# listAllMatches.py
# Sample program showing how/when to use listAllMatches to get all matching tokens in a results name.
# copyright 2006, Paul McGuire
from pyparsing import oneOf,OneOrMore,printables,StringEnd
test = "The quick brown fox named 'Aloysius' lives at 123 Main Street (and jumps over lazy dogs in his spare time)."
nonAlphas = [ c for c in printables if not c.isalpha() ]
print "Extract vowels, consonants, and special characters from this test string:"
print "'" + test + "'"
print "Define grammar using normal results names"
print "(only last matching symbol is saved)"
vowels = oneOf(list("aeiouy"), caseless=True).setResultsName("vowels")
cons = oneOf(list("bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"), caseless=True).setResultsName("cons")
other = oneOf(list(nonAlphas)).setResultsName("others")
letters = OneOrMore(cons | vowels | other) + StringEnd()
results = letters.parseString(test)
print results
print results.vowels
print results.cons
print results.others
print "Define grammar using results names, with listAllMatches=True"
print "(all matching symbols are saved)"
vowels = oneOf(list("aeiouy"), caseless=True).setResultsName("vowels",listAllMatches=True)
cons = oneOf(list("bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"), caseless=True).setResultsName("cons",listAllMatches=True)
other = oneOf(list(nonAlphas)).setResultsName("others",listAllMatches=True)
letters = OneOrMore(cons | vowels | other) + StringEnd()
results = letters.parseString(test)
print results
print sorted(list(set(results)))
print results.vowels
print sorted(list(set(results.vowels)))
print results.cons
print sorted(list(set(results.cons)))
print results.others
print sorted(list(set(results.others)))