# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Inspired By And Heavily Based On wxGenericTreeCtrl.
# Andrea Gavana, @ 17 May 2006
# Latest Revision: 09 Dec 2009, 21.00 GMT
# TODO List
# Almost All The Features Of wx.TreeCtrl Are Available, And There Is Practically
# No Limit In What Could Be Added To This Class. The First Things That Comes
# To My Mind Are:
# 1. Implement The Style TR_EXTENDED (I Have Never Used It, But It May Be Useful).
# 2. Add Support For 3-State CheckBoxes (Is That Really Useful?).
# 3. Try To Implement A More Flicker-Free Background Image In Cases Like
# Centered Or Stretched Image (Now CustomTreeCtrl Supports Only Tiled
# Background Images).
# 4. Try To Mimic Windows wx.TreeCtrl Expanding/Collapsing behaviour: CustomTreeCtrl
# Suddenly Expands/Collapses The Nodes On Mouse Click While The Native Control
# Has Some Kind Of "Smooth" Expanding/Collapsing, Like A Wave. I Don't Even
# Know Where To Start To Do That.
# 5. Speed Up General OnPaint Things? I Have No Idea, Here CustomTreeCtrl Is Quite
# Fast, But We Should See On Slower Machines.
# For All Kind Of Problems, Requests Of Enhancements And Bug Reports, Please
# Write To Me At:
# gavana@kpo.kz
# andrea.gavana@gmail.com
# Or, Obviously, To The wxPython Mailing List!!!
# End Of Comments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
CustomTreeCtrl is a class that mimics the behaviour of `wx.TreeCtrl`, with some more
CustomTreeCtrl is a class that mimics the behaviour of `wx.TreeCtrl`, with almost the
same base functionalities plus some more enhancements. This class does not rely on
the native control, as it is a full owner-drawn tree control.
Apart of the base functionalities of CustomTreeCtrl (described below), in addition
to the standard `wx.TreeCtrl` behaviour this class supports:
* CheckBox-type items: checkboxes are easy to handle, just selected or unselected
state with no particular issues in handling the item's children;
* RadioButton-type items: since I elected to put radiobuttons in CustomTreeCtrl, I
needed some way to handle them, that made sense. So, I used the following approach:
- All peer-nodes that are radiobuttons will be mutually exclusive. In other words,
only one of a set of radiobuttons that share a common parent can be checked at
once. If a radiobutton node becomes checked, then all of its peer radiobuttons
must be unchecked.
- If a radiobutton node becomes unchecked, then all of its child nodes will become
* Hyperlink-type items: they look like an hyperlink, with the proper mouse cursor on
* Multiline text items (**note**: to add a newline character in a multiline item, press
``Shift`` + ``Enter`` as the ``Enter`` key alone is consumed by CustomTreeCtrl to finish
the editing and ``Ctrl`` + ``Enter`` is consumed by the platform for tab navigation);
* Enabling/disabling items (together with their plain or grayed out icons);
* Whatever non-toplevel widget can be attached next to an item;
* Possibility to horizontally align the widgets attached to tree items on the
same tree level.
* Default selection style, gradient (horizontal/vertical) selection style and Windows
Vista selection style;
* Customized drag and drop images built on the fly;
* Setting the CustomTreeCtrl item buttons to a personalized imagelist;
* Setting the CustomTreeCtrl check/radio item icons to a personalized imagelist;
* Changing the style of the lines that connect the items (in terms of `wx.Pen` styles);
* Using an image as a CustomTreeCtrl background (currently only in "tile" mode);
And a lot more. Check the demo for an almost complete review of the functionalities.
Base Functionalities
CustomTreeCtrl supports all the wx.TreeCtrl styles, except:
- ``TR_EXTENDED``: supports for this style is on the todo list (am I sure of this?).
Plus it has 3 more styles to handle checkbox-type items:
- ``TR_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD``: automatically checks/unchecks the item children;
- ``TR_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT``: automatically checks/unchecks the item parent;
- ``TR_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD``: automatically toggles the item children.
And a style you can use to force the horizontal alignment of all the widgets
attached to the tree items:
- ``TR_ALIGN_WINDOWS``: aligns horizontally the windows belongiing to the item on the
same tree level.
All the methods available in `wx.TreeCtrl` are also available in CustomTreeCtrl.
All the events supported by `wx.TreeCtrl` are also available in CustomTreeCtrl, with
a few exceptions:
- ``EVT_TREE_GET_INFO`` (don't know what this means);
- ``EVT_TREE_SET_INFO`` (don't know what this means);
- ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK`` (not implemented, but easy to add);
- ``EVT_TREE_STATE_IMAGE_CLICK`` (no need for that, look at the checking events below).
Plus, CustomTreeCtrl supports the events related to the checkbutton-type items:
- ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKING``: an item is being checked;
- ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKED``: an item has been checked.
And to hyperlink-type items:
- ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_HYPERLINK``: an hyperlink item has been clicked (this event is sent
after the ``EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED`` event).
Supported Platforms
CustomTreeCtrl has been tested on the following platforms:
* Windows (Windows XP);
* GTK (Thanks to Michele Petrazzo);
* Mac OS (Thanks to John Jackson).
Window Styles
This class supports the following window styles:
============================== =========== ==================================================
Window Styles Hex Value Description
============================== =========== ==================================================
``TR_NO_BUTTONS`` 0x0 For convenience to document that no buttons are to be drawn.
``TR_SINGLE`` 0x0 For convenience to document that only one item may be selected at a time. Selecting another item causes the current selection, if any, to be deselected. This is the default.
``TR_HAS_BUTTONS`` 0x1 Use this style to show + and - buttons to the left of parent items.
``TR_NO_LINES`` 0x4 Use this style to hide vertical level connectors.
``TR_LINES_AT_ROOT`` 0x8 Use this style to show lines between root nodes. Only applicable if ``TR_HIDE_ROOT`` is set and ``TR_NO_LINES`` is not set.
``TR_DEFAULT_STYLE`` 0x9 The set of flags that are closest to the defaults for the native control for a particular toolkit.
``TR_TWIST_BUTTONS`` 0x10 Use old Mac-twist style buttons.
``TR_MULTIPLE`` 0x20 Use this style to allow a range of items to be selected. If a second range is selected, the current range, if any, is deselected.
``TR_EXTENDED`` 0x40 Use this style to allow disjoint items to be selected. (Only partially implemented; may not work in all cases).
``TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT`` 0x80 Use this style to cause row heights to be just big enough to fit the content. If not set, all rows use the largest row height. The default is that this flag is unset.
``TR_EDIT_LABELS`` 0x200 Use this style if you wish the user to be able to edit labels in the tree control.
``TR_ROW_LINES`` 0x400 Use this style to draw a contrasting border between displayed rows.
``TR_HIDE_ROOT`` 0x800 Use this style to suppress the display of the root node, effectively causing the first-level nodes to appear as a series of root nodes.
``TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT`` 0x2000 Use this style to have the background colour and the selection highlight extend over the entire horizontal row of the tree control window.
``TR_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD`` 0x4000 Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when a parent item is checked/unchecked its children are checked/unchecked as well.
``TR_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD`` 0x8000 Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when a parent item is checked/unchecked its children are toggled accordingly.
``TR_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT`` 0x10000 Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when a child item is checked/unchecked its parent item is checked/unchecked as well.
``TR_ALIGN_WINDOWS`` 0x20000 Flag used to align windows (in items with windows) at the same horizontal position.
============================== =========== ==================================================
Events Processing
This class processes the following events:
============================== ==================================================
Event Name Description
============================== ==================================================
``EVT_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG`` Begin dragging with the left mouse button.
``EVT_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT`` Begin editing a label. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`.
``EVT_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG`` Begin dragging with the right mouse button.
``EVT_TREE_DELETE_ITEM`` Delete an item.
``EVT_TREE_END_DRAG`` End dragging with the left or right mouse button.
``EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT`` End editing a label. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`.
``EVT_TREE_GET_INFO`` Request information from the application (not implemented in `CustomTreeCtrl`).
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED`` The item has been activated, i.e. chosen by double clicking it with mouse or from keyboard.
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKED`` A checkbox or radiobox type item has been checked.
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKING`` A checkbox or radiobox type item is being checked.
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED`` The item has been collapsed.
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING`` The item is being collapsed. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`.
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED`` The item has been expanded.
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING`` The item is being expanded. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`.
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_GETTOOLTIP`` The opportunity to set the item tooltip is being given to the application (call `TreeEvent.SetToolTip`).
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_HYPERLINK`` An hyperlink type item has been clicked.
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_MENU`` The context menu for the selected item has been requested, either by a right click or by using the menu key.
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK`` The user has clicked the item with the middle mouse button (not implemented in `CustomTreeCtrl`).
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK`` The user has clicked the item with the right mouse button.
``EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN`` A key has been pressed.
``EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED`` Selection has changed.
``EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGING`` Selection is changing. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`.
``EVT_TREE_SET_INFO`` Information is being supplied to the application (not implemented in `CustomTreeCtrl`).
``EVT_TREE_STATE_IMAGE_CLICK`` The state image has been clicked (not implemented in `CustomTreeCtrl`).
============================== ==================================================
License And Version
CustomTreeCtrl is distributed under the wxPython license.
Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 09 Dec 2009, 21.00 GMT
Version 2.0
# Version Info
__version__ = "2.0"
import wx
from wx.lib.expando import ExpandoTextCtrl
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
_NO_IMAGE = -1
# Start editing the current item after half a second (if the mouse hasn't
# been clicked/moved)
_DELAY = 500
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enum for different images associated with a treectrl item
TreeItemIcon_Normal = 0 # not selected, not expanded
TreeItemIcon_Selected = 1 # selected, not expanded
TreeItemIcon_Expanded = 2 # not selected, expanded
TreeItemIcon_SelectedExpanded = 3 # selected, expanded
TreeItemIcon_Checked = 0 # check button, checked
TreeItemIcon_NotChecked = 1 # check button, not checked
TreeItemIcon_Flagged = 2 # radio button, selected
TreeItemIcon_NotFlagged = 3 # radio button, not selected
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CustomTreeCtrl flags
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TR_NO_BUTTONS = wx.TR_NO_BUTTONS # for convenience
""" For convenience to document that no buttons are to be drawn. """
TR_HAS_BUTTONS = wx.TR_HAS_BUTTONS # draw collapsed/expanded btns
""" Use this style to show + and - buttons to the left of parent items. """
TR_NO_LINES = wx.TR_NO_LINES # don't draw lines at all
""" Use this style to hide vertical level connectors. """
TR_LINES_AT_ROOT = wx.TR_LINES_AT_ROOT # connect top-level nodes
""" Use this style to show lines between root nodes. Only applicable if ``TR_HIDE_ROOT`` is""" \
""" set and ``TR_NO_LINES`` is not set. """
TR_TWIST_BUTTONS = wx.TR_TWIST_BUTTONS # still used by wxTreeListCtrl
""" Use old Mac-twist style buttons. """
TR_SINGLE = wx.TR_SINGLE # for convenience
""" For convenience to document that only one item may be selected at a time. Selecting another""" \
""" item causes the current selection, if any, to be deselected. This is the default. """
TR_MULTIPLE = wx.TR_MULTIPLE # can select multiple items
""" Use this style to allow a range of items to be selected. If a second range is selected,""" \
""" the current range, if any, is deselected. """
TR_EXTENDED = wx.TR_EXTENDED # TODO: allow extended selection
""" Use this style to allow disjoint items to be selected. (Only partially implemented;""" \
""" may not work in all cases). """
""" Use this style to cause row heights to be just big enough to fit the content.""" \
""" If not set, all rows use the largest row height. The default is that this flag is unset. """
TR_EDIT_LABELS = wx.TR_EDIT_LABELS # can edit item labels
""" Use this style if you wish the user to be able to edit labels in the tree control. """
TR_ROW_LINES = wx.TR_ROW_LINES # put border around items
""" Use this style to draw a contrasting border between displayed rows. """
TR_HIDE_ROOT = wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT # don't display root node
""" Use this style to suppress the display of the root node, effectively causing the""" \
""" first-level nodes to appear as a series of root nodes. """
TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT = wx.TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT # highlight full horz space
""" Use this style to have the background colour and the selection highlight extend """ \
""" over the entire horizontal row of the tree control window. """
TR_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD = 0x04000 # only meaningful for checkboxes
""" Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when a parent item is checked/unchecked""" \
""" its children are checked/unchecked as well. """
TR_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD = 0x08000 # only meaningful for checkboxes
""" Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when a parent item is checked/unchecked""" \
""" its children are toggled accordingly. """
TR_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT = 0x10000 # only meaningful for checkboxes
""" Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when a child item is checked/unchecked""" \
""" its parent item is checked/unchecked as well. """
TR_ALIGN_WINDOWS = 0x20000 # to align windows horizontally for items at the same level
""" Flag used to align windows (in items with windows) at the same horizontal position. """
TR_DEFAULT_STYLE = wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE # default style for the tree control
""" The set of flags that are closest to the defaults for the native control for a""" \
""" particular toolkit. """
# Values for the `flags` parameter of CustomTreeCtrl.HitTest() which determine
# where exactly the specified point is situated:
# on the button associated with an item.
# on the bitmap associated with an item.
# on the indent associated with an item.
# on the label (string) associated with an item.
# on the right of the label associated with an item.
# on the label (string) associated with an item.
# on the left of the CustomTreeCtrl.
# on the right of the CustomTreeCtrl.
# on the upper part (first half) of the item.
# on the lower part (second half) of the item.
# on the check icon, if present
# anywhere on the item
# Background Image Style
_StyleTile = 0
_StyleStretch = 1
# Windows Vista Colours
_rgbSelectOuter = wx.Colour(170, 200, 245)
_rgbSelectInner = wx.Colour(230, 250, 250)
_rgbSelectTop = wx.Colour(210, 240, 250)
_rgbSelectBottom = wx.Colour(185, 215, 250)
_rgbNoFocusTop = wx.Colour(250, 250, 250)
_rgbNoFocusBottom = wx.Colour(235, 235, 235)
_rgbNoFocusOuter = wx.Colour(220, 220, 220)
_rgbNoFocusInner = wx.Colour(245, 245, 245)
# Flags for wx.RendererNative
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CustomTreeCtrl events and binding for handling them
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKING = wx.NewEventType()
wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKED = wx.NewEventType()
""" Begin dragging with the left mouse button. """
""" Begin dragging with the right mouse button. """
""" Begin editing a label. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`. """
""" End editing a label. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`. """
""" Delete an item. """
""" Request information from the application (not implemented in `CustomTreeCtrl`). """
""" Information is being supplied to the application (not implemented in `CustomTreeCtrl`). """
""" The item has been expanded. """
""" The item is being expanded. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`. """
""" The item has been collapsed. """
""" The item is being collapsed. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`. """
""" Selection has changed. """
""" Selection is changing. This can be prevented by calling `Veto()`. """
""" A key has been pressed. """
""" The item has been activated, i.e. chosen by double clicking it with mouse or from keyboard. """
""" The user has clicked the item with the right mouse button. """
""" The user has clicked the item with the middle mouse button (not implemented in `CustomTreeCtrl`). """
""" End dragging with the left or right mouse button. """
""" The state image has been clicked (not implemented in `CustomTreeCtrl`). """
""" The opportunity to set the item tooltip is being given to the application (call `TreeEvent.SetToolTip`). """
""" The context menu for the selected item has been requested, either by a right click or by using the menu key. """
""" A checkbox or radiobox type item is being checked. """
""" A checkbox or radiobox type item has been checked. """
""" An hyperlink type item has been clicked. """
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def MakeDisabledBitmap(original):
Creates a disabled-looking bitmap starting from the input one.
:param `original`: an instance of `wx.Bitmap` to be greyed-out.
img = original.ConvertToImage()
return wx.BitmapFromImage(img.ConvertToGreyscale())
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def DrawTreeItemButton(win, dc, rect, flags):
Draw the expanded/collapsed icon for a tree control item.
:param `win`: an instance of `wx.Window`;
:param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
:param `rect`: the client rectangle where to draw the tree item button;
:param `flags`: contains ``wx.CONTROL_EXPANDED`` bit for expanded tree items.
:note: This is a simple replacement of `wx.RendererNative.DrawTreeItemButton`.
:note: This method is never used in wxPython versions newer than
# white background
# black lines
xMiddle = rect.x + rect.width/2
yMiddle = rect.y + rect.height/2
# half of the length of the horz lines in "-" and "+"
halfWidth = rect.width/2 - 2
dc.DrawLine(xMiddle - halfWidth, yMiddle,
xMiddle + halfWidth + 1, yMiddle)
if not flags & _CONTROL_EXPANDED:
# turn "-" into "+"
halfHeight = rect.height/2 - 2
dc.DrawLine(xMiddle, yMiddle - halfHeight,
xMiddle, yMiddle + halfHeight + 1)
def EventFlagsToSelType(style, shiftDown=False, ctrlDown=False):
Translate the key or mouse event flag to the type of selection we
are dealing with.
:param `style`: the main L{CustomTreeCtrl} window style flag;
:param `shiftDown`: ``True`` if the ``Shift`` has is pressed, ``False`` otherwise;
:param `ctrlDown`: ``True`` if the ``Ctrl`` has is pressed, ``False`` otherwise;
is_multiple = (style & TR_MULTIPLE) != 0
extended_select = shiftDown and is_multiple
unselect_others = not (extended_select or (ctrlDown and is_multiple))
return is_multiple, extended_select, unselect_others
# DragImage Implementation
# This Class Handles The Creation Of A Custom Image In Case Of Item Drag
# And Drop.
class DragImage(wx.DragImage):
This class handles the creation of a custom image in case of item drag
and drop.
def __init__(self, treeCtrl, item):
Default class constructor.
For internal use: do not call it in your code!
