# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Edgewall Software
# Copyright (C) 2004 Oliver Rutherfurd
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at http://trac.edgewall.org/log/.
# Author: Daniel Lundin
# Oliver Rutherfurd (initial implementation)
# Nuutti Kotivuori (role support)
# Trac support for reStructured Text, including a custom 'trac' directive
# 'trac' directive code by Oliver Rutherfurd, overhauled by cboos.
# Inserts `reference` nodes for TracLinks into the document tree.
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
import re
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.core import publish_parts
from docutils.parsers import rst
from docutils import __version__
has_docutils = True
except ImportError:
has_docutils = False
from trac.core import *
from trac.mimeview.api import IHTMLPreviewRenderer,content_to_unicode
from trac.util.html import Element,Markup
from trac.util.translation import _
from trac.web.href import Href
from trac.wiki.api import WikiSystem
from trac.wiki.formatter import WikiProcessor,Formatter,extract_link
if has_docutils and StrictVersion(__version__) < StrictVersion('0.6'):
# Monkey-patch "raw" role handler in docutils to add a missing check
# See docutils bug #2845002 on SourceForge
def raw_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
if not inliner.document.settings.raw_enabled:
msg = inliner.reporter.warning('raw (and derived) roles disabled')
prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg)
return [prb], [msg]
return _raw_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options,
from docutils.parsers.rst import roles
raw_role.options = roles.raw_role.options
_raw_role = roles.raw_role
roles.raw_role = raw_role
roles.register_canonical_role('raw', raw_role)
class ReStructuredTextRenderer(Component):
Renders plain text in reStructuredText format as HTML.
can_render = False
def __init__(self):
if has_docutils:
if StrictVersion(__version__) < StrictVersion('0.3.9'):
self.log.warning('Docutils version >= %s required, '
'%s found' % ('0.3.9', __version__))
self.can_render = True
self.env.systeminfo.append(('Docutils', __version__))
def get_quality_ratio(self, mimetype):
if self.can_render and mimetype == 'text/x-rst':
return 8
return 0
def render(self, context, mimetype, content, filename=None, rev=None):
def trac_get_reference(rawtext, target, text):
fulltext = text and target+' '+text or target
link = extract_link(self.env, context, fulltext)
uri = None
missing = False
if isinstance(link, Element):
linktext = Markup(link).striptags()
# the following is a bit hackish, but it takes into account:
# - an eventual trailing '?' for missing wiki pages
# - space eventually introduced due to split_page_names option
if linktext.rstrip('?').replace(' ', '') != target:
text = linktext
uri = link.attrib.get('href', '')
missing = 'missing' in link.attrib.get('class', '')
uri = context.href.wiki(target)
missing = not WikiSystem(self.env).has_page(target)
if uri:
reference = nodes.reference(rawtext, text or target)
reference['refuri']= uri
if missing:
return reference
return None
def trac(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
"""Inserts a `reference` node into the document
for a given `TracLink`_, based on the content
of the arguments.
.. trac:: target [text]
``target`` may be any `TracLink`_, provided it doesn't
embed a space character (e.g. wiki:"..." notation won't work).
``[text]`` is optional. If not given, ``target`` is
used as the reference text.
.. _TracLink: http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLinks
link = arguments[0]
if len(arguments) == 2:
text = arguments[1]
text = None
reference = trac_get_reference(block_text, link, text)
if reference:
if isinstance(state, rst.states.SubstitutionDef):
return [reference]
p = nodes.paragraph()
p += reference
return [p]
# didn't find a match (invalid TracLink),
# report a warning
warning = state_machine.reporter.warning(
'%s is not a valid TracLink' % (arguments[0]),
nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text),
return [warning]
def trac_role(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={},
args = text.split(" ",1)
link = args[0]
if len(args)==2:
text = args[1]
text = None
reference = trac_get_reference(rawtext, link, text)
if reference:
return [reference], []
warning = nodes.warning(None, nodes.literal_block(text,
'WARNING: %s is not a valid TracLink' % rawtext))
return warning, []
# 1 required arg, 1 optional arg, spaces allowed in last arg
trac.arguments = (1,1,1)
trac.options = None
trac.content = None
rst.directives.register_directive('trac', trac)
rst.roles.register_local_role('trac', trac_role)
# The code_block could is taken from the leo plugin rst2
def code_formatter(language, text):
processor = WikiProcessor(Formatter(self.env, context), language)
html = processor.process(text)
raw = nodes.raw('', html, format='html')
return raw
def code_role(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={},
language = options.get('language')
if not language:
args = text.split(':', 1)
language = args[0]
if len(args) == 2:
text = args[1]
text = ''
reference = code_formatter(language, text)
return [reference], []
def code_block(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
Create a code-block directive for docutils.
Usage: .. code-block:: language
If the language can be syntax highlighted it will be.
language = arguments[0]
text = '\n'.join(content)
reference = code_formatter(language, text)
return [reference]
# These are documented
# at http://docutils.sourceforge.net/spec/howto/rst-directives.html.
code_block.arguments = (
1, # Number of required arguments.
0, # Number of optional arguments.
0) # True if final argument may contain whitespace.
# A mapping from option name to conversion function.
code_role.options = code_block.options = {
'language' :
rst.directives.unchanged # Return the text argument, unchanged
code_block.content = 1 # True if content is allowed.
# Register the directive with docutils.
rst.directives.register_directive('code-block', code_block)
rst.roles.register_local_role('code-block', code_role)
_inliner = rst.states.Inliner()
_parser = rst.Parser(inliner=_inliner)
content = content_to_unicode(self.env, content, mimetype)
parts = publish_parts(content, writer_name='html', parser=_parser,
settings_overrides={'halt_level': 6,
'file_insertion_enabled': 0,
'raw_enabled': 0})
return parts['html_body']