#!/usr/bin/env python
Simple desktop dialogue box support for Python.
Copyright (C) 2007 Paul Boddie <paul@boddie.org.uk>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
Opening Dialogue Boxes (Dialogs)
To open a dialogue box (dialog) in the current desktop environment, relying on
the automatic detection of that environment, use the appropriate dialogue box
question = desktop.dialog.Question("Are you sure?")
result = question.open()
To override the detected desktop, specify the desktop parameter to the open
function as follows:
question.open("KDE") # Insists on KDE
question.open("GNOME") # Insists on GNOME
The dialogue box options are documented in each class's docstring.
Available dialogue box classes are listed in the desktop.dialog.available
Supported desktop environments are listed in the desktop.dialog.supported
from desktop import use_desktop,_run,_readfrom,_status
class _wrapper:
def __init__(self, handler):
self.handler = handler
class _readvalue(_wrapper):
def __call__(self, cmd, shell):
return self.handler(cmd, shell).strip()
class _readinput(_wrapper):
def __call__(self, cmd, shell):
return self.handler(cmd, shell)[:-1]
class _readvalues_kdialog(_wrapper):
def __call__(self, cmd, shell):
result = self.handler(cmd, shell).strip().strip('"')
if result:
return result.split('" "')
return []
class _readvalues_zenity(_wrapper):
def __call__(self, cmd, shell):
result = self.handler(cmd, shell).strip()
if result:
return result.split("|")
return []
class _readvalues_Xdialog(_wrapper):
def __call__(self, cmd, shell):
result = self.handler(cmd, shell).strip()
if result:
return result.split("/")
return []
# Dialogue parameter classes.
class String:
"A generic parameter."
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def convert(self, value, program):
return [value or ""]
class Strings(String):
"Multiple string parameters."
def convert(self, value, program):
return value or []
class StringPairs(String):
"Multiple string parameters duplicated to make identifiers."
def convert(self, value, program):
l = []
for v in value:
return l
class StringKeyword:
"A keyword parameter."
def __init__(self, keyword, name):
self.keyword = keyword
self.name = name
def convert(self, value, program):
return [self.keyword + "=" + (value or "")]
class StringKeywords:
"Multiple keyword parameters."
def __init__(self, keyword, name):
self.keyword = keyword
self.name = name
def convert(self, value, program):
l = []
for v in value or []:
l.append(self.keyword + "=" + v)
return l
class Integer(String):
"An integer parameter."
defaults = {
"width" : 40,
"height" : 15,
"list_height" : 10
scale = 8
def __init__(self, name, pixels=0):
String.__init__(self, name)
if pixels:
self.factor = self.scale
self.factor = 1
def convert(self, value, program):
if value is None:
value = self.defaults[self.name]
return [str(int(value) * self.factor)]
class IntegerKeyword(Integer):
"An integer keyword parameter."
def __init__(self, keyword, name, pixels=0):
Integer.__init__(self, name, pixels)
self.keyword = keyword
def convert(self, value, program):
if value is None:
value = self.defaults[self.name]
return [self.keyword + "=" + str(int(value) * self.factor)]
class Boolean(String):
"A boolean parameter."
values = {
"kdialog" : ["off", "on"],
"zenity" : ["FALSE", "TRUE"],
"Xdialog" : ["off", "on"]
def convert(self, value, program):
values = self.values[program]
if value:
return [values[1]]
return [values[0]]
class MenuItemList(String):
"A menu item list parameter."
def convert(self, value, program):
l = []
for v in value:
return l
class ListItemList(String):
"A radiolist/checklist item list parameter."
def __init__(self, name, status_first=0):
String.__init__(self, name)
self.status_first = status_first
def convert(self, value, program):
l = []
for v in value:
boolean = Boolean(None)
status = boolean.convert(v.status, program)
if self.status_first:
l += status
if not self.status_first:
l += status
return l
# Dialogue argument values.
class MenuItem:
"A menu item which can also be used with radiolists and checklists."
def __init__(self, value, text, status=0):
self.value = value
self.text = text
self.status = status
# Dialogue classes.
class Dialogue:
commands = {
"KDE" : "kdialog",
"GNOME" : "zenity",
"XFCE" : "zenity", # NOTE: Based on observations with Xubuntu.
"X11" : "Xdialog"
def open(self, desktop=None):
Open a dialogue box (dialog) using a program appropriate to the desktop
environment in use.
