Task Coach - Your friendly task manager
Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Frank Niessink <frank@niessink.com>
Task Coach is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Task Coach is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import wx, cgi
from taskcoachlib.domain import task
# pylint: disable-msg=W0142
def viewer2html(viewer, settings, cssFilename=None, selectionOnly=False):
converter = Viewer2HTMLConverter(viewer, settings)
return converter(cssFilename, selectionOnly)
class Viewer2HTMLConverter(object):
''' Class to convert the visible contents of a viewer into HTML.'''
docType = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">'
metaTag = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">'
cssLink = '<link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">'
def __init__(self, viewer, settings):
super(Viewer2HTMLConverter, self).__init__()
self.viewer = viewer
self.settings = settings
self.count = 0
def __call__(self, cssFilename, selectionOnly):
''' Create an HTML document. '''
lines = [self.docType] + self.html(cssFilename, selectionOnly) + ['']
return '\n'.join(lines), self.count
def html(self, cssFilename, selectionOnly, level=0):
''' Returns all HTML, consisting of header and body. '''
printing = not cssFilename
htmlContent = self.htmlHeader(cssFilename, level+1) + \
self.htmlBody(selectionOnly, printing, level+1)
return self.wrap(htmlContent, 'html', level)
def htmlHeader(self, cssFilename, level):
''' Return the HTML header <head>. '''
htmlHeaderContent = self.htmlHeaderContent(cssFilename, level+1)
return self.wrap(htmlHeaderContent, 'head', level)
def htmlHeaderContent(self, cssFilename, level):
''' Returns the HTML header section, containing meta tag, title, and
optional link to a CSS stylesheet. '''
htmlHeaderContent = [self.indent(self.metaTag, level),
self.wrap(self.viewer.title(), 'title', level, oneLine=True)] + \
if cssFilename:
htmlHeaderContent.append(self.indent(self.cssLink%cssFilename, level))
return htmlHeaderContent
def style(self, level):
''' Add a style section that contains the alignment for the columns. '''
visibleColumns = self.viewer.visibleColumns()
columnAlignments = [{wx.LIST_FORMAT_LEFT: 'left',
wx.LIST_FORMAT_CENTRE: 'center',
wx.LIST_FORMAT_RIGHT: 'right'}[column.alignment()]
for column in visibleColumns]
styleContent = []
for column, alignment in zip(visibleColumns, columnAlignments):
columnStyle = self.indent('.%s {text-align: %s}'%(column.name(), alignment), level+1)
if self.viewer.isShowingTasks():
for status in 'completed', 'duesoon', 'overdue', 'inactive', 'active':
statusColor = task.Task.colorForStatus(status)
statusColor = self.cssColorSyntax(statusColor)
statusStyle = '.%s {color: %s}'%(status, statusColor)
styleContent.append(self.indent(statusStyle, level+1))
return self.wrap(styleContent, 'style', level, type='text/css')
def htmlBody(self, selectionOnly, printing, level):
''' Returns the HTML body section, containing one table with all
visible data. '''
htmlBodyContent = []
if printing:
htmlBodyContent.append(self.wrap(self.viewer.title(), 'h1', level,
htmlBodyContent.extend(self.table(selectionOnly, printing, level+1))
return self.wrap(htmlBodyContent, 'body', level)
def table(self, selectionOnly, printing, level):
''' Returns the table, consisting of caption, table header and table
body. '''
visibleColumns = self.viewer.visibleColumns()
tableContent = [] if printing else [self.tableCaption(level+1)]
tableContent.extend(self.tableHeader(visibleColumns, level+1) + \
self.tableBody(visibleColumns, selectionOnly,
printing, level+1))
attributes = dict(id='table')
if printing:
attributes['border'] = '1'
return self.wrap(tableContent, 'table', level, **attributes)
def tableCaption(self, level):
''' Returns the table caption, based on the viewer title. '''
return self.wrap(self.viewer.title(), 'caption', level, oneLine=True)
def tableHeader(self, visibleColumns, level):
''' Returns the table header section <thead> containing the header
row with the column headers. '''
tableHeaderContent = self.headerRow(visibleColumns, level+1)
return self.wrap(tableHeaderContent, 'thead', level)
