query.py :  » Project-Management » Trac » Trac-0.11.7 » trac » ticket » Python Open Source

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Trac » Trac 0.11.7 » trac » ticket » query.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Edgewall Software
# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Christopher Lenz <cmlenz@gmx.de>
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Christian Boos <cboos@neuf.fr>
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at http://trac.edgewall.org/log/.
# Author: Christopher Lenz <cmlenz@gmx.de>

import csv
from math import ceil
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
import re
from StringIO import StringIO

from genshi.builder import tag

from trac.config import Option,IntOption
from trac.core import *
from trac.db import get_column_names
from trac.mimeview.api import Mimeview,IContentConverter,Context
from trac.resource import Resource
from trac.ticket.api import TicketSystem
from trac.util import Ranges
from trac.util.compat import groupby,set
from trac.util.datefmt import to_timestamp,utc
from trac.util.presentation import Paginator
from trac.util.text import shorten_line
from trac.util.translation import _
from trac.web import parse_query_string,IRequestHandler
from trac.web.href import Href
from trac.web.chrome import add_ctxtnav,add_link,add_script,add_stylesheet,\
                            INavigationContributor, Chrome

from trac.wiki.api import IWikiSyntaxProvider,parse_args
from trac.wiki.macros import WikiMacroBase# TODO: should be moved in .api

class QuerySyntaxError(Exception):
    """Exception raised when a ticket query cannot be parsed from a string."""

class Query(object):
    substitutions = ['$USER']

    def __init__(self, env, report=None, constraints=None, cols=None,
                 order=None, desc=0, group=None, groupdesc=0, verbose=0,
                 rows=None, page=None, max=None, format=None):
        self.env = env
        self.id = report # if not None, it's the corresponding saved query
        self.constraints = constraints or {}
        self.order = order
        self.desc = desc
        self.group = group
        self.groupdesc = groupdesc
        self.format = format
        self.default_page = 1
        self.items_per_page = QueryModule(self.env).items_per_page

        # getting page number (default_page if unspecified)
        if not page:
            page = self.default_page
            self.page = int(page)
            if self.page < 1:
                raise ValueError()
        except ValueError:
            raise TracError(_('Query page %(page)s is invalid.', page=page))

        # max=0 signifies showing all items on one page
        # max=n will show precisely n items on all pages except the last
        # max<0 is invalid
        if max in ('none', ''):
            max = 0

        if max is None: # meaning unspecified
            max = self.items_per_page
            self.max = int(max)
            if self.max < 0:
                raise ValueError()
        except ValueError:
            raise TracError(_('Query max %(max)s is invalid.', max=max))
        if self.max == 0:
            self.has_more_pages = False
            self.offset = 0
            self.has_more_pages = True
            self.offset = self.max * (self.page - 1)

        if rows == None:
            rows = []
        if verbose and 'description' not in rows: # 0.10 compatibility
        self.fields = TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_fields()
        field_names = [f['name'] for f in self.fields]
        self.cols = [c for c in cols or [] if c in field_names or 
                     c in ('id', 'time', 'changetime')]
        self.rows = [c for c in rows if c in field_names]
        if self.order != 'id' and self.order not in field_names:
            # TODO: fix after adding time/changetime to the api.py
            if order == 'created':
                order = 'time'
            elif order == 'modified':
                order = 'changetime'
            if order in ('time', 'changetime'):
                self.order = order
                self.order = 'priority'

        if self.group not in field_names:
            self.group = None

    def from_string(cls, env, string, **kw):
        filters = string.split('&')
        kw_strs = ['order', 'group', 'page', 'max', 'format']
        kw_arys = ['rows']
        kw_bools = ['desc', 'groupdesc', 'verbose']
        kw_synonyms = {'row': 'rows'}
        constraints = {}
        cols = []
        for filter_ in filters:
            filter_ = filter_.split('=')
            if len(filter_) != 2:
                raise QuerySyntaxError(_('Query filter requires field and ' 
                                         'constraints separated by a "="'))
            field, values = filter_
            # from last chars of `field`, get the mode of comparison
            mode = ''
            if field and field[-1] in ('~', '^', '$') \
                                and not field in cls.substitutions:
                mode = field[-1]
                field = field[:-1]
            if field and field[-1] == '!':
                mode = '!' + mode
                field = field[:-1]
            if not field:
                raise QuerySyntaxError(_('Query filter requires field name'))
            field = kw_synonyms.get(field, field)
            processed_values = []
            for val in values.split('|'):
                val = mode + val # add mode of comparison
                if isinstance(field, unicode):
                    field = field.encode('utf-8')
                if field in kw_strs:
                    kw[field] = processed_values[0]
                elif field in kw_arys:
                    kw.setdefault(field, []).extend(processed_values)
                elif field in kw_bools:
                    kw[field] = True
                elif field == 'col':
                    constraints.setdefault(field, []).extend(processed_values)
            except UnicodeError:
                pass # field must be a str, see `get_href()`
        report = constraints.pop('report', None)
        report = kw.pop('report', report)
        return cls(env, report, constraints=constraints, cols=cols, **kw)
    from_string = classmethod(from_string)

