# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Edgewall Software
# Copyright (C) 2005 Jonas Borgstrm <jonas@edgewall.com>
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at http://trac.edgewall.com/license.html.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at http://trac.edgewall.org/.
# Author: Jonas Borgstrm <jonas@edgewall.com>
import inspect
import os
import pkg_resources
import re
import shutil
import sys
from genshi import HTML
from genshi.builder import tag
from trac import __version__
from trac.admin.api import IAdminPanelProvider
from trac.core import *
from trac.perm import PermissionSystem,IPermissionRequestor
from trac.util import get_pkginfo,get_module_path
from trac.util.compat import partial
from trac.util.text import exception_to_unicode,to_unicode
from trac.util.translation import _
from trac.web import HTTPNotFound,IRequestHandler
from trac.web.chrome import add_notice,add_script,add_stylesheet,\
add_warning, Chrome, INavigationContributor, \
from webadmin import IAdminPageProvider
except ImportError:
IAdminPageProvider = None
class AdminModule(Component):
"""Web administration interface."""
implements(INavigationContributor, IRequestHandler, ITemplateProvider)
panel_providers = ExtensionPoint(IAdminPanelProvider)
if IAdminPageProvider:
old_providers = ExtensionPoint(IAdminPageProvider)
old_providers = None
# INavigationContributor methods
def get_active_navigation_item(self, req):
return 'admin'
def get_navigation_items(self, req):
# The 'Admin' navigation item is only visible if at least one
# admin panel is available
panels, providers = self._get_panels(req)
if panels:
yield 'mainnav', 'admin', tag.a(_('Admin'), href=req.href.admin(),
# IRequestHandler methods
def match_request(self, req):
match = re.match('/admin(?:/([^/]+)(?:/([^/]+)(?:/(.+))?)?)?$',
if match:
req.args['cat_id'] = match.group(1)
req.args['panel_id'] = match.group(2)
req.args['path_info'] = match.group(3)
return True
def process_request(self, req):
panels, providers = self._get_panels(req)
if not panels:
raise HTTPNotFound(_('No administration panels available'))
def _panel_order(p1, p2):
if p1[0] == 'general':
if p2[0] == 'general':
return cmp(p1[1:], p2[1:])
return -1
elif p2[0] == 'general':
if p1[0] == 'general':
return cmp(p1[1:], p2[1:])
return 1
return cmp(p1, p2)
cat_id = req.args.get('cat_id') or panels[0][0]
panel_id = req.args.get('panel_id')
path_info = req.args.get('path_info')
if not panel_id:
panel_id = filter(
lambda panel: panel[0] == cat_id, panels)[0][2]
except IndexError:
raise HTTPNotFound(_('Unknown administration panel'))
provider = providers.get((cat_id, panel_id), None)
if not provider:
raise HTTPNotFound(_('Unknown administration panel'))
if hasattr(provider, 'render_admin_panel'):
template, data = provider.render_admin_panel(req, cat_id, panel_id,
else: # support for legacy WebAdmin panels
data = {}
cstmpl, ct = provider.process_admin_request(req, cat_id, panel_id,
if isinstance(cstmpl, basestring):
output = req.hdf.render(cstmpl)
output = cstmpl.render()
title = 'Untitled'
for panel in panels:
if (panel[0], panel[2]) == (cat_id, panel_id):
title = panel[3]
data.update({'page_title': title, 'page_body': HTML(output)})
template = 'admin_legacy.html'
'active_cat': cat_id, 'active_panel': panel_id,
'panel_href': partial(req.href, 'admin', cat_id, panel_id),
'panels': [{
'category': {'id': panel[0], 'label': panel[1]},
'panel': {'id': panel[2], 'label': panel[3]}
} for panel in panels]
add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/admin.css')
return template, data, None
# ITemplateProvider methods
def get_htdocs_dirs(self):
return []
def get_templates_dirs(self):
return [pkg_resources.resource_filename('trac.admin', 'templates')]
# Internal methods
def _get_panels(self, req):
"""Return a list of available admin panels."""
