sql = [
#-- Remove empty values from the milestone list
"""DELETE FROM milestone WHERE COALESCE(name,'')='';""",
#-- Add a description column to the version table, and remove unnamed versions
"""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE version_old AS SELECT * FROM version;""",
"""DROP TABLE version;""",
"""CREATE TABLE version (
name text PRIMARY KEY,
time integer,
description text
"""INSERT INTO version(name,time,description)
SELECT name,time,'' FROM version_old WHERE COALESCE(name,'')<>'';""",
#-- Add a description column to the component table, and remove unnamed components
"""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE component_old AS SELECT * FROM component;""",
"""DROP TABLE component;""",
"""CREATE TABLE component (
name text PRIMARY KEY,
owner text,
description text
"""INSERT INTO component(name,owner,description)
SELECT name,owner,'' FROM component_old WHERE COALESCE(name,'')<>'';""",
"""DROP TABLE version_old;""",
"""DROP TABLE component_old;"""
def do_upgrade(env, ver, cursor):
for s in sql: