"""Example using a parser to format VRML97 code as HTML w/CSS
import sys
import os, string
from simpleparse.parser import Parser
# we use a non-standard VRML parser definition which retains comments and whitespace
# Specialised VRML parser for colourising VRML files
# Specialisation is minor, mostly changes to what information
# is reported and what information is discarded.
vrmlFile := '#',header,'\n',ts, vrmlScene, ts
header := -[\n]*
vrmlScene := (Proto/ExternProto/ROUTE/('USE',ts,USE,ts)/Script/Node/SFNull)*
Proto := PROTO,ts,nodegi,ts,'[',ts,(fieldDecl/eventDecl)*,']', ts, '{', ts, vrmlScene,ts, '}', ts
fieldDecl := fieldExposure,ts,dataType,ts,attrName,ts,Field,ts
fieldExposure := 'field'/'exposedField'
dataType := 'SFBool'/'SFString'/'SFFloat'/'SFTime'/'SFVec3f'/'SFVec2f'/'SFRotation'/'SFInt32'/'SFImage'/'SFRotation'/'SFColor'/'SFNode'/'MFBool'/'MFString'/'MFFloat'/'MFTime'/'MFVec3f'/'MFVec2f'/'MFRotation'/'MFInt32'/'MFRotation'/'MFColor'/'MFNode'
eventDecl := eventDirection, ts, dataType, ts, eventName, ts
eventDirection := 'eventIn'/'eventOut'
ExternProto := EXTERNPROTO,ts,nodegi,ts,'[',ts,(extFieldDecl/eventDecl)*,']', ts, ExtProtoURL
extFieldDecl := fieldExposure,ts,dataType,ts,name,ts
ExtProtoURL := '['?,ts,SFString+, ']'?, ts # just an MFString by another name :)
ROUTEData := 'ROUTE',ts, DEFName,'.',DEFName, ts, 'TO', ts, DEFName,'.',DEFName
ROUTE := ROUTEData, ts
Node := (DEF,ts,DEFName,ts)?,nodegi,ts,'{',ts,(Proto/ExternProto/ROUTE/Attr)*,ts,'}', ts
Script := (DEF,ts,DEFName,ts)?,scriptgi,ts,'{',ts,(ScriptFieldDecl/ScriptEventDecl/Proto/ExternProto/ROUTE/Attr)*,ts,'}', ts
ScriptEventDecl := eventDirection, ts, dataType, ts, attrName, ts, ('IS', ts, IS,ts)?
ScriptFieldDecl := fieldExposure,ts,dataType,ts,attrName,ts,(('IS', ts,IS,ts)/Field),ts
SFNull := 'NULL', ts
scriptgi := 'Script'
DEF := 'DEF'
eventName := name
DEFName := name
USE := name
IS := name
nodegi := name
attrName := name
Attr := attrName, ts, (('IS', ts,IS,ts)/Field), ts
Field := ( '[',ts,((SFNumber/SFBool/SFString/('USE',ts,USE,ts)/Script/Node),ts)*, ']', ts )/((SFNumber/SFBool/SFNull/SFString/('USE',ts,USE,ts)/Script/Node),ts)+
<name> := -[][0-9{}\000-\020"'#,.\\ ], -[][{}\000-\020"'#,.\\ ]*
<SFNumber> := [-+0-9.]+,([eE],[-+0-9.]+)?
<SFBool> := 'TRUE'/'FALSE'
<CHARNODBLQUOTE> := -[\134"]+
<ESCAPEDCHAR> := '\\"'/'\134\134'
comment := '#',-'\012'*,'\n'
ts := ( [ \011-\015,]+ / comment+ )*
vrmlparser = Parser( VRMLPARSERDEF, 'vrmlFile' )
class VRMLFormatter:
Base formatting class
def __init__(self, infile, vrmlparser = vrmlparser ):
self.infile = open( infile ).read()
self.tree = vrmlparser.parse( self.infile )[1] # the list of children
# construct a dummy "vrmlFile" node, should get that fixed in TextTools some day
self.tree = ('vrmlFile', 0, len(self.infile), self.tree )
def _format( self, tup, outfile, infile ):
Step through the children, our result is
thisnode's head, data_to_first_child, firstchild, data_to_second_child, secondchild,...,data_from_last_child, thisnode's tail
nodetype = tup[0]
# write preceding formatting
hdata = self._headdata( nodetype, 1 )
if hdata is not None:
outfile.write( hdata )
startPos = tup[1]
children = tup[3][:]
while children:
outfile.write( self._escapeData( infile[ startPos: children[0][1] ] ) )
self._format( children[0], outfile, infile )
startPos = children[0][2]
del children [0]
# now write this node's data from startPos to endPos
outfile.write( self._escapeData( infile[startPos: tup[2] ]) )
# write trailing formatting
hdata = self._headdata( nodetype, 0 )
if hdata is not None:
outfile.write( hdata )
def _headdata( self, nodetype, head=1 ):
Return head or tail data for this nodetype if available, None otherwise
if head:
head = '_head'
head = '_tail'
if hasattr( self, nodetype+head ):
return getattr( self, nodetype+head) % locals()
def _escapeData( self, data ):
return data
def format( self, outfile ):
outfile = open( outfile, 'w' )
self._format( self.tree, outfile, self.infile )
class HTMLVRMLFormatter( VRMLFormatter ):
Format VRML files for display in HTML
def _escapeData( self, data ):
return string.join( string.split(
string.join( string.split(
string.join( string.split(
string.join( string.split( data, '&' ), '&' ),
'<'), '<'),
'>'), '>'),
'\t'), ' ')
'vrmlFile': '''<html><head><link href="vrmlCode.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></head><body><pre>''',
'header':'<%(head)sfont color="purple">',
'comment':'<span class="%(nodetype)s">',
'PROTO':'<span class="%(nodetype)s">',
'EXTERNPROTO':'<span class="%(nodetype)s">',
'SFString':'<span class="%(nodetype)s">',
# 'name':'<%(head)sfont color="green">',
# 'name_tail':'<%(head)sfont>',
'DEFName':'<span class="%(nodetype)s">',
'nodegi':'<span class="%(nodetype)s">',
'scriptgi':'<span class="%(nodetype)s">',
'ROUTEData':'<strong class="%(nodetype)s">',
'attrName':'<span class="%(nodetype)s">',
'fieldExposure':'<span class="%(nodetype)s">',
'dataType':'<span class="%(nodetype)s">',
'eventDirection':'<span class="%(nodetype)s">',
def _headdata( self, nodetype, head=1):
if head:
head = ''
return self.NODEMAP.get( nodetype, '' )%locals()
head = '/'
val = self.NODEMAP.get( nodetype+'_tail', '' )%locals()
if not val:
return self.NODEMAP.get( nodetype, '' )%locals()
return val
usage = '''formatvrml.py infile outfile
infile -- properly formatted VRML 97 file
outfile -- destination for output HTML (will overwrite if present)
Formatvrml is a simple script for syntax-coloring VRML 97 code for
presentation on web sites and/or in documentation. To use it, just
run the script with your source and destination files. Copy the
HTML and the css file to your web server.
The syntax coloring is all done with a Cascading Style Sheet link
at the top of the file (to a file named vrmlCode.css in the same
directory as the HTML file). You can change the formatting of your
VRML by changing this file's definitions.
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len( sys.argv) != 3:
print usage
raw_input('Press <return> to exit:')
file = HTMLVRMLFormatter( sys.argv[1] )
file.format( sys.argv[2] )