# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of emesene.
# Emesene is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# emesene is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with emesene; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import urllib
import base64
import hashlib
import os
class MsnObjectsManager(object):
def __init__( self, user ):
self.user = user
self.objects = {}
self.idToContext = {}
def getByContext( self, context ):
tmp = base64.b64decode( context )
if not tmp.endswith( '\0' ):
context = base64.b64encode( tmp+'\0' )
if self.objects.has_key(context):
return self.objects[context]
return None
def getIds( self ):
return self.idToContext.keys()
def getById( self, id ):
return self.getByContext( self.idToContext[id] )
def create( self, id, filename, type ):
#msnobj = Msnobj.Msnobj( self.user, size, Msnobj.Msnobj.CUSTOM_EMOTICON, name, data = f.read() )
f = file( filename, 'rb' )
f.seek( 0,2 )
size = f.tell()
f.seek( 0,0 )
name = filename.split( os.sep )[ -1: ][ 0 ]
msnobj = Msnobj( self.user.lower(), size, type, "0", data = f.read(), filename=filename, friendly=id )
context = base64.b64encode( str( msnobj )+ '\0' )
self.objects.update( {context:msnobj} )
if id !='': self.idToContext.update( {id:context} )
return msnobj
def remove( self, id=None, context=None ):
if id != None:
context = self.getById( id )
self.idToContext.pop( id )
self.objects.pop( context )
except: pass
class Msnobj( object ):
'''this class represent the msnobject, for example:
<msnobj Creator="buddy@hotmail.com" Size="24539" Type="3" Location="TFR2C.tmp" Friendly="AAA=" SHA1D="snip" SHA1C="snip"/>
wlm CE:
spoo <msnobj Creator="buddy@hotmail.com" Type="2" SHA1D="87YzhijLQyyp4iIlL2k9LlB2wr0=" Size="1169" Location="0" Friendly="cwBwAG8AbwAAAA=="/>
* 2: Custom Emoticons
* 3: Display Pictures
* 5: Background Images
* 7: Dynamic Display Pictures (Flash-animated DPs)
* 8: Winks (short Flash animations)
* 11: Voice Clips (Wave sounds)
* 12: "SavedState" Property of Add-Ins
* 14: MSNP15 Locations
WINK = 8
def __init__( self, creator, size='', type='', location='', friendly='\x00', sha1c='', sha1d='', data='', filename='' ):
'''# Creator - This field indicates the person who made (and is sending) the object.
# Size - The Size field contains the length of the file in bytes
# Type - The Type field indicates what sort of image (or file) it is about. At the moment the following flags are known:
* 2: Custom Emoticons
* 3: Display Pictures
* 5: Background Images
* 7: Dynamic Display Pictures (Flash-animated DPs)
* 8: Winks (short Flash animations)
* 11: Voice Clips (Wave sounds)
* 12: "SavedState" Property of Add-Ins
* 14: MSNP15 Locations
# Location - The Location field contains the filename under which the picture (or file) will be (or has been) stored
# Friendly - This field contains the name of the picture in Unicode (UTF-16) format. The string is then encoded with Base64. So far this field has only been seen used with Background Images and Winks. With other file types, its value is "AAA=" (the utf-16 null string, encoded with Base64).
# SHA1D - The SHA1D field contains a SHA1 hash of the images data encoded in Base64. It will from now on be called the SHA1 Data field.
# SHA1C - This field contains all previous fields hashed with SHA1, and then encoded in Base64'''
#FIXME: that docstring sucks
self.creator = creator
self.size = size
self.type = int(type)
self.location = location
self.friendly = friendly
self.filename = filename
self.data = data
#for received msnobj
if sha1d != '':
self.sha1d = sha1d
# always return the same sha1d, amsn requires this
self.forceSha1d = True
self.sha1d = self.makeSha1d()
self.forceSha1d = False
if sha1c != '':
self.sha1c = sha1c
self.sha1c = self.makeSha1c()
def __repr__( self ):
friendly = base64.b64encode( unicode( self.friendly ).encode( 'utf-16' )[2:] )
string = '<msnobj Creator="' + self.creator + '" '
string += 'Size="' + str( self.size ) + '" Type="' + str( self.type ) + '" '
string += 'Location="'+ self.location +'" '
string += 'Friendly="' + friendly + '" '
sha1d = ''
if self.forceSha1d:
sha1d = self.sha1d
sha1d = self.makeSha1d()
string += 'SHA1D="' + sha1d + '" SHA1C="' + self.makeSha1c() + '"/>'
return string
def makeSha1d( self ):
h = hashlib.sha1(self.data)
return base64.b64encode( h.digest() )
def makeSha1c( self ):
friendly = base64.b64encode( unicode( self.friendly ).encode( 'utf-16' )[2:] )
string = 'Creator' + self.creator
string += 'Size' + str( self.size ) + 'Type' + str( self.type )
string += 'Location'+ unquote( self.location )
string += 'Friendly' + friendly
string += 'SHA1D' + self.sha1d
h = hashlib.sha1(string)
return base64.b64encode( h.digest() )
def quote( self ):
return urllib.quote( self.__repr__() )
def getCreator( self ): #XXX: property
return self.creator
def setCreator( self, creator ):
self.creator = creator
def getType(self):
return str( self.type )
def __eq__(self, obj):
status = True
if not isinstance(obj, Msnobj):
return False
fields = ['creator', 'location', 'friendly', 'size', 'type',
'sha1c', 'sha1d']
for field in fields:
if getattr(self, field) != getattr(obj, field):
#print "DEBUG msnobj %s differ: %s != %s" % (field,
# getattr(self, field),
# getattr(obj, field))
status = False
return status
def __neq__(self, obj):
return not (self == obj)
def unquote( msnobj ):
return urllib.unquote( msnobj )
def createFromString( string, quoted=True ):
if string == '0': return None
if quoted:
msnobjStr = unquote( string )
msnobjStr = string
def getData( string, start, stop ):
if start in string:
return string.split( start )[1].split(stop)[0]
# TODO: what to do when a field is not in the string?
return ''
creator = getData( msnobjStr, 'Creator="', '"' )
size = getData( msnobjStr, 'Size="', '"' )
_type = getData( msnobjStr, 'Type="', '"' )
location = getData( msnobjStr, 'Location="', '"' )
friendly = getData( msnobjStr, 'Friendly="', '"' )
friendly = str( base64.b64decode( friendly ).decode( 'utf-16' ) )
friendly = '\x00'
sha1d = getData( msnobjStr, 'SHA1D="', '"' )
sha1c = getData( msnobjStr, 'SHA1C="', '"' )
return Msnobj(creator, size, _type, location, friendly, sha1c, sha1d)
except Exception, e:
print 'cant create msnobj from: ' + msnobjStr
print str( e )
return None