:param `treeCtrl`: the parent L{CustomTreeCtrl};
:param `item`: one of the tree control item (an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}).
text = item.GetText()
font = item.Attr().GetFont()
colour = item.Attr().GetTextColour()
if not colour:
colour = wx.BLACK
if not font:
font = treeCtrl._normalFont
backcolour = treeCtrl.GetBackgroundColour()
r, g, b = int(backcolour.Red()), int(backcolour.Green()), int(backcolour.Blue())
backcolour = ((r >> 1) + 20, (g >> 1) + 20, (b >> 1) + 20)
backcolour = wx.Colour(backcolour[0], backcolour[1], backcolour[2])
self._backgroundColour = backcolour
tempdc = wx.ClientDC(treeCtrl)
width, height, dummy = tempdc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(text + "M")
image = item.GetCurrentImage()
image_w, image_h = 0, 0
wcheck, hcheck = 0, 0
itemcheck = None
itemimage = None
ximagepos = 0
yimagepos = 0
xcheckpos = 0
ycheckpos = 0
if image != _NO_IMAGE:
if treeCtrl._imageListNormal:
image_w, image_h = treeCtrl._imageListNormal.GetSize(image)
image_w += 4
itemimage = treeCtrl._imageListNormal.GetBitmap(image)
checkimage = item.GetCurrentCheckedImage()
if checkimage is not None:
if treeCtrl._imageListCheck:
wcheck, hcheck = treeCtrl._imageListCheck.GetSize(checkimage)
wcheck += 4
itemcheck = treeCtrl._imageListCheck.GetBitmap(checkimage)
total_h = max(hcheck, height)
total_h = max(image_h, total_h)
if image_w:
ximagepos = wcheck
yimagepos = ((total_h > image_h) and [(total_h-image_h)/2] or [0])[0]
if checkimage is not None:
xcheckpos = 2
ycheckpos = ((total_h > image_h) and [(total_h-image_h)/2] or [0])[0] + 2
extraH = ((total_h > height) and [(total_h - height)/2] or [0])[0]
xtextpos = wcheck + image_w
ytextpos = extraH
total_h = max(image_h, hcheck)
total_h = max(total_h, height)
if total_h < 30:
total_h += 2 # at least 2 pixels
total_h += total_h/10 # otherwise 10% extra spacing
total_w = image_w + wcheck + width
self._total_w = total_w
self._total_h = total_h
self._itemimage = itemimage
self._itemcheck = itemcheck
self._text = text
self._colour = colour
self._font = font
self._xtextpos = xtextpos
self._ytextpos = ytextpos
self._ximagepos = ximagepos
self._yimagepos = yimagepos
self._xcheckpos = xcheckpos
self._ycheckpos = ycheckpos
self._textwidth = width
self._textheight = height
self._extraH = extraH
self._bitmap = self.CreateBitmap()
wx.DragImage.__init__(self, self._bitmap)
def CreateBitmap(self):
""" Actually creates the drag and drop bitmap for L{DragImage}. """
memory = wx.MemoryDC()
bitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(self._total_w, self._total_h)
if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
if self._itemimage:
memory.DrawBitmap(self._itemimage, self._ximagepos, self._yimagepos, True)
if self._itemcheck:
memory.DrawBitmap(self._itemcheck, self._xcheckpos, self._ycheckpos, True)
textrect = wx.Rect(self._xtextpos, self._ytextpos+self._extraH, self._textwidth, self._textheight)
memory.DrawLabel(self._text, textrect)
# Gtk and Windows unfortunatly don't do so well with transparent
# drawing so this hack corrects the image to have a transparent
# background.
if wx.Platform != '__WXMAC__':
timg = bitmap.ConvertToImage()
if not timg.HasAlpha():
for y in xrange(timg.GetHeight()):
for x in xrange(timg.GetWidth()):
pix = wx.Colour(timg.GetRed(x, y),
timg.GetGreen(x, y),
timg.GetBlue(x, y))
if pix == self._backgroundColour:
timg.SetAlpha(x, y, 0)
bitmap = timg.ConvertToBitmap()
return bitmap
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TreeItemAttr: a structure containing the visual attributes of an item
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TreeItemAttr(object):
""" Creates the item attributes (text colour, background colour and font). """
def __init__(self, colText=wx.NullColour, colBack=wx.NullColour, font=wx.NullFont):
Default class constructor.
For internal use: do not call it in your code!
:param `colText`: the text colour;
:param `colBack`: the tree item background colour;
:param `font`: the tree item font.
self._colText = colText
self._colBack = colBack
self._font = font
# setters
def SetTextColour(self, colText):
Sets the text colour attribute.
:param `colText`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.
self._colText = colText
def SetBackgroundColour(self, colBack):
Sets the item background colour attribute.
:param `colBack`: an instance of `wx.Colour`.
self._colBack = colBack
def SetFont(self, font):
Sets the item font attribute.
:param `font`: an instance of `wx.Font`.
self._font = font
# accessors
def HasTextColour(self):
"""Returns whether the attribute has text colour."""
return self._colText != wx.NullColour
def HasBackgroundColour(self):
"""Returns whether the attribute has background colour."""
return self._colBack != wx.NullColour
def HasFont(self):
"""Returns whether the attribute has font."""
return self._font != wx.NullFont
# getters
def GetTextColour(self):
"""Returns the attribute text colour."""
return self._colText
def GetBackgroundColour(self):
"""Returns the attribute background colour."""
return self._colBack
def GetFont(self):
"""Returns the attribute font."""
return self._font
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CommandTreeEvent Is A Special Subclassing Of wx.PyCommandEvent
# NB: Note That Not All The Accessors Make Sense For All The Events, See The
# Event Description Below.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CommandTreeEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
CommandTreeEvent is a special subclassing of `wx.PyCommandEvent`.
:note: Not all the accessors make sense for all the events, see the event description for every method in this class.
def __init__(self, evtType, evtId, item=None, evtKey=None, point=None,
label=None, **kwargs):
Default class constructor.
For internal use: do not call it in your code!
:param `evtType`: the event type;
:param `evtId`: the event identifier;
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `evtKey`: a character ordinal;
:param `point`: an instance of `wx.Point`;
:param `label`: a L{GenericTreeItem} text label.
wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, evtType, evtId, **kwargs)
self._item = item
self._evtKey = evtKey
self._pointDrag = point
self._label = label
def GetItem(self):
Gets the item on which the operation was performed or the newly selected
item for ``EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED`` and ``EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGING`` events.
return self._item
def SetItem(self, item):
Sets the item on which the operation was performed or the newly selected
item for ``EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED`` and ``EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGING`` events.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
self._item = item
def GetOldItem(self):
Returns the previously selected item for ``EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED`` and
return self._itemOld
def SetOldItem(self, item):
Returns the previously selected item for ``EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED`` and
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
self._itemOld = item
def GetPoint(self):
Returns the point where the mouse was when the drag operation started
(for ``EVT_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG`` and ``EVT_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG`` events only)
or the click position.
return self._pointDrag
def SetPoint(self, pt):
Sets the point where the mouse was when the drag operation started
(for ``EVT_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG`` and ``EVT_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG`` events only)
or the click position.
:param `pt`: an instance of `wx.Point`.
self._pointDrag = pt
def GetKeyEvent(self):
""" Returns the keyboard data (for ``EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN`` event only)."""
return self._evtKey
def GetKeyCode(self):
""" Returns the integer key code (for ``EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN`` event only)."""
return self._evtKey.GetKeyCode()
def SetKeyEvent(self, evt):
Sets the keyboard data (for ``EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN`` event only).
:param `event`: a L{TreeEvent} event to be processed.
self._evtKey = evt
def GetLabel(self):
Returns the item text (for ``EVT_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT`` and
``EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT`` events only).
return self._label
def SetLabel(self, label):
Sets the item text (for ``EVT_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT`` and
``EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT`` events only).
:param `label`: a string containing the new item text.
self._label = label
def IsEditCancelled(self):
Returns the edit cancel flag (for ``EVT_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT`` and
``EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT`` events only).
return self._editCancelled
def SetEditCanceled(self, editCancelled):
Sets the edit cancel flag (for ``EVT_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT`` and
``EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT`` events only).
:param `editCancelled`: ``True`` to cancel the editing, ``False`` otherwise.
self._editCancelled = editCancelled
def SetToolTip(self, toolTip):
Sets the tooltip for the item (for ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_GETTOOLTIP`` events).
:param `tooltip`: a string representing the item tooltip.
self._label = toolTip
def GetToolTip(self):
"""Returns the tooltip for the item (for ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_GETTOOLTIP`` events)."""
return self._label
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TreeEvent is a special class for all events associated with tree controls
# NB: note that not all accessors make sense for all events, see the event
# descriptions below
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TreeEvent(CommandTreeEvent):
`TreeEvent` is a special class for all events associated with tree controls.
:note: Not all accessors make sense for all events, see the event descriptions below.
def __init__(self, evtType, evtId, item=None, evtKey=None, point=None,
label=None, **kwargs):
Default class constructor.
For internal use: do not call it in your code!
:param `evtType`: the event type;
:param `evtId`: the event identifier;
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `evtKey`: a character ordinal;
:param `point`: an instance of `wx.Point`;
:param `label`: a L{GenericTreeItem} text label.
CommandTreeEvent.__init__(self, evtType, evtId, item, evtKey, point, label, **kwargs)
self.notify = wx.NotifyEvent(evtType, evtId)
def GetNotifyEvent(self):
"""Returns the actual `wx.NotifyEvent`."""
return self.notify
def IsAllowed(self):
Returns ``True`` if the change is allowed (L{Veto} hasn't been called) or
``False`` otherwise (if it was).
return self.notify.IsAllowed()
def Veto(self):
Prevents the change announced by this event from happening.
:note: It is in general a good idea to notify the user about the reasons
for vetoing the change because otherwise the applications behaviour (which
just refuses to do what the user wants) might be quite surprising.
def Allow(self):
This is the opposite of L{Veto}: it explicitly allows the event to be processed.
For most events it is not necessary to call this method as the events are
allowed anyhow but some are forbidden by default (this will be mentioned
in the corresponding event description).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Auxiliary Classes: TreeRenameTimer
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TreeRenameTimer(wx.Timer):
""" Timer used for enabling in-place edit."""
def __init__(self, owner):
Default class constructor.
For internal use: do not call it in your code!
:param `owner`: the `wx.Timer` owner (an instance of L{CustomTreeCtrl}).
self._owner = owner
def Notify(self):
""" The timer has expired. """
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Auxiliary Classes: TreeTextCtrl
# This Is The Temporary ExpandoTextCtrl Created When You Edit The Text Of An Item
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TreeTextCtrl(ExpandoTextCtrl):
Control used for in-place edit.
This is a subclass of `ExpandoTextCtrl` as L{CustomTreeCtrl} supports multiline
text items.
:note: To add a newline character in a multiline item, press ``Shift`` + ``Enter`` as the ``Enter`` key alone is consumed by L{CustomTreeCtrl} to finish the editing and ``Ctrl`` + ``Enter`` is consumed by the platform for tab navigation.
def __init__(self, owner, item=None):
Default class constructor.
For internal use: do not call it in your code!
:param `owner`: the control parent (an instance of L{CustomTreeCtrl});
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
self._owner = owner
self._itemEdited = item
self._startValue = item.GetText()
self._finished = False
self._aboutToFinish = False
self._currentValue = self._startValue
w = self._itemEdited.GetWidth()
h = self._itemEdited.GetHeight()
wnd = self._itemEdited.GetWindow()
if wnd:
w = w - self._itemEdited.GetWindowSize()[0]
h = 0
x, y = self._owner.CalcScrolledPosition(item.GetX(), item.GetY())
image_h = 0
image_w = 0
image = item.GetCurrentImage()
if image != _NO_IMAGE:
if self._owner._imageListNormal:
image_w, image_h = self._owner._imageListNormal.GetSize(image)
image_w += 4
raise Exception("\n ERROR: You Must Create An Image List To Use Images!")
checkimage = item.GetCurrentCheckedImage()
if checkimage is not None:
wcheck, hcheck = self._owner._imageListCheck.GetSize(checkimage)
wcheck += 4
wcheck = hcheck = 0
if wnd:
h = max(hcheck, image_h)
dc = wx.ClientDC(self._owner)
h = max(h, dc.GetTextExtent("Aq")[1])
h = h + 2
# FIXME: what are all these hardcoded 4, 8 and 11s really?
x += image_w + wcheck
w -= image_w + 4 + wcheck
expandoStyle = wx.WANTS_CHARS
if wx.Platform in ["__WXGTK__", "__WXMAC__"]:
expandoStyle |= wx.SIMPLE_BORDER
xSize, ySize = w + 25, h
expandoStyle |= wx.SUNKEN_BORDER
xSize, ySize = w + 25, h+2
ExpandoTextCtrl.__init__(self, self._owner, wx.ID_ANY, self._startValue,
wx.Point(x - 4, y), wx.Size(xSize, ySize),
if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
bs = self.GetBestSize()
self.SetSize((-1, bs.height))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.OnKeyUp)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnKillFocus)
def AcceptChanges(self):
"""Accepts/refuses the changes made by the user."""
value = self.GetValue()
if value == self._startValue:
# nothing changed, always accept
# when an item remains unchanged, the owner
# needs to be notified that the user decided
# not to change the tree item label, and that
# the edit has been cancelled
return True
if not self._owner.OnRenameAccept(self._itemEdited, value):
# vetoed by the user
return False
# accepted, do rename the item
self._owner.SetItemText(self._itemEdited, value)
return True
def Finish(self):
"""Finish editing."""
if not self._finished:
self._finished = True
def OnChar(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_CHAR`` event for L{TreeTextCtrl}.
:param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.
keycode = event.GetKeyCode()
shiftDown = event.ShiftDown()
if keycode == wx.WXK_RETURN:
if shiftDown:
self._aboutToFinish = True
# Notify the owner about the changes
# Even if vetoed, close the control (consistent with MSW)
elif keycode == wx.WXK_ESCAPE:
def OnKeyUp(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_UP`` event for L{TreeTextCtrl}.
:param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.
if not self._finished:
# auto-grow the textctrl:
parentSize = self._owner.GetSize()
myPos = self.GetPosition()
mySize = self.GetSize()
dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
sx, sy, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(self.GetValue() + "M")
if myPos.x + sx > parentSize.x:
sx = parentSize.x - myPos.x
if mySize.x > sx:
sx = mySize.x
self.SetSize((sx, -1))
self._currentValue = self.GetValue()
def OnKillFocus(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS`` event for L{TreeTextCtrl}.
:param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.
if not self._finished and not self._aboutToFinish:
# We must finish regardless of success, otherwise we'll get
# focus problems:
if not self.AcceptChanges():
# We must let the native text control handle focus, too, otherwise
# it could have problems with the cursor (e.g., in wxGTK).
def StopEditing(self):
"""Suddenly stops the editing."""
def item(self):
"""Returns the item currently edited."""
return self._itemEdited
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Auxiliary Classes: TreeFindTimer
# Timer Used To Clear CustomTreeCtrl._findPrefix If No Key Was Pressed For A
# Sufficiently Long Time.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TreeFindTimer(wx.Timer):
Timer used to clear the L{CustomTreeCtrl} `_findPrefix` attribute if no
key was pressed for a sufficiently long time.
def __init__(self, owner):
Default class constructor.
For internal use: do not call it in your code!
:param `owner`: the `wx.Timer` owner (an instance of L{CustomTreeCtrl}).
self._owner = owner
def Notify(self):
"""The timer has expired."""
self._owner._findPrefix = ""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# GenericTreeItem Implementation.
# This Class Holds All The Information And Methods For Every Single Item In
# CustomTreeCtrl.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GenericTreeItem(object):
This class holds all the information and methods for every single item in
L{CustomTreeCtrl}. This is a generic implementation of `wx.TreeItem`.
def __init__(self, parent, text="", ct_type=0, wnd=None, image=-1, selImage=-1, data=None):
Default class constructor.
For internal use: do not call it in your code!
:param `parent`: the tree item parent (may be ``None`` for root items);
:param `text`: the tree item text;
:param `ct_type`: the tree item kind. May be one of the following integers:
=============== =========================================
`ct_type` Value Description
=============== =========================================
0 A normal item
1 A checkbox-like item
2 A radiobutton-type item
=============== =========================================
:param `wnd`: if not ``None``, a non-toplevel window to be displayed next to
the item;
:param `image`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in unselected state;
:param `selImage`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in selected state; if `image` > -1 and `selImage` is -1, the
same image is used for both selected and unselected items;
:param `data`: associate the given Python object `data` with the item.
:note: Regarding radiobutton-type items (with `ct_type` = 2), the following
approach is used:
- All peer-nodes that are radiobuttons will be mutually exclusive. In other words,
only one of a set of radiobuttons that share a common parent can be checked at
once. If a radiobutton node becomes checked, then all of its peer radiobuttons
must be unchecked.
- If a radiobutton node becomes unchecked, then all of its child nodes will become
# since there can be very many of these, we save size by chosing
# the smallest representation for the elements and by ordering
# the members to avoid padding.
self._text = text # label to be rendered for item
self._data = data # user-provided data
self._children = [] # list of children
self._parent = parent # parent of this item
self._attr = None # attributes???
# tree ctrl images for the normal, selected, expanded and
# expanded+selected states
self._images = [-1, -1, -1, -1]
self._images[TreeItemIcon_Normal] = image
self._images[TreeItemIcon_Selected] = selImage
self._images[TreeItemIcon_Expanded] = _NO_IMAGE
self._images[TreeItemIcon_SelectedExpanded] = _NO_IMAGE
self._checkedimages = [None, None, None, None]
self._x = 0 # (virtual) offset from top
self._y = 0 # (virtual) offset from left
self._width = 0 # width of this item
self._height = 0 # height of this item
self._isCollapsed = True
self._hasHilight = False # same as focused
self._hasPlus = False # used for item which doesn't have
# children but has a [+] button
self._isBold = False # render the label in bold font
self._isItalic = False # render the label in italic font
self._ownsAttr = False # delete attribute when done
self._type = ct_type # item type: 0=normal, 1=check, 2=radio
self._checked = False # only meaningful for check and radio
self._enabled = True # flag to enable/disable an item
self._hypertext = False # indicates if the item is hypertext
self._visited = False # visited state for an hypertext item
if self._type > 0:
# do not construct the array for normal items
self._checkedimages[TreeItemIcon_Checked] = 0
self._checkedimages[TreeItemIcon_NotChecked] = 1
self._checkedimages[TreeItemIcon_Flagged] = 2
self._checkedimages[TreeItemIcon_NotFlagged] = 3
if parent:
if parent.GetType() == 2 and not parent.IsChecked():
# if the node parent is a radio not enabled, we are disabled
self._enabled = False
self._wnd = wnd # are we holding a window?
if wnd:
def IsOk(self):
Returns whether the item is ok or not.
:note: This method simply returns ``True``, it has been added for
backward compatibility with the wxWidgets C++ implementation.
return True
def GetChildren(self):
"""Returns the item's children."""
return self._children
def GetText(self):
"""Returns the item text."""
return self._text
def GetImage(self, which=TreeItemIcon_Normal):
Returns the item image for a particular item state.
:param `which`: can be one of the following bits:
================================= ========================
Item State Description
================================= ========================
``TreeItemIcon_Normal`` To get the normal item image
``TreeItemIcon_Selected`` To get the selected item image (i.e. the image which is shown when the item is currently selected)
``TreeItemIcon_Expanded`` To get the expanded image (this only makes sense for items which have children - then this image is shown when the item is expanded and the normal image is shown when it is collapsed)
``TreeItemIcon_SelectedExpanded`` To get the selected expanded image (which is shown when an expanded item is currently selected)
================================= ========================
return self._images[which]
def GetCheckedImage(self, which=TreeItemIcon_Checked):
Returns the item check image.
:param `which`: can be one of the following bits:
================================= ========================
Item State Description
================================= ========================
``TreeItemIcon_Checked`` To get the checkbox checked item image
``TreeItemIcon_NotChecked`` To get the checkbox unchecked item image
``TreeItemIcon_Flagged`` To get the radiobutton checked image
``TreeItemIcon_NotFlagged`` To get the radiobutton unchecked image
================================= ========================
:note: This method is meaningful only for radio & check items.
return self._checkedimages[which]
def GetData(self):
"""Returns the data associated to this item."""
return self._data
def SetImage(self, image, which):
Sets the item image.
