#!/usr/bin/env python
Simple desktop window enumeration for Python.
Copyright (C) 2007 Paul Boddie <paul@boddie.org.uk>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
Finding Open Windows on the Desktop
To obtain a list of windows, use the desktop.windows.list function as follows:
windows = desktop.windows.list()
Each window object can be inspected through a number of methods. For example:
name = window.name()
width, height = window.size()
x, y = window.position()
child_windows = window.children()
See the desktop.windows.Window class for more information.
from desktop import _is_x11,_get_x11_vars,_readfrom,use_desktop
def _xwininfo(s):
d = {}
for line in s.split("\n"):
fields = line.split(":")
if len(fields) < 2:
key, values = fields[0].strip(), fields[1:]
d[key] = values
return d
def _get_int_properties(d, properties):
results = []
for property in properties:
return results
# Window classes.
# NOTE: X11 is the only supported desktop so far.
class Window:
"A window on the desktop."
def __init__(self, identifier):
"Initialise the window with the given 'identifier'."
self.identifier = identifier
def __repr__(self):
return "Window(%r)" % self.identifier
def children(self):
"Return a list of windows which are children of this window."
s = _readfrom(_get_x11_vars() + "xwininfo -id %s -children" % self.identifier, shell=1)
handles = []
adding = 0
for line in s.split("\n"):
if not adding and line.endswith("children:"):
adding = 1
elif adding and line:
return [Window(handle) for handle in handles]
def name(self):
"Return the name of the window."
s = _readfrom(_get_x11_vars() + "xwininfo -id %s -stats" % self.identifier, shell=1)
for line in s.split("\n"):
if line.startswith("xwininfo:"):
# Format is 'xwininfo: Window id: <handle> "<name>"
fields = line.split(":")
handle_and_name = fields[2].strip()
fields2 = handle_and_name.split(" ")
# Get the "<name>" part, stripping off the quotes.
return " ".join(fields2[1:]).strip('"')
return None
def size(self):
"Return a tuple containing the width and height of this window."
s = _readfrom(_get_x11_vars() + "xwininfo -id %s -stats" % self.identifier, shell=1)
d = _xwininfo(s)
return _get_int_properties(d, ["Width", "Height"])
def position(self):
"Return a tuple containing the upper left co-ordinates of this window."
s = _readfrom(_get_x11_vars() + "xwininfo -id %s -stats" % self.identifier, shell=1)
d = _xwininfo(s)
return _get_int_properties(d, ["Absolute upper-left X", "Absolute upper-left Y"])
def list(desktop=None):
Return a list of windows for the current desktop. If the optional 'desktop'
parameter is specified then attempt to use that particular desktop
environment's mechanisms to look for windows.
# NOTE: The desktop parameter is currently ignored and X11 is tested for
# NOTE: directly.
if _is_x11():
s = _readfrom(_get_x11_vars() + "xlsclients -a -l", shell=1)
prefix = "Window "
prefix_end = len(prefix)
handles = []
for line in s.split("\n"):
if line.startswith(prefix):
handles.append(line[prefix_end:-1]) # NOTE: Assume ":" at end.
raise OSError, "Desktop '%s' not supported" % use_desktop(desktop)
return [Window(handle) for handle in handles]
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