Task Coach - Your friendly task manager
Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Frank Niessink <frank@niessink.com>
Task Coach is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Task Coach is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from taskcoachlib import patterns
from taskcoachlib.domain import base
from taskcoachlib.domain.attribute import font,color
class CategorizableCompositeObject(base.CompositeObject):
''' CategorizableCompositeObjects are composite objects that can be
categorized by adding them to one or more categories. Examples of
categorizable composite objects are tasks and notes. '''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.__categories = base.SetAttribute(kwargs.pop('categories', set()),
super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __getstate__(self):
state = super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).__getstate__()
return state
def __setstate__(self, state, event=None):
notify = event is None
event = event or patterns.Event()
super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).__setstate__(state, event)
self.setCategories(state['categories'], event)
if notify:
def __getcopystate__(self):
state = super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).__getcopystate__()
return state
def categories(self, recursive=False):
result = self.__categories.get()
if recursive and self.parent() is not None:
result |= self.parent().categories(recursive=True)
return result
def categoryAddedEventType(class_):
return 'categorizable.category.add'
def addCategory(self, *categories, **kwargs):
self.__categories.add(set(categories), kwargs.pop('event', None))
def addCategoryEvent(self, event, *categories):
event.addSource(self, *categories, **dict(type=self.categoryAddedEventType()))
for child in self.children(recursive=True):
event.addSource(child, *categories,
if not self.foregroundColor(recursive=False) and any(category.foregroundColor(recursive=True) for category in categories):
if not self.backgroundColor(recursive=False) and any(category.backgroundColor(recursive=True) for category in categories):
if not self.font(recursive=False) and any(category.font(recursive=True) for category in categories):
if not self.icon(recursive=False) and any(category.icon(recursive=True) for category in categories):
def categoryRemovedEventType(class_):
return 'categorizable.category.remove'
def removeCategory(self, *categories, **kwargs):
self.__categories.remove(set(categories), kwargs.pop('event', None))
def removeCategoryEvent(self, event, *categories):
event.addSource(self, *categories, **dict(type=self.categoryRemovedEventType()))
for child in self.children(recursive=True):
event.addSource(child, *categories,
if not self.foregroundColor(recursive=False) and any(category.foregroundColor(recursive=True) for category in categories):
if not self.backgroundColor(recursive=False) and any(category.backgroundColor(recursive=True) for category in categories):
if not self.font(recursive=False) and any(category.font(recursive=True) for category in categories):
if not self.icon(recursive=False) and any(category.icon(recursive=True) for category in categories):
def setCategories(self, categories, event=None):
self.__categories.set(set(categories), event)
def foregroundColor(self, recursive=True):
myOwnFgColor = super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).foregroundColor(False)
if myOwnFgColor or not recursive:
return myOwnFgColor
categoryBasedFgColor = self._categoryForegroundColor()
if categoryBasedFgColor:
return categoryBasedFgColor
return super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).foregroundColor(True)
def backgroundColor(self, recursive=True):
myOwnBgColor = super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).backgroundColor(False)
if myOwnBgColor or not recursive:
return myOwnBgColor
categoryBasedBgColor = self._categoryBackgroundColor()
if categoryBasedBgColor:
return categoryBasedBgColor
return super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).backgroundColor(True)
def _categoryForegroundColor(self):
''' If a categorizable object belongs to a category that has a
foreground color associated with it, the categorizable object is
colored accordingly. When a categorizable object belongs to
multiple categories, the color is mixed. If a categorizable
composite object has no foreground color of its own, it uses its
parent's foreground color. '''
colors = [category.foregroundColor() for category in self.categories()]
return color.ColorMixer.mix(colors)
def _categoryBackgroundColor(self):
''' If a categorizable object belongs to a category that has a
background color associated with it, the categorizable object is
colored accordingly. When a categorizable object belongs to
multiple categories, the color is mixed. If a categorizable
composite object has no background color of its own, it uses its
parent's background color. '''
colors = [category.backgroundColor() for category in self.categories()]
return color.ColorMixer.mix(colors)
def font(self, recursive=False):
myFont = super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).font(recursive=False)
if myFont or not recursive:
return myFont
categoryBasedFont = self._categoryFont()
if categoryBasedFont:
return categoryBasedFont
return super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).font(recursive=True)
def _categoryFont(self):
''' If a categorizable object belongs to a category that has a
font associated with it, the categorizable object uses that font.
When a categorizable object belongs to multiple categories, the
font is mixed. If a categorizable composite object has no font of
its own, it uses its parent's font. '''
fonts = [category.font(recursive=True) for category in self.categories()]
return font.FontMixer.mix(*fonts)
def icon(self, recursive=False):
icon = super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).icon(recursive=False)
if not icon and recursive:
icon = self.categoryIcon() or super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).icon(recursive=True)
return icon
def categoryIcon(self):
for category in self.categories():
icon = category.icon(recursive=True)
if icon:
return icon
return ''
def selectedIcon(self, recursive=False):
icon = super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).selectedIcon(recursive=False)
if not icon and recursive:
icon = self.categorySelectedIcon() or super(CategorizableCompositeObject, self).selectedIcon(recursive=True)
return icon
def categorySelectedIcon(self):
for category in self.categories():
icon = category.selectedIcon(recursive=True)
if icon:
return icon
return ''
def totalCategoryAddedEventType(class_):
return 'categorizable.totalCategory.add'
def totalCategoryRemovedEventType(class_):
return 'categorizable.totalCategory.remove'
def categorySubjectChangedEventType(class_):
return 'categorizable.category.subject'
def categorySubjectChangedEvent(self, event, subject):
event.addSource(self, subject,
def totalCategorySubjectChangedEventType(class_):
return 'categorizable.totalCategory.subject'
def totalCategorySubjectChangedEvent(self, event, subject):
for categorizable in [self] + self.children(recursive=True):
event.addSource(categorizable, subject,
def modificationEventTypes(class_):
eventTypes = super(CategorizableCompositeObject, class_).modificationEventTypes()
return eventTypes + [class_.categoryAddedEventType(),