def headerRow(self, visibleColumns, level):
''' Returns the header row <tr> for the table. '''
headerRowContent = []
for column in visibleColumns:
headerRowContent.append(self.headerCell(column, level+1))
return self.wrap(headerRowContent, 'tr', level, **{'class': 'header'})
def headerCell(self, column, level):
''' Returns a table header <th> for the specific column. '''
header = column.header() or ' '
name = column.name()
attributes = {'scope': 'col', 'class': name}
if self.viewer.isSortable() and self.viewer.isSortedBy(name):
attributes['id'] = 'sorted'
return self.wrap(header, 'th', level, oneLine=True, **attributes)
def tableBody(self, visibleColumns, selectionOnly, printing, level):
''' Returns the table body <tbody>. '''
tree = self.viewer.isTreeViewer()
self.count = 0
tableBodyContent = []
for item in self.viewer.visibleItems():
if selectionOnly and not self.viewer.isselected(item):
self.count += 1
tableBodyContent.extend(self.bodyRow(item, visibleColumns, tree,
printing, level+1))
return self.wrap(tableBodyContent, 'tbody', level)
def bodyRow(self, item, visibleColumns, tree, printing, level):
''' Returns a <tr> containing the values of item for the
visibleColumns. '''
bodyRowContent = []
for column in visibleColumns:
renderedItem = self.render(item, column, indent=not bodyRowContent and tree)
if printing:
itemColor = item.foregroundColor(recursive=True)
if itemColor:
itemColor = self.cssColorSyntax(itemColor)
renderedItem = self.wrap(renderedItem, 'font', level+1,
color=itemColor, oneLine=True)
bodyRowContent.append(self.bodyCell(renderedItem, column, level+1))
attributes = self.bodyRowBgColor(item, printing)
if not printing:
return self.wrap(bodyRowContent, 'tr', level, **attributes)
def bodyRowBgColor(self, item, printing):
''' Determine the background color for the item. Returns a CSS style
specification or a HTML style specification when printing. '''
bgColor = item.backgroundColor(recursive=True)
if bgColor:
bgColor = self.cssColorSyntax(bgColor)
return dict()
return dict(bgcolor=bgColor) if printing else \
dict(style='background: %s'%bgColor)
def bodyRowFgColor(self, item):
''' Determine the foreground color for the item. Returns a CSS style
specification. '''
if self.viewer.isShowingTasks():
if item.completed():
class_ = 'completed'
elif item.overdue():
class_ = 'overdue'
elif item.dueSoon():
class_ = 'duesoon'
elif item.inactive():
class_ = 'inactive'
class_ = 'active'
return {'class': class_}
return dict()
def bodyCell(self, item, column, level):
''' Return a <td> for the item/column combination. '''
attributes = {'class': column.name()}
return self.wrap(item, 'td', level, oneLine=True, **attributes)
def wrap(class_, lines, tagName, level, oneLine=False, **attributes):
''' Wrap one or more lines with <tagName [optional attributes]> and
</tagName>. '''
if attributes:
attributes = ' ' + ' '.join(sorted('%s="%s"'%(key, value) for key, value in attributes.iteritems()))
attributes = ''
openTag = '<%s%s>'%(tagName, attributes)
closeTag = '</%s>'%tagName
if oneLine:
return class_.indent(openTag + lines + closeTag, level)
return [class_.indent(openTag, level)] + \
lines + \
[class_.indent(closeTag, level)]
def indent(htmlText, level=0):
''' Indent the htmlText with spaces according to the level, so that
the resulting HTML looks nicely indented. '''
return ' ' * level + htmlText
def cssColorSyntax(class_, wxColor):
''' Translate the wx-color, either a wx.Color instance or a tuple,
into CSS syntax. '''
return wxColor.GetAsString(wx.C2S_HTML_SYNTAX)
except AttributeError: # color is a tuple
return class_.cssColorSyntax(wx.Color(*wxColor))
def render(item, column, indent=False):
''' Render the item based on the column, escape HTML and indent
the item with non-breaking spaces, if indent == True. '''
# Escape the rendered item and then replace newlines with <br>.
renderedItem = cgi.escape(column.render(item)).replace('\n', '<br>')
if indent:
# Indent the subject with whitespace
renderedItem = ' ' * len(item.ancestors()) * 3 + renderedItem
if not renderedItem:
# Make sure the empty cell is drawn
renderedItem = ' '
return renderedItem