#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/tools/pythonpoint/customshapes.py
__version__=''' $Id: customshapes.py 2385 2004-06-17 15:26:05Z rgbecker $ '''
# xml parser stuff for PythonPoint
# PythonPoint Markup Language!
This demonstrates a custom shape for use with the <customshape> tag.
The shape must fulfil a very simple interface, which may change in
The XML tag currently has this form:
class = "MyShape"
PythonPoint will look in the given module for the given class,
evaluate the arguments string and pass it to the constructor.
Then, it will call
Thus your object must be fully defined by the constructor.
For this one, we pass three argumenyts: x, y and scale.
This does a five-tile jigsaw over which words can be overlaid;
based on work done for a customer's presentation.
import reportlab.pdfgen.canvas
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.corp import RL_CorpLogo
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing
## custom shape for use with PythonPoint.
class Jigsaw:
"""This draws a jigsaw patterm. By default it is centred on 0,0
and has dimensions of 200 x 140; use the x/y/scale attributes
to move it around."""
#Using my usual bulldozer coding style - I am sure a mathematician could
#derive an elegant way to draw this, but I just took a ruler, guessed at
#the control points, and reflected a few lists at the interactive prompt.
def __init__(self, x, y, scale=1):
self.width = 200
self.height = 140
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.scale = scale
def drawOn(self, canvas):
canvas.drawString(600, 100, 'A Custom Shape')
canvas.translate(self.x, self.y)
canvas.scale(self.scale, self.scale)
def curveThrough(self, path, pointlist):
"""Helper to curve through set of control points."""
assert len(pointlist) % 3 == 1, "No. of points must be 3n+1 for integer n"
(x,y) = pointlist[0]
path.moveTo(x, y)
idx = 1
while idx < len(pointlist)-2:
p1, p2, p3 = pointlist[idx:idx+3]
path.curveTo(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], p3[0], p3[1])
idx = idx + 3
def drawShape(self, canvas, controls, color):
"""Utlity to draw a closed shape through a list of control points;
extends the previous proc"""
p = canvas.beginPath()
self.curveThrough(p, controls)
canvas.drawPath(p, stroke=1, fill=1)
def drawBounds(self, canvas):
"""Guidelines to help me draw - not needed in production"""
def drawCentre(self, canvas):
controls = [ (0,50), #top
#top right edge - duplicated for that corner piece
#bottom right edge
(50, -5), (45,-10), (40,-10),
(35,-10), (30,-15), (30, -20),
(30,-25), (25,-30), (20,-30),
(15,-30), (10,-35), (10,-40),
#bottom left
#top left
self.drawShape(canvas, controls, colors.yellow)
def drawTopLeft(self, canvas):
controls = [(-100,70),
#jigsaw interlock - 4 sections
(-92,15), (-85,15), (-80,15),
#five distinct curves
self.drawShape(canvas, controls, colors.teal)
def drawBottomLeft(self, canvas):
controls = [(-100,-70),
#jigsaw interlock - 4 sections
(-51, 0), (-69, 0), (-70, 0),
(-70, 5), (-68, 5), (-68, 10),
(-68, 15), (-75, 15), (-80, 15),
(-85, 15), (-92, 15), (-92, 10),
(-92, 5), (-90, 5), (-90, 0),
self.drawShape(canvas, controls, colors.green)
def drawBottomRight(self, canvas):
controls = [ (100,-70),
#jigsaw interlock - 4 sections
(90, -5), (92, -5), (92, -10),
(92, -15), (85, -15), (80, -15),
(75, -15), (68, -15), (68, -10),
(68, -5), (70, -5), (70, 0),
(69, 0), (51, 0), (50, 0),
(50, -5), (45,-10), (40,-10),
(35,-10), (30,-15), (30, -20),
(30,-25), (25,-30), (20,-30),
(15,-30), (10,-35), (10,-40),
(0,-51), (0,-69), (0,-70),
self.drawShape(canvas, controls, colors.navy)
def drawBottomLeft(self, canvas):
controls = [(-100,-70),
#jigsaw interlock - 4 sections
(-51, 0), (-69, 0), (-70, 0),
(-70, 5), (-68, 5), (-68, 10),
(-68, 15), (-75, 15), (-80, 15),
(-85, 15), (-92, 15), (-92, 10),
(-92, 5), (-90, 5), (-90, 0),
self.drawShape(canvas, controls, colors.green)
def drawTopRight(self, canvas):
controls = [(100, 70),
(99, 70), (1, 70), (0, 70),
(0, 69), (0, 51), (0, 50),
(5, 50), (10, 45), (10, 40),
(10, 35), (15, 30), (20, 30),
(25, 30), (30, 25), (30, 20),
(30, 15), (35, 10), (40, 10),
(45, 10), (50, 5), (50, 0),
(51, 0), (69, 0), (70, 0),
(70, -5), (68, -5), (68, -10),
(68, -15), (75, -15), (80, -15),
(85, -15), (92, -15), (92, -10),
(92, -5), (90, -5), (90, 0),
(91, 0), (99, 0), (100, 0)
self.drawShape(canvas, controls, colors.magenta)
class Logo:
"""This draws a ReportLab Logo."""
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height):
logo = RL_CorpLogo()
logo.x = x
logo.y = y
logo.width = width
logo.height = height
self.logo = logo
def drawOn(self, canvas):
logo = self.logo
x, y = logo.x, logo.y
w, h = logo.width, logo.height
D = Drawing(w, h)
D.drawOn(canvas, 0, 0)
def run():
c = reportlab.pdfgen.canvas.Canvas('customshape.pdf')
J = Jigsaw(300, 540, 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':