import unittest, string
from simpleparse.parser import Parser
from simpleparse.common import iso_date,iso_date_loose
from mx import DateTime
import time
fulltrans = string.maketrans("","")
tzOffset = DateTime.DateTimeDelta( 0,0,0, time.timezone )
class CommonTests(unittest.TestCase):
def testISODateLoose( self ):
"""Test the parsing of ISO date and time formats"""
values = [
("2002-02-03", DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2,3)),
("2002-02",DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2)),
("2002",DateTime.DateTime( 2002)),
("2002-02-03 04:15", DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2,3, 4,15)),
("2002-02-03 04:15:16", DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2,3, 4,15, 16)),
("2002-02-03 04:15:16 +00:00", DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2,3, 4,15, 16)-tzOffset),
("2002-02-03 4:5", DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2,3, 4,5)),
("2002-02-03 4:5:16", DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2,3, 4,5, 16)),
("2002-02-03 4:5:16 +00:00", DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2,3, 4, 5,16)-tzOffset),
p = Parser ("d:= ISO_date_time_loose", "d")
proc = iso_date_loose.MxInterpreter()
for string, date in values:
success, children, next = p.parse( string, processor = proc)
assert success, """Unable to parse any of the string %s with the ISO date-time parser"""% (string)
assert next == len(string),"""Did not finish parsing string %s with the ISO date-time parser, remainder was %s, found was %s"""%( string, string [next:],children)
assert children [0] == date,"""Returned different date for string %s than expected, got %s, expected %s"""% (string,children [0], date)
def testISODate( self ):
"""Test the parsing of ISO date and time formats"""
values = [
("2002-02-03", DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2,3)),
("2002-02",DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2)),
("2002",DateTime.DateTime( 2002)),
("2002-02-03T04:15", DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2,3, 4,15)),
("2002-02-03T04:15:16", DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2,3, 4,15, 16)),
("2002-02-03T04:15:16+00:00", DateTime.DateTime( 2002, 2,3, 4,15, 16)-tzOffset),
p = Parser ("d:= ISO_date_time", "d")
proc = iso_date.MxInterpreter()
for string, date in values:
success, children, next = p.parse( string, processor=proc)
assert success, """Unable to parse any of the string %s with the ISO date-time parser"""% (string)
assert next == len(string),"""Did not finish parsing string %s with the ISO date-time parser, remainder was %s, found was %s"""%( string, string [next:],children)
assert children [0] == date,"""Returned different date for string %s than expected, got %s, expected %s"""% (string,children [0], date)
def testProductionsStrict( self ):
for string, production in [
("2002", "year"),
("02", "month"),
("02", "day"),
("24:00:00", "ISO_time"),
("02", "ISO_time"),
(":", "time_separator"),
("02:02", "ISO_time"),
("02:02:02", "ISO_time"),
("2002-02-30", "ISO_date"),
("2002-02-30", "ISO_date_time"),
("02", "hour"),
("02", "minute"),
("02", "second"),
("20", "second"),
("+0500", "offset"),
("+00:00", "offset"),
("-", "offset_sign"),
("-00:00", "offset"),
("-04:00", "offset"),
("-0500", "offset"),
("02:13", "ISO_time"),
("02:13:16", "ISO_time"),
("2002-02-01T02:13-0500", "ISO_date_time"),
success, children, next = iso_date._p.parse( string,production)
assert next == len(string), "couldn't parse %s as a %s"%( string, production)
def testProductions2( self ):
for string, production in [
("2002", "year"),
("02", "month"),
("02", "day"),
("24:00:00", "ISO_time_loose"),
("02", "ISO_time_loose"),
(":", "time_separator"),
("02:02", "ISO_time_loose"),
("02:02:02", "ISO_time_loose"),
("2002-02-30", "ISO_date_loose"),
("2002-02-30", "ISO_date_time_loose"),
("2002-2-1", "ISO_date_time_loose"),
("02", "hour"),
("02", "minute"),
("2", "second"),
("02", "second"),
("20", "second"),
("20.", "second"),
("20.3", "second"),
("+0500", "offset"),
("+00:00", "offset"),
("-", "offset_sign"),
("-00:00", "offset"),
("-04:00", "offset"),
("-0500", "offset"),
("02:13", "ISO_time_loose"),
("02:13:16", "ISO_time_loose"),
("2002-2-1 2:13", "ISO_date_time_loose"),
("2002-2-1 2:13 -0500", "ISO_date_time_loose"),
("2002-2-1 2:13 -05:30", "ISO_date_time_loose"),
("2002-2-1 2:13 +05:30", "ISO_date_time_loose"),
("2002-2-1 2:13 +00:00", "ISO_date_time_loose"),
success, children, next = iso_date_loose._p.parse( string,production )
assert next == len(string), "couldn't parse %s as a %s"%( string, production)
def getSuite():
return unittest.makeSuite(CommonTests, 'test')
if __name__ == "__main__":