# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Jrg Lehmann <joergl@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Andr Wobst <wobsta@users.sourceforge.net>
# This file is part of PyX (http://pyx.sourceforge.net/).
# PyX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PyX; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
import string
import canvas, bbox, pykpathsea, unit, trafo, pswriter
# PostScript-procedure definitions (cf. 5002.EPSF_Spec_v3.0.pdf)
# with important correction in EndEPSF:
# end operator is missing in the spec!
_BeginEPSF = pswriter.PSdefinition("BeginEPSF", """{
/b4_Inc_state save def
/dict_count countdictstack def
/op_count count 1 sub def
userdict begin
/showpage { } def
0 setgray 0 setlinecap
1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin
10 setmiterlimit [ ] 0 setdash newpath
/languagelevel where
{pop languagelevel
1 ne
{false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint
} if
} if
} bind""")
_EndEPSF = pswriter.PSdefinition("EndEPSF", """{
count op_count sub {pop} repeat
countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat
b4_Inc_state restore
} bind""")
class linefilereader:
"""a line by line file reader
This line by line file reader allows for '\n', '\r' and
'\r\n' as line separation characters. Line separation
characters are not modified (binary mode). It implements
a readline, a read and a close method similar to a regular
file object."""
# note: '\n\r' is not considered to be a linebreak as its documented
# in the DSC spec #5001, while '\n\r' *is* a *single* linebreak
# according to the EPSF spec #5002
def __init__(self, filename, typicallinelen=257):
"""Opens the file filename for reading.
typicallinelen defines the default buffer increase
to find the next linebreak."""
# note: The maximal line size in an EPS is 255 plus the
# linebreak characters. However, we also handle
# lines longer than that.
self.file = open(filename, "rb")
self.buffer = ""
self.typicallinelen = typicallinelen
def read(self, count=None, EOFmsg="unexpected end of file"):
"""read bytes from the file
count is the number of bytes to be read when set. Then count
is unset, the rest of the file is returned. EOFmsg is used
to raise a IOError, when the end of the file is reached while
reading count bytes or when the rest of the file is empty when
count is unset. When EOFmsg is set to None, less than the
requested number of bytes might be returned."""
if count is not None:
if count > len(self.buffer):
self.buffer += self.file.read(count - len(self.buffer))
if EOFmsg is not None and len(self.buffer) < count:
raise IOError(EOFmsg)
result = self.buffer[:count]
self.buffer = self.buffer[count:]
return result
self.buffer += self.file.read()
if EOFmsg is not None and not len(self.buffer):
raise IOError(EOFmsg)
result = self.buffer
self.buffer = ""
return result
def readline(self, EOFmsg="unexpected end of file"):
"""reads a line from the file
Lines are separated by '\n', '\r' or '\r\n'. The line separation
strings are included in the return value. The last line might not
end with an line separation string. Reading beyond the file generates
an IOError with the EOFmsg message. When EOFmsg is None, an empty
string is returned when reading beyond the end of the file."""
EOF = 0
while 1:
crpos = self.buffer.find("\r")
nlpos = self.buffer.find("\n")
if nlpos == -1 and (crpos == -1 or crpos == len(self.buffer) - 1) and not EOF:
newbuffer = self.file.read(self.typicallinelen)
if not len(newbuffer):
EOF = 1
self.buffer += newbuffer
eol = len(self.buffer)
if not eol and EOFmsg is not None:
raise IOError(EOFmsg)
if nlpos != -1:
eol = nlpos + 1
if crpos != -1 and (nlpos == -1 or crpos < nlpos - 1):
eol = crpos + 1
result = self.buffer[:eol]
self.buffer = self.buffer[eol:]
return result
def close(self):
"closes the file"
def _readbbox(filename):
"""returns bounding box of EPS file filename"""
file = linefilereader(filename)
# check the %! header comment
if not file.readline().startswith("%!"):
raise IOError("file doesn't start with a '%!' header comment")
bboxatend = 0
# parse the header (use the first BoundingBox)
while 1:
line = file.readline()
if not line:
if line.startswith("%%BoundingBox:") and not bboxatend:
values = line.split(":", 1)[1].split()
if values == ["(atend)"]:
bboxatend = 1
if len(values) != 4:
raise IOError("invalid number of bounding box values")
return bbox.bbox_pt(*map(int, values))
elif (line.rstrip() == "%%EndComments" or
(len(line) >= 2 and line[0] != "%" and line[1] not in string.whitespace)):
# implicit end of comments section
if not bboxatend:
