import calendar
from pyx import *
class daystyle(
def columnnames(self, privatedata, sharedata, graph, columnnames):
# register the new column names
usecolumnnames = ["day", "month", "weekday", "note"]
for columnname in usecolumnnames:
if columnname not in columnnames:
raise ValueError("column '%s' missing" % columnname)
return usecolumnnames
def adjustaxis(self, privatedata, sharedata, graph, columnname, data):
# adjust axes ranges
if columnname == "month":
graph.axes["x"].adjustaxis([(x, 0) for x in data])
graph.axes["x"].adjustaxis([(x, 1) for x in data])
if columnname == "day":
graph.axes["y"].adjustaxis([(x, 0) for x in data])
graph.axes["y"].adjustaxis([(x, 1) for x in data])
def drawpoint(self, privatedata, sharedata, graph, point):
# draw a single day
x1_pt, y1_pt = graph.pos_pt((point["month"], 0), (point["day"], 0))
x2_pt, y2_pt = graph.pos_pt((point["month"], 1), (point["day"], 1))
p = path.rect_pt(x1_pt, y1_pt, x2_pt - x1_pt, y2_pt - y1_pt)
if point["weekday"] == calendar.day_abbr[-1]:
graph.stroke(p, [deco.filled([color.gray(0.8)])])
graph.text_pt(x1_pt+3, y2_pt-3,
"%i %s" % (point["day"], point["weekday"]),
if point["note"]:
graph.text_pt(x1_pt+3, y1_pt+3, point["note"], [text.size.tiny])
# create calendar data
year = 2007
notes = {1: {17: r"\PyX{} 0.2 (2003)", 20: r"\PyX{} 0.5 (2004)", 22: r"\PyX{} 0.5.1 (2004)"},
3: {30: r"\PyX{} 0.6 (2004)", 31: r"\PyX{} 0.3 ('03), \PyX{} 0.6.1 ('04)"},
4: {4: r"\PyX{} 0.3.1 (2003)", 7: r"\PyX{} 0.6.2 (2004)", 27: r"\PyX{} 0.6.3 (2004)"},
5: {24: r"\PyX{} 0.9 (2006)"},
7: {13: r"\PyX{} 0.8 (2005)"},
8: {13: r"\PyX{} 0.8.1 (2005)", 22: r"\PyX{} 0.4 (2003)"},
9: {17: r"\PyX{} 0.4.1 (2003)"},
10: {3: r"\PyX{} 0.10 (2007)", 7: r"\PyX{} 0.1 (2002)", 21: r"\PyX{} 0.7 (2004)"},
12: {15: r"\PyX{} 0.7.1 (2004)"}}
d =[(day,
calendar.day_abbr[calendar.weekday(year, month, day)],
notes.get(month, {}).get(day))
for month in range(1, 13)
for day in range(1, calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]+1)],
day=1, month=2, weekday=3, note=4)
# create the calendar
g = graph.graphxy(width=40,, linkpainter=None),, reverse=1, painter=None))
g.plot(d, [daystyle()])
# we could write the full calendar by
# g.writeEPSfile("cal", paperformat=document.paperformat.A3, rotated=1)
# instead we clip the result to show only a small part
clip = canvas.clip(g.bbox().enlarged(0.1, bottom=-17, right=-25).path())
gc = canvas.canvas([clip])
# and add some dots at the clipped parts
gcbb = gc.bbox()
c = canvas.canvas()
c.text(gcbb.right()+0.5,[1], r"\dots")
c.text([0], gcbb.bottom()-0.5, r"\dots")