# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Jrg Lehmann <joergl@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Andr Wobst <wobsta@users.sourceforge.net>
# This file is part of PyX (http://pyx.sourceforge.net/).
# PyX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PyX; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
from __future__ import nested_scopes
import cStringIO, math, warnings
import attr, canvas, path, pdfwriter, pswriter, style, unit, trafo
import bbox as bboxmodule
class _marker: pass
# TODO: pattern should not derive from canvas but wrap a canvas
class pattern(canvas._canvas, attr.exclusiveattr, style.fillstyle):
def __init__(self, painttype=1, tilingtype=1, xstep=None, ystep=None, bbox=None, trafo=None, **kwargs):
canvas._canvas.__init__(self, **kwargs)
attr.exclusiveattr.__init__(self, pattern)
self.id = "pattern%d" % id(self)
self.patterntype = 1
if painttype not in (1,2):
raise ValueError("painttype must be 1 or 2")
self.painttype = painttype
if tilingtype not in (1,2,3):
raise ValueError("tilingtype must be 1, 2 or 3")
self.tilingtype = tilingtype
self.xstep = xstep
self.ystep = ystep
self.patternbbox = bbox
self.patterntrafo = trafo
def __call__(self, painttype=_marker, tilingtype=_marker, xstep=_marker, ystep=_marker,
bbox=_marker, trafo=_marker):
if painttype is _marker:
painttype = self.painttype
if tilingtype is _marker:
tilingtype = self.tilingtype
if xstep is _marker:
xstep = self.xstep
if ystep is _marker:
ystep = self.ystep
if bbox is _marker:
bbox = self.bbox
if trafo is _marker:
trafo = self.trafo
return pattern(painttype, tilingtype, xstep, ystep, bbox, trafo)
def bbox(self):
return bboxmodule.empty()
def processPS(self, file, writer, context, registry, bbox):
# process pattern, letting it register its resources and calculate the bbox of the pattern
patternfile = cStringIO.StringIO()
realpatternbbox = bboxmodule.empty()
canvas._canvas.processPS(self, patternfile, writer, pswriter.context(), registry, realpatternbbox)
patternproc = patternfile.getvalue()
if self.xstep is None:
xstep = unit.topt(realpatternbbox.width())
xstep = unit.topt(self.xstep)
if self.ystep is None:
ystep = unit.topt(realpatternbbox.height())
ystep = unit.topt(self.ystep)
if not xstep:
raise ValueError("xstep in pattern cannot be zero")
if not ystep:
raise ValueError("ystep in pattern cannot be zero")
patternbbox = self.patternbbox or realpatternbbox.enlarged(5*unit.pt)
patternprefix = "\n".join(("<<",
"/PatternType %d" % self.patterntype,
"/PaintType %d" % self.painttype,
"/TilingType %d" % self.tilingtype,
"/BBox[%d %d %d %d]" % patternbbox.lowrestuple_pt(),
"/XStep %g" % xstep,
"/YStep %g" % ystep,
"/PaintProc {\nbegin\n"))
patterntrafostring = self.patterntrafo is None and "matrix" or str(self.patterntrafo)
patternsuffix = "end\n} bind\n>>\n%s\nmakepattern" % patterntrafostring
registry.add(pswriter.PSdefinition(self.id, "".join((patternprefix, patternproc, patternsuffix))))
# activate pattern
file.write("%s setpattern\n" % self.id)
def processPDF(self, file, writer, context, registry, bbox):
# we need to keep track of the resources used by the pattern, hence
# we create our own registry, which we merge immediately in the main registry
patternregistry = pdfwriter.PDFregistry()
patternfile = cStringIO.StringIO()
realpatternbbox = bboxmodule.empty()
canvas._canvas.processPDF(self, patternfile, writer, pdfwriter.context(), patternregistry, realpatternbbox)
patternproc = patternfile.getvalue()
if self.xstep is None:
xstep = unit.topt(realpatternbbox.width())
xstep = unit.topt(self.xstep)
if self.ystep is None:
ystep = unit.topt(realpatternbbox.height())
ystep = unit.topt(self.ystep)
if not xstep:
raise ValueError("xstep in pattern cannot be zero")
if not ystep:
raise ValueError("ystep in pattern cannot be zero")
patternbbox = self.patternbbox or realpatternbbox.enlarged(5*unit.pt)
patterntrafo = self.patterntrafo or trafo.trafo()
registry.add(PDFpattern(self.id, self.patterntype, self.painttype, self.tilingtype,
patternbbox, xstep, ystep, patterntrafo, patternproc, writer, registry, patternregistry))
# activate pattern
if context.colorspace != "Pattern":
# we only set the fill color space (see next comment)
file.write("/Pattern cs\n")
context.colorspace = "Pattern"
if context.strokeattr:
# using patterns as stroke colors doesn't seem to work, so
# we just don't do this...
warnings.warn("ignoring stroke color for patterns in PDF")
if context.fillattr:
file.write("/%s scn\n"% self.id)
pattern.clear = attr.clearclass(pattern)
_base = 0.1 * unit.v_cm
class hatched(pattern):
def __init__(self, dist, angle, strokestyles=[]):
pattern.__init__(self, painttype=1, tilingtype=1, xstep=dist, ystep=100*unit.t_pt, bbox=None, trafo=trafo.rotate(angle))
self.strokestyles = attr.mergeattrs([style.linewidth.THIN] + strokestyles)
attr.checkattrs(self.strokestyles, [style.strokestyle])
self.dist = dist
self.angle = angle
self.stroke(path.line_pt(0, -50, 0, 50), self.strokestyles)
def __call__(self, dist=None, angle=None, strokestyles=None):
if dist is None:
dist = self.dist
if angle is None:
angle = self.angle
if strokestyles is None:
strokestyles = self.strokestyles
return hatched(dist, angle, strokestyles)
hatched0 = hatched(_base, 0)
hatched0.SMALL = hatched0(_base/math.sqrt(64))
hatched0.SMALL = hatched0(_base/math.sqrt(64))
hatched0.SMALl = hatched0(_base/math.sqrt(32))
hatched0.SMAll = hatched0(_base/math.sqrt(16))
hatched0.SMall = hatched0(_base/math.sqrt(8))
hatched0.Small = hatched0(_base/math.sqrt(4))
hatched0.small = hatched0(_base/math.sqrt(2))
hatched0.normal = hatched0(_base)
hatched0.large = hatched0(_base*math.sqrt(2))
hatched0.Large = hatched0(_base*math.sqrt(4))
hatched0.LArge = hatched0(_base*math.sqrt(8))
hatched0.LARge = hatched0(_base*math.sqrt(16))
hatched0.LARGe = hatched0(_base*math.sqrt(32))
hatched0.LARGE = hatched0(_base*math.sqrt(64))
hatched45 = hatched(_base, 45)
hatched45.SMALL = hatched45(_base/math.sqrt(64))
hatched45.SMALl = hatched45(_base/math.sqrt(32))
hatched45.SMAll = hatched45(_base/math.sqrt(16))
hatched45.SMall = hatched45(_base/math.sqrt(8))
hatched45.Small = hatched45(_base/math.sqrt(4))
hatched45.small = hatched45(_base/math.sqrt(2))
hatched45.normal = hatched45(_base)
hatched45.large = hatched45(_base*math.sqrt(2))
hatched45.Large = hatched45(_base*math.sqrt(4))
hatched45.LArge = hatched45(_base*math.sqrt(8))
hatched45.LARge = hatched45(_base*math.sqrt(16))
hatched45.LARGe = hatched45(_base*math.sqrt(32))
hatched45.LARGE = hatched45(_base*math.sqrt(64))
hatched90 = hatched(_base, 90)
hatched90.SMALL = hatched90(_base/math.sqrt(64))
hatched90.SMALl = hatched90(_base/math.sqrt(32))
hatched90.SMAll = hatched90(_base/math.sqrt(16))
hatched90.SMall = hatched90(_base/math.sqrt(8))
hatched90.Small = hatched90(_base/math.sqrt(4))
hatched90.small = hatched90(_base/math.sqrt(2))
hatched90.normal = hatched90(_base)
hatched90.large = hatched90(_base*math.sqrt(2))
hatched90.Large = hatched90(_base*math.sqrt(4))
hatched90.LArge = hatched90(_base*math.sqrt(8))
hatched90.LARge = hatched90(_base*math.sqrt(16))
hatched90.LARGe = hatched90(_base*math.sqrt(32))
hatched90.LARGE = hatched90(_base*math.sqrt(64))
hatched135 = hatched(_base, 135)
hatched135.SMALL = hatched135(_base/math.sqrt(64))
hatched135.SMALl = hatched135(_base/math.sqrt(32))
hatched135.SMAll = hatched135(_base/math.sqrt(16))
hatched135.SMall = hatched135(_base/math.sqrt(8))
hatched135.Small = hatched135(_base/math.sqrt(4))
hatched135.small = hatched135(_base/math.sqrt(2))
hatched135.normal = hatched135(_base)
hatched135.large = hatched135(_base*math.sqrt(2))
hatched135.Large = hatched135(_base*math.sqrt(4))
hatched135.LArge = hatched135(_base*math.sqrt(8))
hatched135.LARge = hatched135(_base*math.sqrt(16))