    def get_columns(self):
        if not self.cols:
            self.cols = self.get_default_columns()
        if not 'id' in self.cols:
            # make sure 'id' is always present (needed for permission checks)
            self.cols.insert(0, 'id')        
        return self.cols

    def get_all_textareas(self):
        return [f['name'] for f in self.fields if f['type'] == 'textarea']

    def get_all_columns(self):
        # Prepare the default list of columns
        cols = ['id']
        cols += [f['name'] for f in self.fields if f['type'] != 'textarea']
        for col in ('reporter', 'keywords', 'cc'):
            if col in cols:
        # TODO: fix after adding time/changetime to the api.py
        cols += ['time', 'changetime']

        def sort_columns(col1, col2):
            constrained_fields = self.constraints.keys()
            if 'id' in (col1, col2):
                # Ticket ID is always the first column
                return col1 == 'id' and -1 or 1
            elif 'summary' in (col1, col2):
                # Ticket summary is always the second column
                return col1 == 'summary' and -1 or 1
            elif col1 in constrained_fields or col2 in constrained_fields:
                # Constrained columns appear before other columns
                return col1 in constrained_fields and -1 or 1
            return 0
        return cols

    def get_default_columns(self):
        cols = self.get_all_columns()
        # Semi-intelligently remove columns that are restricted to a single
        # value by a query constraint.
        for col in [k for k in self.constraints.keys()
                    if k != 'id' and k in cols]:
            constraint = self.constraints[col]
            if len(constraint) == 1 and constraint[0] \
                    and not constraint[0][0] in '!~^$' and col in cols:
            if col == 'status' and not 'closed' in constraint \
                    and 'resolution' in cols:
        if self.group in cols:

        # Only display the first seven columns by default
        cols = cols[:7]
        # Make sure the column we order by is visible, if it isn't also
        # the column we group by
        if not self.order in cols and not self.order == self.group:
            cols[-1] = self.order
        return cols

    def count(self, req, db=None, cached_ids=None):
        sql, args = self.get_sql(req, cached_ids)
        return self._count(sql, args)

    def _count(self, sql, args, db=None):
        if not db:
            db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        cursor = db.cursor()

        count_sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' + sql + ') AS foo'
        # self.env.log.debug("Count results in Query SQL: " + count_sql % 
        #                    tuple([repr(a) for a in args]))

        cnt = 0
            cursor.execute(count_sql, args);
        for cnt, in cursor:
        self.env.log.debug("Count results in Query: %d" % cnt)
        return cnt

    def execute(self, req, db=None, cached_ids=None):
        if not db:
            db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        cursor = db.cursor()

        sql, args = self.get_sql(req, cached_ids)
        self.num_items = self._count(sql, args, db)

        if self.num_items <= self.max:
            self.has_more_pages = False

        if self.has_more_pages:
            max = self.max
            if self.group:
                max += 1
            sql = sql + " LIMIT %d OFFSET %d" % (max, self.offset)
            if (self.page > int(ceil(float(self.num_items) / self.max)) and
                self.num_items != 0):
                raise TracError(_('Page %(page)s is beyond the number of '
                                  'pages in the query', page=self.page))

        self.env.log.debug("Query SQL: " + sql % tuple([repr(a) for a in args]))     
            cursor.execute(sql, args)
        columns = get_column_names(cursor)
        fields = []
        for column in columns:
            fields += [f for f in self.fields if f['name'] == column] or [None]
        results = []

        column_indices = range(len(columns))
        for row in cursor:
            result = {}
            for i in column_indices:
                name, field, val = columns[i], fields[i], row[i]
                if name == self.group:
                    val = val or 'None'
                elif name == 'reporter':
                    val = val or 'anonymous'
                elif name == 'id':
                    val = int(val)
                    result['href'] = req.href.ticket(val)
                elif val is None:
                    val = '--'
                elif name in ('changetime', 'time'):
                    val = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(val or 0), utc)
                elif field and field['type'] == 'checkbox':
                        val = bool(int(val))
                    except (TypeError, ValueError):
                        val = False
                result[name] = val
        return results

    def get_href(self, href, id=None, order=None, desc=None, format=None,
                 max=None, page=None):
        """Create a link corresponding to this query.

