import unittest, pprint, traceback
from simpleparse.parser import Parser
from simpleparse import printers
def rcmp( table1, table2 ):
"""Silly utility function to get around text search object lack of __cmp__"""
if len(table1) != len(table2):
return 0
for x,y in map(None, table1, table2):
if not _rcmp( x,y):
return 0
return 1
def _rcmp( item1, item2 ):
if len(item1) != len(item2):
return 0
if item1[1] in (204,):
if cmp(item1[:2], item2[:2]) != 0:
return 0
if not rcmp( item1[2][0][item1[2][1]], item2[2][0][item2[2][1]]):
return 0
except TypeError:
print item1
print item2
elif item1[1] == 207:
if cmp(item2[:2], item2[:2]) != 0:
return 0
if not rcmp( item1[2], item2[2]):
return 0
for a,b in map(None, item1, item2):
if hasattr(a,'match') and hasattr(b,'match'):
if not (a.match == b.match and a.translate == b.translate):
return 0
elif a != b:
return 0
return 1
class OptimisationTests(unittest.TestCase):
def testTermCompression( self ):
"""Test that unreported productions are compressed
Term compression is basically an inlining of terminal
expressions into the calling table. At the moment
the terminal expressions are all duplicated, which may
balloon the size of the grammar, not sure if this will
be an actual problem. As written, this optimization
should provide a significant speed up, but there may
the even more of a speed up if we allow for sharing
the terminal tuples as well.
a:=b <b>:= -c* c:='this'
Should eventually compress to this:
a := -'this'*
failures = []
for first, second in [
("""a:=b <b>:= -c* c:='this'""", """a := -'this'*"""),
("""a:=b >b<:= c c:= 'this'""", """a := c c:= 'this'"""),
("""a:=b >b<:= c <c>:= 'this'""", """a := 'this'"""),
("""a:=b >b<:= c+ <c>:= 'this'""", """a := 'this'+"""),
# The following will never work, so eventually may raise
# an error or at least give a warning!
("""a:=b,c >b<:= c+ <c>:= 'this'""", """a := 'this'+,'this'"""),
("""a:=b/c >b<:= c+ <c>:= 'this'""", """a := 'this'+/'this'"""),
# This is requiring group-compression, which isn't yet written
("""a:=-b/c >b<:= c+ <c>:= 'this'""", """a := -'this'+/'this'"""),
("""a := (table1 / table2 / any_line)*
<any_line> := ANY*, EOL
<ANY> := -EOL
<EOL> := '\n'
table1 := 'a'
table2 := 'b'
""", """a := (table1 / table2 / (-'\n'*, '\n'))*
table1 := 'a'
table2 := 'b'
("""a:= b,c <b>:= -c* <c>:= '\n'""", """a := -'\n'*,'\n'"""),
pFirst = Parser( first, "a")
pSecond = Parser( second, "a")
tFirst = pFirst.buildTagger()
tSecond = pSecond.buildTagger()
if not rcmp( tFirst , tSecond):
tFirstRepr = pprint.pformat(tFirst)
tSecondRepr = pprint.pformat(tSecond)
failures.append( """%(first)r did not produce the same parser as %(second)r\n\t%(tFirstRepr)s\n\t%(tSecondRepr)s"""%locals())
if failures:
raise ValueError( "\n".join(failures))
def testTermSharing( self ):
"""Test that shared terminal productions are using the same parser"""
first =""" a := b,b >b<:= d d:= 'this'"""
pFirst = Parser( first, "a")
tFirst = pFirst.buildTagger()
b,c = tFirst
assert b is c, """Not sharing the same tuple for b and c instances"""
def testNoReportPassDown( self ):
"""Test that a non-reporting production does not produce reporting sub-productions"""
first =""" a := b <b>:= d,e d:= e e:= 'this'"""
second =""" a := 'this' """
assert Parser( first, 'a').parse( 'thisthis' ) == (1,[
def testNameCollapseForSimple( self ):
"""Test that a name reference, given a single-item reporting avoids extra table"""
first =""" a := b,b b:= 'this'"""
# The result should be...
expected = ( ('b',21,'this'),('b',21,'this'))
table = Parser( first, 'a').buildTagger( )
assert table == expected, "%s != %s"%(
pprint.pformat( table),
def getSuite():
return unittest.makeSuite(OptimisationTests,'test')
if __name__ == "__main__":