panels = []
providers = {}
for provider in self.panel_providers:
p = list(provider.get_admin_panels(req))
for panel in p:
providers[(panel[0], panel[2])] = provider
panels += p
# Add panels contributed by legacy WebAdmin plugins
if IAdminPageProvider:
for provider in self.old_providers:
p = list(provider.get_admin_pages(req))
for page in p:
providers[(page[0], page[2])] = provider
panels += p
return panels, providers
def _save_config(config, req, log):
"""Try to save the config, and display either a success notice or a
failure warning.
add_notice(req, _('Your changes have been saved.'))
except Exception, e:
log.error('Error writing to trac.ini: %s', exception_to_unicode(e))
add_warning(req, _('Error writing to trac.ini, make sure it is '
'writable by the web server. Your changes have '
'not been saved.'))
class BasicsAdminPanel(Component):
# IAdminPanelProvider methods
def get_admin_panels(self, req):
if 'TRAC_ADMIN' in req.perm:
yield ('general', _('General'), 'basics', _('Basic Settings'))
def render_admin_panel(self, req, cat, page, path_info):
if req.method == 'POST':
for option in ('name', 'url', 'descr'):
self.config.set('project', option, req.args.get(option))
_save_config(self.config, req, self.log)
req.redirect(req.href.admin(cat, page))
data = {
'name': self.env.project_name,
'description': self.env.project_description,
'url': self.env.project_url
return 'admin_basics.html', {'project': data}
class LoggingAdminPanel(Component):
# IAdminPanelProvider methods
def get_admin_panels(self, req):
if 'TRAC_ADMIN' in req.perm:
yield ('general', _('General'), 'logging', _('Logging'))
def render_admin_panel(self, req, cat, page, path_info):
log_type = self.env.log_type
log_level = self.env.log_level
log_file = self.env.log_file
log_dir = os.path.join(self.env.path, 'log')
log_types = [
dict(name='none', label=_('None'), selected=log_type == 'none', disabled=False),
dict(name='stderr', label=_('Console'),
selected=log_type == 'stderr', disabled=False),
dict(name='file', label=_('File'), selected=log_type == 'file',
dict(name='syslog', label=_('Syslog'), disabled=os.name != 'posix',
selected=log_type in ('unix', 'syslog')),
dict(name='eventlog', label=_('Windows event log'),
disabled=os.name != 'nt',
selected=log_type in ('winlog', 'eventlog', 'nteventlog')),
log_levels = ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG']
if req.method == 'POST':
changed = False
new_type = req.args.get('log_type')
if new_type not in [t['name'] for t in log_types]:
raise TracError(
_('Unknown log type %(type)s', type=new_type),
_('Invalid log type')
if new_type != log_type:
self.config.set('logging', 'log_type', new_type)
changed = True
log_type = new_type
if log_type == 'none':
self.config.remove('logging', 'log_level')
changed = True
new_level = req.args.get('log_level')
if new_level not in log_levels:
raise TracError(
_('Unknown log level %(level)s', level=new_level),
_('Invalid log level'))
if new_level != log_level:
self.config.set('logging', 'log_level', new_level)
changed = True
log_level = new_level
if log_type == 'file':
new_file = req.args.get('log_file', 'trac.log')
if new_file != log_file:
self.config.set('logging', 'log_file', new_file)
changed = True
log_file = new_file
if not log_file:
raise TracError(_('You must specify a log file'),
_('Missing field'))
self.config.remove('logging', 'log_file')
changed = True
if changed:
_save_config(self.config, req, self.log),
req.redirect(req.href.admin(cat, page))
data = {
'type': log_type, 'types': log_types,
'level': log_level, 'levels': log_levels,
'file': log_file, 'dir': log_dir
return 'admin_logging.html', {'log': data}
class PermissionAdminPanel(Component):
implements(IAdminPanelProvider, IPermissionRequestor)
# IPermissionRequestor methods
def get_permission_actions(self):
return actions + [('PERMISSION_ADMIN', actions)]
# IAdminPanelProvider methods
def get_admin_panels(self, req):
if 'PERMISSION_GRANT' in req.perm or 'PERMISSION_REVOKE' in req.perm:
yield ('general', _('General'), 'perm', _('Permissions'))
def render_admin_panel(self, req, cat, page, path_info):
perm = PermissionSystem(self.env)
all_permissions = perm.get_all_permissions()
all_actions = perm.get_actions()
if req.method == 'POST':
subject = req.args.get('subject', '')
action = req.args.get('action')
group = req.args.get('group', '')
if subject and subject.isupper() or \
group and group.isupper():
raise TracError(_('All upper-cased tokens are reserved for '
'permission names'))
# Grant permission to subject
if req.args.get('add') and subject and action:
if action not in all_actions:
raise TracError(_('Unknown action'))
if (subject, action) not in all_permissions:
perm.grant_permission(subject, action)
add_notice(req, _('The user %(subject)s has been granted '
'the permission %(action)s.',
subject=subject, action=action))
req.redirect(req.href.admin(cat, page))
add_warning(req, _('The permission %(action)s was already '
'granted to %(subject)s.',
action=action, subject=subject))
# Add subject to group
elif req.args.get('add') and subject and group:
for action in perm.get_user_permissions(group):
if not action in all_actions: # plugin disabled?
