# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Jrg Lehmann <joergl@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Michael Schindler <m-schindler@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Andr Wobst <wobsta@users.sourceforge.net>
# This file is part of PyX (http://pyx.sourceforge.net/).
# PyX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PyX; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
from pyx import text
from pyx.graph.axis import tick
class _Itexter:
def labels(self, ticks):
"""fill the label attribute of ticks
- ticks is a list of instances of tick
- for each element of ticks the value of the attribute label is set to
a string appropriate to the attributes num and denom of that tick
- label attributes of the tick instances are just kept, whenever they
are not equal to None
- the method might modify the labelattrs attribute of the ticks; be sure
to not modify it in-place!"""
class decimal:
"a texter creating decimal labels (e.g. '1.234' or even '0.\overline{3}')"
__implements__ = _Itexter
def __init__(self, prefix="", infix="", suffix="", equalprecision=0,
decimalsep=".", thousandsep="", thousandthpartsep="",
plus="", minus="-", period=r"\overline{%s}",
r"""initializes the instance
- prefix, infix, and suffix (strings) are added at the begin,
immediately after the minus, and at the end of the label,
- decimalsep, thousandsep, and thousandthpartsep (strings)
are used as separators
- plus or minus (string) is inserted for non-negative or negative numbers
- period (string) is taken as a format string generating a period;
it has to contain exactly one string insert operators "%s" for the
period; usually it should be r"\overline{%s}"
- labelattrs is a list of attributes to be added to the label attributes
given in the painter"""
self.prefix = prefix
self.infix = infix
self.suffix = suffix
self.equalprecision = equalprecision
self.decimalsep = decimalsep
self.thousandsep = thousandsep
self.thousandthpartsep = thousandthpartsep
self.plus = plus
self.minus = minus
self.period = period
self.labelattrs = labelattrs
def labels(self, ticks):
labeledticks = []
maxdecprecision = 0
for tick in ticks:
if tick.label is None and tick.labellevel is not None:
m, n = tick.num, tick.denom
if m < 0: m = -m
if n < 0: n = -n
quotient, remainder = divmod(m, n)
quotient = str(quotient)
if len(self.thousandsep):
l = len(quotient)
tick.label = ""
for i in range(l):
tick.label += quotient[i]
if not ((l-i-1) % 3) and l > i+1:
tick.label += self.thousandsep
tick.label = quotient
if remainder:
tick.label += self.decimalsep
oldremainders = []
tick.temp_decprecision = 0
while (remainder):
tick.temp_decprecision += 1
if remainder in oldremainders:
tick.temp_decprecision = None
periodstart = len(tick.label) - (len(oldremainders) - oldremainders.index(remainder))
tick.label = tick.label[:periodstart] + self.period % tick.label[periodstart:]
oldremainders += [remainder]
remainder *= 10
quotient, remainder = divmod(remainder, n)
if not ((tick.temp_decprecision - 1) % 3) and tick.temp_decprecision > 1:
tick.label += self.thousandthpartsep
tick.label += str(quotient)
if maxdecprecision < tick.temp_decprecision:
maxdecprecision = tick.temp_decprecision
if self.equalprecision:
for tick in labeledticks:
if tick.temp_decprecision is not None:
if tick.temp_decprecision == 0 and maxdecprecision > 0:
tick.label += self.decimalsep
for i in range(tick.temp_decprecision, maxdecprecision):
if not ((i - 1) % 3) and i > 1:
tick.label += self.thousandthpartsep
tick.label += "0"
for tick in labeledticks:
if tick.num * tick.denom < 0:
plusminus = self.minus
plusminus = self.plus
tick.label = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (self.prefix, plusminus, self.infix, tick.label, self.suffix)
tick.labelattrs = tick.labelattrs + self.labelattrs
# del tick.temp_decprecision # we've inserted this temporary variable ... and do not care any longer about it
class exponential:
"a texter creating labels with exponentials (e.g. '2\cdot10^5')"
