# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Jrg Lehmann <joergl@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Andr Wobst <wobsta@users.sourceforge.net>
# This file is part of PyX (http://pyx.sourceforge.net/).
# PyX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PyX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PyX; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
import types
scale = { 't':1, 'u':1, 'v':1, 'w':1, 'x':1 }
_default_unit = "cm"
_m = {
'm' : 1,
'cm': 0.01,
'mm': 0.001,
'inch': 0.01*2.54,
'pt': 0.01*2.54/72,
def set(uscale=None, vscale=None, wscale=None, xscale=None, defaultunit=None):
if uscale is not None:
scale['u'] = uscale
if vscale is not None:
scale['v'] = vscale
if wscale is not None:
scale['w'] = wscale
if xscale is not None:
scale['x'] = xscale
if defaultunit is not None:
global _default_unit
_default_unit = defaultunit
def _convert_to(l, dest_unit="m"):
if type(l) in (types.IntType, types.LongType, types.FloatType):
return l * _m[_default_unit] * scale['u'] / _m[dest_unit]
elif not isinstance(l, length):
l = length(l) # convert to length instance if necessary
return (l.t + l.u*scale['u'] + l.v*scale['v'] + l.w*scale['w'] + l.x*scale['x']) / _m[dest_unit]
def tom(l):
return _convert_to(l, "m")
def tocm(l):
return _convert_to(l, "cm")
def tomm(l):
return _convert_to(l, "mm")
def toinch(l):
return _convert_to(l, "inch")
def topt(l):
return _convert_to(l, "pt")
# class for generic length
class length:
""" PyX lengths
PyX lengths are composed of five components (t=true, u=user, v=visual,
w=width, and x=TeX) which can be scaled separately (except for the true
component, which is always unscaled). Lengths can be constructed in units
of "pt", "mm", "cm", "m" and "inch". When no unit is given, a module
default is used, which can be changed with the help of the module level function
def __init__(self, f=0, type="u", unit=None):
""" create a length instance of the given type with a length f
in the given unit. If unit is not set, the currently set default unit is used.
self.t = self.u = self.v = self.w = self.x = 0
l = float(f) * _m[unit or _default_unit]
if type == "t":
self.t = l
elif type == "u":
self.u = l
elif type == "v":
self.v = l
elif type == "w":
self.w = l
elif type == "x":
self.x = l
def __cmp__(self, other):
# we try to convert self and other into meters and
# if this fails, we give other a chance to do the comparison
return cmp(tom(self), tom(other))
# why does -cmp(other, self) not work?
return -other.__cmp__(self)
def __mul__(self, factor):
result = length()
result.t = factor * self.t
result.u = factor * self.u
result.v = factor * self.v
result.w = factor * self.w
result.x = factor * self.x
return result
def __div__(self, divisor):
if isinstance(divisor, length):
return tom(self) / tom(divisor)
result = length()
result.t = self.t / divisor
result.u = self.u / divisor
result.v = self.v / divisor
result.w = self.w / divisor
result.x = self.x / divisor
return result
__truediv__ = __div__
def __add__(self, other):
# convert to length if necessary
if not isinstance(other, length):
# if other is not a length, we try to convert it into a length and
# if this fails, we give other a chance to do the addition
other = length(other)
return other + self
result = length()
result.t = self.t + other.t
result.u = self.u + other.u
result.v = self.v + other.v
result.w = self.w + other.w
result.x = self.x + other.x
return result
__radd__ = __add__
def __sub__(self, other):
# convert to length if necessary
if not isinstance(other, length):
# if other is not a length, we try to convert it into a length and
# if this fails, we give other a chance to do the subtraction
other = length(other)
return -other + self
result = length()
result.t = self.t - other.t
result.u = self.u - other.u
result.v = self.v - other.v
result.w = self.w - other.w
result.x = self.x - other.x
return result
def __rsub__(self, other):
# convert to length if necessary
if not isinstance(other, length):
other = length(other)
result = length()
result.t = other.t - self.t
result.u = other.u - self.u
result.v = other.v - self.v
result.w = other.w - self.w
result.x = other.x - self.x
return result
def __neg__(self):
result = length()
result.t = -self.t
result.u = -self.u
result.v = -self.v
result.w = -self.w
result.x = -self.x
return result
def __str__(self):
return "(%(t)f t + %(u)f u + %(v)f v + %(w)f w + %(x)f x) m" % self.__dict__
# predefined instances which can be used as length units
# user lengths and unqualified length which are also user length
u_pt = pt = length(1, type="u", unit="pt")
u_m = m = length(1, type="u", unit="m")
u_mm = mm = length(1, type="u", unit="mm")
u_cm = cm = length(1, type="u", unit="cm")
u_inch = inch = length(1, type="u", unit="inch")
# true lengths
t_pt = length(1, type="t", unit="pt")
t_m = length(1, type="t", unit="m")
t_mm = length(1, type="t", unit="mm")
t_cm = length(1, type="t", unit="cm")
t_inch = length(1, type="t", unit="inch")
# visual lengths
v_pt = length(1, type="v", unit="pt")
v_m = length(1, type="v", unit="m")
v_mm = length(1, type="v", unit="mm")
v_cm = length(1, type="v", unit="cm")
v_inch = length(1, type="v", unit="inch")
# width lengths
w_pt = length(1, type="w", unit="pt")
w_m = length(1, type="w", unit="m")
w_mm = length(1, type="w", unit="mm")
w_cm = length(1, type="w", unit="cm")
w_inch = length(1, type="w", unit="inch")
# TeX lengths
x_pt = length(1, type="x", unit="pt")
x_m = length(1, type="x", unit="m")
x_mm = length(1, type="x", unit="mm")
x_cm = length(1, type="x", unit="cm")
x_inch = length(1, type="x", unit="inch")