self.env.log.warn("Adding %s to group %s: " \
"Permission %s unavailable, skipping perm check." \
% (subject, group, action))
if (subject, group) not in all_permissions:
perm.grant_permission(subject, group)
add_notice(req, _('The user %(subject)s has been added to '
'the group %(group)s.', subject=subject,
req.redirect(req.href.admin(cat, page))
add_warning(req, _('The user %(subject)s was already '
'added to the group %(group)s.',
subject=subject, group=group))
# Remove permissions action
elif req.args.get('remove') and req.args.get('sel'):
sel = req.args.get('sel')
sel = isinstance(sel, list) and sel or [sel]
for key in sel:
subject, action = key.split(':', 1)
if (subject, action) in perm.get_all_permissions():
perm.revoke_permission(subject, action)
add_notice(req, _('The selected permissions have been '
req.redirect(req.href.admin(cat, page))
return 'admin_perms.html', {
'actions': all_actions,
'perms': all_permissions
class PluginAdminPanel(Component):
# Ideally, this wouldn't be hard-coded like this
required_components = ('AboutModule', 'DefaultPermissionGroupProvider',
'Environment', 'EnvironmentSetup', 'PermissionSystem',
'RequestDispatcher', 'Mimeview', 'Chrome')
def __init__(self):
self.trac_path = get_module_path(sys.modules['trac.core'])
# IAdminPanelProvider methods
def get_admin_panels(self, req):
if 'TRAC_ADMIN' in req.perm:
yield ('general', _('General'), 'plugin', _('Plugins'))
def render_admin_panel(self, req, cat, page, path_info):
if req.method == 'POST':
if 'install' in req.args:
elif 'uninstall' in req.args:
anchor = ''
if req.args.has_key('plugin'):
anchor = '#no%d' % (int(req.args.get('plugin')) + 1)
req.redirect(req.href.admin(cat, page) + anchor)
return self._render_view(req)
# Internal methods
def _do_install(self, req):
"""Install a plugin."""
if not req.args.has_key('plugin_file'):
raise TracError(_('No file uploaded'))
upload = req.args['plugin_file']
if isinstance(upload, unicode) or not upload.filename:
raise TracError(_('No file uploaded'))
plugin_filename = upload.filename.replace('\\', '/').replace(':', '/')
plugin_filename = os.path.basename(plugin_filename)
if not plugin_filename:
raise TracError(_('No file uploaded'))
if not plugin_filename.endswith('.egg') and \
not plugin_filename.endswith('.py'):
raise TracError(_('Uploaded file is not a Python source file or '
target_path = os.path.join(self.env.path, 'plugins', plugin_filename)
if os.path.isfile(target_path):
raise TracError(_('Plugin %(name)s already installed',
self.log.info('Installing plugin %s', plugin_filename)
flags = os.O_CREAT + os.O_WRONLY + os.O_EXCL
flags += os.O_BINARY
except AttributeError:
# OS_BINARY not available on every platform
target_file = os.fdopen(os.open(target_path, flags, 0666), 'w')
shutil.copyfileobj(upload.file, target_file)
self.log.info('Plugin %s installed to %s', plugin_filename,
# TODO: Validate that the uploaded file is actually a valid Trac plugin
# Make the environment reset itself on the next request
def _do_uninstall(self, req):
"""Uninstall a plugin."""
