found '''
tag = data.groups()[0].lower()
if tag == 'nick':
nick = self.arguments['nick']
nickDataObject = self.unifiedParser.getParser(nick, ConversationDataType)
nick = nickDataObject.get(urls=False, smileys=self.config.user['parseSmilies'])
return nick
elif tag == 'message' or \
(self.config.user['disableFormat'] and tag == 'formattedmessage'):
return self.arguments['message']
elif tag == 'formattedmessage':
message = self.arguments['message']
return '<span style="%s">%s</span>' % (self.format, message)
elif tag == 'h':
return time.strftime('%H', time.localtime(self.arguments['timestamp']))
elif tag == 'm':
return time.strftime('%M', time.localtime(self.arguments['timestamp']))
elif tag == 's':
return time.strftime('%S', time.localtime(self.arguments['timestamp']))
elif tag == 'date':
return time.strftime('%Ex', time.localtime(self.arguments['timestamp']))
elif tag == 'avatar':
return '<img src="file://' + self.arguments['avatar'] + '"/>'
elif tag == 'says':
return _('says')
elif tag == 'said':
return _('said')
elif tag == 'offline':
return _('Offline message')
elif tag == 'email':
return self.arguments['email']
return data.groups()[0]
def extractArgument(self, tag):
''' Retrieves arguments from a tag '''
start = tag.find('(')+1
end = tag.find(')')
arglist = tag[start:end].replace(' ', '')
return arglist.split(',')