# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Task Coach - Your friendly task manager
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Frank Niessink <frank@niessink.com>
Copyright (C) 2008 Joo Alexandre de Toledo <jtoledo@griffo.com.br>
Task Coach is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Task Coach is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import wx
from taskcoachlib.i18n import _
from taskcoachlib.domain import date,categorizable
import task
def newTaskMenuText():
# There is a bug in wxWidget/wxPython on the Mac that causes the
# INSERT accelerator to be mapped so some other key sequence ('c' in
# this case) so that whenever that key sequence is typed, this command
# is invoked. Hence, we use a different accelarator on the Mac.
menuText = _('&New task...')
if '__WXMAC__' == wx.Platform:
menuText += u'\tCtrl+N'
menuText += u'\tCtrl+INS'
return menuText
def newSubTaskMenuText():
# See comments in newTaskMenuText() above
menuText = _('New &subtask...')
if '__WXMAC__' == wx.Platform:
menuText += u'\tShift+Ctrl+N'
menuText += u'\tShift+Ctrl+INS'
return menuText
class TaskList(categorizable.CategorizableContainer):
# FIXME: TaskList should be called TaskCollection or TaskSet
newItemMenuText = newTaskMenuText()
newItemHelpText = _('Insert a new task')
editItemMenuText = _('&Edit task...')
editItemHelpText = _('Edit the selected task')
deleteItemMenuText = _('&Delete task\tCtrl+DEL')
deleteItemHelpText = _('Delete the selected task(s)')
newSubItemMenuText = newSubTaskMenuText()
newSubItemHelpText = _('Insert a new subtask into the selected task')
def _nrInterestingTasks(self, isInteresting):
return len(self._getInterestingTasks(isInteresting))
def _getInterestingTasks(self, isInteresting):
return [task for task in self if isInteresting(task)] # pylint: disable-msg=W0621
def nrCompleted(self):
return self._nrInterestingTasks(task.Task.completed)
def nrOverdue(self):
return self._nrInterestingTasks(task.Task.overdue)
def nrActive(self):
return self._nrInterestingTasks(task.Task.active)
def nrInactive(self):
return self._nrInterestingTasks(task.Task.inactive)
def nrDueSoon(self):
return self._nrInterestingTasks(task.Task.dueSoon)
def nrBeingTracked(self):
return self._nrInterestingTasks(task.Task.isBeingTracked)
def tasksBeingTracked(self):
return self._getInterestingTasks(task.Task.isBeingTracked)
def allCompleted(self):
nrCompleted = self.nrCompleted()
return nrCompleted > 0 and nrCompleted == len(self)
def efforts(self):
result = []
for task in self: # pylint: disable-msg=W0621
return result
def originalLength(self):
''' Provide a way for bypassing the __len__ method of decorators. '''
return len([t for t in self if not t.isDeleted()])
def minDate(self):
return min(self.__allDates())
def maxDate(self):
return max(self.__allDates())
def __allDates(self):
realDates = [aDate for task in self # pylint: disable-msg=W0621
for aDate in (task.startDate(), task.dueDate(), task.completionDate())
if aDate != date.Date()]
return realDates or [date.Date()]
def minPriority(self):
return min(self.__allPriorities())
def maxPriority(self):
return max(self.__allPriorities())
def __allPriorities(self):
return [task.priority() for task in self] or (0,) # pylint: disable-msg=W0621