"""Test the various common library comment productions"""
import unittest, string
from simpleparse.parser import Parser
from simpleparse.common import comments
from simpleparse import dispatchprocessor
parseTests = [
# each production should match the whole of all of the first,
# and not match any of the second...
("c_comment", [
"""/* this */""",
"""/* this \n\n*/""",
"""// this""",
"""# this""",
"""# this\n""",
"""# this\r\n""",
("c_nest_comment", [
"""/* this */""",
"""/* this \n\n*/""",
"""/* /* this */ */""",
"""/* /* this \n*/ */""",
"""// this""",
"""# this""",
"""; this""",
("hash_comment", [
"""# this""",
"""# this\n""",
"""# this\r\n""",
"""// this""",
"""/* this */""",
"""/* /* this */ */""",
("semicolon_comment", [
"""; this""",
"""; this\n""",
"""; this\r\n""",
"""# this""",
"""// this""",
"""/* this */""",
"""/* /* this */ */""",
("slashslash_comment", [
"""// this""",
"""// this\n""",
"""// this\r\n""",
"""# this""",
"""/ this""",
"""/* this */""",
"""/* /* this */ */""",
class CommonTests(unittest.TestCase):
def testBasic( self ):
for production, yestable, notable in parseTests:
p = Parser( "x := %s"%production, 'x')
for data in yestable:
success, results, next = p.parse( data)
assert success and (next == len(data)), """Did not parse comment %s as a %s result=%s"""%( repr(data), production, (success, results, next))
assert results, """Didn't get any results for comment %s as a %s result=%s"""%( repr(data), production, (success, results, next))
for data in notable:
success, results, next = p.parse( data)
assert not success, """Parsed %s of %s as a %s result=%s"""%(
next, repr(data), production, results
def getSuite():
return unittest.makeSuite(CommonTests, 'test')
if __name__ == "__main__":