:param `image`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to use;
:param `which`: the image kind.
:see: L{GetImage} for a description of the `which` parameter.
self._images[which] = image
def SetData(self, data):
Sets the data associated to this item.
:param `data`: can be any Python object.
self._data = data
def SetHasPlus(self, has=True):
Sets whether an item has the 'plus' button.
:param `has`: ``True`` to set the 'plus' button on the item, ``False`` otherwise.
self._hasPlus = has
def SetBold(self, bold):
Sets the item font bold.
:parameter `bold`: ``True`` to have a bold font item, ``False`` otherwise.
self._isBold = bold
def SetItalic(self, italic):
Sets the item font italic.
:parameter `italic`: ``True`` to have an italic font item, ``False`` otherwise.
self._isItalic = italic
def GetX(self):
"""Returns the x position on an item. """
return self._x
def GetY(self):
"""Returns the y position on an item. """
return self._y
def SetX(self, x):
Sets the x position on an item.
:param `x`: an integer specifying the x position of the item.
self._x = x
def SetY(self, y):
Sets the y position on an item.
:param `y`: an integer specifying the y position of the item.
self._y = y
def GetHeight(self):
"""Returns the height of the item."""
return self._height
def GetWidth(self):
"""Returns the width of the item."""
return self._width
def SetHeight(self, h):
Sets the item's height.
:param `h`: an integer specifying the item's height.
self._height = h
def SetWidth(self, w):
Sets the item's width.
:param `w`: an integer specifying the item's width.
self._width = w
def SetWindow(self, wnd):
Sets the window associated to the item.
:param `wnd`: a non-toplevel window to be displayed next to the item.
self._wnd = wnd
if wnd.GetSizer(): # the window is a complex one hold by a sizer
size = wnd.GetBestSize()
else: # simple window, without sizers
size = wnd.GetSize()
# We have to bind the wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS for the associated window
# No other solution to handle the focus changing from an item in
# CustomTreeCtrl and the window associated to an item
# Do better strategies exist?
self._wnd.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnSetFocus)
self._height = size.GetHeight() + 2
self._width = size.GetWidth()
self._windowsize = size
# We don't show the window if the item is collapsed
if self._isCollapsed:
# The window is enabled only if the item is enabled
self._windowenabled = self._enabled
def GetWindow(self):
"""Returns the window associated to the item (if any)."""
return self._wnd
def DeleteWindow(self):
"""Deletes the window associated to the item (if any)."""
if self._wnd:
self._wnd = None
def GetWindowEnabled(self):
"""Returns whether the associated window is enabled or not."""
if not self._wnd:
raise Exception("\nERROR: This Item Has No Window Associated")
return self._windowenabled
def SetWindowEnabled(self, enable=True):
Sets whether the associated window is enabled or not.
:param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the associated window, ``False`` to disable it.
if not self._wnd:
raise Exception("\nERROR: This Item Has No Window Associated")
self._windowenabled = enable
def GetWindowSize(self):
"""Returns the associated window size."""
return self._windowsize
def OnSetFocus(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS`` event for the window associated with the item.
:param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.
treectrl = self._wnd.GetParent()
select = treectrl.GetSelection()
# If the window is associated to an item that currently is selected
# (has focus) we don't kill the focus. Otherwise we do it.
if select != self:
treectrl._hasFocus = False
treectrl._hasFocus = True
def GetType(self):
Returns the item type.
:see: L{SetType} and L{__init__} for a description of valid item types.
return self._type
def SetType(self, ct_type):
Sets the item type.
:param `ct_type`: May be one of the following integers:
=============== =========================================
`ct_type` Value Description
=============== =========================================
0 A normal item
1 A checkbox-like item
2 A radiobutton-type item
=============== =========================================
:note: Regarding radiobutton-type items (with `ct_type` = 2), the following
approach is used:
- All peer-nodes that are radiobuttons will be mutually exclusive. In other words,
only one of a set of radiobuttons that share a common parent can be checked at
once. If a radiobutton node becomes checked, then all of its peer radiobuttons
must be unchecked.
- If a radiobutton node becomes unchecked, then all of its child nodes will become
self._type = ct_type
def SetHyperText(self, hyper=True):
Sets whether the item is hypertext or not.
:param `hyper`: ``True`` to set hypertext behaviour, ``False`` otherwise.
self._hypertext = hyper
def SetVisited(self, visited=True):
Sets whether an hypertext item was visited or not.
:param `visited`: ``True`` to set a hypertext item as visited, ``False`` otherwise.
self._visited = visited
def GetVisited(self):
"""Returns whether an hypertext item was visited or not."""
return self._visited
def IsHyperText(self):
"""Returns whether the item is hypetext or not."""
return self._hypertext
def GetParent(self):
Gets the item parent (another instance of L{GenericTreeItem} or ``None`` for
root items.
return self._parent
def Insert(self, child, index):
Inserts an item in the item children.
:param `child`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `index`: the index at which we should insert the new child.
self._children.insert(index, child)
def Expand(self):
"""Expands the item."""
self._isCollapsed = False
def Collapse(self):
"""Collapses the item."""
self._isCollapsed = True
def SetHilight(self, set=True):
Sets the item focus/unfocus.
:param `set`: ``True`` to set the focus to the item, ``False`` otherwise.
self._hasHilight = set
def HasChildren(self):
"""Returns whether the item has children or not."""
return len(self._children) > 0
def IsSelected(self):
"""Returns whether the item is selected or not."""
return self._hasHilight != 0
def IsExpanded(self):
"""Returns whether the item is expanded or not."""
return not self._isCollapsed
def IsChecked(self):
Returns whether the item is checked or not.
:note: This is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.
return self._checked
def Check(self, checked=True):
Checks/unchecks an item.
:param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
:note: This is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.
self._checked = checked
def HasPlus(self):
"""Returns whether the item has the plus button or not."""
return self._hasPlus or self.HasChildren()
def IsBold(self):
"""Returns whether the item font is bold or not."""
return self._isBold != 0
def IsItalic(self):
"""Returns whether the item font is italic or not."""
return self._isItalic != 0
def Enable(self, enable=True):
Enables/disables the item.
:param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the item, ``False`` to disable it.
self._enabled = enable
def IsEnabled(self):
"""Returns whether the item is enabled or not."""
return self._enabled
def GetAttributes(self):
"""Returns the item attributes (font, colours)."""
return self._attr
def Attr(self):
"""Creates a new attribute (font, colours)."""
if not self._attr:
self._attr = TreeItemAttr()
self._ownsAttr = True
return self._attr
def SetAttributes(self, attr):
Sets the item attributes (font, colours).
:param `attr`: an instance of L{TreeItemAttr}.
if self._ownsAttr:
del self._attr
self._attr = attr
self._ownsAttr = False
def AssignAttributes(self, attr):
Assigns the item attributes (font, colours).
:param `attr`: an instance of L{TreeItemAttr}.
self._ownsAttr = True
def DeleteChildren(self, tree):
Deletes the item children.
:param `tree`: the main L{CustomTreeCtrl} instance.
for child in self._children:
if tree:
if child == tree._select_me:
tree._select_me = None
# We have to destroy the associated window
wnd = child.GetWindow()
if wnd:
child._wnd = None
if child in tree._itemWithWindow:
del child
self._children = []
def SetText(self, text):
Sets the item text.
:param `text`: the new item label.
self._text = text
def GetChildrenCount(self, recursively=True):
Gets the number of children of this item.
:param `recursively`: if ``True``, returns the total number of descendants,
otherwise only one level of children is counted.
count = len(self._children)
if not recursively:
return count
total = count
for n in xrange(count):
total += self._children[n].GetChildrenCount()
return total
def GetSize(self, x, y, theButton):
Returns the item size.
:param `x`: the current item's x position;
:param `y`: the current item's y position;
:param `theButton`: an instance of the main L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
bottomY = self._y + theButton.GetLineHeight(self)
if y < bottomY:
y = bottomY
width = self._x + self._width
if x < width:
x = width
if self.IsExpanded():
for child in self._children:
x, y = child.GetSize(x, y, theButton)
return x, y
def HitTest(self, point, theCtrl, flags=0, level=0):
HitTest method for an item. Called from the main window HitTest.
:param `point`: the point to test for the hit (an instance of `wx.Point`);
:param `theCtrl`: the main L{CustomTreeCtrl} tree;
:param `flags`: a bitlist of hit locations;
:param `level`: the item's level inside the tree hierarchy.
:see: L{CustomTreeCtrl.HitTest} method for the flags explanation.
# for a hidden root node, don't evaluate it, but do evaluate children
if not (level == 0 and theCtrl.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT)):
# evaluate the item
h = theCtrl.GetLineHeight(self)
if point.y > self._y and point.y < self._y + h:
y_mid = self._y + h/2
if point.y < y_mid:
xCross = self._x - theCtrl.GetSpacing()
if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
# according to the drawing code the triangels are drawn
# at -4 , -4 from the position up to +10/+10 max
if point.x > xCross-4 and point.x < xCross+10 and point.y > y_mid-4 and \
point.y < y_mid+10 and self.HasPlus() and theCtrl.HasButtons():
return self, flags
# 5 is the size of the plus sign
if point.x > xCross-6 and point.x < xCross+6 and point.y > y_mid-6 and \
point.y < y_mid+6 and self.HasPlus() and theCtrl.HasButtons():
return self, flags
if point.x >= self._x and point.x <= self._x + self._width:
image_w = -1
wcheck = 0
# assuming every image (normal and selected) has the same size!
if self.GetImage() != _NO_IMAGE and theCtrl._imageListNormal:
image_w, image_h = theCtrl._imageListNormal.GetSize(self.GetImage())
if self.GetCheckedImage() is not None:
wcheck, hcheck = theCtrl._imageListCheck.GetSize(self.GetCheckedImage())
if wcheck and point.x <= self._x + wcheck + 1:
return self, flags
if image_w != -1 and point.x <= self._x + wcheck + image_w + 1:
return self, flags
if point.x < self._x:
if theCtrl.HasFlag(TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT):
if point.x > self._x + self._width:
if theCtrl.HasFlag(TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT):
return self, flags
# if children are expanded, fall through to evaluate them
if self._isCollapsed:
return None, 0
# evaluate children
for child in self._children:
res, flags = child.HitTest(point, theCtrl, flags, level + 1)
if res != None:
return res, flags
return None, 0
def GetCurrentImage(self):
"""Returns the current item image."""
image = _NO_IMAGE
if self.IsExpanded():
if self.IsSelected():
image = self._images[TreeItemIcon_SelectedExpanded]
if image == _NO_IMAGE:
# we usually fall back to the normal item, but try just the
# expanded one (and not selected) first in this case
image = self._images[TreeItemIcon_Expanded]
else: # not expanded
if self.IsSelected():
image = self._images[TreeItemIcon_Selected]
# maybe it doesn't have the specific image we want,
# try the default one instead
if image == _NO_IMAGE:
image = self._images[TreeItemIcon_Normal]
return image
def GetCurrentCheckedImage(self):
"""Returns the current item check image."""
if self._type == 0:
return None
if self.IsChecked():
if self._type == 1: # Checkbox
return self._checkedimages[TreeItemIcon_Checked]
else: # Radiobutton
return self._checkedimages[TreeItemIcon_Flagged]
if self._type == 1: # Checkbox
return self._checkedimages[TreeItemIcon_NotChecked]
else: # Radiobutton
return self._checkedimages[TreeItemIcon_NotFlagged]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CustomTreeCtrl Main Implementation.
# This Is The Main Class.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CustomTreeCtrl(wx.PyScrolledWindow):
CustomTreeCtrl is a class that mimics the behaviour of `wx.TreeCtrl`, with almost the
same base functionalities plus some more enhancements. This class does not rely on
the native control, as it is a full owner-drawn tree control.
def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
style=TR_DEFAULT_STYLE, ctstyle=0, validator=wx.DefaultValidator,
Default class constructor.
:param `parent`: parent window. Must not be ``None``;
:param `id`: window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
:param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
:param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
:param `style`: the underlying `wx.PyScrolledWindow` style plus L{CustomTreeCtrl}
window style. The latter can be a combination of the following bits:
============================== =========== ==================================================
Window Styles Hex Value Description
============================== =========== ==================================================
``TR_NO_BUTTONS`` 0x0 For convenience to document that no buttons are to be drawn.
``TR_SINGLE`` 0x0 For convenience to document that only one item may be selected at a time. Selecting another item causes the current selection, if any, to be deselected. This is the default.
``TR_HAS_BUTTONS`` 0x1 Use this style to show + and - buttons to the left of parent items.
``TR_NO_LINES`` 0x4 Use this style to hide vertical level connectors.
``TR_LINES_AT_ROOT`` 0x8 Use this style to show lines between root nodes. Only applicable if ``TR_HIDE_ROOT`` is set and ``TR_NO_LINES`` is not set.
``TR_DEFAULT_STYLE`` 0x9 The set of flags that are closest to the defaults for the native control for a particular toolkit.
``TR_TWIST_BUTTONS`` 0x10 Use old Mac-twist style buttons.
``TR_MULTIPLE`` 0x20 Use this style to allow a range of items to be selected. If a second range is selected, the current range, if any, is deselected.
``TR_EXTENDED`` 0x40 Use this style to allow disjoint items to be selected. (Only partially implemented; may not work in all cases).
``TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT`` 0x80 Use this style to cause row heights to be just big enough to fit the content. If not set, all rows use the largest row height. The default is that this flag is unset.
``TR_EDIT_LABELS`` 0x200 Use this style if you wish the user to be able to edit labels in the tree control.
``TR_ROW_LINES`` 0x400 Use this style to draw a contrasting border between displayed rows.
``TR_HIDE_ROOT`` 0x800 Use this style to suppress the display of the root node, effectively causing the first-level nodes to appear as a series of root nodes.
``TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT`` 0x2000 Use this style to have the background colour and the selection highlight extend over the entire horizontal row of the tree control window.
``TR_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD`` 0x4000 Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when a parent item is checked/unchecked its children are checked/unchecked as well.
``TR_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD`` 0x8000 Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when a parent item is checked/unchecked its children are toggled accordingly.
``TR_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT`` 0x10000 Only meaningful foe checkbox-type items: when a child item is checked/unchecked its parent item is checked/unchecked as well.
``TR_ALIGN_WINDOWS`` 0x20000 Flag used to align windows (in items with windows) at the same horizontal position.
============================== =========== ==================================================
:param `ctstyle`: kept for backward compatibility with older versions of
L{CustomTreeCtrl}, unused at present;
:param `validator`: window validator;
:param `name`: window name.
style = style | ctstyle
self._current = self._key_current = self._anchor = self._select_me = None
self._hasFocus = False
self._dirty = False
# Default line height: it will soon be changed
self._lineHeight = 10
# Item indent wrt parent
self._indent = 15
# item horizontal spacing between the start and the text
self._spacing = 18
# Brushes for focused/unfocused items (also gradient type)
self._hilightBrush = wx.Brush(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT))
btnshadow = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)
self._hilightUnfocusedBrush = wx.Brush(btnshadow)
r, g, b = btnshadow.Red(), btnshadow.Green(), btnshadow.Blue()
backcolour = (max((r >> 1) - 20, 0),
max((g >> 1) - 20, 0),
max((b >> 1) - 20, 0))
backcolour = wx.Colour(backcolour[0], backcolour[1], backcolour[2])
self._hilightUnfocusedBrush2 = wx.Brush(backcolour)
# image list for icons
self._imageListNormal = self._imageListButtons = self._imageListState = self._imageListCheck = None
self._ownsImageListNormal = self._ownsImageListButtons = self._ownsImageListState = False
# Drag and drop initial settings
self._dragCount = 0
self._countDrag = 0
self._isDragging = False
self._dropTarget = self._oldSelection = None
self._dragImage = None
self._underMouse = None
# TextCtrl initial settings for editable items
self._textCtrl = None
self._renameTimer = None
# This one allows us to handle Freeze() and Thaw() calls
self._freezeCount = 0
self._findPrefix = ""
self._findTimer = None
self._dropEffectAboveItem = False
self._lastOnSame = False
# Default normal and bold fonts for an item
self._hasFont = True
self._normalFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
self._boldFont = wx.Font(self._normalFont.GetPointSize(), self._normalFont.GetFamily(),
self._normalFont.GetStyle(), wx.BOLD, self._normalFont.GetUnderlined(),
self._normalFont.GetFaceName(), self._normalFont.GetEncoding())
self._italicFont = wx.Font(self._normalFont.GetPointSize(), self._normalFont.GetFamily(),
wx.FONTSTYLE_ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, self._normalFont.GetUnderlined(),
self._normalFont.GetFaceName(), self._normalFont.GetEncoding())
# Hyperlinks things
self._hypertextfont = wx.Font(self._normalFont.GetPointSize(), self._normalFont.GetFamily(),
self._normalFont.GetStyle(), wx.NORMAL, True,
self._normalFont.GetFaceName(), self._normalFont.GetEncoding())
self._hypertextnewcolour = wx.BLUE
self._hypertextvisitedcolour = wx.Colour(200, 47, 200)
self._isonhyperlink = False
# Default CustomTreeCtrl background colour.
self._backgroundColour = wx.WHITE
# Background image settings
self._backgroundImage = None
self._imageStretchStyle = _StyleTile
# Disabled items colour
self._disabledColour = wx.Colour(180, 180, 180)
# Gradient selection colours
self._firstcolour = colour = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT)
self._secondcolour = wx.WHITE
self._usegradients = False
self._gradientstyle = 0 # Horizontal Gradient
# Vista Selection Styles
self._vistaselection = False
# To speed up ExpandAll and SelectAll
self._sendEvent = True
# Connection lines style
grey = (160,160,160)
if wx.Platform != "__WXMAC__":
self._dottedPen = wx.Pen(grey, 1, wx.USER_DASH)
self._dottedPen = wx.Pen(grey, 1)
# Pen Used To Draw The Border Around Selected Items
self._borderPen = wx.BLACK_PEN
self._cursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_ARROW)
# For Appended Windows
self._hasWindows = False
self._itemWithWindow = []
if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
style &= ~TR_LINES_AT_ROOT
style |= TR_NO_LINES
platform, major, minor = wx.GetOsVersion()
if major < 10:
style |= TR_ROW_LINES
# A constant to use my translation of RendererNative.DrawTreeItemButton
# if the wxPython version is less than
if wx.VERSION_STRING < "":
self._drawingfunction = DrawTreeItemButton
self._drawingfunction = wx.RendererNative.Get().DrawTreeItemButton
# Create our container... at last!
wx.PyScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style|wx.HSCROLL|wx.VSCROLL, name)
# Create the default check image list
self.SetImageListCheck(16, 16)
# If the tree display has no buttons, but does have
# connecting lines, we can use a narrower layout.
# It may not be a good idea to force this...
if not self.HasButtons() and not self.HasFlag(TR_NO_LINES):
self._indent= 10
self._spacing = 10
attr = self.GetDefaultAttributes()
if not self._hasFont:
# Bind the events
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS, self.OnMouse)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyDown)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnSetFocus)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnKillFocus)
self.Bind(EVT_TREE_ITEM_GETTOOLTIP, self.OnGetToolTip)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY, self.OnDestroy)
# Sets the focus to ourselves: this is useful if you have items
# with associated widgets.
def AcceptsFocus(self):
Can this window be given focus by mouse click?
