# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of emesene.
# Emesene is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# emesene is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with emesene; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import struct
import urllib
import hashlib
import Msnobj
import Switchboard
import common
#------------------------- FROM HERE -----------------------------
# Copyright 2005 James Bunton <james@delx.cjb.net>
# Licensed for distribution under the GPL version 2, check COPYING for details
def doChallenge(chlData):
md5digest = hashlib.md5(chlData + _PRODUCT_KEY).digest()
# Make array of md5 string ints
md5Ints = struct.unpack("<llll", md5digest)
md5Ints = [(x & 0x7fffffff) for x in md5Ints]
# Make array of chl string ints
chlData += _PRODUCT_ID
amount = 8 - len(chlData) % 8
chlData += "".zfill(amount)
chlInts = struct.unpack("<%di" % (len(chlData)/4), chlData)
# Make the key
high = 0
low = 0
i = 0
while i < len(chlInts) - 1:
temp = chlInts[i]
temp = (MSNP11_MAGIC_NUM * temp) % 0x7FFFFFFF
temp += high
temp = md5Ints[0] * temp + md5Ints[1]
temp = temp % 0x7FFFFFFF
high = chlInts[i + 1]
high = (high + temp) % 0x7FFFFFFF
high = md5Ints[2] * high + md5Ints[3]
high = high % 0x7FFFFFFF
low = low + high + temp
i += 2
high = littleEndify((high + md5Ints[1]) % 0x7FFFFFFF)
low = littleEndify((low + md5Ints[3]) % 0x7FFFFFFF)
key = (high << 32L) + low
key = littleEndify(key, "Q")
longs = [x for x in struct.unpack(">QQ", md5digest)]
longs = [littleEndify(x, "Q") for x in longs]
longs = [x ^ key for x in longs]
longs = [littleEndify(abs(x), "Q") for x in longs]
out = ""
for x in longs:
x = hex(long(x))
x = x[2:-1]
x = x.zfill(16)
out += x.lower()
return out
def littleEndify(num, c="L"):
return struct.unpack(">" + c, struct.pack("<" + c, num))[0]
# ------------------------------ TO HERE ----------------------------------
class SignalHandler( object ):
'''This class represent the default signal handler for core
you should inherit from thisyouknowwhatyouaredoing import
you can create your own base class without inheriting from thisone import
def __init__( self, msn ):
self.msn = msn
self.socket = self.msn.socket
self.canUseP4 = self.msn.canUseP4
def challenge( self, msnp, command, tid, params ):
'''reply a challenge made from the server'''
out = doChallenge( params )
self.socket.sendPayloadCommand( 'QRY' , _PRODUCT_ID , out )
def statusChange( self, msnp, command, tid, params ):
'''handles ILN messages and status-change signals, which are never
emitted. So only ILN'''
#ILN 9 IDL xxxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com .%20J%20i%20N%20G%20. 1342554148 %3Cmsnobj%20Creator%3D%22xxxxxxxxxxxxx%40yahoo.it%22%20Size%3D%225637%22%20Type%3D%223%22%20Location%3D%22TFR10B.dat%22%20Friendly%3D%22AAA%3D%22%20SHA1D%3D%22X0qXqwshIMyNnCGFYDEmOrLfFrE%3D%22%20SHA1C%3D%22CTsCEDGiY82DrNMYGVJAj01x%2F%2BA%3D%22%2F%3E
t = params.split( " " )
status = t[ 0 ]
email = t[ 1 ].lower()
nick = urllib.unquote(t[3])
nick = nick.decode('utf-8', 'replace').encode('utf-8')
if status == 'HDN':
# this was getting pretty annoying to me. --dxdx
status = 'FLN'
oldStatus = self.msn.contactManager.getContactStatus( email )
self.msn.contactManager.setContactStatus( email, status )
self.msn.contactManager.setContactNick( email, nick )
if len(t) == 6:
msnobj = t[5]
contact = self.msn.contactManager.getContact(email)
if contact != None:
contact.clientid = int(t[4])
msnObject = Msnobj.createFromString(msnobj)
if contact.msnobj == None or \
(msnObject != None and msnObject != contact.msnobj):
contact.msnobj = msnObject
self.msn.emit( 'msnobj-changed', msnObject, (oldStatus=='FLN') )
if self.msn.contactManager.getContactNick( email ) != nick:
self.msn.emit( 'nick-changed', email, nick )
if self.msn.contactManager.getContactStatus(email) != status:
self.msn.emit('contact-status-change', email, status)
contact = self.msn.contactManager.getContact(email)
self.msn.emit('user-attr-changed', contact)
def statusOnline( self, msnp, command, tid, params ):
'''handles NLN messages which notify when a contact logs in or
changes status, nick, capabilities, msnobj, etc'''
status = tid
t = params.split(' ')
email = t[0].lower()
nick = urllib.unquote(t[2]).decode('utf-8', 'replace').encode('utf-8')
oldStatus = self.msn.contactManager.getContactStatus( email )
self.msn.contactManager.setContactStatus( email, status )
if len( t ) == 5:
msnobj = t[4]
contact = self.msn.contactManager.getContact( email )
contact.clientid = int(t[3])
if contact != None:
msnObject = Msnobj.createFromString( msnobj )