If the optional 'desktop' parameter is specified then attempt to use
that particular desktop environment's mechanisms to open the dialog
instead of guessing or detecting which environment is being used.
Suggested values for 'desktop' are "standard", "KDE", "GNOME",
"Mac OS X", "Windows".
The result of the dialogue interaction may be a string indicating user
input (for Input, Password, Menu, Pulldown), a list of strings
indicating selections of one or more items (for RadioList, CheckList),
or a value indicating true or false (for Question, Warning, Message,
Where a string value may be expected but no choice is made, an empty
string may be returned. Similarly, where a list of values is expected
but no choice is made, an empty list may be returned.
# Decide on the desktop environment in use.
desktop_in_use = use_desktop(desktop)
# Get the program.
program = self.commands[desktop_in_use]
except KeyError:
raise OSError, "Desktop '%s' not supported (no known dialogue box command could be suggested)" % desktop_in_use
# The handler is one of the functions communicating with the subprocess.
# Some handlers return boolean values, others strings.
handler, options = self.info[program]
cmd = [program]
for option in options:
if isinstance(option, str):
value = getattr(self, option.name, None)
cmd += option.convert(value, program)
return handler(cmd, 0)
class Simple(Dialogue):
def __init__(self, text, width=None, height=None):
self.text = text
self.width = width
self.height = height
class Question(Simple):
A dialogue asking a question and showing response buttons.
Options: text, width (in characters), height (in characters)
Response: a boolean value indicating an affirmative response (true) or a
negative response
name = "question"
info = {
"kdialog" : (_status, ["--yesno", String("text")]),
"zenity" : (_status, ["--question", StringKeyword("--text", "text")]),
"Xdialog" : (_status, ["--stdout", "--yesno", String("text"), Integer("height"), Integer("width")]),
class Warning(Simple):
A dialogue asking a question and showing response buttons.
Options: text, width (in characters), height (in characters)
Response: a boolean value indicating an affirmative response (true) or a
negative response
name = "warning"
info = {
"kdialog" : (_status, ["--warningyesno", String("text")]),
"zenity" : (_status, ["--warning", StringKeyword("--text", "text")]),
"Xdialog" : (_status, ["--stdout", "--yesno", String("text"), Integer("height"), Integer("width")]),
class Message(Simple):
A message dialogue.
Options: text, width (in characters), height (in characters)
Response: a boolean value indicating an affirmative response (true) or a
negative response
name = "message"
info = {
"kdialog" : (_status, ["--msgbox", String("text")]),
"zenity" : (_status, ["--info", StringKeyword("--text", "text")]),
"Xdialog" : (_status, ["--stdout", "--msgbox", String("text"), Integer("height"), Integer("width")]),
class Error(Simple):
An error dialogue.
Options: text, width (in characters), height (in characters)
Response: a boolean value indicating an affirmative response (true) or a
negative response
name = "error"
info = {
"kdialog" : (_status, ["--error", String("text")]),
"zenity" : (_status, ["--error", StringKeyword("--text", "text")]),
"Xdialog" : (_status, ["--stdout", "--msgbox", String("text"), Integer("height"), Integer("width")]),
class Menu(Simple):
A menu of options, one of which being selectable.
Options: text, width (in characters), height (in characters),
list_height (in items), items (MenuItem objects)
Response: a value corresponding to the chosen item
name = "menu"
info = {
"kdialog" : (_readvalue(_readfrom), ["--menu", String("text"), MenuItemList("items")]),
"zenity" : (_readvalue(_readfrom), ["--list", StringKeyword("--text", "text"), StringKeywords("--column", "titles"),
"Xdialog" : (_readvalue(_readfrom), ["--stdout", "--menubox",
String("text"), Integer("height"), Integer("width"), Integer("list_height"), MenuItemList("items")]
item = MenuItem
number_of_titles = 2
def __init__(self, text, titles, items=None, width=None, height=None, list_height=None):
Initialise a menu with the given heading 'text', column 'titles', and
optional 'items' (which may be added later), 'width' (in characters),
'height' (in characters) and 'list_height' (in items).
Simple.__init__(self, text, width, height)
self.titles = ([""] * self.number_of_titles + titles)[-self.number_of_titles:]
self.items = items or []
self.list_height = list_height
def add(self, *args, **kw):
Add an item, passing the given arguments to the appropriate item class.
self.items.append(self.item(*args, **kw))
class RadioList(Menu):
A list of radio buttons, one of which being selectable.