__implements__ = _Itexter
def __init__(self, plus="", minus="-",
mantissamin=tick.rational((1, 1)), mantissamax=tick.rational((10L, 1)),
skipmantissa1=0, skipallmantissa1=1,
r"""initializes the instance
- plus or minus (string) is inserted for non-negative or negative exponents
- mantissaexp (string) is taken as a format string generating the exponent;
it has to contain exactly two string insert operators "%s" --
the first for the mantissa and the second for the exponent;
examples are r"{{%s}\cdot10^{%s}}" and r"{{%s}{\rm e}{%s}}"
- skipexp0 (string) is taken as a format string used for exponent 0;
exactly one string insert operators "%s" for the mantissa;
None turns off the special handling of exponent 0;
an example is r"{%s}"
- skipexp1 (string) is taken as a format string used for exponent 1;
exactly one string insert operators "%s" for the mantissa;
None turns off the special handling of exponent 1;
an example is r"{{%s}\cdot10}"
- nomantissaexp (string) is taken as a format string generating the exponent
when the mantissa is one and should be skipped; it has to contain
exactly one string insert operators "%s" for the exponent;
an examples is r"{10^{%s}}"
- minusnomantissaexp (string) is taken as a format string generating the exponent
when the mantissa is minus one and should be skipped; it has to contain
exactly one string insert operators "%s" for the exponent;
None turns off the special handling of mantissa -1;
an examples is r"{-10^{%s}}"
- mantissamin and mantissamax are the minimum and maximum of the mantissa;
they are rational instances greater than zero and mantissamin < mantissamax;
the sign of the tick is ignored here
- skipmantissa1 (boolean) turns on skipping of any mantissa equals one
(and minus when minusnomantissaexp is set)
- skipallmantissa1 (boolean) as above, but all mantissas must be 1 (or -1)
- mantissatexter is the texter for the mantissa
- the skipping of a mantissa is stronger than the skipping of an exponent"""
self.plus = plus
self.minus = minus
self.mantissaexp = mantissaexp
self.skipexp0 = skipexp0
self.skipexp1 = skipexp1
self.nomantissaexp = nomantissaexp
self.minusnomantissaexp = minusnomantissaexp
self.mantissamin = mantissamin
self.mantissamax = mantissamax
self.mantissamindivmax = self.mantissamin / self.mantissamax
self.mantissamaxdivmin = self.mantissamax / self.mantissamin
self.skipmantissa1 = skipmantissa1
self.skipallmantissa1 = skipallmantissa1
self.mantissatexter = mantissatexter
def labels(self, ticks):
labeledticks = []
for tick in ticks:
if tick.label is None and tick.labellevel is not None:
tick.temp_orgnum, tick.temp_orgdenom = tick.num, tick.denom
tick.temp_exp = 0
if tick.num:
while abs(tick) >= self.mantissamax:
tick.temp_exp += 1
x = tick * self.mantissamindivmax
tick.num, tick.denom = x.num, x.denom
while abs(tick) < self.mantissamin:
tick.temp_exp -= 1
x = tick * self.mantissamaxdivmin
tick.num, tick.denom = x.num, x.denom
if tick.temp_exp < 0:
tick.temp_exp = "%s%i" % (self.minus, -tick.temp_exp)
tick.temp_exp = "%s%i" % (self.plus, tick.temp_exp)
if self.minusnomantissaexp is not None:
allmantissa1 = len(labeledticks) == len([tick for tick in labeledticks if abs(tick.num) == abs(tick.denom)])
allmantissa1 = len(labeledticks) == len([tick for tick in labeledticks if tick.num == tick.denom])
for tick in labeledticks:
if (self.skipallmantissa1 and allmantissa1 or
(self.skipmantissa1 and (tick.num == tick.denom or
(tick.num == -tick.denom and self.minusnomantissaexp is not None)))):
if tick.num == tick.denom:
tick.label = self.nomantissaexp % tick.temp_exp
tick.label = self.minusnomantissaexp % tick.temp_exp
if tick.temp_exp == "0" and self.skipexp0 is not None:
tick.label = self.skipexp0 % tick.label
elif tick.temp_exp == "1" and self.skipexp1 is not None:
tick.label = self.skipexp1 % tick.label
tick.label = self.mantissaexp % (tick.label, tick.temp_exp)
tick.num, tick.denom = tick.temp_orgnum, tick.temp_orgdenom
