# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of emesene.
# Emesene is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# emesene is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with emesene; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
'''base classes that represent abstract GUI elements to build configuration
class Base(object):
'''the base class for all the items that can contain a value, it
contains a identifier and a value, the callback is called when the
value changes, the callback must receive 4 arguments:
* this object
* the identifier
* the value
* a boolean that is true if the configurarion dialog is closed
(that means that it's the last change on the element, useful if you
dont want to update things everytime the user changes the content, and
only when is the last change)'''
def __init__(self, identifier, callback=None):
'''class constructor'''
self.identifier = identifier
self._value = None
self.callback = callback
def _get_value(self):
'''return value'''
return self._value
def _set_value(self, value):
'''set value'''
self._value = value
value = property(fget=_get_value, fset=_set_value)
def on_value_changed(self, is_last_change=False):
'''call the calback if not none with the arguments especified on the
class doc, is_last_change will be True if it's the last change on the
object (when the config dialog is closed'''
if self.callback:
self.callback(self, self.identifier, self.value, is_last_change)
def validate(self, value=None):
'''since no validations can be done on this fiels, always return
return (True, 'OK', self)
class Validable(Base):
'''a class that contain methods to validate the content'''
def __init__(self, identifier, callback=None):
'''class constructor'''
Base.__init__(self, identifier, callback)
self.validators = []
def add_validator(self, validator, error_message):
'''add a validator method to the validators that will be called
on the content when the validate method is called.
if the validator return False, the error_message will be displayed'''
self.validators.append((validator, error_message))
def validate(self, value=None):
'''validate the value with all the validators or self.value if
value is None, the first that fails
will return the error message, if some fails will return
(False, error_message, self) if none fails return (True, 'OK', self)'''
for (validator, error_message) in self.validators:
if not validator(value or self.value):
return (False, error_message, self)
return (True, 'OK', self)
class Text(Validable):
'''a class that represent an abstract field that contains a label and
a text field with an optional text content'''
def __init__(self, identifier, label, text=None, callback=None):
'''class constructor'''
Validable.__init__(self, identifier, callback)
self.label = label
self.value = text or ''
class Password(Text):
'''a class that represent an abstract field that contains a label and
a password field with an optional text content'''
def __init__(self, identifier, label, text=None, callback=None):
'''class constructor'''
Text.__init__(self, identifier, label, text, callback)
class CheckBox(Base):
'''a class that represent an abstract field that contains a label and
can be set to checked or not checked'''
def __init__(self, identifier, label, value=False, callback=None):
'''class constructor'''
Base.__init__(self, identifier, callback)
self.label = label
self.value = value
class RadioGroup(Base):
'''a class that represent an abstract group of fields on which only one
can be selected, every item has a label and the group has a text that
describe the groups, for example group_label="fruits",
labels=("apple", "orange", "banana") selected_index=1
the identifiers are the values that will be returned as the selecetd
index, for example the label can be A_pple and the identidier apple,
or the label can be translated, but identifier stay the same'''
def __init__(self, identifier, labels, identifiers, group_label,
selected_index=0, callback=None):
'''class constructor, labels is a list or tuple of strings and
selected_index is the index of the selected index by default, if
the index is out of range, the first item will be selected.
identifier is the identifier of the group, identifiers is a list or
tuple of the identifier value for each label'''
Base.__init__(self, identifier, callback)
if len(labels) < 2:
raise ValueError("labels size < 2")
if len(labels) != len(identifiers):
raise ValueError("number of labels and identifiers differ")
self.labels = labels
self.group_label = group_label
self.selected_index = selected_index
self.identifiers = identifiers
if self.selected_index < 0 or self.selected_index > len(self.labels):
self.selected_index = 0
class Group(object):
'''a class that represent a logic group of elements, the way it is
represented can be a frame or something like that, it has a optional
name for the group, if label is none, then no frame or label will be
displayed on the group'''
def __init__(self, label=None):
'''class constructor'''
self.label = label
self.items = []
def add_item(self, item):
'''add an item to the group, the item can be any element'''
def on_last_change(self):
'''call last change for all the containing items'''
for item in self.items:
if issubclass(type(item), Base):
elif issubclass(type(item), Group):
def validate(self):
'''calidate all the containing elements and return (True, 'OK')
if all validated and (False, error_message) of the first validation
that failed'''
for item in self.items:
(validated, message, element) = item.validate()
if not validated:
return (validated, message, element)
return (True, 'OK', self)
class Tab(Group):
'''a class that represent a containter tab with elements'''
def __init__(self, label):
'''class constructor'''
Group.__init__(self, label)
class TabGroup(Group):
'''a class that represent a group of tabs'''
def __init__(self):
'''class constructor'''
Group.__init__(self, None)
def add_item(self, item):
'''add an item to the group, the item can be any element'''
if type(item) == Tab:
Group.add_item(self, item)
raise ValueError("item is not of type Tab")
def build(element):
'''this method should be overrided by the implementation module, it should
return a non modal window with an accept button, that will call to
a method like this on close:
(validated, message, element) = element.validate()
# here a dialog should be displayed and the window not closed
if not validated:
dialog.error("field '" + element.identifier + \
"' with value '" + element.value + "' not valid: \n" + message)
# all fields are valid
dialog_window.close() # or similar
raise NotImplementedError