:note: This method always returns ``True`` as we alsways accept focus from
mouse click.
:note: Overridden from `wx.PyScrolledWindow`.
# overridden base class method, allows this ctrl to
# participate in the tab-order, etc. It's overridable because
# of deriving this class from wx.PyScrolledWindow...
return True
def OnDestroy(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY`` event for L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `event`: a `wx.WindowDestroyEvent` event to be processed.
# Here there may be something I miss... do I have to destroy
# something else?
if self._renameTimer and self._renameTimer.IsRunning():
del self._renameTimer
self._renameTimer = None
if self._findTimer and self._findTimer.IsRunning():
del self._findTimer
def GetControlBmp(self, checkbox=True, checked=False, enabled=True, x=16, y=16):
Returns a native looking checkbox or radio button bitmap.
:param `checkbox`: ``True`` to get a checkbox image, ``False`` for a radiobutton
:param `checked`: ``True`` if the control is marked, ``False`` if it is not;
:param `enabled`: ``True`` if the control is enabled, ``False`` if it is not;
:param `x`: the width of the bitmap;
:param `y`: the height of the bitmap.
bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(x, y)
mdc = wx.MemoryDC(bmp)
mask = wx.Colour(0xfe, 0xfe, 0xfe)
render = wx.RendererNative.Get()
if checked:
flag = 0
if not enabled:
if checkbox:
render.DrawCheckBox(self, mdc, (0, 0, x, y), flag)
render.DrawRadioButton(self, mdc, (0, 0, x, y), flag)
return bmp
def GetCount(self):
""" Returns the global number of items in the tree. """
if not self._anchor:
# the tree is empty
return 0
count = self._anchor.GetChildrenCount()
if not self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT):
# take the root itself into account
count = count + 1
return count
def GetIndent(self):
""" Returns the item indentation. """
return self._indent
def GetSpacing(self):
""" Returns the spacing between the start and the text. """
return self._spacing
def GetRootItem(self):
""" Returns the root item. """
return self._anchor
def GetSelection(self):
Returns the current selection.
:note: This method is valid only with the style ``TR_SINGLE`` set. Use
L{GetSelections} for multiple-selections trees.
return self._current
def ToggleItemSelection(self, item):
Toggles the item selection.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
self.SelectItem(item, not self.IsSelected(item))
def EnableChildren(self, item, enable=True):
Enables/disables the item children.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the children, ``False`` otherwise.
:note: This method is used internally.
torefresh = False
if item.IsExpanded():
torefresh = True
if item.GetType() == 2 and enable and not item.IsChecked():
# We hit a radiobutton item not checked, we don't want to
# enable the children
child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(item)
while child:
self.EnableItem(child, enable, torefresh=torefresh)
# Recurse on tree
if child.GetType != 2 or (child.GetType() == 2 and item.IsChecked()):
self.EnableChildren(child, enable)
(child, cookie) = self.GetNextChild(item, cookie)
def EnableItem(self, item, enable=True, torefresh=True):
Enables/disables an item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the item, ``False`` otherwise;
:param `torefresh`: whether to redraw the item or not.
if item.IsEnabled() == enable:
if not enable and item.IsSelected():
self.SelectItem(item, False)
wnd = item.GetWindow()
# Handles the eventual window associated to the item
if wnd:
wndenable = item.GetWindowEnabled()
if torefresh:
# We have to refresh the item line
dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
self.CalculateSize(item, dc)
def IsItemEnabled(self, item):
Returns whether an item is enabled or disabled.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.IsEnabled()
def SetDisabledColour(self, colour):
Sets the colour for items in a disabled state.
:param `colour`: a valid `wx.Colour` instance.
self._disabledColour = colour
self._dirty = True
def GetDisabledColour(self):
""" Returns the colour for items in a disabled state. """
return self._disabledColour
def IsItemChecked(self, item):
Returns whether an item is checked or not.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
:note: This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.
return item.IsChecked()
def CheckItem2(self, item, checked=True, torefresh=False):
Used internally to avoid ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKED`` events.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it;
:param `torefresh`: whether to redraw the item or not.
if item.GetType() == 0:
if torefresh:
dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
self.CalculateSize(item, dc)
def UnCheckRadioParent(self, item, checked=False):
Used internally to handle radio node parent correctly.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
e = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKING, self.GetId())
if self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e):
return False
self.EnableChildren(item, checked)
e = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKED, self.GetId())
return True
def CheckItem(self, item, checked=True):
Actually checks/uncheks an item, sending (eventually) the two
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
# Should we raise an error here?!?
if item.GetType() == 0:
if item.GetType() == 2: # it's a radio button
if not checked and item.IsChecked(): # Try To Unckeck?
if not self.UnCheckRadioParent(item, checked):
self.CheckSameLevel(item, False)
# Radiobuttons are done, let's handle checkbuttons...
e = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKING, self.GetId())
if self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(e):
# Blocked by user
dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
if self.HasFlag(TR_AUTO_CHECK_CHILD):
ischeck = self.IsItemChecked(item)
self.AutoCheckChild(item, ischeck)
if self.HasFlag(TR_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT):
ischeck = self.IsItemChecked(item)
self.AutoCheckParent(item, ischeck)
elif self.HasFlag(TR_AUTO_TOGGLE_CHILD):
e = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKED, self.GetId())
def AutoToggleChild(self, item):
Transverses the tree and toggles the items.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
:note: This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.
child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(item)
torefresh = False
if item.IsExpanded():
torefresh = True
# Recurse on tree
while child:
if child.GetType() == 1 and child.IsEnabled():
self.CheckItem2(child, not child.IsChecked(), torefresh=torefresh)
(child, cookie) = self.GetNextChild(item, cookie)
def AutoCheckChild(self, item, checked):
Transverses the tree and checks/unchecks the items.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
:note: This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.
(child, cookie) = self.GetFirstChild(item)
torefresh = False
if item.IsExpanded():
torefresh = True
while child:
if child.GetType() == 1 and child.IsEnabled():
self.CheckItem2(child, checked, torefresh=torefresh)
self.AutoCheckChild(child, checked)
(child, cookie) = self.GetNextChild(item, cookie)
def AutoCheckParent(self, item, checked):
Traverses up the tree and checks/unchecks parent items.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
:note: This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.
parent = item.GetParent()
if not parent or parent.GetType() != 1:
(child, cookie) = self.GetFirstChild(parent)
while child:
if child.GetType() == 1 and child.IsEnabled():
if checked != child.IsChecked():
(child, cookie) = self.GetNextChild(parent, cookie)
self.CheckItem2(parent, checked, torefresh=True)
self.AutoCheckParent(parent, checked)
def CheckChilds(self, item, checked=True):
Programatically check/uncheck item children.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
:note: This method is meaningful only for checkbox-like and radiobutton-like items.
:note: This method does not generate ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_CHECKING`` and
if checked == None:
self.AutoCheckChild(item, checked)
def CheckSameLevel(self, item, checked=False):
Uncheck radio items which are on the same level of the checked one.
Used internally.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `checked`: ``True`` to check an item, ``False`` to uncheck it.
:note: This method is meaningful only for radiobutton-like items.
parent = item.GetParent()
if not parent:
torefresh = False
if parent.IsExpanded():
torefresh = True
(child, cookie) = self.GetFirstChild(parent)
while child:
if child.GetType() == 2 and child != item:
self.CheckItem2(child, checked, torefresh=torefresh)
if child.GetType != 2 or (child.GetType() == 2 and child.IsChecked()):
self.EnableChildren(child, checked)
(child, cookie) = self.GetNextChild(parent, cookie)
def EditLabel(self, item):
Starts editing an item label.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
def ShouldInheritColours(self):
Return ``True`` from here to allow the colours of this window to be
changed by `InheritAttributes`, returning ``False`` forbids inheriting them
from the parent window.
The base class version returns ``False``, but this method is overridden in
`wx.Control` where it returns ``True``.
L{CustomTreeCtrl} does not inherit colours from anyone.
return False
def SetIndent(self, indent):
Sets the indentation for L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `indent`: an integer representing the indentation for the items in the tree.
self._indent = indent
self._dirty = True
def SetSpacing(self, spacing):
Sets the spacing between items in L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `spacing`: an integer representing the spacing between items in the tree.
self._spacing = spacing
self._dirty = True
def HasChildren(self, item):
Returns whether an item has children or not.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return len(item.GetChildren()) > 0
def GetChildrenCount(self, item, recursively=True):
Returns the item children count.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `recursively`: if ``True``, returns the total number of descendants,
otherwise only one level of children is counted.
return item.GetChildrenCount(recursively)
def SetTreeStyle(self, styles):
Sets the L{CustomTreeCtrl} window style.
:param `styles`: the new L{CustomTreeCtrl} window style.
:see: The L{__init__} method for the `styles` parameter description.
# Do not try to expand the root node if it hasn't been created yet
if self._anchor and not self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT) and styles & TR_HIDE_ROOT:
# if we will hide the root, make sure children are visible
# right now, just sets the styles. Eventually, we may
# want to update the inherited styles, but right now
# none of the parents has updatable styles
if self.HasFlag(TR_MULTIPLE) and not (styles & TR_MULTIPLE):
selections = self.GetSelections()
for select in selections[0:-1]:
self.SelectItem(select, False)
self._dirty = True
def GetTreeStyle(self):
"""Returns the L{CustomTreeCtrl} style."""
return self.GetWindowStyle()
def HasButtons(self):
"""Returns whether L{CustomTreeCtrl} has the ``TR_HAS_BUTTONS`` flag set."""
return self.HasFlag(TR_HAS_BUTTONS)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# functions to work with tree items
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetItemText(self, item):
Returns the item text.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.GetText()
def GetItemImage(self, item, which=TreeItemIcon_Normal):
Returns the item image.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `which`: can be one of the following bits:
================================= ========================
Item State Description
================================= ========================
``TreeItemIcon_Normal`` To get the normal item image
``TreeItemIcon_Selected`` To get the selected item image (i.e. the image which is shown when the item is currently selected)
``TreeItemIcon_Expanded`` To get the expanded image (this only makes sense for items which have children - then this image is shown when the item is expanded and the normal image is shown when it is collapsed)
``TreeItemIcon_SelectedExpanded`` To get the selected expanded image (which is shown when an expanded item is currently selected)
================================= ========================
return item.GetImage(which)
def GetPyData(self, item):
Returns the data associated to an item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.GetData()
GetItemPyData = GetPyData
def GetItemTextColour(self, item):
Returns the item text colour.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.Attr().GetTextColour()
def GetItemBackgroundColour(self, item):
Returns the item background colour.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.Attr().GetBackgroundColour()
def GetItemFont(self, item):
Returns the item font.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
font = item.Attr().GetFont()
if font.IsOk():
return font
return wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
def IsItemHyperText(self, item):
Returns whether an item is hypertext or not.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.IsHyperText()
def SetItemText(self, item, text):
Sets the item text.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `text`: the new item label.
dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
self.CalculateSize(item, dc)
def SetItemImage(self, item, image, which=TreeItemIcon_Normal):
Sets the item image, depending on the item state.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `image`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in the state specified by the `which` parameter;
:param `which`: the item state.
:see: L{GetItemImage} for an explanation of the `which` parameter.
item.SetImage(image, which)
dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
self.CalculateSize(item, dc)
def SetPyData(self, item, data):
Sets the data associated to an item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `data`: can be any Python object.
SetItemPyData = SetPyData
def SetItemHasChildren(self, item, has=True):
Forces the appearance/disappearance of the button next to the item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `has`: ``True`` to have a button next to an item, ``False`` otherwise.
def SetItemBold(self, item, bold=True):
Sets the item font as bold/unbold.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `bold`: ``True`` to set the item font as bold, ``False`` otherwise.
# avoid redrawing the tree if no real change
if item.IsBold() != bold:
self._dirty = True
def SetItemItalic(self, item, italic=True):
Sets the item font as italic/non-italic.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `italic`: ``True`` to set the item font as italic, ``False`` otherwise.
if item.IsItalic() != italic:
self._dirty = True
def SetItemDropHighlight(self, item, highlight=True):
Gives the item the visual feedback for drag and drop operations.
This is useful when something is dragged from outside the L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `highlight`: ``True`` to highlight the dragged items, ``False`` otherwise.
if highlight:
bg = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT)
fg = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
def SetItemTextColour(self, item, colour):
Sets the item text colour.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `colour`: a valid `wx.Colour` instance.
def SetItemBackgroundColour(self, item, colour):
Sets the item background colour.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `colour`: a valid `wx.Colour` instance.
def SetItemHyperText(self, item, hyper=True):
Sets whether the item is hypertext or not.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `hyper`: ``True`` to have an item with hypertext behaviour, ``False`` otherwise.
def SetItemFont(self, item, font):
Sets the item font.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `font`: a valid `wx.Font` instance.
self._dirty = True
def SetFont(self, font):
Sets the L{CustomTreeCtrl} font.
:param `font`: a valid `wx.Font` instance.
:note: Overridden from `wx.PyScrolledWindow`.
wx.PyScrolledWindow.SetFont(self, font)
self._normalFont = font
self._boldFont = wx.Font(self._normalFont.GetPointSize(), self._normalFont.GetFamily(),
self._normalFont.GetStyle(), wx.BOLD, self._normalFont.GetUnderlined(),
self._normalFont.GetFaceName(), self._normalFont.GetEncoding())
self._italicFont = wx.Font(self._normalFont.GetPointSize(), self._normalFont.GetFamily(),
wx.FONTSTYLE_ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, self._normalFont.GetUnderlined(),
self._normalFont.GetFaceName(), self._normalFont.GetEncoding())
return True
def GetHyperTextFont(self):
""" Returns the font used to render hypertext items. """
return self._hypertextfont
def SetHyperTextFont(self, font):
Sets the font used to render hypertext items.
:param `font`: a valid `wx.Font` instance.
self._hypertextfont = font
self._dirty = True
def SetHyperTextNewColour(self, colour):
Sets the colour used to render a non-visited hypertext item.
:param `colour`: a valid `wx.Colour` instance.
self._hypertextnewcolour = colour
self._dirty = True
def GetHyperTextNewColour(self):
""" Returns the colour used to render a non-visited hypertext item. """
return self._hypertextnewcolour
def SetHyperTextVisitedColour(self, colour):
Sets the colour used to render a visited hypertext item.
:param `colour`: a valid `wx.Colour` instance.
self._hypertextvisitedcolour = colour
self._dirty = True
def GetHyperTextVisitedColour(self):
""" Returns the colour used to render a visited hypertext item. """
return self._hypertextvisitedcolour
def SetItemVisited(self, item, visited=True):
Sets whether an hypertext item was visited.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `visited`: ``True`` to mark an hypertext item as visited, ``False`` otherwise.
def GetItemVisited(self, item):
Returns whether an hypertext item was visited.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.GetVisited()
def SetHilightFocusColour(self, colour):
Sets the colour used to highlight focused selected items.
:param `colour`: a valid `wx.Colour` instance.
:note: This is applied only if gradient and Windows Vista selection
styles are disabled.
self._hilightBrush = wx.Brush(colour)
def SetHilightNonFocusColour(self, colour):
Sets the colour used to highlight unfocused selected items.
:param `colour`: a valid `wx.Colour` instance.
:note: This is applied only if gradient and Windows Vista selection
styles are disabled.
self._hilightUnfocusedBrush = wx.Brush(colour)
def GetHilightFocusColour(self):
Returns the colour used to highlight focused selected items.
:note: This is used only if gradient and Windows Vista selection
styles are disabled.
return self._hilightBrush.GetColour()
def GetHilightNonFocusColour(self):
Returns the colour used to highlight unfocused selected items.
:note: This is used only if gradient and Windows Vista selection
styles are disabled.
return self._hilightUnfocusedBrush.GetColour()
def SetFirstGradientColour(self, colour=None):
Sets the first gradient colour for gradient-style selections.
:param `colour`: if not ``None``, a valid `wx.Colour` instance. Otherwise,
the colour is taken from the system value ``wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT``.
if colour is None:
colour = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT)
self._firstcolour = colour
if self._usegradients:
def SetSecondGradientColour(self, colour=None):
Sets the second gradient colour for gradient-style selections.
:param `colour`: if not ``None``, a valid `wx.Colour` instance. Otherwise,
the colour generated is a slightly darker version of the L{CustomTreeCtrl}
background colour.
if colour is None:
# No colour given, generate a slightly darker from the
# CustomTreeCtrl background colour
colour = self.GetBackgroundColour()
r, g, b = int(colour.Red()), int(colour.Green()), int(colour.Blue())
colour = ((r >> 1) + 20, (g >> 1) + 20, (b >> 1) + 20)
colour = wx.Colour(colour[0], colour[1], colour[2])
self._secondcolour = colour
if self._usegradients:
def GetFirstGradientColour(self):
""" Returns the first gradient colour for gradient-style selections. """
return self._firstcolour
def GetSecondGradientColour(self):
""" Returns the second gradient colour for gradient-style selections. """
return self._secondcolour
def EnableSelectionGradient(self, enable=True):
Globally enables/disables drawing of gradient selections.
:param `enable`: ``True`` to enable gradient-style selections, ``False``
to disable it.
:note: Calling this method disables any Vista-style selection previously
self._usegradients = enable
self._vistaselection = False
def SetGradientStyle(self, vertical=0):
Sets the gradient style for gradient-style selections.
:param `vertical`: 0 for horizontal gradient-style selections, 1 for vertical
gradient-style selections.
# 0 = Horizontal, 1 = Vertical
self._gradientstyle = vertical
if self._usegradients:
def GetGradientStyle(self):
Returns the gradient style for gradient-style selections.
:returns: 0 for horizontal gradient-style selections, 1 for vertical
gradient-style selections.
return self._gradientstyle
def EnableSelectionVista(self, enable=True):
Globally enables/disables drawing of Windows Vista selections.
:param `enable`: ``True`` to enable Vista-style selections, ``False`` to
disable it.
:note: Calling this method disables any gradient-style selection previously
self._usegradients = False
self._vistaselection = enable
def SetBorderPen(self, pen):
Sets the pen used to draw the selected item border.
:param `pen`: an instance of `wx.Pen`.
:note: The border pen is not used if the Windows Vista selection style is applied.
self._borderPen = pen
def GetBorderPen(self):
Returns the pen used to draw the selected item border.
:note: The border pen is not used if the Windows Vista selection style is applied.
return self._borderPen
def SetConnectionPen(self, pen):
Sets the pen used to draw the connecting lines between items.
:param `pen`: an instance of `wx.Pen`.
self._dottedPen = pen
self._dirty = True
def GetConnectionPen(self):
"""Returns the pen used to draw the connecting lines between items."""
return self._dottedPen
def SetBackgroundImage(self, image):
Sets the L{CustomTreeCtrl} background image.
:param `image`: if not ``None``, an instance of `wx.Bitmap`.