# del tick.temp_orgnum # we've inserted those temporary variables ... and do not care any longer about them
# del tick.temp_orgdenom
# del tick.temp_exp
class mixed:
"a texter creating decimal or exponential labels"
__implements__ = _Itexter
def __init__(self, smallestdecimal=tick.rational((1, 1000)),
biggestdecimal=tick.rational((9999, 1)),
"""initializes the instance
- smallestdecimal and biggestdecimal are the smallest and
biggest decimal values, where the decimal texter should be used;
they are rational instances; the sign of the tick is ignored here;
a tick at zero is considered for the decimal texter as well
- equaldecision (boolean) uses decimal texter or exponential texter
globaly (set) or for each tick separately (unset)
- decimal and exponential are texters to be used"""
self.smallestdecimal = smallestdecimal
self.biggestdecimal = biggestdecimal
self.equaldecision = equaldecision
self.decimal = decimal
self.exponential = exponential
def labels(self, ticks):
decticks = []
expticks = []
for tick in ticks:
if tick.label is None and tick.labellevel is not None:
if not tick.num or (abs(tick) >= self.smallestdecimal and abs(tick) <= self.biggestdecimal):
if self.equaldecision:
if len(expticks):
for tick in decticks:
for tick in expticks:
class rational:
"a texter creating rational labels (e.g. 'a/b' or even 'a \over b')"
# XXX: we use divmod here to be more expicit
__implements__ = _Itexter
def __init__(self, prefix="", infix="", suffix="",
numprefix="", numinfix="", numsuffix="",
denomprefix="", denominfix="", denomsuffix="",
plus="", minus="-", minuspos=0, over=r"{{%s}\over{%s}}",
equaldenom=0, skip1=1, skipnum0=1, skipnum1=1, skipdenom1=1,
r"""initializes the instance
- prefix, infix, and suffix (strings) are added at the begin,
immediately after the minus, and at the end of the label,
- prefixnum, infixnum, and suffixnum (strings) are added
to the labels numerator correspondingly
- prefixdenom, infixdenom, and suffixdenom (strings) are added
to the labels denominator correspondingly
- plus or minus (string) is inserted for non-negative or negative numbers
- minuspos is an integer, which determines the position, where the
plus or minus sign has to be placed; the following values are allowed:
1 - writes the plus or minus in front of the numerator
0 - writes the plus or minus in front of the hole fraction
-1 - writes the plus or minus in front of the denominator
- over (string) is taken as a format string generating the
fraction bar; it has to contain exactly two string insert
operators "%s" -- the first for the numerator and the second
for the denominator; by far the most common examples are
r"{{%s}\over{%s}}" and "{{%s}/{%s}}"
- usually the numerator and denominator are canceled; however,
when equaldenom is set, the least common multiple of all
denominators is used
- skip1 (boolean) just prints the prefix, the plus or minus,
the infix and the suffix, when the value is plus or minus one
and at least one of prefix, infix and the suffix is present
- skipnum0 (boolean) just prints a zero instead of
the hole fraction, when the numerator is zero;
no prefixes, infixes, and suffixes are taken into account
- skipnum1 (boolean) just prints the numprefix, the plus or minus,
the numinfix and the numsuffix, when the num value is plus or minus one
and at least one of numprefix, numinfix and the numsuffix is present
- skipdenom1 (boolean) just prints the numerator instead of
the hole fraction, when the denominator is one and none of the parameters
denomprefix, denominfix and denomsuffix are set and minuspos is not -1 or the
fraction is positive
- labelattrs is a list of attributes for a texrunners text method;
None is considered as an empty list; labelattrs might be changed
in the painter as well"""
self.prefix = prefix
self.infix = infix
self.suffix = suffix
self.numprefix = numprefix
self.numinfix = numinfix
self.numsuffix = numsuffix
self.denomprefix = denomprefix
self.denominfix = denominfix
self.denomsuffix = denomsuffix
self.plus = plus
self.minus = minus
self.minuspos = minuspos
self.over = over
self.equaldenom = equaldenom