Options: text, width (in characters), height (in characters),
list_height (in items), items (MenuItem objects), titles
Response: a list of values corresponding to chosen items (since some
programs, eg. zenity, appear to support multiple default
name = "radiolist"
info = {
"kdialog" : (_readvalues_kdialog(_readfrom), ["--radiolist", String("text"), ListItemList("items")]),
"zenity" : (_readvalues_zenity(_readfrom),
["--list", "--radiolist", StringKeyword("--text", "text"), StringKeywords("--column", "titles"),
ListItemList("items", 1)]
"Xdialog" : (_readvalues_Xdialog(_readfrom), ["--stdout", "--radiolist",
String("text"), Integer("height"), Integer("width"), Integer("list_height"), ListItemList("items")]
number_of_titles = 3
class CheckList(Menu):
A list of checkboxes, many being selectable.
Options: text, width (in characters), height (in characters),
list_height (in items), items (MenuItem objects), titles
Response: a list of values corresponding to chosen items
name = "checklist"
info = {
"kdialog" : (_readvalues_kdialog(_readfrom), ["--checklist", String("text"), ListItemList("items")]),
"zenity" : (_readvalues_zenity(_readfrom),
["--list", "--checklist", StringKeyword("--text", "text"), StringKeywords("--column", "titles"),
ListItemList("items", 1)]
"Xdialog" : (_readvalues_Xdialog(_readfrom), ["--stdout", "--checklist",
String("text"), Integer("height"), Integer("width"), Integer("list_height"), ListItemList("items")]
number_of_titles = 3
class Pulldown(Menu):
A pull-down menu of options, one of which being selectable.
Options: text, width (in characters), height (in characters),
items (list of values)
Response: a value corresponding to the chosen item
name = "pulldown"
info = {
"kdialog" : (_readvalue(_readfrom), ["--combobox", String("text"), Strings("items")]),
"zenity" : (_readvalue(_readfrom),
["--list", "--radiolist", StringKeyword("--text", "text"), StringKeywords("--column", "titles"),
"Xdialog" : (_readvalue(_readfrom),
["--stdout", "--combobox", String("text"), Integer("height"), Integer("width"), Strings("items")]),
item = unicode
number_of_titles = 2
class Input(Simple):
An input dialogue, consisting of an input field.
Options: text, input, width (in characters), height (in characters)
Response: the text entered into the dialogue by the user
name = "input"
info = {
"kdialog" : (_readinput(_readfrom),
["--inputbox", String("text"), String("data")]),
"zenity" : (_readinput(_readfrom),
["--entry", StringKeyword("--text", "text"), StringKeyword("--entry-text", "data")]),
"Xdialog" : (_readinput(_readfrom),
["--stdout", "--inputbox", String("text"), Integer("height"), Integer("width"), String("data")]),
def __init__(self, text, data="", width=None, height=None):
Simple.__init__(self, text, width, height)
self.data = data
class Password(Input):
A password dialogue, consisting of a password entry field.
Options: text, width (in characters), height (in characters)
Response: the text entered into the dialogue by the user
name = "password"
info = {
"kdialog" : (_readinput(_readfrom),
["--password", String("text")]),
"zenity" : (_readinput(_readfrom),
["--entry", StringKeyword("--text", "text"), "--hide-text"]),
"Xdialog" : (_readinput(_readfrom),
["--stdout", "--password", "--inputbox", String("text"), Integer("height"), Integer("width")]),
class TextFile(Simple):
A text file input box.
Options: filename, text, width (in characters), height (in characters)
Response: any text returned by the dialogue program (typically an empty
name = "textfile"
info = {
"kdialog" : (_readfrom, ["--textbox", String("filename"), Integer("width", pixels=1), Integer("height", pixels=1)]),
"zenity" : (_readfrom, ["--text-info", StringKeyword("--filename", "filename"), IntegerKeyword("--width", "width", pixels=1),
IntegerKeyword("--height", "height", pixels=1)]
"Xdialog" : (_readfrom, ["--stdout", "--textbox", String("filename"), Integer("height"), Integer("width")]),
def __init__(self, filename, text="", width=None, height=None):
Simple.__init__(self, text, width, height)
self.filename = filename
# Available dialogues.
available = [Question, Warning, Message, Error, Menu, CheckList, RadioList, Input, Password, Pulldown, TextFile]
# Supported desktop environments.
supported = Dialogue.commands.keys()
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