# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of emesene.
# Emesene is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# emesene is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with emesene; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
'''a module to define a base object that can emit signals and call
methods that are connected to those signals'''
import gc
import weakref
import inspect
class Object(object):
'''a base class to add signal support to our class'''
def __init__(self):
self.signals = {}
self.callbacks = {}
def signal_add(self, name, param_count):
'''add a supported signal to the object with the name
"name" and the number of parameters param_count'''
if name in self.signals:
raise Exception("Signal already defined")
self.signals[name] = param_count
self.callbacks[name] = []
def signal_connect(self, name, callback, *args):
'''connect the callback to the signal "name", add optional
user parameter to the callback args.
The number of parameters received by the callback are checked
and an Exception is raised if the number of parameters does
not match with the defined param_count of the signal.
The signal is connected with a weakref, so if only reference
to your object are from signalconnectionsitwillbe import
garbage collected'''
if name not in self.signals:
raise Exception("signal '%s' not defined" % (name,))
# if the number of arguments does not match and the callback
# doesn't have a *args parameter
# its param_count + 1 because the first parameter is the object
# that emits the signal
# for callbacks of objects (methods) it's + 2 because the first
# argument is self
arg_spec = inspect.getargspec(callback)
if not arg_spec[1]:
args_num = len(arg_spec[0])
if (inspect.isfunction(callback) and
args_num != self.signals[name] + 1 + len(args)):
raise TypeError(
"invalid number of arguments (%d required %d found)" % \
(self.signals[name] + 1 + len(args), args_num))
elif (inspect.ismethod(callback) and
args_num != self.signals[name] + 2 + len(args)):
raise TypeError(
"invalid number of arguments (%d required %d found)" % \
(self.signals[name] + 2 + len(args), args_num))
self.callbacks[name].append((callback, args))
def signal_emit(self, name, *args):
'''emit the signal of name "name" using args "args"
args must match the number of arguments of the signal
and name must exist'''
if name not in self.signals:
raise ValueError("signal '%s' not defined" % (name,))
for (callback, user_args) in self.callbacks[name]:
all_args = list(args or []) + list(user_args or [])
args_num = len(all_args)
if self.signals[name] + len(user_args) != args_num:
raise TypeError("incorrect number of parameters \
(%d required %d found)" % (self.signals[name], args_num))
if inspect.ismethod(callback) and \
len(gc.get_referrers(callback.im_self)) == 1:
#print 'deleting callback', name, callback
del self.signals[name]
callback(self, *all_args)