:note: At present, the background image can only be used in "tile" mode.
:todo: Support background images also in stretch and centered modes.
self._backgroundImage = image
def GetBackgroundImage(self):
Returns the L{CustomTreeCtrl} background image (if any).
:note: At present, the background image can only be used in "tile" mode.
:todo: Support background images also in stretch and centered modes.
return self._backgroundImage
def GetItemWindow(self, item):
Returns the window associated to the item (if any).
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.GetWindow()
def SetItemWindow(self, item, wnd):
Sets the window for the given item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `wnd`: if not ``None``, a non-toplevel window to be displayed next to
the item.
if wnd is not None:
self._hasWindows = True
if item not in self._itemWithWindow:
def DeleteItemWindow(self, item):
Deletes the window associated to an item (if any).
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if item.GetWindow() is None:
if item in self._itemWithWindow:
def GetItemWindowEnabled(self, item):
Returns whether the window associated to the item is enabled.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.GetWindowEnabled()
def SetItemWindowEnabled(self, item, enable=True):
Enables/disables the window associated to the item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `enable`: ``True`` to enable the associated window, ``False`` to
disable it.
def GetItemType(self, item):
Returns the item type.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
:see: L{SetItemType} for a description of valid item types.
return item.GetType()
def SetItemType(self, item, ct_type):
Sets the item type.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `ct_type`: May be one of the following integers:
=============== =========================================
`ct_type` Value Description
=============== =========================================
0 A normal item
1 A checkbox-like item
2 A radiobutton-type item
=============== =========================================
:note: Regarding radiobutton-type items (with `ct_type` = 2), the following
approach is used:
- All peer-nodes that are radiobuttons will be mutually exclusive. In other words,
only one of a set of radiobuttons that share a common parent can be checked at
once. If a radiobutton node becomes checked, then all of its peer radiobuttons
must be unchecked.
- If a radiobutton node becomes unchecked, then all of its child nodes will become
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# item status inquiries
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def IsVisible(self, item):
Returns whether the item is visible or not (i.e., its hierarchy is expanded
enough to show the item).
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
# An item is only visible if it's not a descendant of a collapsed item
parent = item.GetParent()
while parent:
if not parent.IsExpanded():
return False
parent = parent.GetParent()
startX, startY = self.GetViewStart()
clientSize = self.GetClientSize()
rect = self.GetBoundingRect(item)
if not rect:
return False
if rect.GetWidth() == 0 or rect.GetHeight() == 0:
return False
if rect.GetBottom() < 0 or rect.GetTop() > clientSize.y:
return False
if rect.GetRight() < 0 or rect.GetLeft() > clientSize.x:
return False
return True
def ItemHasChildren(self, item):
Returns whether the item has children or not.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
# consider that the item does have children if it has the "+" button: it
# might not have them (if it had never been expanded yet) but then it
# could have them as well and it's better to err on this side rather than
# disabling some operations which are restricted to the items with
# children for an item which does have them
return item.HasPlus()
def IsExpanded(self, item):
Returns whether the item is expanded or not.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.IsExpanded()
def IsSelected(self, item):
Returns whether the item is selected or not.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.IsSelected()
def IsBold(self, item):
Returns whether the item font is bold or not.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.IsBold()
def IsItalic(self, item):
Returns whether the item font is italic or not.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.IsItalic()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# navigation
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetItemParent(self, item):
Returns the item parent (can be ``None`` for root items).
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
return item.GetParent()
def GetFirstChild(self, item):
Returns the item's first child and an integer value 'cookie'.
Call L{GetNextChild} for the next child using this very 'cookie' return
value as an input.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
:note: This method returns ``None`` if there are no further children.
cookie = 0
return self.GetNextChild(item, cookie)
def GetNextChild(self, item, cookie):
Returns the item's next child.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `cookie`: a parameter which is opaque for the application but is necessary
for the library to make these functions reentrant (i.e. allow more than one
enumeration on one and the same object simultaneously).
:note: This method returns ``None`` if there are no further children.
children = item.GetChildren()
# it's ok to cast cookie to size_t, we never have indices big enough to
# overflow "void *"
if cookie < len(children):
return children[cookie], cookie+1
# there are no more of them
return None, cookie
def GetLastChild(self, item):
Returns the item last child.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
children = item.GetChildren()
return (len(children) == 0 and [None] or [children[-1]])[0]
def GetNextSibling(self, item):
Returns the next sibling of an item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
:note: This method returns ``None`` if there are no further siblings.
i = item
parent = i.GetParent()
if parent == None:
# root item doesn't have any siblings
return None
siblings = parent.GetChildren()
index = siblings.index(i)
n = index + 1
return (n == len(siblings) and [None] or [siblings[n]])[0]
def GetPrevSibling(self, item):
Returns the previous sibling of an item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
:note: This method returns ``None`` if there are no further siblings.
i = item
parent = i.GetParent()
if parent == None:
# root item doesn't have any siblings
return None
siblings = parent.GetChildren()
index = siblings.index(i)
return (index == 0 and [None] or [siblings[index-1]])[0]
def GetNext(self, item):
Returns the next item. Only for internal use right now.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
i = item
# First see if there are any children.
children = i.GetChildren()
if len(children) > 0:
return children[0]
# Try a sibling of this or ancestor instead
p = item
toFind = None
while p and not toFind:
toFind = self.GetNextSibling(p)
p = self.GetItemParent(p)
return toFind
def GetFirstVisibleItem(self):
""" Returns the first visible item. """
id = self.GetRootItem()
if not id:
return id
while id:
if self.IsVisible(id):
return id
id = self.GetNext(id)
return None
def GetNextVisible(self, item):
Returns the next visible item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
id = item
while id:
id = self.GetNext(id)
if id and self.IsVisible(id):
return id
return None
def GetPrevVisible(self, item):
Returns the previous visible item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
# find a previous sibling or parent which is visible
lastGoodItem = self.GetPrevSibling(item)
if not lastGoodItem or not self.IsVisible(lastGoodItem):
parent = self.GetItemParent(item)
rootHidden = self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT)
rootItem = self.GetRootItem()
while parent and not (rootHidden and parent == rootItem):
if self.IsVisible(parent):
lastGoodItem = parent
parent = self.GetItemParent(parent)
if not lastGoodItem:
return None
# test if found item has visible children, if so and if the found item is not the
# parent of the current item traverse the found item to the last visible child
if not self.HasChildren(lastGoodItem) or not self.IsExpanded(lastGoodItem) or \
(self.GetItemParent(item) == lastGoodItem):
return lastGoodItem
lastChild = self.GetLastChild(lastGoodItem)
while lastChild and self.IsVisible(lastChild):
lastGoodItem = lastChild
lastChild = self.GetLastChild(lastGoodItem)
return lastGoodItem
def ResetTextControl(self):
""" Called by L{TreeTextCtrl} when it marks itself for deletion. """
self._textCtrl = None
def FindItem(self, idParent, prefixOrig):
Finds the first item starting with the given prefix after the given parent.
:param `idParent`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `prefixOrig`: a string containing the item text prefix.
# match is case insensitive as this is more convenient to the user: having
# to press Shift-letter to go to the item starting with a capital letter
# would be too bothersome
prefix = prefixOrig.lower()
# determine the starting point: we shouldn't take the current item (this
# allows to switch between two items starting with the same letter just by
# pressing it) but we shouldn't jump to the next one if the user is
# continuing to type as otherwise he might easily skip the item he wanted
id = idParent
if len(prefix) == 1:
id = self.GetNext(id)
# look for the item starting with the given prefix after it
while id and not self.GetItemText(id).lower().startswith(prefix):
id = self.GetNext(id)
# if we haven't found anything...
if not id:
# ... wrap to the beginning
id = self.GetRootItem()
if self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT):
# can't select virtual root
id = self.GetNext(id)
if idParent == self.GetRootItem():
# no tree item selected and idParent is not reachable
return id
# and try all the items (stop when we get to the one we started from)
while id != idParent and not self.GetItemText(id).lower().startswith(prefix):
id = self.GetNext(id)
return id
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# operations
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def DoInsertItem(self, parentId, previous, text, ct_type=0, wnd=None, image=-1, selImage=-1, data=None):
Actually inserts an item in the tree.
:param `parentId`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem} representing the
item's parent;
:param `previous`: the index at which we should insert the item;
:param `text`: the item text label;
:param `ct_type`: the item type (see L{SetItemType} for a list of valid
item types);
:param `wnd`: if not ``None``, a non-toplevel window to show next to the item;
:param `image`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in unselected state;
:param `selImage`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in selected state; if `image` > -1 and `selImage` is -1, the
same image is used for both selected and unselected items;
:param `data`: associate the given Python object `data` with the item.
if wnd is not None and not self.HasFlag(TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
raise Exception("\nERROR: In Order To Append/Insert Controls You Have To Use The Style TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT")
if text.find("\n") >= 0 and not self.HasFlag(TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
raise Exception("\nERROR: In Order To Append/Insert A MultiLine Text You Have To Use The Style TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT")
if ct_type < 0 or ct_type > 2:
raise Exception("\nERROR: Item Type Should Be 0 (Normal), 1 (CheckBox) or 2 (RadioButton). ")
parent = parentId
if not parent:
# should we give a warning here?
return self.AddRoot(text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
self._dirty = True # do this first so stuff below doesn't cause flicker
item = GenericTreeItem(parent, text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
if wnd is not None:
self._hasWindows = True
parent.Insert(item, previous)
return item
def AddRoot(self, text, ct_type=0, wnd=None, image=-1, selImage=-1, data=None):
Adds a root item to the L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `text`: the item text label;
:param `ct_type`: the item type (see L{SetItemType} for a list of valid
item types);
:param `wnd`: if not ``None``, a non-toplevel window to show next to the item;
:param `image`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in unselected state;
:param `selImage`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in selected state; if `image` > -1 and `selImage` is -1, the
same image is used for both selected and unselected items;
:param `data`: associate the given Python object `data` with the item.
:warning: only one root is allowed to exist in any given instance of L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
if self._anchor:
raise Exception("\nERROR: Tree Can Have Only One Root")
if wnd is not None and not self.HasFlag(TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
raise Exception("\nERROR: In Order To Append/Insert Controls You Have To Use The Style TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT")
if text.find("\n") >= 0 and not self.HasFlag(TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT):
raise Exception("\nERROR: In Order To Append/Insert A MultiLine Text You Have To Use The Style TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT")
if ct_type < 0 or ct_type > 2:
raise Exception("\nERROR: Item Type Should Be 0 (Normal), 1 (CheckBox) or 2 (RadioButton). ")
self._dirty = True # do this first so stuff below doesn't cause flicker
self._anchor = GenericTreeItem(None, text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
if wnd is not None:
self._hasWindows = True
if self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT):
# if root is hidden, make sure we can navigate
# into children
if not self.HasFlag(TR_MULTIPLE):
self._current = self._key_current = self._anchor
return self._anchor
def PrependItem(self, parent, text, ct_type=0, wnd=None, image=-1, selImage=-1, data=None):
Prepends an item as a first child of parent.
:param `parent`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem} representing the
item's parent;
:param `text`: the item text label;
:param `ct_type`: the item type (see L{SetItemType} for a list of valid
item types);
:param `wnd`: if not ``None``, a non-toplevel window to show next to the item;
:param `image`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in unselected state;
:param `selImage`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in selected state; if `image` > -1 and `selImage` is -1, the
same image is used for both selected and unselected items;
:param `data`: associate the given Python object `data` with the item.
return self.DoInsertItem(parent, 0, text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
def InsertItemByItem(self, parentId, idPrevious, text, ct_type=0, wnd=None, image=-1, selImage=-1, data=None):
Inserts an item after the given previous.
:param `parentId`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem} representing the
item's parent;
:param `idPrevious`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem} representing the
previous item;
:param `text`: the item text label;
:param `ct_type`: the item type (see L{SetItemType} for a list of valid
item types);
:param `wnd`: if not ``None``, a non-toplevel window to show next to the item;
:param `image`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in unselected state;
:param `selImage`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in selected state; if `image` > -1 and `selImage` is -1, the
same image is used for both selected and unselected items;
:param `data`: associate the given Python object `data` with the item.
parent = parentId
if not parent:
# should we give a warning here?
return self.AddRoot(text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
index = -1
if idPrevious:
index = parent.GetChildren().index(idPrevious)
raise Exception("ERROR: Previous Item In CustomTreeCtrl.InsertItem() Is Not A Sibling")
return self.DoInsertItem(parentId, index+1, text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
def InsertItemByIndex(self, parentId, before, text, ct_type=0, wnd=None, image=-1, selImage=-1, data=None):
Inserts an item after the given previous.
:param `parentId`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem} representing the
item's parent;
:param `before`: the index at which we should insert the new item;
:param `text`: the item text label;
:param `ct_type`: the item type (see L{SetItemType} for a list of valid
item types);
:param `wnd`: if not ``None``, a non-toplevel window to show next to the item;
:param `image`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in unselected state;
:param `selImage`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in selected state; if `image` > -1 and `selImage` is -1, the
same image is used for both selected and unselected items;
:param `data`: associate the given Python object `data` with the item.
parent = parentId
if not parent:
# should we give a warning here?
return self.AddRoot(text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
return self.DoInsertItem(parentId, before, text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
def InsertItem(self, parentId, input, text, ct_type=0, wnd=None, image=-1, selImage=-1, data=None):
Inserts an item after the given previous.
:see: L{InsertItemByIndex} and L{InsertItemByItem} for an explanation of
the input parameters.
if type(input) == type(1):
return self.InsertItemByIndex(parentId, input, text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
return self.InsertItemByItem(parentId, input, text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
def AppendItem(self, parentId, text, ct_type=0, wnd=None, image=-1, selImage=-1, data=None):
Appends an item as a last child of its parent.
:param `parentId`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem} representing the
item's parent;
:param `text`: the item text label;
:param `ct_type`: the item type (see L{SetItemType} for a list of valid
item types);
:param `wnd`: if not ``None``, a non-toplevel window to show next to the item;
:param `image`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in unselected state;
:param `selImage`: an index within the normal image list specifying the image to
use for the item in selected state; if `image` > -1 and `selImage` is -1, the
same image is used for both selected and unselected items;
:param `data`: associate the given Python object `data` with the item.
parent = parentId
if not parent:
# should we give a warning here?
return self.AddRoot(text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
return self.DoInsertItem(parent, len(parent.GetChildren()), text, ct_type, wnd, image, selImage, data)
def SendDeleteEvent(self, item):
Actually sends the ``EVT_TREE_DELETE_ITEM`` event.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
event = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_DELETE_ITEM, self.GetId())
event._item = item
def IsDescendantOf(self, parent, item):
Checks if the given item is under another one in the tree hierarchy.
:param `parent`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}, representing the possible
parent of `item`;
:param `item`: another instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
while item:
if item == parent:
# item is a descendant of parent
return True
item = item.GetParent()
return False
# Don't leave edit or selection on a child which is about to disappear
def ChildrenClosing(self, item):
We are about to destroy the item children.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if self._textCtrl != None and item != self._textCtrl.item() and self.IsDescendantOf(item, self._textCtrl.item()):
if item != self._key_current and self.IsDescendantOf(item, self._key_current):
self._key_current = None
if self.IsDescendantOf(item, self._select_me):
self._select_me = item
if item != self._current and self.IsDescendantOf(item, self._current):
self._current = None
self._select_me = item
def DeleteChildren(self, item):
Delete all the item's children.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
self._dirty = True # do this first so stuff below doesn't cause flicker
def Delete(self, item):
Deletes an item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
self._dirty = True # do this first so stuff below doesn't cause flicker
if self._textCtrl != None and self.IsDescendantOf(item, self._textCtrl.item()):
# can't delete the item being edited, cancel editing it first
parent = item.GetParent()
# don't keep stale pointers around!
if self.IsDescendantOf(item, self._key_current):
# Don't silently change the selection:
# do it properly in idle time, so event
# handlers get called.
# self._key_current = parent
self._key_current = None
# self._select_me records whether we need to select
# a different item, in idle time.
if self._select_me and self.IsDescendantOf(item, self._select_me):
self._select_me = parent
if self.IsDescendantOf(item, self._current):
# Don't silently change the selection:
# do it properly in idle time, so event
# handlers get called.
# self._current = parent
self._current = None
self._select_me = parent
# remove the item from the tree
if parent:
parent.GetChildren().remove(item) # remove by value
else: # deleting the root
# nothing will be left in the tree
self._anchor = None
# and delete all of its children and the item itself now
if item == self._select_me:
self._select_me = None
# Remove the item with window
if item in self._itemWithWindow:
wnd = item.GetWindow()
item._wnd = None
del item
def DeleteAllItems(self):
""" Deletes all items in the L{CustomTreeCtrl}. """
if self._anchor:
def Expand(self, item):
Expands an item, sending a ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING`` and
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT) and item == self.GetRootItem():
raise Exception("\nERROR: Can't Expand An Hidden Root. ")
if not item.HasPlus():
if item.IsExpanded():
if self._sendEvent:
event = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING, self.GetId())
event._item = item
if self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event) and not event.IsAllowed():
# cancelled by program
if not self._sendEvent:
# We are in ExpandAll/ExpandAllChildren
if self._hasWindows:
# We hide the associated window here, we may show it after
def ExpandAllChildren(self, item):
Expands all the items children of the input item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
:note: This method suppresses the ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING`` and
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED`` events because expanding many items int the
control would be too slow then.
self._sendEvent = False
if not self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT) or item != self.GetRootItem():
if not self.IsExpanded(item):
self._sendEvent = True
child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(item)
while child:
child, cookie = self.GetNextChild(item, cookie)
self._sendEvent = True
def ExpandAll(self):
Expands all L{CustomTreeCtrl} items.
:note: This method suppresses the ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING`` and
``EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED`` events because expanding many items int the
control would be too slow then.
if self._anchor:
self._sendEvent = True
self._dirty = True
def Collapse(self, item):
Collapse an item, sending a ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING`` and
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT) and item == self.GetRootItem():
raise Exception("\nERROR: Can't Collapse An Hidden Root. ")
if not item.IsExpanded():
event = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING, self.GetId())
event._item = item
if self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event) and not event.IsAllowed():
# cancelled by program
if self._hasWindows:
def CollapseAndReset(self, item):
Collapse the given item and deletes its children.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
def Toggle(self, item):
Toggles the item state (collapsed/expanded).