        :param href: the `Href` object used to build the URL
        :param id: optionally set or override the report `id`
        :param order: optionally override the order parameter of the query
        :param desc: optionally override the desc parameter
        :param format: optionally override the format of the query
        :param max: optionally override the max items per page
        :param page: optionally specify which page of results (defaults to
                     the first)

        Note: `get_resource_url` of a 'query' resource?
        if not isinstance(href, Href):
            href = href.href # compatibility with the `req` of the 0.10 API

        if format is None:
            format = self.format
        if format == 'rss':
            max = self.items_per_page
            page = self.default_page

        if id is None:
            id = self.id
        if desc is None:
            desc = self.desc
        if order is None:
            order = self.order
        if max is None:
            max = self.max
        if page is None:
            page = self.page

        cols = self.get_columns()
        # don't specify the columns in the href if they correspond to
        # the default columns, page and max in the same order. That keeps the
        # query url shorter in the common case where we just want the default
        # columns.
        if cols == self.get_default_columns():
            cols = None
        if page == self.default_page:
            page = None
        if max == self.items_per_page:
            max = None

        return href.query(report=id,
                          order=order, desc=desc and 1 or None,
                          group=self.group or None,
                          groupdesc=self.groupdesc and 1 or None,
                          format=format, **self.constraints)

    def to_string(self):
        """Return a user readable and editable representation of the query.

        Note: for now, this is an "exploded" query href, but ideally should be
        expressed in TracQuery language.
        query_string = self.get_href(Href(''))
        if query_string and '?' in query_string:
            query_string = query_string.split('?', 1)[1]
        return 'query:?' + query_string.replace('&', '\n&\n')

    def get_sql(self, req=None, cached_ids=None):
        """Return a (sql, params) tuple for the query."""

        enum_columns = ('resolution', 'priority', 'severity')
        # Build the list of actual columns to query
        cols = self.cols[:]
        def add_cols(*args):
            for col in args:
                if not col in cols:
        if self.group and not self.group in cols:
        if self.rows:
            add_cols('reporter', *self.rows)
        add_cols('status', 'priority', 'time', 'changetime', self.order)
        cols.extend([c for c in self.constraints.keys() if not c in cols])

        custom_fields = [f['name'] for f in self.fields if 'custom' in f]

        sql = []
        sql.append("SELECT " + ",".join(['t.%s AS %s' % (c, c) for c in cols
                                         if c not in custom_fields]))
        sql.append(",priority.value AS priority_value")
        for k in [k for k in cols if k in custom_fields]:
            sql.append(",%s.value AS %s" % (k, k))
        sql.append("\nFROM ticket AS t")

        # Join with ticket_custom table as necessary
        for k in [k for k in cols if k in custom_fields]:
           sql.append("\n  LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_custom AS %s ON " \
                      "(id=%s.ticket AND %s.name='%s')" % (k, k, k, k))

        # Join with the enum table for proper sorting
        for col in [c for c in enum_columns
                    if c == self.order or c == self.group or c == 'priority']:
            sql.append("\n  LEFT OUTER JOIN enum AS %s ON "
                       "(%s.type='%s' AND %s.name=%s)"
                       % (col, col, col, col, col))

        # Join with the version/milestone tables for proper sorting
        for col in [c for c in ['milestone', 'version']
                    if c == self.order or c == self.group]:
            sql.append("\n  LEFT OUTER JOIN %s ON (%s.name=%s)"
                       % (col, col, col))

        def get_constraint_sql(name, value, mode, neg):
            if name not in custom_fields:
                name = 't.' + name
                name = name + '.value'
            value = value[len(mode) + neg:]

            if mode == '':
                return ("COALESCE(%s,'')%s=%%s" % (name, neg and '!' or ''),
            if not value:
                return None
            db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
            value = db.like_escape(value)
            if mode == '~':
                value = '%' + value + '%'
            elif mode == '^':
                value = value + '%'
            elif mode == '$':
                value = '%' + value
            return ("COALESCE(%s,'') %s%s" % (name, neg and 'NOT ' or '',

        clauses = []
        args = []
        for k, v in self.constraints.items():
            if req:
                v = [val.replace('$USER', req.authname) for val in v]
            # Determine the match mode of the constraint (contains,
            # starts-with, negation, etc.)
            neg = v[0].startswith('!')
            mode = ''
            if len(v[0]) > neg and v[0][neg] in ('~', '^', '$'):
                mode = v[0][neg]

