# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of emesene.
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# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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# Audacious subplugin for CurrentSong plugin
# by rescbr, Patrick Dessalle
VERSION = '0.2'
IFACE_NAME = 'org.atheme.audacious'
IFACE_PATH = '/org/atheme/audacious'
# Documentation for the dbus: http://svn.atheme.org/audacious/trunk/src/audacious/objects.xml
import os
import commands
import CurrentSong
class Audacious( CurrentSong.DbusBase ):
def __init__( self ):
# init for this class
CurrentSong.DbusBase.__init__( self, IFACE_NAME, self.setInterface )
self.iface = None # We don't run a recent Audacious with dbus support
self.playingNow = '' # We'll use that variable to hold the filename as returned by Audacious
def setInterface( self ):
self.iface = self.bus.get_object( IFACE_NAME, IFACE_PATH )
def isPlaying( self ):
if self.iface:
return self.iface.Status() == "playing" #Note: self.iface.Playing() returns True even if it's paused
return commands.getoutput("audtool2 playback-status") == "playing"
# In this plugin we have to override isRunning and getStatus.
# Audacious in old versions didn't use D-Bus and used an external
# program called audtool2 to comunicate. Now newer versions can use D-Bus.
# We support both.
def isRunning( self ):
if self.iface:
return True
if len(commands.getoutput("audtool2 version")) > 0:
return True
return False
def getStatus( self ):
'''check if everything is OK to start the plugin
return a tuple whith a boolean and a message
if OK -> ( True , 'some message' )
else -> ( False , 'error message' )'''
if os.name != 'posix':
return ( False, _( 'This plugin only works in posix systems' ) )
# We can't work if we don't have D-Bus and there is no audtool2
if self.bus == None and not self.is_on_path( 'audtool2' ):
return ( False, _( 'audtool2 is not on the path and you don\'t have dbus enabled.' ) )
return ( True, 'Ok' )
def getCurrentSong( self ):
if not self.iface:
if self.isPlaying():
song = commands.getoutput( "audtool2 current-song" )
fsong = '\\0Music\\01\\0' + song + '\\0\\0'
return fsong
return ''
else: #Use the parseStyle from the super class
return self.parseStyle()
def check( self ):
if self.iface:
if self.isPlaying():
songPosition = self.iface.Position()
artist = self.iface.SongTuple(songPosition, "artist")
title = self.iface.SongTuple(songPosition, "title")
album = self.iface.SongTuple(songPosition, "album")
if self.artist != artist or self.title != title or self.album != album:
self.artist = artist
self.title = title
self.album = album
self.filename = self.iface.SongTitle(songPosition)
return True
else: # Just stopped, paused, ... set the data as empty strings
if self.artist != "" or self.title != "" or self.album != "":
self.artist = ""
self.title = ""
self.album = ""
self.filename = ""
return True
elif self.isPlaying():
currentSong = self.getCurrentSong()
if self.playingNow != currentSong:
self.playingNow = currentSong
return True
elif self.playingNow != "": # Just stopped, paused ... set to an empty string
self.playingNow = ""
return True
# Not playing or no changes
return False