raise IOError("no bounding box information found")
# parse the body
nesting = 0 # allow for nested documents
while 1:
line = file.readline()
if line.startswith("%%BeginData:"):
values = line.split(":", 1)[1].split()
if len(values) > 3:
raise IOError("invalid number of arguments")
if len(values) == 3:
if values[2] == "Lines":
for i in xrange(int(values[0])):
elif values[2] != "Bytes":
raise IOError("invalid bytesorlines-value")
line = file.readline()
# ignore tailing whitespace/newline for binary data
if (len(values) < 3 or values[2] != "Lines") and not len(line.strip()):
line = file.readline()
if line.rstrip() != "%%EndData":
raise IOError("missing EndData")
elif line.startswith("%%BeginBinary:"):
file.read(int(line.split(":", 1)[1]))
line = file.readline()
# ignore tailing whitespace/newline
if not len(line.strip()):
line = file.readline()
if line.rstrip() != "%%EndBinary":
raise IOError("missing EndBinary")
elif line.startswith("%%BeginDocument:"):
nesting += 1
elif line.rstrip() == "%%EndDocument":
if nesting < 1:
raise IOError("unmatched EndDocument")
nesting -= 1
elif not nesting and line.rstrip() == "%%Trailer":
usebbox = None
# parse the trailer (use the last BoundingBox)
line = True
while line:
line = file.readline(EOFmsg=None)
if line.startswith("%%BoundingBox:"):
values = line.split(":", 1)[1].split()
if len(values) != 4:
raise IOError("invalid number of bounding box values")
usebbox = bbox.bbox_pt(*map(int, values))
if not usebbox:
raise IOError("missing bounding box information in document trailer")
return usebbox
class epsfile(canvas.canvasitem):
"""class for epsfiles"""
def __init__(self,
x, y, filename,
width=None, height=None, scale=None, align="bl",
clip=1, translatebbox=1, bbox=None,
"""inserts epsfile
Object for an EPS file named filename at position (x,y). Width, height,
scale and aligment can be adjusted by the corresponding parameters. If
clip is set, the result gets clipped to the bbox of the EPS file. If
translatebbox is not set, the EPS graphics is not translated to the
corresponding origin. If bbox is not None, it overrides the bounding
box in the epsfile itself. If kpsearch is set then filename is searched
using the kpathsea library.
self.x_pt = unit.topt(x)
self.y_pt = unit.topt(y)
if kpsearch:
self.filename = pykpathsea.find_file(filename, pykpathsea.kpse_pict_format)
self.filename = filename
self.mybbox = bbox or _readbbox(self.filename)
# determine scaling in x and y direction
self.scalex = self.scaley = scale
if width is not None or height is not None:
if scale is not None:
raise ValueError("cannot set both width and/or height and scale simultaneously")
if height is not None:
self.scaley = unit.topt(height)/(self.mybbox.ury_pt-self.mybbox.lly_pt)
if width is not None:
self.scalex = unit.topt(width)/(self.mybbox.urx_pt-self.mybbox.llx_pt)
if self.scalex is None:
self.scalex = self.scaley
if self.scaley is None:
self.scaley = self.scalex
# set the actual width and height of the eps file (after a
# possible scaling)
self.width_pt = self.mybbox.urx_pt-self.mybbox.llx_pt
if self.scalex:
self.width_pt *= self.scalex
self.height_pt = self.mybbox.ury_pt-self.mybbox.lly_pt
if self.scaley:
self.height_pt *= self.scaley
# take alignment into account
self.align = align
if self.align[0]=="b":
elif self.align[0]=="c":
self.y_pt -= self.height_pt/2.0
elif self.align[0]=="t":
self.y_pt -= self.height_pt
raise ValueError("vertical alignment can only be b (bottom), c (center), or t (top)")
if self.align[1]=="l":
elif self.align[1]=="c":
self.x_pt -= self.width_pt/2.0
elif self.align[1]=="r":
self.x_pt -= self.width_pt
raise ValueError("horizontal alignment can only be l (left), c (center), or r (right)")
self.clip = clip
self.translatebbox = translatebbox
self.trafo = trafo.translate_pt(self.x_pt, self.y_pt)
if self.scalex is not None:
self.trafo = self.trafo * trafo.scale_pt(self.scalex, self.scaley)
if translatebbox:
self.trafo = self.trafo * trafo.translate_pt(-self.mybbox.llx_pt, -self.mybbox.lly_pt)
def bbox(self):
return self.mybbox.transformed(self.trafo)
def processPS(self, file, writer, context, registry, bbox):
bbox += self.bbox()
raise IOError, "cannot open EPS file '%s'" % self.filename
if self.clip:
llx_pt, lly_pt, urx_pt, ury_pt = self.mybbox.transformed(self.trafo).highrestuple_pt()
file.write("%g %g %g %g rectclip\n" % (llx_pt, lly_pt, urx_pt-llx_pt, ury_pt-lly_pt))
self.trafo.processPS(file, writer, context, registry, bbox)
file.write("%%%%BeginDocument: %s\n" % self.filename)
def processPDF(self, file, writer, context, registry, bbox):
raise RuntimeError("Including EPS files in PDF files not supported")