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if item.IsExpanded():
def HideWindows(self):
""" Hides the windows associated to the items. Used internally. """
for child in self._itemWithWindow:
if not self.IsVisible(child):
wnd = child.GetWindow()
if wnd:
def Unselect(self):
""" Unselects the current selection. """
if self._current:
self._current = None
self._select_me = None
def UnselectAllChildren(self, item):
Unselects all the children of the given item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if item.IsSelected():
if item.HasChildren():
for child in item.GetChildren():
def SelectAllChildren(self, item):
Selects all the children of the given item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if not self.HasFlag(TR_MULTIPLE) and not self.HasFlag(TR_EXTENDED):
raise Exception("SelectAllChildren can be used only with multiple selection enabled.")
if not item.IsSelected():
if item.HasChildren():
for child in item.GetChildren():
def UnselectAll(self):
""" Unselect all the items. """
rootItem = self.GetRootItem()
# the tree might not have the root item at all
if rootItem:
def SelectAll(self):
""" Selects all the item in the tree. """
if not self.HasFlag(TR_MULTIPLE) and not self.HasFlag(TR_EXTENDED):
raise Exception("SelectAll can be used only with multiple selection enabled.")
rootItem = self.GetRootItem()
# the tree might not have the root item at all
if rootItem:
# Recursive function !
# To stop we must have crt_item<last_item
# Algorithm :
# Tag all next children, when no more children,
# Move to parent (not to tag)
# Keep going... if we found last_item, we stop.
def TagNextChildren(self, crt_item, last_item, select):
""" Used internally. """
parent = crt_item.GetParent()
if parent == None: # This is root item
return self.TagAllChildrenUntilLast(crt_item, last_item, select)
children = parent.GetChildren()
index = children.index(crt_item)
count = len(children)
for n in xrange(index+1, count):
if self.TagAllChildrenUntilLast(children[n], last_item, select):
return True
return self.TagNextChildren(parent, last_item, select)
def TagAllChildrenUntilLast(self, crt_item, last_item, select):
""" Used internally. """
if crt_item == last_item:
return True
if crt_item.HasChildren():
for child in crt_item.GetChildren():
if self.TagAllChildrenUntilLast(child, last_item, select):
return True
return False
def SelectItemRange(self, item1, item2):
Selects all the items between `item1` and `item2`.
:param `item1`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}, representing the first
item in the range to select;
:param `item2`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}, representing the last
item in the range to select.
self._select_me = None
# item2 is not necessary after item1
# choice first' and 'last' between item1 and item2
first = (item1.GetY() < item2.GetY() and [item1] or [item2])[0]
last = (item1.GetY() < item2.GetY() and [item2] or [item1])[0]
select = self._current.IsSelected()
if self.TagAllChildrenUntilLast(first, last, select):
self.TagNextChildren(first, last, select)
def DoSelectItem(self, item, unselect_others=True, extended_select=False):
Actually selects/unselects an item, sending ``EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGING`` and
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `unselect_others`: if ``True``, all the other selected items are
:param `extended_select`: ``True`` if the L{CustomTreeCtrl} is using the
``TR_EXTENDED`` style.
self._select_me = None
is_single = not (self.GetTreeStyle() & TR_MULTIPLE)
# to keep going anyhow !!!
if is_single:
if item.IsSelected():
# Handles hypertext items
return # nothing else to do
unselect_others = True
extended_select = False
elif unselect_others and item.IsSelected():
# selection change if there is more than one item currently selected
if len(self.GetSelections()) == 1:
# Handles hypertext items
event = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGING, self.GetId())
event._item = item
event._itemOld = self._current
# TODO : Here we don't send any selection mode yet !
if self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event) and not event.IsAllowed():
parent = self.GetItemParent(item)
while parent:
if not self.IsExpanded(parent):
parent = self.GetItemParent(parent)
# ctrl press
if unselect_others:
if is_single:
self.Unselect() # to speed up thing
# shift press
if extended_select:
if not self._current:
self._current = self._key_current = self.GetRootItem()
# don't change the mark (self._current)
self.SelectItemRange(self._current, item)
select = True # the default
# Check if we need to toggle hilight (ctrl mode)
if not unselect_others:
select = not item.IsSelected()
self._current = self._key_current = item
# This can cause idle processing to select the root
# if no item is selected, so it must be after the
# selection is set
# Handles hypertext items
def SelectItem(self, item, select=True):
Selects/deselects an item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `select`: ``True`` to select an item, ``False`` to deselect it.
if select:
self.DoSelectItem(item, not self.HasFlag(TR_MULTIPLE))
else: # deselect
def FillArray(self, item, array=[]):
Internal function. Used to populate an array of selected items when
the style ``TR_MULTIPLE`` is used.
if not array:
array = []
if item.IsSelected():
if item.HasChildren() and item.IsExpanded():
for child in item.GetChildren():
array = self.FillArray(child, array)
return array
def GetSelections(self):
Returns a list of selected items.
:note: This method can be used only if L{CustomTreeCtrl} has the ``TR_MULTIPLE``
style set.
array = []
idRoot = self.GetRootItem()
if idRoot:
array = self.FillArray(idRoot, array)
#else: the tree is empty, so no selections
return array
def HandleHyperLink(self, item):
Handles the hyperlink items, sending the ``EVT_TREE_ITEM_HYPERLINK`` event.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if self.IsItemHyperText(item):
event = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_HYPERLINK, self.GetId())
event._item = item
def EnsureVisible(self, item):
Scrolls and/or expands items to ensure that the given item is visible.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
# first expand all parent branches
parent = item.GetParent()
if self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT):
while parent and parent != self._anchor:
parent = parent.GetParent()
while parent:
parent = parent.GetParent()
def ScrollTo(self, item):
Scrolls the specified item into view.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if not item:
# We have to call this here because the label in
# question might just have been added and no screen
# update taken place.
if self._dirty:
if wx.Platform in ["__WXMSW__", "__WXMAC__"]:
# now scroll to the item
item_y = item.GetY()
start_x, start_y = self.GetViewStart()
start_y *= _PIXELS_PER_UNIT
client_w, client_h = self.GetClientSize()
x, y = 0, 0
if item_y < start_y+3:
# going down
x, y = self._anchor.GetSize(x, y, self)
y += _PIXELS_PER_UNIT + 2 # one more scrollbar unit + 2 pixels
x += _PIXELS_PER_UNIT + 2 # one more scrollbar unit + 2 pixels
x_pos = self.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)
# Item should appear at top
elif item_y+self.GetLineHeight(item) > start_y+client_h:
# going up
x, y = self._anchor.GetSize(x, y, self)
y += _PIXELS_PER_UNIT + 2 # one more scrollbar unit + 2 pixels
x += _PIXELS_PER_UNIT + 2 # one more scrollbar unit + 2 pixels
item_y += _PIXELS_PER_UNIT+2
x_pos = self.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)
# Item should appear at bottom
self.SetScrollbars(_PIXELS_PER_UNIT, _PIXELS_PER_UNIT, x/_PIXELS_PER_UNIT, y/_PIXELS_PER_UNIT, x_pos, (item_y+self.GetLineHeight(item)-client_h)/_PIXELS_PER_UNIT )
def OnCompareItems(self, item1, item2):
Returns whether 2 items have the same text.
Override this function in the derived class to change the sort order of the items
in the L{CustomTreeCtrl}. The function should return a negative, zero or positive
value if the first item is less than, equal to or greater than the second one.
:param `item1`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `item2`: another instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
:note: The base class version compares items alphabetically.
return cmp(self.GetItemText(item1), self.GetItemText(item2))
def SortChildren(self, item):
Sorts the children of the given item using the L{OnCompareItems} method of
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
:note: You should override the L{OnCompareItems} method in your derived class to change
the sort order (the default is ascending case-sensitive alphabetical order).
children = item.GetChildren()
if len(children) > 1:
self._dirty = True
def GetImageList(self):
""" Returns the normal image list associated with L{CustomTreeCtrl}. """
return self._imageListNormal
def GetButtonsImageList(self):
Returns the buttons image list associated with L{CustomTreeCtrl} (from
which application-defined button images are taken).
return self._imageListButtons
def GetStateImageList(self):
Returns the state image list associated with L{CustomTreeCtrl} (from which
application-defined state images are taken).
return self._imageListState
def GetImageListCheck(self):
""" Returns the image list used to build the check/radio buttons in L{CustomTreeCtrl}. """
return self._imageListCheck
def CalculateLineHeight(self):
""" Calculates the height of a line. """
dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
self._lineHeight = dc.GetCharHeight()
if self._imageListNormal:
# Calculate a self._lineHeight value from the normal Image sizes.
# May be toggle off. Then CustomTreeCtrl will spread when
# necessary (which might look ugly).
n = self._imageListNormal.GetImageCount()
for i in xrange(n):
width, height = self._imageListNormal.GetSize(i)
if height > self._lineHeight:
self._lineHeight = height
if self._imageListButtons:
# Calculate a self._lineHeight value from the Button image sizes.
# May be toggle off. Then CustomTreeCtrl will spread when
# necessary (which might look ugly).
n = self._imageListButtons.GetImageCount()
for i in xrange(n):
width, height = self._imageListButtons.GetSize(i)
if height > self._lineHeight:
self._lineHeight = height
if self._imageListCheck:
# Calculate a self._lineHeight value from the check/radio image sizes.
# May be toggle off. Then CustomTreeCtrl will spread when
# necessary (which might look ugly).
n = self._imageListCheck.GetImageCount()
for i in xrange(n):
width, height = self._imageListCheck.GetSize(i)
if height > self._lineHeight:
self._lineHeight = height
if self._lineHeight < 30:
self._lineHeight += 2 # at least 2 pixels
self._lineHeight += self._lineHeight/10 # otherwise 10% extra spacing
def SetImageList(self, imageList):
Sets the normal image list for L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `imageList`: an instance of `wx.ImageList`.
if self._ownsImageListNormal:
del self._imageListNormal
self._imageListNormal = imageList
self._ownsImageListNormal = False
self._dirty = True
# Don't do any drawing if we're setting the list to NULL,
# since we may be in the process of deleting the tree control.
if imageList:
# We gray out the image list to use the grayed icons with disabled items
sz = imageList.GetSize(0)
self._grayedImageList = wx.ImageList(sz[0], sz[1], True, 0)
for ii in xrange(imageList.GetImageCount()):
bmp = imageList.GetBitmap(ii)
newbmp = MakeDisabledBitmap(bmp)
def SetStateImageList(self, imageList):
Sets the state image list for L{CustomTreeCtrl} (from which application-defined
state images are taken).
:param `imageList`: an instance of `wx.ImageList`.
if self._ownsImageListState:
del self._imageListState
self._imageListState = imageList
self._ownsImageListState = False
def SetButtonsImageList(self, imageList):
Sets the buttons image list for L{CustomTreeCtrl} (from which application-defined
button images are taken).
:param `imageList`: an instance of `wx.ImageList`.
if self._ownsImageListButtons:
del self._imageListButtons
self._imageListButtons = imageList
self._ownsImageListButtons = False
self._dirty = True
def SetImageListCheck(self, sizex, sizey, imglist=None):
Sets the checkbox/radiobutton image list.
:param `sizex`: the width of the bitmaps in the `imglist`;
:param `sizey`: the height of the bitmaps in the `imglist`;
:param `imglist`: an instance of `wx.ImageList`.
# Image list to hold disabled versions of each control
self._grayedCheckList = wx.ImageList(sizex, sizey, True, 0)
if imglist is None:
self._imageListCheck = wx.ImageList(sizex, sizey)
# Get the Checkboxes
x=sizex, y=sizey))
x=sizex, y=sizey))
x=sizex, y=sizey))
x=sizex, y=sizey))
# Get the Radio Buttons
x=sizex, y=sizey))
x=sizex, y=sizey))
x=sizex, y=sizey))
x=sizex, y=sizey))
sizex, sizey = imglist.GetSize(0)
self._imageListCheck = imglist
for ii in xrange(self._imageListCheck.GetImageCount()):
bmp = self._imageListCheck.GetBitmap(ii)
newbmp = MakeDisabledBitmap(bmp)
self._dirty = True
if imglist:
def AssignImageList(self, imageList):
Assigns the normal image list.
:param `imageList`: an instance of `wx.ImageList`.
self._ownsImageListNormal = True
def AssignStateImageList(self, imageList):
Assigns the state image list.
:param `imageList`: an instance of `wx.ImageList`.
self._ownsImageListState = True
def AssignButtonsImageList(self, imageList):
Assigns the button image list.
:param `imageList`: an instance of `wx.ImageList`.
self._ownsImageListButtons = True
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# helpers
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def AdjustMyScrollbars(self):
""" Internal method used to adjust the `wx.PyScrolledWindow` scrollbars. """
if self._anchor:
x, y = self._anchor.GetSize(0, 0, self)
y += _PIXELS_PER_UNIT + 2 # one more scrollbar unit + 2 pixels
x += _PIXELS_PER_UNIT + 2 # one more scrollbar unit + 2 pixels
x_pos = self.GetScrollPos(wx.HORIZONTAL)
y_pos = self.GetScrollPos(wx.VERTICAL)
self.SetScrollbars(_PIXELS_PER_UNIT, _PIXELS_PER_UNIT, x/_PIXELS_PER_UNIT, y/_PIXELS_PER_UNIT, x_pos, y_pos)
self.SetScrollbars(0, 0, 0, 0)
def GetLineHeight(self, item):
Returns the line height for the given item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if self.GetTreeStyle() & TR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT:
return item.GetHeight()
return self._lineHeight
def DrawVerticalGradient(self, dc, rect, hasfocus):
Gradient fill from colour 1 to colour 2 from top to bottom.
:param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
:param `rect`: the rectangle to be filled with the gradient shading;
:param `hasfocus`: ``True`` if the main L{CustomTreeCtrl} has focus, ``False``
oldpen = dc.GetPen()
oldbrush = dc.GetBrush()
# calculate gradient coefficients
if hasfocus:
col2 = self._secondcolour
col1 = self._firstcolour
col2 = self._hilightUnfocusedBrush.GetColour()
col1 = self._hilightUnfocusedBrush2.GetColour()
r1, g1, b1 = int(col1.Red()), int(col1.Green()), int(col1.Blue())
r2, g2, b2 = int(col2.Red()), int(col2.Green()), int(col2.Blue())
flrect = float(rect.height)
rstep = float((r2 - r1)) / flrect
gstep = float((g2 - g1)) / flrect
bstep = float((b2 - b1)) / flrect
rf, gf, bf = 0, 0, 0
for y in xrange(rect.y, rect.y + rect.height):
currCol = (r1 + rf, g1 + gf, b1 + bf)
dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(currCol, wx.SOLID))
dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, y, rect.width, 1)
rf = rf + rstep
gf = gf + gstep
bf = bf + bstep
def DrawHorizontalGradient(self, dc, rect, hasfocus):
Gradient fill from colour 1 to colour 2 from left to right.
:param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
:param `rect`: the rectangle to be filled with the gradient shading;
:param `hasfocus`: ``True`` if the main L{CustomTreeCtrl} has focus, ``False``
oldpen = dc.GetPen()
oldbrush = dc.GetBrush()
# calculate gradient coefficients
if hasfocus:
col2 = self._secondcolour
col1 = self._firstcolour
col2 = self._hilightUnfocusedBrush.GetColour()
col1 = self._hilightUnfocusedBrush2.GetColour()
r1, g1, b1 = int(col1.Red()), int(col1.Green()), int(col1.Blue())
r2, g2, b2 = int(col2.Red()), int(col2.Green()), int(col2.Blue())
flrect = float(rect.width)
rstep = float((r2 - r1)) / flrect
gstep = float((g2 - g1)) / flrect
bstep = float((b2 - b1)) / flrect
rf, gf, bf = 0, 0, 0
for x in xrange(rect.x, rect.x + rect.width):
currCol = (int(r1 + rf), int(g1 + gf), int(b1 + bf))
dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(currCol, wx.SOLID))
dc.DrawRectangle(x, rect.y, 1, rect.height)
rf = rf + rstep
gf = gf + gstep
bf = bf + bstep
def DrawVistaRectangle(self, dc, rect, hasfocus):
Draws the selected item(s) with the Windows Vista style.
:param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
:param `rect`: the rectangle to be filled with the gradient shading;
:param `hasfocus`: ``True`` if the main L{CustomTreeCtrl} has focus, ``False``
if hasfocus:
outer = _rgbSelectOuter
inner = _rgbSelectInner
top = _rgbSelectTop
bottom = _rgbSelectBottom
outer = _rgbNoFocusOuter
inner = _rgbNoFocusInner
top = _rgbNoFocusTop
bottom = _rgbNoFocusBottom
oldpen = dc.GetPen()
oldbrush = dc.GetBrush()
bdrRect = wx.Rect(*rect.Get())
filRect = wx.Rect(*rect.Get())
r1, g1, b1 = int(top.Red()), int(top.Green()), int(top.Blue())
r2, g2, b2 = int(bottom.Red()), int(bottom.Green()), int(bottom.Blue())
flrect = float(filRect.height)
if flrect < 1:
flrect = self._lineHeight
rstep = float((r2 - r1)) / flrect
gstep = float((g2 - g1)) / flrect
bstep = float((b2 - b1)) / flrect
rf, gf, bf = 0, 0, 0
for y in xrange(filRect.y, filRect.y + filRect.height):
currCol = (r1 + rf, g1 + gf, b1 + bf)
dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(currCol, wx.SOLID))
dc.DrawRectangle(filRect.x, y, filRect.width, 1)
rf = rf + rstep
gf = gf + gstep
bf = bf + bstep
dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(bdrRect, 3)
bdrRect.Deflate(1, 1)
dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(bdrRect, 2)
def PaintItem(self, item, dc, level, align):
Actually draws an item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
:param `level`: the item level in the tree hierarchy;
:param `align`: ``True`` if we want to align windows (in items with windows)
at the same horizontal position.