            # Special case id ranges
            if k == 'id':
                ranges = Ranges()
                for r in v:
                    r = r.replace('!', '')
                ids = []
                id_clauses = []
                for a,b in ranges.pairs:
                    if a == b:
                        id_clauses.append('id BETWEEN %s AND %s')
                if ids:
                    id_clauses.append('id IN (%s)' % (','.join(ids)))
                if id_clauses:
                    clauses.append('%s(%s)' % (neg and 'NOT ' or '',
                                               ' OR '.join(id_clauses)))
            # Special case for exact matches on multiple values
            elif not mode and len(v) > 1:
                if k not in custom_fields:
                    col = 't.' + k
                    col = k + '.value'
                clauses.append("COALESCE(%s,'') %sIN (%s)"
                               % (col, neg and 'NOT ' or '',
                                  ','.join(['%s' for val in v])))
                args += [val[neg:] for val in v]
            elif len(v) > 1:
                constraint_sql = filter(None,
                                        [get_constraint_sql(k, val, mode, neg)
                                         for val in v])
                if not constraint_sql:
                if neg:
                    clauses.append("(" + " AND ".join(
                        [item[0] for item in constraint_sql]) + ")")
                    clauses.append("(" + " OR ".join(
                        [item[0] for item in constraint_sql]) + ")")
                args += [item[1] for item in constraint_sql]
            elif len(v) == 1:
                constraint_sql = get_constraint_sql(k, v[0], mode, neg)
                if constraint_sql:

        clauses = filter(None, clauses)
        if clauses:
            sql.append("\nWHERE ")
            sql.append(" AND ".join(clauses))
            if cached_ids:
                sql.append(" OR ")
                sql.append("id in (%s)" % (','.join(
                                                [str(id) for id in cached_ids])))
        sql.append("\nORDER BY ")
        order_cols = [(self.order, self.desc)]
        if self.group and self.group != self.order:
            order_cols.insert(0, (self.group, self.groupdesc))
        for name, desc in order_cols:
            if name in custom_fields or name in enum_columns:
                col = name + '.value'
                col = 't.' + name
            desc = desc and ' DESC' or ''
            # FIXME: This is a somewhat ugly hack.  Can we also have the
            #        column type for this?  If it's an integer, we do first
            #        one, if text, we do 'else'
            if name in ('id', 'time', 'changetime'):
                sql.append("COALESCE(%s,0)=0%s," % (col, desc))
                sql.append("COALESCE(%s,'')=''%s," % (col, desc))
            if name in enum_columns:
                # These values must be compared as ints, not as strings
                db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
                sql.append(db.cast(col, 'int') + desc)
            elif name == 'milestone':
                           "%s%s" % (desc, desc, desc, desc, col, desc))
            elif name == 'version':
                           % (desc, desc, col, desc))
                sql.append("%s%s" % (col, desc))
            if name == self.group and not name == self.order:
        if self.order != 'id':

        return "".join(sql), args

    def template_data(self, context, tickets, orig_list=None, orig_time=None,
        constraints = {}
        for k, v in self.constraints.items():
            constraint = {'values': [], 'mode': ''}
            for val in v:
                neg = val.startswith('!')
                if neg:
                    val = val[1:]
                mode = ''
                if val[:1] in ('~', '^', '$') \
                                    and not val in self.substitutions:
                    mode, val = val[:1], val[1:]
                constraint['mode'] = (neg and '!' or '') + mode
            constraints[k] = constraint

        cols = self.get_columns()
        labels = dict([(f['name'], f['label']) for f in self.fields])
        wikify = set([f['name'] for f in self.fields 
                      if f['type'] == 'text' and f.get('format') == 'wiki'])