if contact.msnobj == None or \
(msnObject != None and \
msnObject != contact.msnobj):
contact.msnobj = msnObject
self.msn.emit( 'msnobj-changed', msnObject,
(oldStatus=='FLN') )
if self.msn.contactManager.getContactNick( email ) != nick:
self.msn.emit( 'nick-changed', email, nick )
self.msn.contactManager.setContactNick( email, nick )
if oldStatus != status:
common.debug('%s (%s) changed status from %s to %s' % \
(nick, email, oldStatus, status), 'signal handler')
self.msn.emit('user-online', email, oldStatus)
self.msn.emit('contact-status-change', email, status)
contact = self.msn.contactManager.getContact( email )
self.msn.emit( 'user-attr-changed', contact )
def statusOffline( self, msnp, command, tid, params ):
'''handle a friend going offline'''
email = tid.lower()
self.msn.contactManager.setContactStatus( email, 'FLN' )
common.debug('%s disconnected' % (email,), 'signal handler')
self.msn.emit( 'user-offline', email )
contact = self.msn.contactManager.getContact( email )
self.msn.emit( 'user-attr-changed', contact )
self.msn.emit('contact-status-change', email, 'FLN')
def switchboardInvitation( self, msnp, command, tid, params ):
'''handle the switchboard invitation, this is the first message
that a buddy send to you when he wants to chat with you'''
# RNG 146980 CKI 1138138395.4459
# example@passport.com Example%20Name U messenger.hotmail.com
completeCommand = command + ' ' + tid + ' ' + params
if len( completeCommand.split( ' ' ) ) != 10:
print 'invalid message in switchboardInvitation, not opening switchboard'
( command, sessionID, host, authenticationType,
authenticationString, user, userName, u,
server, flag ) = completeCommand.split( ' ' )
user = user.lower()
sb = Switchboard.Switchboard(tid, msnp, 'invited')
def serverMessage( self, msnp, command, tid, params, payload ):
'''called when we receive a MSG in the main socket'''
payloadData = {}
for line in payload.split('\r\n'):
key, value = line.split(': ',1)
if payloadData.has_key('Content-Type') == True:
ct = payloadData['Content-Type'].split('; ')[0]
if( ct == 'text/x-msmsgsinitialemailnotification' ):
# Initial Mail Notification
self.msn.inboxUnreadMessages = int(
payloadData['Inbox-Unread'] )
payloadData['Folders-Unread'] )
self.msn.emit( 'initial-mail-notification' )
elif( ct == 'text/x-msmsgsinitialmdatanotification' ):
#Initial Offline Messages Notification
self.msn.msnOIM.parseMailData( payloadData['Mail-Data'] )
except: pass
except: pass
except: pass
except: pass
self.msn.emit( 'initial-mail-notification' )
if self.msn.msnOIM.getMessageCount() > 0:
self.msn.emit( 'offline-message-waiting',
self.msn.msnOIM )
elif( ct == 'text/x-msmsgsemailnotification' ):
# New Email Notification
From = payloadData['From']
FromAddr = payloadData['From-Addr']
Subject = payloadData['Subject']
MessageURL = payloadData['Message-URL']
PostURL = payloadData['Post-URL']
id = payloadData['id']
if payloadData['Dest-Folder'] == 'ACTIVE':
self.msn.inboxMessages += 1
self.msn.inboxUnreadMessages +=1
self.msn.otherMessages += 1
self.msn.otherMessagesUnreaded +=1
self.msn.emit( 'new-mail-notification',
From, FromAddr, Subject, MessageURL , PostURL, id )
elif( ct == 'text/x-msmsgsactivemailnotification' ):
# Email Movement Notification
src = payloadData['Src-Folder']
dest = payloadData['Dest-Folder']
delta = int( payloadData['Message-Delta'] )
if dest == 'trAsH':
if src == 'ACTIVE':
self.msn.inboxMessages -= delta
self.msn.inboxUnreadMessages -=delta
self.msn.otherMessages -= delta
self.msn.otherMessagesUnreaded -=delta
elif dest == 'ACTIVE':
if src == 'ACTIVE':
self.msn.inboxUnreadMessages -= delta
elif src != 'trAsH':
self.msn.otherMessages -= delta
self.msn.otherMessagesUnreaded -=delta
self.msn.inboxMessages += delta
self.msn.inboxUnreadMessages +=delta
self.msn.inboxMessages += delta
self.msn.inboxUnreadMessages +=delta
if src == 'ACTIVE':
self.msn.inboxMessages -= delta
self.msn.inboxUnreadMessages -=delta
self.msn.otherMessages += delta
self.msn.otherMessagesUnreaded +=delta
elif src == dest:
self.msn.otherMessagesUnreaded -=delta
self.msn.otherMessages += delta
self.msn.otherMessagesUnreaded +=delta
self.msn.emit( 'mail-movement-notification' )
elif( ct == 'text/x-msmsgsoimnotification' ):
#offline message notiffication
self.msn.msnOIM.parseMailData( payloadData['Mail-Data'] )
if self.msn.msnOIM.getMessageCount() > 0:
self.msn.emit( 'offline-message-waiting',
self.msn.msnOIM )
elif ct == 'text/x-msmsgsprofile':
print 'Unhandled Content Type:', ct
print 'Unhandled MSG, printing Raw Data:'
print payload