plugin_filename = req.args.get('plugin_filename')
if not plugin_filename:
plugin_path = os.path.join(self.env.path, 'plugins', plugin_filename)
if not os.path.isfile(plugin_path):
self.log.info('Uninstalling plugin %s', plugin_filename)
# Make the environment reset itself on the next request
def _do_update(self, req):
"""Update component enablement."""
components = req.args.getlist('component')
enabled = req.args.getlist('enable')
changes = False
# FIXME: this needs to be more intelligent and minimize multiple
# component names to prefix rules
for component in components:
is_enabled = self.env.is_component_enabled(component)
if is_enabled != (component in enabled):
self.config.set('components', component,
is_enabled and 'disabled' or 'enabled')
self.log.info('%sabling component %s',
is_enabled and 'Dis' or 'En', component)
changes = True
if changes:
_save_config(self.config, req, self.log)
def _render_view(self, req):
plugins = {}
plugins_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.env.path, 'plugins'))
plugins_dir = os.path.normcase(plugins_dir) # needs to match loader.py
from trac.core import ComponentMeta
for component in ComponentMeta._components:
module = sys.modules[component.__module__]
dist = self._find_distribution(module)
plugin_filename = None
if os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(dist.location)) == plugins_dir:
plugin_filename = os.path.basename(dist.location)
description = inspect.getdoc(component)
if description:
description = to_unicode(description).split('.', 1)[0] + '.'
if dist.project_name not in plugins:
readonly = True
if plugin_filename and os.access(dist.location,
os.F_OK + os.W_OK):
readonly = False
# retrieve plugin metadata
info = get_pkginfo(dist)
if not info:
info = {'summary': description}
for k in ('author author_email home_page url license trac'
v = getattr(module, k, '')
if v:
if k == 'home_page' or k == 'url':
k = 'home_page'
v = v.replace('$', '').replace('URL: ', '')
if k == 'author':
v = to_unicode(v)
info[k] = v
# Info found; set all those fields to "None" that have the
# value "UNKNOWN" as this is the value for fields that
# aren't specified in "setup.py"
for k in info:
if info[k] == 'UNKNOWN':
info[k] = None
elif k == 'author':
# Must be encoded as unicode as otherwise Genshi
# may raise a "UnicodeDecodeError".
info[k] = to_unicode(info[k])
# retrieve plugin version info
version = dist.version
if not version:
version = (getattr(module, 'version', '') or
getattr(module, 'revision', ''))
# special handling for "$Rev$" strings
version = version.replace('$', '').replace('Rev: ', 'r')
plugins[dist.project_name] = {
'name': dist.project_name, 'version': version,
'path': dist.location, 'description': description,
'plugin_filename': plugin_filename, 'readonly': readonly,
'info': info, 'components': []
'name': component.__name__, 'module': module.__name__,
'description': description,
'enabled': self.env.is_component_enabled(component),
'required': component.__name__ in self.required_components,
def component_order(a, b):
c = cmp(len(a['module'].split('.')), len(b['module'].split('.')))
if c == 0:
c = cmp(a['module'].lower(), b['module'].lower())
if c == 0:
c = cmp(a['name'].lower(), b['name'].lower())
return c
for category in plugins:
plugin_list = [plugins['Trac']]
addons = [key for key in plugins.keys() if key != 'Trac']
plugin_list += [plugins[category] for category in addons]
data = {
'plugins': plugin_list,
'readonly': not os.access(plugins_dir, os.F_OK + os.W_OK)
return 'admin_plugins.html', data
def _find_distribution(self, module):
path = get_module_path(module)
if path == self.trac_path:
return pkg_resources.Distribution(project_name='Trac',
for dist in pkg_resources.find_distributions(path, only=True):
return dist
# This is a plain Python source file, not an egg
return pkg_resources.Distribution(project_name=module.__name__,