        # TODO: remove after adding time/changetime to the api.py
        labels['changetime'] = _('Modified')
        labels['time'] = _('Created')

        headers = [{
            'name': col, 'label': labels.get(col, _('Ticket')),
            'wikify': col in wikify,
            'href': self.get_href(context.href, order=col,
                                  desc=(col == self.order and not self.desc))
        } for col in cols]

        fields = {}
        for field in self.fields:
            if field['name'] == 'owner' and field['type'] == 'select':
                # Make $USER work when restrict_owner = true
                field['options'].insert(0, '$USER')
            field_data = {}
            del field_data['name']
            fields[field['name']] = field_data

        modes = {}
        modes['text'] = [
            {'name': _("contains"), 'value': "~"},
            {'name': _("doesn't contain"), 'value': "!~"},
            {'name': _("begins with"), 'value': "^"},
            {'name': _("ends with"), 'value': "$"},
            {'name': _("is"), 'value': ""},
            {'name': _("is not"), 'value': "!"}
        modes['textarea'] = [
            {'name': _("contains"), 'value': "~"},
            {'name': _("doesn't contain"), 'value': "!~"},
        modes['select'] = [
            {'name': _("is"), 'value': ""},
            {'name': _("is not"), 'value': "!"}

        groups = {}
        groupsequence = []
        for ticket in tickets:
            if orig_list:
                # Mark tickets added or changed since the query was first
                # executed
                if ticket['time'] > orig_time:
                    ticket['added'] = True
                elif ticket['changetime'] > orig_time:
                    ticket['changed'] = True
            if self.group:
                group_key = ticket[self.group]
                groups.setdefault(group_key, []).append(ticket)
                if not groupsequence or group_key not in groupsequence:
        groupsequence = [(value, groups[value]) for value in groupsequence]

        # detect whether the last group continues on the next page,
        # by checking if the extra (max+1)th ticket is in the last group
        last_group_is_partial = False
        if groupsequence and self.max and len(tickets) == self.max + 1:
            del tickets[-1]
            if len(groupsequence[-1][1]) == 1: 
                # additional ticket started a new group
                del groupsequence[-1] # remove that additional group
                # additional ticket stayed in the group 
                last_group_is_partial = True
                del groupsequence[-1][1][-1] # remove the additional ticket

        results = Paginator(tickets,
                            self.page - 1,
        if req:
            if results.has_next_page:
                next_href = self.get_href(req.href, max=self.max, 
                                          page=self.page + 1)
                add_link(req, 'next', next_href, _('Next Page'))

            if results.has_previous_page:
                prev_href = self.get_href(req.href, max=self.max, 
                                          page=self.page - 1)
                add_link(req, 'prev', prev_href, _('Previous Page'))
            results.show_index = False

        pagedata = []
        shown_pages = results.get_shown_pages(21)
        for page in shown_pages:
            pagedata.append([self.get_href(context.href, page=page), None,
                             str(page), _('Page %(num)d', num=page)])

        results.shown_pages = [dict(zip(['href', 'class', 'string', 'title'],
                                        p)) for p in pagedata]
        results.current_page = {'href': None, 'class': 'current',
                                'string': str(results.page + 1),

        return {'query': self,
                'context': context,
                'col': cols,
                'row': self.rows,
                'constraints': constraints,
                'labels': labels,
                'headers': headers,
                'fields': fields,
                'modes': modes,
                'tickets': tickets,
                'groups': groupsequence or [(None, tickets)],
                'last_group_is_partial': last_group_is_partial,
                'paginator': results}
class QueryModule(Component):

    implements(IRequestHandler, INavigationContributor, IWikiSyntaxProvider,
    default_query = Option('query', 'default_query',
        doc="""The default query for authenticated users. The query is either
            in [TracQuery#QueryLanguage query language] syntax, or a URL query
            string starting with `?` as used in `query:`
            [TracQuery#UsingTracLinks Trac links].
            (''since 0.11.2'')""") 
    default_anonymous_query = Option('query', 'default_anonymous_query',  
        doc="""The default query for anonymous users. The query is either
            in [TracQuery#QueryLanguage query language] syntax, or a URL query
            string starting with `?` as used in `query:`
            [TracQuery#UsingTracLinks Trac links].
            (''since 0.11.2'')""") 

    items_per_page = IntOption('query', 'items_per_page', 100,
        """Number of tickets displayed per page in ticket queries,
        by default (''since 0.11'')""")

