# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Jrg Lehmann <joergl@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Michael Schindler <m-schindler@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Andr Wobst <wobsta@users.sourceforge.net>
# This file is part of PyX (http://pyx.sourceforge.net/).
# PyX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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from __future__ import nested_scopes
import math
from pyx.graph.axis import tick
# Note: A partition is a list of ticks.
class _partdata:
"""state storage class for a partfunction
partdata is used to keep local data and a current state to emulate
generators. In the future we might use yield statements within a
partfunction. Currently we add partdata by a lambda construct and
do inplace modifications within partdata to keep track of the state.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
class _parter:
"""interface of a partitioner"""
def partfunctions(self, min, max, extendmin, extendmax):
"""returns a list of partfunctions
A partfunction can be called without further arguments and
it will return a new partition each time, or None. Several
partfunctions are used to walk in different "directions"
(like more and less partitions).
Note that we do not alternate walking in different directions
(i.e. alternate the partfunction calls). Instead we first walk
into one direction (which should give less and less ticks) until
the rating becomes bad and when try more ticks. We want to keep
the number of ticks small compared to a simple alternate search.
# This is a (useless) empty partitioner.
return []
class linear(_parter):
"""partitioner to create a single linear parition"""
def __init__(self, tickdists=None, labeldists=None, extendtick=0, extendlabel=None, epsilon=1e-10):
if tickdists is None and labeldists is not None:
self.ticklist = [tick.rational(labeldists[0])]
self.ticklist = map(tick.rational, tickdists)
if labeldists is None and tickdists is not None:
self.labellist = [tick.rational(tickdists[0])]
self.labellist = map(tick.rational, labeldists)
self.extendtick = extendtick
self.extendlabel = extendlabel
self.epsilon = epsilon
def extendminmax(self, min, max, dist, extendmin, extendmax):
"""return new min, max tuple extending the range min, max
- dist is the tick distance to be used
- extendmin and extendmax are booleans to allow for the extension"""
if extendmin:
min = float(dist) * math.floor(min / float(dist) + self.epsilon)
if extendmax:
max = float(dist) * math.ceil(max / float(dist) - self.epsilon)
return min, max
def getticks(self, min, max, dist, ticklevel=None, labellevel=None):
"""return a list of equal spaced ticks
- the tick distance is dist, the ticklevel is set to ticklevel and
the labellevel is set to labellevel
- min, max is the range where ticks should be placed"""
imin = int(math.ceil(min/float(dist) - 0.5*self.epsilon))
imax = int(math.floor(max/float(dist) + 0.5*self.epsilon))
ticks = []
for i in range(imin, imax + 1):
ticks.append(tick.tick((i*dist.num, dist.denom), ticklevel=ticklevel, labellevel=labellevel))
return ticks
def partfunction(self, data):
if data.first:
data.first = 0
min = data.min
max = data.max
if self.extendtick is not None and len(self.ticklist) > self.extendtick:
min, max = self.extendminmax(min, max, self.ticklist[self.extendtick], data.extendmin, data.extendmax)
if self.extendlabel is not None and len(self.labellist) > self.extendlabel:
min, max = self.extendminmax(min, max, self.labellist[self.extendlabel], data.extendmin, data.extendmax)
ticks = []
for i in range(len(self.ticklist)):
ticks = tick.mergeticklists(ticks, self.getticks(min, max, self.ticklist[i], ticklevel=i))
for i in range(len(self.labellist)):
ticks = tick.mergeticklists(ticks, self.getticks(min, max, self.labellist[i], labellevel=i))
return ticks
return None
def partfunctions(self, min, max, extendmin, extendmax):
return [lambda d=_partdata(first=1, min=min, max=max, extendmin=extendmin, extendmax=extendmax):
lin = linear
class autolinear(_parter):
"""partitioner to create an arbitrary number of linear paritions"""
defaultvariants = [[tick.rational((1, 1)), tick.rational((1, 2))],
[tick.rational((2, 1)), tick.rational((1, 1))],
[tick.rational((5, 2)), tick.rational((5, 4))],
[tick.rational((5, 1)), tick.rational((5, 2))]]
def __init__(self, variants=defaultvariants, extendtick=0, epsilon=1e-10):
self.variants = variants
self.extendtick = extendtick
self.epsilon = epsilon
def partfunctions(self, min, max, extendmin, extendmax):
logmm = math.log(max - min) / math.log(10)
except ArithmeticError:
raise RuntimeError("partitioning failed due to empty or invalid axis range")
if logmm < 0: # correction for rounding towards zero of the int routine
base = tick.rational((10, 1), power=int(logmm-1))
base = tick.rational((10, 1), power=int(logmm))
ticks = map(tick.rational, self.variants[0])
useticks = [t * base for t in ticks]
return [lambda d=_partdata(min=min, max=max, extendmin=extendmin, extendmax=extendmax,
sign=1, tickindex=-1, base=tick.rational(base)):
lambda d=_partdata(min=min, max=max, extendmin=extendmin, extendmax=extendmax,
sign=-1, tickindex=0, base=tick.rational(base)):
def partfunction(self, data):
if data.sign == 1:
if data.tickindex < len(self.variants) - 1:
data.tickindex += 1
data.tickindex = 0
data.base.num *= 10
if data.tickindex:
data.tickindex -= 1
data.tickindex = len(self.variants) - 1
data.base.denom *= 10
tickdists = [tick.rational(t) * data.base for t in self.variants[data.tickindex]]
linearparter = linear(tickdists=tickdists, extendtick=self.extendtick, epsilon=self.epsilon)
return linearparter.partfunctions(min=data.min, max=data.max, extendmin=data.extendmin, extendmax=data.extendmax)[0]()
autolin = autolinear
class preexp:
"""definition of a logarithmic partition
exp is an integer, which defines multiplicator (usually 10).
