from genshi.builder import tag
from trac.core import implements,Component
from trac.ticket.api import ITicketActionController
from trac.ticket.default_workflow import ConfigurableTicketWorkflow
from trac.ticket.model import Priority,Ticket
#from trac.perm import IPermissionRequestor # (TODO)
revision = "$Rev: 6326 $"
url = "$URL: $"
class VoteOperation(Component):
"""Provides a simplistic vote feature.
This is a sample action controller illustrating how to create additional
Don't forget to add `VoteOperation` to the workflow option in [ticket].
If there is no workflow option, the line will look like this:
workflow = ConfigurableTicketWorkflow,VoteOperation
def get_ticket_actions(self, req, ticket):
controller = ConfigurableTicketWorkflow(self.env)
return controller.get_actions_by_operation_for_req(req, ticket, 'vote')
def get_all_status(self):
return []
def render_ticket_action_control(self, req, ticket, action):
id = 'vote_%s_result' % (action, )
selected_value = req.args.get(id, 'for')
options = ['for', 'against']
return ("vote",[tag.option(x, selected=(x == selected_value or
for x in options], name=id, id=id),
"Vote on the issue, raising or lowering its priority")
def get_ticket_changes(self, req, ticket, action):
id = 'vote_%s_result' % (action, )
selected = req.args.get(id, 'for')
priorities = list(
orig_ticket = Ticket(self.env,
current_priority = int(Priority(self.env, name=
if selected == 'for':
# priorities are 1-based, not 0-based
new_value = max(1, current_priority - 1)
maxval = max([int(p.value) for p in priorities])
new_value = min(maxval, current_priority + 1)
return {'priority': [ for p in priorities
if int(p.value) == new_value][0]}
def apply_action_side_effects(self, req, ticket, action):