attr = item.GetAttributes()
if attr and attr.HasFont():
if item.IsBold():
elif item.IsItalic():
if item.IsHyperText():
if item.GetVisited():
text_w, text_h, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(item.GetText())
image = item.GetCurrentImage()
checkimage = item.GetCurrentCheckedImage()
image_w, image_h = 0, 0
if image != _NO_IMAGE:
if self._imageListNormal:
image_w, image_h = self._imageListNormal.GetSize(image)
image_w += 4
image = _NO_IMAGE
if item.GetType() != 0:
wcheck, hcheck = self._imageListCheck.GetSize(item.GetType())
wcheck += 4
wcheck, hcheck = 0, 0
total_h = self.GetLineHeight(item)
drawItemBackground = False
if item.IsSelected():
# under mac selections are only a rectangle in case they don't have the focus
if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
if not self._hasFocus:
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT), 1, wx.SOLID))
dc.SetBrush((self._hasFocus and [self._hilightBrush] or [self._hilightUnfocusedBrush])[0])
drawItemBackground = True
if attr and attr.HasBackgroundColour():
drawItemBackground = True
colBg = attr.GetBackgroundColour()
colBg = self._backgroundColour
dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(colBg, wx.SOLID))
offset = (self.HasFlag(TR_ROW_LINES) and [1] or [0])[0]
x = 0
w, h = self.GetClientSize()
itemrect = wx.Rect(x, item.GetY()+offset, w, total_h-offset)
if item.IsSelected():
if self._usegradients:
if self._gradientstyle == 0: # Horizontal
self.DrawHorizontalGradient(dc, itemrect, self._hasFocus)
else: # Vertical
self.DrawVerticalGradient(dc, itemrect, self._hasFocus)
elif self._vistaselection:
self.DrawVistaRectangle(dc, itemrect, self._hasFocus)
if wx.Platform in ["__WXGTK2__", "__WXMAC__"]:
if self._hasFocus: flags = flags | wx.CONTROL_FOCUSED
wx.RendererNative.Get().DrawItemSelectionRect(self, dc, itemrect, flags)
if drawItemBackground:
minusicon = wcheck + image_w - 2
itemrect = wx.Rect(item.GetX()+minusicon,
if item.IsSelected():
# If it's selected, and there's an image, then we should
# take care to leave the area under the image painted in the
# background colour.
wnd = item.GetWindow()
wndx = 0
if wnd:
wndx, wndy = item.GetWindowSize()
itemrect = wx.Rect(item.GetX() + wcheck + image_w - 2,
item.GetWidth() - image_w - wcheck + 2 - wndx,
if self._usegradients:
if self._gradientstyle == 0: # Horizontal
self.DrawHorizontalGradient(dc, itemrect, self._hasFocus)
else: # Vertical
self.DrawVerticalGradient(dc, itemrect, self._hasFocus)
elif self._vistaselection:
self.DrawVistaRectangle(dc, itemrect, self._hasFocus)
if wx.Platform in ["__WXGTK2__", "__WXMAC__"]:
if self._hasFocus: flags = flags | wx.CONTROL_FOCUSED
wx.RendererNative.Get().DrawItemSelectionRect(self, dc, itemrect, flags)
# On GTK+ 2, drawing a 'normal' background is wrong for themes that
# don't allow backgrounds to be customized. Not drawing the background,
# except for custom item backgrounds, works for both kinds of theme.
elif drawItemBackground:
minusicon = wcheck + image_w - 2
itemrect = wx.Rect(item.GetX()+minusicon,
if self._usegradients and self._hasFocus:
if self._gradientstyle == 0: # Horizontal
self.DrawHorizontalGradient(dc, itemrect, self._hasFocus)
else: # Vertical
self.DrawVerticalGradient(dc, itemrect, self._hasFocus)
if image != _NO_IMAGE:
dc.SetClippingRegion(item.GetX(), item.GetY(), wcheck+image_w-2, total_h)
if item.IsEnabled():
imglist = self._imageListNormal
imglist = self._grayedImageList
imglist.Draw(image, dc,
item.GetX() + wcheck,
item.GetY() + ((total_h > image_h) and [(total_h-image_h)/2] or [0])[0],
if wcheck:
if item.IsEnabled():
imglist = self._imageListCheck
imglist = self._grayedCheckList
imglist.Draw(checkimage, dc,
item.GetY() + ((total_h > hcheck) and [(total_h-hcheck)/2] or [0])[0],
extraH = ((total_h > text_h) and [(total_h - text_h)/2] or [0])[0]
textrect = wx.Rect(wcheck + image_w + item.GetX(), item.GetY() + extraH, text_w, text_h)
if not item.IsEnabled():
foreground = dc.GetTextForeground()
dc.DrawLabel(item.GetText(), textrect)
if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__" and item.IsSelected() and self._hasFocus:
dc.DrawLabel(item.GetText(), textrect)
wnd = item.GetWindow()
if wnd:
wndx = wcheck + image_w + item.GetX() + text_w + 4
xa, ya = self.CalcScrolledPosition((0, item.GetY()))
wndx += xa
if item.GetHeight() > item.GetWindowSize()[1]:
ya += (item.GetHeight() - item.GetWindowSize()[1])/2
if align and level in self.absoluteWindows:
wndx = self.absoluteWindows[level] + item.GetX() + 2
if not wnd.IsShown():
if wnd.GetPosition() != (wndx, ya):
wnd.SetPosition((wndx, ya))
# restore normal font
# Now y stands for the top of the item, whereas it used to stand for middle !
def PaintLevel(self, item, dc, level, y, align):
Paint a level in the hierarchy of L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
:param `level`: the item level in the tree hierarchy;
:param `y`: the current vertical position in the `wx.PyScrolledWindow`;
:param `align`: ``True`` if we want to align windows (in items with windows)
at the same horizontal position.
x = level*self._indent
if not self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT):
x += self._indent
elif level == 0:
# always expand hidden root
origY = y
children = item.GetChildren()
count = len(children)
if count > 0:
n = 0
while n < count:
oldY = y
y = self.PaintLevel(children[n], dc, 1, y, align)
n = n + 1
if not self.HasFlag(TR_NO_LINES) and self.HasFlag(TR_LINES_AT_ROOT) and count > 0:
# draw line down to last child
origY += self.GetLineHeight(children[0])>>1
oldY += self.GetLineHeight(children[n-1])>>1
oldPen = dc.GetPen()
dc.DrawLine(3, origY, 3, oldY)
return y
h = self.GetLineHeight(item)
y_top = y
y_mid = y_top + (h>>1)
y += h
exposed_x = dc.LogicalToDeviceX(0)
exposed_y = dc.LogicalToDeviceY(y_top)
if self.IsExposed(exposed_x, exposed_y, 10000, h): # 10000 = very much
if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
# don't draw rect outline if we already have the
# background colour under Mac
pen = ((item.IsSelected() and self._hasFocus) and [self._borderPen] or [wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN])[0]
pen = self._borderPen
if item.IsSelected():
if (wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__" and self._hasFocus):
colText = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
colText = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
attr = item.GetAttributes()
if attr and attr.HasTextColour():
colText = attr.GetTextColour()
colText = self.GetForegroundColour()
if self._vistaselection:
colText = wx.BLACK
# prepare to draw
oldpen = pen
# draw
self.PaintItem(item, dc, level, align)
if self.HasFlag(TR_ROW_LINES):
# if the background colour is white, choose a
# contrasting colour for the lines
medium_grey = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(200, 200, 200))
dc.SetPen(((self.GetBackgroundColour() == wx.WHITE) and [medium_grey] or [wx.WHITE_PEN])[0])
dc.DrawLine(0, y_top, 10000, y_top)
dc.DrawLine(0, y, 10000, y)
# restore DC objects
if not self.HasFlag(TR_NO_LINES):
# draw the horizontal line here
x_start = x
if x > self._indent:
x_start -= self._indent
elif self.HasFlag(TR_LINES_AT_ROOT):
x_start = 3
dc.DrawLine(x_start, y_mid, x + self._spacing, y_mid)
# should the item show a button?
if item.HasPlus() and self.HasButtons():
if self._imageListButtons:
# draw the image button here
image_h = 0
image_w = 0
image = (item.IsExpanded() and [TreeItemIcon_Expanded] or [TreeItemIcon_Normal])[0]
if item.IsSelected():
image += TreeItemIcon_Selected - TreeItemIcon_Normal
image_w, image_h = self._imageListButtons.GetSize(image)
xx = x - image_w/2
yy = y_mid - image_h/2
dc.SetClippingRegion(xx, yy, image_w, image_h)
self._imageListButtons.Draw(image, dc, xx, yy,
else: # no custom buttons
if self.HasFlag(TR_TWIST_BUTTONS):
# We draw something like the Mac twist buttons
button = [wx.Point(), wx.Point(), wx.Point()]
if item.IsExpanded():
button[0].x = x - 5
button[0].y = y_mid - 3
button[1].x = x + 5
button[1].y = button[0].y
button[2].x = x
button[2].y = button[0].y + 6
button[0].x = x - 3
button[0].y = y_mid - 5
button[1].x = button[0].x
button[1].y = y_mid + 5
button[2].x = button[0].x + 5
button[2].y = y_mid
# These are the standard wx.TreeCtrl buttons as wx.RendererNative knows
wImage = 9
hImage = 9
flag = 0
if item.IsExpanded():
if item == self._underMouse:
self._drawingfunction(self, dc, wx.Rect(x - wImage/2, y_mid - hImage/2,wImage, hImage), flag)
if item.IsExpanded():
children = item.GetChildren()
count = len(children)
if count > 0:
n = 0
level = level + 1
while n < count:
oldY = y
y = self.PaintLevel(children[n], dc, level, y, align)
n = n + 1
if not self.HasFlag(TR_NO_LINES) and count > 0:
# draw line down to last child
oldY += self.GetLineHeight(children[n-1])>>1
if self.HasButtons():
y_mid += 5
# Only draw the portion of the line that is visible, in case it is huge
xOrigin, yOrigin = dc.GetDeviceOrigin()
yOrigin = abs(yOrigin)
width, height = self.GetClientSize()
# Move end points to the begining/end of the view?
if y_mid < yOrigin:
y_mid = yOrigin
if oldY > yOrigin + height:
oldY = yOrigin + height
# after the adjustments if y_mid is larger than oldY then the line
# isn't visible at all so don't draw anything
if y_mid < oldY:
dc.DrawLine(x, y_mid, x, oldY)
return y
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# wxWidgets callbacks
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def OnPaint(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_PAINT`` event for L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `event`: a `wx.PaintEvent` event to be processed.
dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
if not self._anchor:
align = self.HasFlag(TR_ALIGN_WINDOWS)
y = 2
self.PaintLevel(self._anchor, dc, 0, y, align)
def OnSize(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_SIZE`` event for L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `event`: a `wx.SizeEvent` event to be processed.
def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND`` event for L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `event`: a `wx.EraseEvent` event to be processed.
# Can we actually do something here (or in OnPaint()) To Handle
# background images that are stretchable or always centered?
# I tried but I get enormous flickering...
if not self._backgroundImage:
if self._imageStretchStyle == _StyleTile:
dc = event.GetDC()
if not dc:
dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
rect = self.GetUpdateRegion().GetBox()
def TileBackground(self, dc):
Tiles the background image to fill all the available area.
:param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`.
:todo: Support background images also in stretch and centered modes.
sz = self.GetClientSize()
w = self._backgroundImage.GetWidth()
h = self._backgroundImage.GetHeight()
x = 0
while x < sz.width:
y = 0
while y < sz.height:
dc.DrawBitmap(self._backgroundImage, x, y, True)
y = y + h
x = x + w
def OnSetFocus(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS`` event for L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.
self._hasFocus = True
def OnKillFocus(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS`` event for L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `event`: a `wx.FocusEvent` event to be processed.
self._hasFocus = False
def OnKeyDown(self, event):
Handles the ``wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN`` event for L{CustomTreeCtrl}, sending a
``EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN`` event.
:param `event`: a `wx.KeyEvent` event to be processed.
te = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN, self.GetId())
te._evtKey = event
if self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(te):
# intercepted by the user code
if self._current is None or self._key_current is None:
# how should the selection work for this event?
is_multiple, extended_select, unselect_others = EventFlagsToSelType(self.GetTreeStyle(), event.ShiftDown(), event.CmdDown())
# + : Expand
# - : Collaspe
# * : Expand all/Collapse all
# ' ' | return : activate
# up : go up (not last children!)
# down : go down
# left : go to parent
# right : open if parent and go next
# home : go to root
# end : go to last item without opening parents
# alnum : start or continue searching for the item with this prefix
keyCode = event.GetKeyCode()
if keyCode in [ord("+"), wx.WXK_ADD]: # "+"
if self._current.HasPlus() and not self.IsExpanded(self._current) and self.IsItemEnabled(self._current):
elif keyCode in [ord("*"), wx.WXK_MULTIPLY]: # "*"
if not self.IsExpanded(self._current) and self.IsItemEnabled(self._current):
# expand all
elif keyCode in [ord("-"), wx.WXK_SUBTRACT]: # "-"
if self.IsExpanded(self._current):
elif keyCode == wx.WXK_MENU:
# Use the item's bounding rectangle to determine position for the event
itemRect = self.GetBoundingRect(self._current, True)
event = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_MENU, self.GetId())
event._item = self._current
# Use the left edge, vertical middle
event._pointDrag = wx.Point(itemRect.GetX(), itemRect.GetY() + itemRect.GetHeight()/2)
elif keyCode in [wx.WXK_RETURN, wx.WXK_SPACE]:
if not self.IsItemEnabled(self._current):
if not event.HasModifiers():
event = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.GetId())
event._item = self._current
if keyCode == wx.WXK_SPACE and self.GetItemType(self._current) > 0:
checked = not self.IsItemChecked(self._current)
self.CheckItem(self._current, checked)
# in any case, also generate the normal key event for this key,
# even if we generated the ACTIVATED event above: this is what
# wxMSW does and it makes sense because you might not want to
# process ACTIVATED event at all and handle Space and Return
# directly (and differently) which would be impossible otherwise
# up goes to the previous sibling or to the last
# of its children if it's expanded
elif keyCode == wx.WXK_UP:
prev = self.GetPrevSibling(self._key_current)
if not prev:
prev = self.GetItemParent(self._key_current)
if prev == self.GetRootItem() and self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT):
if prev:
current = self._key_current
# TODO: Huh? If we get here, we'd better be the first child of our parent. How else could it be?
if current == self.GetFirstChild(prev)[0] and self.IsItemEnabled(prev):
# otherwise we return to where we came from
self.DoSelectItem(prev, unselect_others, extended_select)
self._key_current = prev
current = self._key_current
# We are going to another parent node
while self.IsExpanded(prev) and self.HasChildren(prev):
child = self.GetLastChild(prev)
if child:
prev = child
current = prev
# Try to get the previous siblings and see if they are active
while prev and not self.IsItemEnabled(prev):
prev = self.GetPrevSibling(prev)
if not prev:
# No previous siblings active: go to the parent and up
prev = self.GetItemParent(current)
while prev and not self.IsItemEnabled(prev):
prev = self.GetItemParent(prev)
if prev:
self.DoSelectItem(prev, unselect_others, extended_select)
self._key_current = prev
# left arrow goes to the parent
elif keyCode == wx.WXK_LEFT:
prev = self.GetItemParent(self._current)
if prev == self.GetRootItem() and self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT):
# don't go to root if it is hidden
prev = self.GetPrevSibling(self._current)
if self.IsExpanded(self._current):
if prev and self.IsItemEnabled(prev):
self.DoSelectItem(prev, unselect_others, extended_select)
elif keyCode == wx.WXK_RIGHT:
# this works the same as the down arrow except that we
# also expand the item if it wasn't expanded yet
if self.IsExpanded(self._current) and self.HasChildren(self._current):
child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(self._key_current)
if self.IsItemEnabled(child):
self.DoSelectItem(child, unselect_others, extended_select)
self._key_current = child
# fall through
elif keyCode == wx.WXK_DOWN:
if self.IsExpanded(self._key_current) and self.HasChildren(self._key_current):
child = self.GetNextActiveItem(self._key_current)
if child:
self.DoSelectItem(child, unselect_others, extended_select)
self._key_current = child
next = self.GetNextSibling(self._key_current)
if not next:
current = self._key_current
while current and not next:
current = self.GetItemParent(current)
if current:
next = self.GetNextSibling(current)
if not next or not self.IsItemEnabled(next):
next = None
while next and not self.IsItemEnabled(next):
next = self.GetNext(next)
if next:
self.DoSelectItem(next, unselect_others, extended_select)
self._key_current = next
# <End> selects the last visible tree item
elif keyCode == wx.WXK_END:
last = self.GetRootItem()
while last and self.IsExpanded(last):
lastChild = self.GetLastChild(last)
# it may happen if the item was expanded but then all of
# its children have been deleted - so IsExpanded() returned
# true, but GetLastChild() returned invalid item
if not lastChild:
last = lastChild
if last and self.IsItemEnabled(last):
self.DoSelectItem(last, unselect_others, extended_select)
# <Home> selects the root item
elif keyCode == wx.WXK_HOME:
prev = self.GetRootItem()
if not prev:
if self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT):
prev, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(prev)
if not prev:
if self.IsItemEnabled(prev):
self.DoSelectItem(prev, unselect_others, extended_select)
if not event.HasModifiers() and ((keyCode >= ord('0') and keyCode <= ord('9')) or \
(keyCode >= ord('a') and keyCode <= ord('z')) or \
(keyCode >= ord('A') and keyCode <= ord('Z'))):
# find the next item starting with the given prefix
ch = chr(keyCode)
id = self.FindItem(self._current, self._findPrefix + ch)
if not id:
# no such item
if self.IsItemEnabled(id):
self._findPrefix += ch
# also start the timer to reset the current prefix if the user
# doesn't press any more alnum keys soon -- we wouldn't want
# to use this prefix for a new item search
if not self._findTimer:
self._findTimer = TreeFindTimer(self)
self._findTimer.Start(_DELAY, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT)
def GetNextActiveItem(self, item, down=True):
Returns the next active item. Used Internally at present.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `down`: ``True`` to search downwards in the hierarchy for an active item,
``False`` to search upwards.
if down:
sibling = self.GetNextSibling
sibling = self.GetPrevSibling
if self.GetItemType(item) == 2 and not self.IsItemChecked(item):
# Is an unchecked radiobutton... all its children are inactive
# try to get the next/previous sibling
found = 0
while 1:
child = sibling(item)
if (child and self.IsItemEnabled(child)) or not child:
item = child
# Tha's not a radiobutton... but some of its children can be
# inactive
child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(item)
while child and not self.IsItemEnabled(child):
child, cookie = self.GetNextChild(item, cookie)
if child and self.IsItemEnabled(child):
return child
return None
def HitTest(self, point, flags=0):
Calculates which (if any) item is under the given point, returning the tree item
at this point plus extra information flags.
:param `point`: an instance of `wx.Point`, a point to test for hits;
:param `flags`: a bitlist of the following values:
================================== =============== =================================
HitTest Flags Hex Value Description
================================== =============== =================================
``TREE_HITTEST_ABOVE`` 0x1 Above the client area
``TREE_HITTEST_BELOW`` 0x2 Below the client area
``TREE_HITTEST_NOWHERE`` 0x4 No item has been hit
``TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMBUTTON`` 0x8 On the button associated to an item
``TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMICON`` 0x10 On the icon associated to an item
``TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMINDENT`` 0x20 On the indent associated to an item
``TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL`` 0x40 On the label (string) associated to an item
``TREE_HITTEST_ONITEM`` 0x50 Anywhere on the item
``TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMRIGHT`` 0x80 On the right of the label associated to an item
``TREE_HITTEST_TOLEFT`` 0x200 On the left of the client area
``TREE_HITTEST_TORIGHT`` 0x400 On the right of the client area
``TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMUPPERPART`` 0x800 On the upper part (first half) of the item
``TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLOWERPART`` 0x1000 On the lower part (second half) of the item
``TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMCHECKICON`` 0x2000 On the check/radio icon, if present
================================== =============== =================================
:note: both the item (if any, ``None`` otherwise) and the `flags` are always returned as a tuple.
w, h = self.GetSize()
flags = 0
if point.x < 0:
if point.x > w:
if point.y < 0:
if point.y > h:
if flags:
return None, flags
if self._anchor == None:
return None, flags
hit, flags = self._anchor.HitTest(self.CalcUnscrolledPosition(point), self, flags, 0)
if hit == None:
return None, flags
if not self.IsItemEnabled(hit):
return None, flags
return hit, flags
def GetBoundingRect(self, item, textOnly=False):
Retrieves the rectangle bounding the item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `textOnly`: if ``True``, only the rectangle around the item's label will
be returned, otherwise the item's image is also taken into account.