    # IContentConverter methods

    def get_supported_conversions(self):
        yield ('rss', _('RSS Feed'), 'xml',
               'trac.ticket.Query', 'application/rss+xml', 8)
        yield ('csv', _('Comma-delimited Text'), 'csv',
               'trac.ticket.Query', 'text/csv', 8)
        yield ('tab', _('Tab-delimited Text'), 'tsv',
               'trac.ticket.Query', 'text/tab-separated-values', 8)

    def convert_content(self, req, mimetype, query, key):
        if key == 'rss':
            return self.export_rss(req, query)
        elif key == 'csv':
            return self.export_csv(req, query, mimetype='text/csv')
        elif key == 'tab':
            return self.export_csv(req, query, '\t',

    # INavigationContributor methods

    def get_active_navigation_item(self, req):
        return 'tickets'

    def get_navigation_items(self, req):
        from trac.ticket.report import ReportModule
        if 'TICKET_VIEW' in req.perm and \
                not self.env.is_component_enabled(ReportModule):
            yield ('mainnav', 'tickets',
                   tag.a(_('View Tickets'), href=req.href.query()))

    # IRequestHandler methods

    def match_request(self, req):
        return req.path_info == '/query'

    def process_request(self, req):

        constraints = self._get_constraints(req)
        args = req.args
        if not constraints and not 'order' in req.args:
            # If no constraints are given in the URL, use the default ones.
            if req.authname and req.authname != 'anonymous':
                qstring = self.default_query
                user = req.authname
                email = req.session.get('email')
                name = req.session.get('name')
                qstring = self.default_anonymous_query
                user = email or name or None
            self.log.debug('QueryModule: Using default query: %s', str(qstring))
            if qstring.startswith('?'):
                ticket_fields = [f['name'] for f in
                args = parse_query_string(qstring[1:])
                constraints = dict([(k, args.getlist(k)) for k in args 
                                    if k in ticket_fields])
                constraints = Query.from_string(self.env, qstring).constraints
                # Substitute $USER, or ensure no field constraints that depend
                # on $USER are used if we have no username.
                for field, vals in constraints.items():
                    for (i, val) in enumerate(vals):
                        if user:
                            vals[i] = val.replace('$USER', user)
                        elif val.endswith('$USER'):
                            del constraints[field]

        cols = args.get('col')
        if isinstance(cols, basestring):
            cols = [cols]
        # Since we don't show 'id' as an option to the user,
        # we need to re-insert it here.            
        if cols and 'id' not in cols: 
            cols.insert(0, 'id')
        rows = args.get('row', [])
        if isinstance(rows, basestring):
            rows = [rows]
        format = req.args.get('format')
        max = args.get('max')
        if max is None and format in ('csv', 'tab'):
            max = 0 # unlimited unless specified explicitly
        query = Query(self.env, req.args.get('report'),
                      constraints, cols, args.get('order'),
                      'desc' in args, args.get('group'),
                      'groupdesc' in args, 'verbose' in args,

        if 'update' in req.args:
            # Reset session vars
            for var in ('query_constraints', 'query_time', 'query_tickets'):
                if var in req.session:
                    del req.session[var]

        # Add registered converters
        for conversion in Mimeview(self.env).get_supported_conversions(
            add_link(req, 'alternate',
                     query.get_href(req.href, format=conversion[0]),
                     conversion[1], conversion[4], conversion[0])

        if format:
            filename = ('query', None)[format == 'rss']
            Mimeview(self.env).send_converted(req, 'trac.ticket.Query', query,
                                              format, filename=filename)

        return self.display_html(req, query)

    # Internal methods

    def _get_constraints(self, req):
        constraints = {}
        ticket_fields = [f['name'] for f in

        # For clients without JavaScript, we remove constraints here if
        # requested
        remove_constraints = {}
        to_remove = [k[10:] for k in req.args.keys()
                     if k.startswith('rm_filter_')]
        if to_remove: # either empty or containing a single element
            match = re.match(r'(\w+?)_(\d+)$', to_remove[0])
            if match:
                remove_constraints[match.group(1)] = int(match.group(2))
                remove_constraints[to_remove[0]] = -1

        for field in [k for k in req.args.keys() if k in ticket_fields]:
            vals = req.args[field]
            if not isinstance(vals, (list, tuple)):
                vals = [vals]
            if vals:
                mode = req.args.get(field + '_mode')
                if mode:
                    vals = [mode + x for x in vals]
                if field in remove_constraints:
                    idx = remove_constraints[field]
                    if idx >= 0:
                        del vals[idx]
                        if not vals:
                constraints[field] = vals

        return constraints

    def display_html(self, req, query):
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()