hatched135.LARGe = hatched135(_base*math.sqrt(32))
hatched135.LARGE = hatched135(_base*math.sqrt(64))
class crosshatched(pattern):
def __init__(self, dist, angle, strokestyles=[]):
pattern.__init__(self, painttype=1, tilingtype=1, xstep=dist, ystep=dist, bbox=None, trafo=trafo.rotate(angle))
self.strokestyles = attr.mergeattrs([style.linewidth.THIN] + strokestyles)
attr.checkattrs(self.strokestyles, [style.strokestyle])
self.dist = dist
self.angle = angle
self.stroke(path.line_pt(0, 0, 0, unit.topt(dist)), self.strokestyles)
self.stroke(path.line_pt(0, 0, unit.topt(dist), 0), self.strokestyles)
def __call__(self, dist=None, angle=None, strokestyles=None):
if dist is None:
dist = self.dist
if angle is None:
angle = self.angle
if strokestyles is None:
strokestyles = self.strokestyles
return crosshatched(dist, angle, strokestyles)
crosshatched0 = crosshatched(_base, 0)
crosshatched0.SMALL = crosshatched0(_base/math.sqrt(64))
crosshatched0.SMALl = crosshatched0(_base/math.sqrt(32))
crosshatched0.SMAll = crosshatched0(_base/math.sqrt(16))
crosshatched0.SMall = crosshatched0(_base/math.sqrt(8))
crosshatched0.Small = crosshatched0(_base/math.sqrt(4))
crosshatched0.small = crosshatched0(_base/math.sqrt(2))
crosshatched0.normal = crosshatched0
crosshatched0.large = crosshatched0(_base*math.sqrt(2))
crosshatched0.Large = crosshatched0(_base*math.sqrt(4))
crosshatched0.LArge = crosshatched0(_base*math.sqrt(8))
crosshatched0.LARge = crosshatched0(_base*math.sqrt(16))
crosshatched0.LARGe = crosshatched0(_base*math.sqrt(32))
crosshatched0.LARGE = crosshatched0(_base*math.sqrt(64))
crosshatched45 = crosshatched(_base, 45)
crosshatched45.SMALL = crosshatched45(_base/math.sqrt(64))
crosshatched45.SMALl = crosshatched45(_base/math.sqrt(32))
crosshatched45.SMAll = crosshatched45(_base/math.sqrt(16))
crosshatched45.SMall = crosshatched45(_base/math.sqrt(8))
crosshatched45.Small = crosshatched45(_base/math.sqrt(4))
crosshatched45.small = crosshatched45(_base/math.sqrt(2))
crosshatched45.normal = crosshatched45
crosshatched45.large = crosshatched45(_base*math.sqrt(2))
crosshatched45.Large = crosshatched45(_base*math.sqrt(4))
crosshatched45.LArge = crosshatched45(_base*math.sqrt(8))
crosshatched45.LARge = crosshatched45(_base*math.sqrt(16))
crosshatched45.LARGe = crosshatched45(_base*math.sqrt(32))
crosshatched45.LARGE = crosshatched45(_base*math.sqrt(64))
class PDFpattern(pdfwriter.PDFobject):
def __init__(self, name, patterntype, painttype, tilingtype, bbox, xstep, ystep, trafo,
patternproc, writer, registry, patternregistry):
self.patternregistry = patternregistry
pdfwriter.PDFobject.__init__(self, "pattern", name)
registry.addresource("Pattern", name, self)
self.name = name
self.patterntype = patterntype
self.painttype = painttype
self.tilingtype = tilingtype
self.bbox = bbox
self.xstep = xstep
self.ystep = ystep
self.trafo = trafo
self.patternproc = patternproc
def write(self, file, writer, registry):
"/Type /Pattern\n"
"/PatternType %d\n" % self.patterntype)
file.write("/PaintType %d\n" % self.painttype)
file.write("/TilingType %d\n" % self.tilingtype)
file.write("/BBox [%d %d %d %d]\n" % self.bbox.lowrestuple_pt())
file.write("/XStep %f\n" % self.xstep)
file.write("/YStep %f\n" % self.ystep)
file.write("/Matrix %s\n" % str(self.trafo))
if writer.compress:
import zlib
content = zlib.compress(self.patternproc)
content = self.patternproc
file.write("/Length %i\n" % len(content))
if writer.compress:
file.write("/Filter /FlateDecode\n")