:note: The rectangle coordinates are logical, not physical ones. So, for example,
the x coordinate may be negative if the tree has a horizontal scrollbar and its
position is not 0.
i = item
startX, startY = self.GetViewStart()
rect = wx.Rect()
rect.x = i.GetX() - startX*_PIXELS_PER_UNIT
rect.y = i.GetY() - startY*_PIXELS_PER_UNIT
rect.width = i.GetWidth()
rect.height = self.GetLineHeight(i)
return rect
def Edit(self, item):
Internal function. Starts the editing of an item label, sending a
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
te = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT, self.GetId())
te._item = item
if self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(te) and not te.IsAllowed():
# vetoed by user
# We have to call this here because the label in
# question might just have been added and no screen
# update taken place.
if self._dirty:
if wx.Platform in ["__WXMSW__", "__WXMAC__"]:
if self._textCtrl != None and item != self._textCtrl.item():
self._textCtrl = TreeTextCtrl(self, item=item)
def GetEditControl(self):
Returns a pointer to the edit L{TreeTextCtrl} if the item is being edited or
``None`` otherwise (it is assumed that no more than one item may be edited
return self._textCtrl
def OnRenameAccept(self, item, value):
Called by L{TreeTextCtrl}, to accept the changes and to send the
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `value`: the new value of the item label.
le = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT, self.GetId())
le._item = item
le._label = value
le._editCancelled = False
return not self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(le) or le.IsAllowed()
def OnRenameCancelled(self, item):
Called by L{TreeTextCtrl}, to cancel the changes and to send the
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
# let owner know that the edit was cancelled
le = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT, self.GetId())
le._item = item
le._label = ""
le._editCancelled = True
def OnRenameTimer(self):
""" The timer for renaming has expired. Start editing. """
def OnMouse(self, event):
Handles a bunch of ``wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS`` events for L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `event`: a `wx.MouseEvent` event to be processed.
if not self._anchor:
pt = self.CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetPosition())
# Is the mouse over a tree item button?
flags = 0
thisItem, flags = self._anchor.HitTest(pt, self, flags, 0)
underMouse = thisItem
underMouseChanged = underMouse != self._underMouse
if underMouse and (flags & TREE_HITTEST_ONITEM) and not event.LeftIsDown() and \
not self._isDragging and (not self._renameTimer or not self._renameTimer.IsRunning()):
underMouse = underMouse
underMouse = None
if underMouse != self._underMouse:
if self._underMouse:
# unhighlight old item
self._underMouse = None
self._underMouse = underMouse
# Determines what item we are hovering over and need a tooltip for
hoverItem = thisItem
# We do not want a tooltip if we are dragging, or if the rename timer is running
if underMouseChanged and not self._isDragging and (not self._renameTimer or not self._renameTimer.IsRunning()):
if hoverItem is not None:
# Ask the tree control what tooltip (if any) should be shown
hevent = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_GETTOOLTIP, self.GetId())
hevent._item = hoverItem
if self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(hevent) and hevent.IsAllowed():
if hoverItem.IsHyperText() and (flags & TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL) and hoverItem.IsEnabled():
self._isonhyperlink = True
if self._isonhyperlink:
self._isonhyperlink = False
# we process left mouse up event (enables in-place edit), right down
# (pass to the user code), left dbl click (activate item) and
# dragging/moving events for items drag-and-drop
if not (event.LeftDown() or event.LeftUp() or event.RightDown() or event.LeftDClick() or \
event.Dragging() or ((event.Moving() or event.RightUp()) and self._isDragging)):
flags = 0
item, flags = self._anchor.HitTest(pt, self, flags, 0)
if event.Dragging() and not self._isDragging and ((flags & TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMICON) or (flags & TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL)):
if self._dragCount == 0:
self._dragStart = pt
self._countDrag = 0
self._dragCount = self._dragCount + 1
if self._dragCount != 3:
# wait until user drags a bit further...
command = (event.RightIsDown() and [wxEVT_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG] or [wxEVT_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG])[0]
nevent = TreeEvent(command, self.GetId())
nevent._item = self._current
newpt = self.CalcScrolledPosition(pt)
# by default the dragging is not supported, the user code must
# explicitly allow the event for it to take place
if self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(nevent) and nevent.IsAllowed():
# we're going to drag this item
self._isDragging = True
# remember the old cursor because we will change it while
# dragging
self._oldCursor = self._cursor
# in a single selection control, hide the selection temporarily
if not (self.GetTreeStyle() & TR_MULTIPLE):
self._oldSelection = self.GetSelection()
if self._oldSelection:
selections = self.GetSelections()
if len(selections) == 1:
self._oldSelection = selections[0]
if self._dragImage:
del self._dragImage
# Create the custom draw image from the icons and the text of the item
self._dragImage = DragImage(self, self._current)
self._dragImage.BeginDrag(wx.Point(0,0), self)
elif event.Dragging() and self._isDragging:
if self._countDrag == 0 and item:
self._oldItem = item
if item != self._dropTarget:
# unhighlight the previous drop target
if self._dropTarget:
if item:
self._countDrag = self._countDrag + 1
self._dropTarget = item
if self._countDrag >= 3:
# Here I am trying to avoid ugly repainting problems... hope it works
self._countDrag = 0
elif (event.LeftUp() or event.RightUp()) and self._isDragging:
if self._dragImage:
if self._dropTarget:
if self._oldSelection:
self._oldSelection = None
# generate the drag end event
event = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_END_DRAG, self.GetId())
event._item = item
event._pointDrag = self.CalcScrolledPosition(pt)
self._isDragging = False
self._dropTarget = None
if wx.Platform in ["__WXMSW__", "__WXMAC__"]:
# Probably this is not enough on GTK. Try a Refresh() if it does not work.
# If we got to this point, we are not dragging or moving the mouse.
# Because the code in carbon/toplevel.cpp will only set focus to the tree
# if we skip for EVT_LEFT_DOWN, we MUST skip this event here for focus to work.
# We skip even if we didn't hit an item because we still should
# restore focus to the tree control even if we didn't exactly hit an item.
if event.LeftDown():
self._hasFocus = True
# here we process only the messages which happen on tree items
self._dragCount = 0
if item == None:
if self._textCtrl != None and item != self._textCtrl.item():
return # we hit the blank area
if event.RightDown():
if self._textCtrl != None and item != self._textCtrl.item():
self._hasFocus = True
# If the item is already selected, do not update the selection.
# Multi-selections should not be cleared if a selected item is clicked.
if not self.IsSelected(item):
self.DoSelectItem(item, True, False)
nevent = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK, self.GetId())
nevent._item = item
nevent._pointDrag = self.CalcScrolledPosition(pt)
event.Skip(not self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(nevent))
# Consistent with MSW (for now), send the ITEM_MENU *after*
# the RIGHT_CLICK event. TODO: This behaviour may change.
nevent2 = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_MENU, self.GetId())
nevent2._item = item
nevent2._pointDrag = self.CalcScrolledPosition(pt)
elif event.LeftUp():
# this facilitates multiple-item drag-and-drop
if self.HasFlag(TR_MULTIPLE):
selections = self.GetSelections()
if len(selections) > 1 and not event.CmdDown() and not event.ShiftDown():
self.DoSelectItem(item, True, False)
if self._lastOnSame:
if item == self._current and (flags & TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL) and self.HasFlag(TR_EDIT_LABELS):
if self._renameTimer:
if self._renameTimer.IsRunning():
self._renameTimer = TreeRenameTimer(self)
self._renameTimer.Start(_DELAY, True)
self._lastOnSame = False
else: # !RightDown() && !LeftUp() ==> LeftDown() || LeftDClick()
if not item or not item.IsEnabled():
if self._textCtrl != None and item != self._textCtrl.item():
if self._textCtrl != None and item != self._textCtrl.item():
self._hasFocus = True
if event.LeftDown():
self._lastOnSame = item == self._current
# only toggle the item for a single click, double click on
# the button doesn't do anything (it toggles the item twice)
if event.LeftDown():
# don't select the item if the button was clicked
if item.GetType() > 0 and (flags & TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMCHECKICON):
if event.LeftDown():
self.DoSelectItem(item, not self.HasFlag(TR_MULTIPLE))
self.CheckItem(item, not self.IsItemChecked(item))
# clear the previously selected items, if the
# user clicked outside of the present selection.
# otherwise, perform the deselection on mouse-up.
# this allows multiple drag and drop to work.
# but if Cmd is down, toggle selection of the clicked item
if not self.IsSelected(item) or event.CmdDown():
# how should the selection work for this event?
if item.IsHyperText():
self.SetItemVisited(item, True)
is_multiple, extended_select, unselect_others = EventFlagsToSelType(self.GetTreeStyle(),
self.DoSelectItem(item, unselect_others, extended_select)
# Handle hyperlink items... which are a bit odd sometimes
elif self.IsSelected(item) and item.IsHyperText():
# For some reason, Windows isn't recognizing a left double-click,
# so we need to simulate it here. Allow 200 milliseconds for now.
if event.LeftDClick():
# double clicking should not start editing the item label
if self._renameTimer:
self._lastOnSame = False
# send activate event first
nevent = TreeEvent(wxEVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.GetId())
nevent._item = item
nevent._pointDrag = self.CalcScrolledPosition(pt)
if not self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(nevent):
# if the user code didn't process the activate event,
# handle it ourselves by toggling the item when it is
# double clicked
## if item.HasPlus():
def OnInternalIdle(self):
This method is normally only used internally, but sometimes an application
may need it to implement functionality that should not be disabled by an
application defining an `OnIdle` handler in a derived class.
This method may be used to do delayed painting, for example, and most
implementations call `wx.Window.UpdateWindowUI` in order to send update events
to the window in idle time.
# Check if we need to select the root item
# because nothing else has been selected.
# Delaying it means that we can invoke event handlers
# as required, when a first item is selected.
if not self.HasFlag(TR_MULTIPLE) and not self.GetSelection():
if self._select_me:
elif self.GetRootItem():
# after all changes have been done to the tree control,
# we actually redraw the tree when everything is over
if not self._dirty:
if self._freezeCount:
self._dirty = False
# event.Skip()
def CalculateSize(self, item, dc, level=-1, align=False):
Calculates overall position and size of an item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
:param `level`: the item level in the tree hierarchy;
:param `align`: ``True`` if we want to align windows (in items with windows)
at the same horizontal position.
attr = item.GetAttributes()
if attr and attr.HasFont():
if item.IsBold():
elif item.IsItalic():
text_w, text_h, dummy = dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(item.GetText())
# restore normal font
image_w, image_h = 0, 0
image = item.GetCurrentImage()
if image != _NO_IMAGE:
if self._imageListNormal:
image_w, image_h = self._imageListNormal.GetSize(image)
image_w += 4
total_h = ((image_h > text_h) and [image_h] or [text_h])[0]
checkimage = item.GetCurrentCheckedImage()
if checkimage is not None:
wcheck, hcheck = self._imageListCheck.GetSize(checkimage)
wcheck += 4
wcheck = 0
if total_h < 30:
total_h += 2 # at least 2 pixels
total_h += total_h/10 # otherwise 10% extra spacing
if total_h > self._lineHeight:
self._lineHeight = total_h
wnd = item.GetWindow()
if not wnd:
totalWidth = image_w+text_w+wcheck+2
totalHeight = total_h
totalWidth = item.GetWindowSize()[0]+image_w+text_w+wcheck+2
totalHeight = max(total_h, item.GetWindowSize()[1])
if level >= 0 and wnd:
if not align:
if level in self.absoluteWindows:
self.absoluteWindows[level] = max(self.absoluteWindows[level], image_w+text_w+wcheck+2)
self.absoluteWindows[level] = image_w+text_w+wcheck+2
self.absoluteWindows[level] = max(self.absoluteWindows[level], image_w+text_w+wcheck+2)
def CalculateLevel(self, item, dc, level, y, align=False):
Calculates the level of an item inside the tree hierarchy.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `dc`: an instance of `wx.DC`;
:param `level`: the item level in the tree hierarchy;
:param `y`: the current vertical position inside the `wx.PyScrolledWindow`;
:param `align`: ``True`` if we want to align windows (in items with windows)
at the same horizontal position.
x = level*self._indent
if not self.HasFlag(TR_HIDE_ROOT):
x += self._indent
elif level == 0:
# a hidden root is not evaluated, but its
# children are always calculated
children = item.GetChildren()
count = len(children)
level = level + 1
for n in xrange(count):
y = self.CalculateLevel(children[n], dc, level, y, align) # recurse
return y
self.CalculateSize(item, dc, level, align)
# set its position
y += self.GetLineHeight(item)
if not item.IsExpanded():
# we don't need to calculate collapsed branches
return y
children = item.GetChildren()
count = len(children)
level = level + 1
for n in xrange(count):
y = self.CalculateLevel(children[n], dc, level, y, align) # recurse
return y
def CalculatePositions(self):
""" Calculates all the positions of the visible items. """
if not self._anchor:
self.absoluteWindows = {}
dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
y = 2
y = self.CalculateLevel(self._anchor, dc, 0, y) # start recursion
if self.HasFlag(TR_ALIGN_WINDOWS):
y = 2
y = self.CalculateLevel(self._anchor, dc, 0, y, align=True) # start recursion
def RefreshSubtree(self, item):
Refreshes a damaged subtree of an item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if self._dirty:
if self._freezeCount:
client = self.GetClientSize()
rect = wx.Rect()
x, rect.y = self.CalcScrolledPosition(0, item.GetY())
rect.width = client.x
rect.height = client.y
self.Refresh(True, rect)
def RefreshLine(self, item):
Refreshes a damaged item line.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if self._dirty:
if self._freezeCount:
rect = wx.Rect()
x, rect.y = self.CalcScrolledPosition(0, item.GetY())
rect.width = self.GetClientSize().x
rect.height = self.GetLineHeight(item)
self.Refresh(True, rect)
def RefreshSelected(self):
""" Refreshes a damaged selected item line. """
if self._freezeCount:
# TODO: this is awfully inefficient, we should keep the list of all
# selected items internally, should be much faster
if self._anchor:
def RefreshSelectedUnder(self, item):
Refreshes the selected items under the given item.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem}.
if self._freezeCount:
if item.IsSelected():
children = item.GetChildren()
for child in children:
def Freeze(self):
Freeze L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
Freezes the window or, in other words, prevents any updates from taking place
on screen, the window is not redrawn at all. L{Thaw} must be called to reenable
window redrawing. Calls to these two functions may be nested.
:note: This method is useful for visual appearance optimization (for example,
it is a good idea to use it before doing many large text insertions in a row
into a `wx.TextCtrl` under wxGTK) but is not implemented on all platforms nor
for all controls so it is mostly just a hint to wxWidgets and not a mandatory
self._freezeCount = self._freezeCount + 1
def Thaw(self):
Thaw L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
Reenables window updating after a previous call to L{Freeze}. To really thaw the
control, it must be called exactly the same number of times as L{Freeze}.
if self._freezeCount == 0:
raise Exception("\nERROR: Thawing Unfrozen Tree Control?")
self._freezeCount = self._freezeCount - 1
if not self._freezeCount:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# changing colours: we need to refresh the tree control
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def SetBackgroundColour(self, colour):
Changes the background colour of L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `colour`: the colour to be used as the background colour, pass
`wx.NullColour` to reset to the default colour.
:note: The background colour is usually painted by the default `wx.EraseEvent`
event handler function under Windows and automatically under GTK.
:note: Setting the background colour does not cause an immediate refresh, so
you may wish to call `wx.Window.ClearBackground` or `wx.Window.Refresh` after
calling this function.
:note: Overridden from `wx.PyScrolledWindow`.
if not wx.PyScrolledWindow.SetBackgroundColour(self, colour):
return False
if self._freezeCount:
return True
return True
def SetForegroundColour(self, colour):
Changes the foreground colour of L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `colour`: the colour to be used as the foreground colour, pass
`wx.NullColour` to reset to the default colour.
:note: Overridden from `wx.PyScrolledWindow`.
if not wx.PyScrolledWindow.SetForegroundColour(self, colour):
return False
if self._freezeCount:
return True
return True
def OnGetToolTip(self, event):
Process the tooltip event, to speed up event processing. Does not actually
get a tooltip.
:param `event`: a L{TreeEvent} event to be processed.
def DoGetBestSize(self):
Gets the size which best suits the window: for a control, it would be the
minimal size which doesn't truncate the control, for a panel - the same size
as it would have after a call to `Fit()`.
# something is better than nothing...
# 100x80 is what the MSW version will get from the default
# wxControl::DoGetBestSize
return wx.Size(100, 80)
def GetMaxWidth(self, respect_expansion_state=True):
Returns the maximum width of the L{CustomTreeCtrl}.
:param `respect_expansion_state`: if ``True``, only the expanded items (and their
children) will be measured. Otherwise all the items are expanded and
their width measured.
root = self.GetRootItem()
rect = self.GetBoundingRect(root, True)
# It looks like the space between the "+" and the node
# rect occupies 4 pixels approximatively
maxwidth = rect.x + rect.width + 4
lastheight = rect.y + rect.height
if not self.IsExpanded(root):
if respect_expansion_state:
return maxwidth
if not respect_expansion_state:
maxwidth, lastheight = self.RecurseOnChildren(root, maxwidth, respect_expansion_state)
return maxwidth
def RecurseOnChildren(self, item, maxwidth, respect_expansion_state):
Recurses over all the children of the spcified items, calculating their
maximum width.
:param `item`: an instance of L{GenericTreeItem};
:param `maxwidth`: the current maximum width for L{CustomTreeCtrl};
:param `respect_expansion_state`: if ``True``, only the expanded items (and their
children) will be measured. Otherwise all the items are expanded and
their width measured.
child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(item)
while child.IsOk():
rect = self.GetBoundingRect(child, True)
# It looks like the space between the "+" and the node
# rect occupies 4 pixels approximatively
maxwidth = max(maxwidth, rect.x + rect.width + 4)
lastheight = rect.y + rect.height
if self.IsExpanded(child) or not respect_expansion_state:
maxwidth, lastheight = self.RecurseOnChildren(child, maxwidth, respect_expansion_state)
child, cookie = self.GetNextChild(item, cookie)
return maxwidth, lastheight
def GetClassDefaultAttributes(self):
Returns the default font and colours which are used by the control. This is
useful if you want to use the same font or colour in your own control as in
a standard control -- which is a much better idea than hard coding specific
colours or fonts which might look completely out of place on the users system,
especially if it uses themes.
This static method is "overridden'' in many derived classes and so calling,
for example, `wx.Button.GetClassDefaultAttributes()` will typically return the
values appropriate for a button which will be normally different from those
returned by, say, `wx.ListCtrl.GetClassDefaultAttributes()`.
:note: The `wx.VisualAttributes` structure has at least the fields `font`,
`colFg` and `colBg`. All of them may be invalid if it was not possible to
determine the default control appearance or, especially for the background
colour, if the field doesn't make sense as is the case for `colBg` for the
controls with themed background.
:note: Overridden from `wx.PyControl`.
attr = wx.VisualAttributes()
attr.colFg = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT)
attr.colBg = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_LISTBOX)
attr.font = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
return attr
GetClassDefaultAttributes = classmethod(GetClassDefaultAttributes)