        # The most recent query is stored in the user session;
        orig_list = None
        orig_time = datetime.now(utc)
        query_time = int(req.session.get('query_time', 0))
        query_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(query_time, utc)
        query_constraints = unicode(query.constraints)
        if query_constraints != req.session.get('query_constraints') \
                or query_time < orig_time - timedelta(hours=1):
            tickets = query.execute(req, db)
            # New or outdated query, (re-)initialize session vars
            req.session['query_constraints'] = query_constraints
            req.session['query_tickets'] = ' '.join([str(t['id'])
                                                     for t in tickets])
            orig_list = [int(id) for id
                         in req.session.get('query_tickets', '').split()]
            tickets = query.execute(req, db, orig_list)
            orig_time = query_time

        context = Context.from_request(req, 'query')
        owner_field = [f for f in query.fields if f['name'] == 'owner']
        if owner_field:
        data = query.template_data(context, tickets, orig_list, orig_time, req)

        # For clients without JavaScript, we add a new constraint here if
        # requested
        constraints = data['constraints']
        if 'add' in req.args:
            field = req.args.get('add_filter')
            if field:
                constraint = constraints.setdefault(field, {})
                constraint.setdefault('values', []).append('')
                # FIXME: '' not always correct (e.g. checkboxes)

        req.session['query_href'] = query.get_href(context.href)
        req.session['query_time'] = to_timestamp(orig_time)
        req.session['query_tickets'] = ' '.join([str(t['id'])
                                                 for t in tickets])
        title = _('Custom Query')

        # Only interact with the report module if it is actually enabled.
        # Note that with saved custom queries, there will be some convergence
        # between the report module and the query module.
        from trac.ticket.report import ReportModule
        if 'REPORT_VIEW' in req.perm and \
            data['report_href'] = req.href.report()
            add_ctxtnav(req, _('Available Reports'), req.href.report())
            add_ctxtnav(req, _('Custom Query'))
            if query.id:
                cursor = db.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SELECT title,description FROM report "
                               "WHERE id=%s", (query.id,))
                for title, description in cursor:
                    data['report_resource'] = Resource('report', query.id)
                    data['description'] = description
            data['report_href'] = None
        data.setdefault('report', None)
        data.setdefault('description', None)
        data['title'] = title

        data['all_columns'] = query.get_all_columns()
        # Don't allow the user to remove the id column        
        data['all_textareas'] = query.get_all_textareas()

        add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/report.css')
        add_script(req, 'common/js/query.js')

        return 'query.html', data, None

    def export_csv(self, req, query, sep=',', mimetype='text/plain'):
        content = StringIO()
        cols = query.get_columns()
        writer = csv.writer(content, delimiter=sep, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
        writer.writerow([unicode(c).encode('utf-8') for c in cols])

        context = Context.from_request(req)
        results = query.execute(req, self.env.get_db_cnx())
        for result in results:
            ticket = Resource('ticket', result['id'])
            if 'TICKET_VIEW' in req.perm(ticket):
                values = []
                for col in cols:
                    value = result[col]
                    if col in ('cc', 'reporter'):
                        value = Chrome(self.env).format_emails(context(ticket),
        return (content.getvalue(), '%s;charset=utf-8' % mimetype)

    def export_rss(self, req, query):
        if 'description' not in query.rows:
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        results = query.execute(req, db)
        query_href = req.abs_href.query(group=query.group,
                                        groupdesc=(query.groupdesc and 1
                                                   or None),
        data = {
            'context': Context.from_request(req, 'query', absurls=True),
            'results': results,
            'query_href': query_href
        output = Chrome(self.env).render_template(req, 'query.rss', data,
        return output, 'application/rss+xml'

    # IWikiSyntaxProvider methods
    def get_wiki_syntax(self):
        return []
    def get_link_resolvers(self):
        yield ('query', self._format_link)

    def _format_link(self, formatter, ns, query, label):
        if query.startswith('?'):
            return tag.a(label, class_='query',
                         href=formatter.href.query() + query.replace(' ', '+'))
                query = Query.from_string(self.env, query)
                return tag.a(label,
            except QuerySyntaxError, e:
                return tag.em(_('[Error: %(error)s]', error=e), class_='error')

class TicketQueryMacro(WikiMacroBase):
    """Macro that lists tickets that match certain criteria.
    This macro accepts a comma-separated list of keyed parameters,
    in the form "key=value".

    If the key is the name of a field, the value must use the syntax 
    of a filter specifier as defined in TracQuery#QueryLanguage.
    Note that this is ''not'' the same as the simplified URL syntax 
    used for `query:` links starting with a `?` character.