self.skip1 = skip1
self.skipnum0 = skipnum0
self.skipnum1 = skipnum1
self.skipdenom1 = skipdenom1
self.labelattrs = labelattrs
def gcd(self, *n):
"""returns the greates common divisor of all elements in n
- the elements of n must be non-negative integers
- return None if the number of elements is zero
- the greates common divisor is not affected when some
of the elements are zero, but it becomes zero when
all elements are zero"""
if len(n) == 2:
i, j = n
if i < j:
i, j = j, i
while j > 0:
i, (dummy, j) = j, divmod(i, j)
return i
if len(n):
res = n[0]
for i in n[1:]:
res = self.gcd(res, i)
return res
def lcm(self, *n):
"""returns the least common multiple of all elements in n
- the elements of n must be non-negative integers
- return None if the number of elements is zero
- the least common multiple is zero when some of the
elements are zero"""
if len(n):
res = n[0]
for i in n[1:]:
res = divmod(res * i, self.gcd(res, i))[0]
return res
def labels(self, ticks):
labeledticks = []
for tick in ticks:
if tick.label is None and tick.labellevel is not None:
tick.temp_rationalnum = tick.num
tick.temp_rationaldenom = tick.denom
tick.temp_rationalminus = 1
if tick.temp_rationalnum < 0:
tick.temp_rationalminus = -tick.temp_rationalminus
tick.temp_rationalnum = -tick.temp_rationalnum
if tick.temp_rationaldenom < 0:
tick.temp_rationalminus = -tick.temp_rationalminus
tick.temp_rationaldenom = -tick.temp_rationaldenom
gcd = self.gcd(tick.temp_rationalnum, tick.temp_rationaldenom)
(tick.temp_rationalnum, dummy1), (tick.temp_rationaldenom, dummy2) = divmod(tick.temp_rationalnum, gcd), divmod(tick.temp_rationaldenom, gcd)
if self.equaldenom:
equaldenom = self.lcm(*[tick.temp_rationaldenom for tick in ticks if tick.label is None])
if equaldenom is not None:
for tick in labeledticks:
factor, dummy = divmod(equaldenom, tick.temp_rationaldenom)
tick.temp_rationalnum, tick.temp_rationaldenom = factor * tick.temp_rationalnum, factor * tick.temp_rationaldenom
for tick in labeledticks:
rationalminus = rationalnumminus = rationaldenomminus = ""
if tick.temp_rationalminus == -1:
plusminus = self.minus
plusminus = self.plus
if self.minuspos == 0:
rationalminus = plusminus
elif self.minuspos == 1:
rationalnumminus = plusminus
elif self.minuspos == -1:
rationaldenomminus = plusminus
raise RuntimeError("invalid minuspos")
if self.skipnum0 and tick.temp_rationalnum == 0:
tick.label = "0"
elif (self.skip1 and self.skipdenom1 and tick.temp_rationalnum == 1 and tick.temp_rationaldenom == 1 and
(len(self.prefix) or len(self.infix) or len(self.suffix)) and
not len(rationalnumminus) and not len(self.numprefix) and not len(self.numinfix) and not len(self.numsuffix) and
not len(rationaldenomminus) and not len(self.denomprefix) and not len(self.denominfix) and not len(self.denomsuffix)):
tick.label = "%s%s%s%s" % (self.prefix, rationalminus, self.infix, self.suffix)
if self.skipnum1 and tick.temp_rationalnum == 1 and (len(self.numprefix) or len(self.numinfix) or len(self.numsuffix)):
tick.temp_rationalnum = "%s%s%s%s" % (self.numprefix, rationalnumminus, self.numinfix, self.numsuffix)
tick.temp_rationalnum = "%s%s%s%i%s" % (self.numprefix, rationalnumminus, self.numinfix, tick.temp_rationalnum, self.numsuffix)
if self.skipdenom1 and tick.temp_rationaldenom == 1 and not len(rationaldenomminus) and not len(self.denomprefix) and not len(self.denominfix) and not len(self.denomsuffix):
rational = tick.temp_rationalnum
tick.temp_rationaldenom = "%s%s%s%i%s" % (self.denomprefix, rationaldenomminus, self.denominfix, tick.temp_rationaldenom, self.denomsuffix)
rational = self.over % (tick.temp_rationalnum, tick.temp_rationaldenom)
tick.label = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (self.prefix, rationalminus, self.infix, rational, self.suffix)
tick.labelattrs = tick.labelattrs + self.labelattrs
# del tick.temp_rationalnum # we've inserted those temporary variables ... and do not care any longer about them
# del tick.temp_rationaldenom
# del tick.temp_rationalminus