pres are a list of tick positions (rational numbers, e.g.
instances of rational). possible positions are the tick
positions and arbitrary divisions and multiplications of
the tick positions by exp."""
def __init__(self, pres, exp):
self.pres = pres
self.exp = exp
class logarithmic(linear):
"""partitioner to create a single logarithmic parition"""
# define some useful constants
pre1exp = preexp([tick.rational((1, 1))], 10)
pre125exp = preexp([tick.rational((1, 1)), tick.rational((2, 1)), tick.rational((5, 1))], 10)
pre1to9exp = preexp([tick.rational((x, 1)) for x in range(1, 10)], 10)
# ^- we always include 1 in order to get extendto(tick|label)level to work as expected
def __init__(self, tickpreexps=None, labelpreexps=None, extendtick=0, extendlabel=None, epsilon=1e-10):
if tickpreexps is None and labelpreexps is not None:
self.ticklist = [labelpreexps[0]]
self.ticklist = tickpreexps
if labelpreexps is None and tickpreexps is not None:
self.labellist = [tickpreexps[0]]
self.labellist = labelpreexps
self.extendtick = extendtick
self.extendlabel = extendlabel
self.epsilon = epsilon
def extendminmax(self, min, max, preexp, extendmin, extendmax):
minpower = None
maxpower = None
for i in xrange(len(preexp.pres)):
imin = int(math.floor(math.log(min / float(preexp.pres[i])) /
math.log(preexp.exp) + self.epsilon)) + 1
imax = int(math.ceil(math.log(max / float(preexp.pres[i])) /
math.log(preexp.exp) - self.epsilon)) - 1
if minpower is None or imin < minpower:
minpower, minindex = imin, i
if maxpower is None or imax >= maxpower:
maxpower, maxindex = imax, i
if minindex:
minrational = preexp.pres[minindex - 1]
minrational = preexp.pres[-1]
minpower -= 1
if maxindex != len(preexp.pres) - 1:
maxrational = preexp.pres[maxindex + 1]
maxrational = preexp.pres[0]
maxpower += 1
if extendmin:
min = float(minrational) * float(preexp.exp) ** minpower
if extendmax:
max = float(maxrational) * float(preexp.exp) ** maxpower
return min, max
def getticks(self, min, max, preexp, ticklevel=None, labellevel=None):
ticks = []
minimin = 0
maximax = 0
for f in preexp.pres:
thisticks = []
imin = int(math.ceil(math.log(min / float(f)) /
math.log(preexp.exp) - 0.5 * self.epsilon))
imax = int(math.floor(math.log(max / float(f)) /
math.log(preexp.exp) + 0.5 * self.epsilon))
for i in range(imin, imax + 1):
pos = f * tick.rational((preexp.exp, 1), power=i)
thisticks.append(tick.tick((pos.num, pos.denom), ticklevel = ticklevel, labellevel = labellevel))
ticks = tick.mergeticklists(ticks, thisticks)
return ticks
log = logarithmic
class autologarithmic(logarithmic):
"""partitioner to create several logarithmic paritions"""
defaultvariants = [([logarithmic.pre1exp, # ticks
logarithmic.pre1to9exp], # subticks
[logarithmic.pre1exp, # labels
logarithmic.pre125exp]), # sublevels
([logarithmic.pre1exp, # ticks
logarithmic.pre1to9exp], # subticks
None)] # labels like ticks
def __init__(self, variants=defaultvariants, extendtick=0, extendlabel=None, autoexponent=10, epsilon=1e-10):
self.variants = variants
self.extendtick = extendtick
self.extendlabel = extendlabel
self.autoexponent = autoexponent
self.epsilon = epsilon
def partfunctions(self, min, max, extendmin, extendmax):
return [lambda d=_partdata(min=min, max=max, extendmin=extendmin, extendmax=extendmax,
lambda d=_partdata(min=min, max=max, extendmin=extendmin, extendmax=extendmax,
def variantspartfunction(self, data):
data.variantsindex -= 1
if 0 <= data.variantsindex:
logarithmicparter= logarithmic(tickpreexps=self.variants[data.variantsindex][0], labelpreexps=self.variants[data.variantsindex][1],
extendtick=self.extendtick, extendlabel=self.extendlabel, epsilon=self.epsilon)
return logarithmicparter.partfunctions(min=data.min, max=data.max, extendmin=data.extendmin, extendmax=data.extendmax)[0]()
return None
def autopartfunction(self, data):
data.exponent *= self.autoexponent
logarithmicparter= logarithmic(tickpreexps=[preexp([tick.rational((1, 1))], data.exponent), logarithmic.pre1exp],
extendtick=self.extendtick, extendlabel=self.extendlabel, epsilon=self.epsilon)
return logarithmicparter.partfunctions(min=data.min, max=data.max, extendmin=data.extendmin, extendmax=data.extendmax)[0]()
autolog = autologarithmic