    In addition to filters, several other named parameters can be used
    to control how the results are presented. All of them are optional.

    The `format` parameter determines how the list of tickets is
     - '''list''' -- the default presentation is to list the ticket ID next
       to the summary, with each ticket on a separate line.
     - '''compact''' -- the tickets are presented as a comma-separated
       list of ticket IDs. 
     - '''count''' -- only the count of matching tickets is displayed
     - '''table'''  -- a view similar to the custom query view (but without
       the controls)

    The `max` parameter can be used to limit the number of tickets shown
    (defaults to '''0''', i.e. no maximum).

    The `order` parameter sets the field used for ordering tickets
    (defaults to '''id''').

    The `desc` parameter indicates whether the order of the tickets
    should be reversed (defaults to '''false''').

    The `group` parameter sets the field used for grouping tickets
    (defaults to not being set).

    The `groupdesc` parameter indicates whether the natural display
    order of the groups should be reversed (defaults to '''false''').

    The `verbose` parameter can be set to a true value in order to
    get the description for the listed tickets. For '''table''' format only.
    ''deprecated in favor of the `rows` parameter''
    The `rows` parameter can be used to specify which field(s) should 
    be viewed as a row, e.g. `rows=description|summary`

    For compatibility with Trac 0.10, if there's a second positional parameter
    given to the macro, it will be used to specify the `format`.
    Also, using "&" as a field separator still works (except for `order`)
    but is deprecated.

    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
        req = formatter.req
        query_string = ''
        argv, kwargs = parse_args(content, strict=False)
        if len(argv) > 0 and not 'format' in kwargs: # 0.10 compatibility hack
            kwargs['format'] = argv[0]

        if 'order' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['order'] = 'id'
        if 'max' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['max'] = '0' # unlimited by default

        format = kwargs.pop('format', 'list').strip().lower()
        if format in ('list', 'compact'): # we need 'status' and 'summary'
            kwargs['col'] = '|'.join(['status', 'summary', 
                                      kwargs.get('col', '')])

        query_string = '&'.join(['%s=%s' % item
                                 for item in kwargs.iteritems()])
        query = Query.from_string(self.env, query_string)

        if format == 'count':
            cnt = query.count(req)
            return tag.span(cnt, title='%d tickets for which %s' %
                            (cnt, query_string), class_='query_count')
        tickets = query.execute(req)

        if format == 'table':
            data = query.template_data(formatter.context, tickets)

            add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/report.css')
            return Chrome(self.env).render_template(
                req, 'query_results.html', data, None, fragment=True)

        # 'table' format had its own permission checks, here we need to
        # do it explicitly:

        tickets = [t for t in tickets 
                   if 'TICKET_VIEW' in req.perm('ticket', t['id'])]

        if not tickets:
            return tag.span(_("No results"), class_='query_no_results')

        def ticket_anchor(ticket):
            return tag.a('#%s' % ticket['id'],

        def ticket_groups():
            groups = []
            for v, g in groupby(tickets, lambda t: t[query.group]):
                q = Query.from_string(self.env, query_string)
                # produce the hint for the group
                q.group = q.groupdesc = None
                order = q.order
                q.order = None
                title = _("%(groupvalue)s %(groupname)s tickets matching "
                          "%(query)s", groupvalue=v, groupname=query.group,
                # produce the href for the query corresponding to the group
                q.constraints[str(query.group)] = v
                q.order = order
                href = q.get_href(formatter.context)
                groups.append((v, [t for t in g], href, title))
            return groups

        if format == 'compact':
            if query.group:
                groups = [(v, ' ', 
                           tag.a('#%s' % ','.join([str(t['id']) for t in g]),
                                 href=href, class_='query', title=title))
                          for v, g, href, title in ticket_groups()]
                return tag(groups[0], [(', ', g) for g in groups[1:]])
                alist = [ticket_anchor(ticket) for ticket in tickets]
                return tag.span(alist[0], *[(', ', a) for a in alist[1:]])
            if query.group:
                return tag.div(
                    [(tag.p(tag.a(query.group, ' ', v, href=href,
                                  class_='query', title=title)),
                               tag.dd(t['summary'])) for t in g],
                             class_='wiki compact'))
                     for v, g, href, title in ticket_groups()])
                return tag.div(tag.dl([(tag.dt(ticket_anchor(ticket)),
                                       for ticket in tickets],
                                      class_='wiki compact'))
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